/' ESTABLISHED 1890 LL it 19&U .ai1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL.XXXVII. No. 12d EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS I DEAN DE SELINCOURT STATES THAT SHELLEY OHADSPIRIT OF-YOUTH ENGLISit POET HAD SPIRIT OF ETERNAL C'ILl) STATES AUTHORITY SHOWS LYRICAL QUALITY Lecturer Declares Poet's Place Among1 Greatest Of English Writers Is Becoming More Assured "Shelley was above all the incarna- tion of the ideal spiit. of youth," de- clared Ernest de Selincourt, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and professor of English language and literature of the University of Birmingham, in his University lecture yesterday afternoon in Natural Science auditorium, assert- ing this same quality to be the key- note of Shelley's #riting. "His weak- I nesses were the weaknesses of youth, his strength the strength of youth,+ and in spirit he remained the 'eternal child,'" he stated. Shelley's place among the greatest" of the English *writers is becoming more and more assured as time ad- vances, declared Professor de Selin- court. In musical range, Shakespeare and Milton alone are held to be great- er than this writer, who lived in one of the most reactionary literary per- iods that England has experienced. His greatest achievement is his power of poetic art. Wordsworth, his con- temporary, recognized Sheeley as one of the best of his time in workman- ship and style.- Shelley Never Imitative "Never imitative, Sheeley gave to his work a quality and power of meter which was essentially the crea- tion of his own poetical genius. He' did not attempt to make words fit his meter, but had a 'natural power of producing expression which was espe- cially adaptive to the type of writing he selected," Professpr de Selincourtt continued. "He took the Spenserian stanza, and achieved in the last part of his work 'Adonais' a level of pas- sion Spencer could never reach. His wrting was typically his own. "Shelley holds the place in lyrical poetry that Shakespeare holds in drama. He developed lyrical quality which attained levels never before or since attained by poets," stated Pro- fessor de Selincourt. "Typically a singing -form, Shelley found a combi- natin of music and idea in his work which has made his writings last. The idea for him never came before mu- sic, but this was at times reversed, producing the breaks at times found1 in Shelley's lyrics. His language is perfect in its beauty throughout his lyrics,' Professor de Selincourt con- tinued, "his was an unerring instinct, and may be termed unconscious art- istry. Often accentuation of syllables produced metrical irregularity, but gave an effect of constantly varying emotions found In the work of few! poets. "Shelley wrote lyrics of the lightest delicacy, some which showed the pain- ful thought of defeat in life, but those most characteristic embody neither joy nor sorrow alone, but a combina- tion in which each strive for mastery. 'To A Skylark,' which reflects the sad- ness of a poet who looks into the hereafter, and finds not what he seeks, is one of Shelley's most characteristic. Again in the 'Ode to the West Wind,' in which Shelley wishes to be exposed to nature in a way that he may under- stand life, a sense of failure in brought in, but the poem ends with triumphant hope. Was Uited To Primitive Age "In his treatment of nature, Shel- ley is most vitally possessed of that i quality which unites him to poets of a primitive age, while still a roman-1 ticist in his own age," Professor de Selincourt further stated. "He ap- pealed to nature to be allowed toj interpret the things about him to man, in his expression 'make me thy lyre.' He wished to be the 'guide of home- less winds, the playmate of the waves,' " declared Professor de Selin- court, "no poet was more truly this than Shelley. le painted things, not I exactly as he saw them to exist be- fore him, but as he felt them. "Fascination for the inexplicable, love of change and movement, gener- o s enthusiasm, characterized Shel- ley as the eternal youth. At times overwhelmed by defeat, his emotions though more acute were that of a child, his spirit was fireless, and he arose from his despair, revived by his continual hope. He learned in f .,uffering what he put in song, andl ,ad written 'the sweetest songs tell of saddest thoughts.' It was love, far I iore than hate which caused his worst, predicaments. . Proctor System Puts Blame On Faculty For Maintaining Element Of Suspicion COMMANDER EXPECTS Deputy To Try To Seize Ballots Cast In 1926 Pennsylvania Senatorial Race SHANGHAI TO BE BASE (By Associated Press) authority either in the courts or in the LEGISLATORS INSPECT POSSIBILITIES OF SITE FOR SANITARIUM HEE Editor's Note: Prof. A. 1). Moore of the engineering college, national presi- ent of'Tan Beta i, honor en gineerig fraternity, is the author of this series of aitic es asel upon a nationalesurvey made of the honor system in colleges and universities. Third Installment: The Good Proctor System If the students and the faculty of a college have not collectively reached that point in development when, by their cooperation, the Honor system can be introduced, examinations must be proctored. In this case the faculty, which is responsible for nearly every other regulatory condition affecting the student body, is also resonsible for watching over examinations. If the faculty, as is so often true, are simply proctors, nothing is done to soften the situation; and thereby, the faculty is certainly directly shouldered with all responsibility for maintaining the spirit of distrust and suspicion so out of keeping with the real purposes of college life. It is regrettable that more faculty men do not realize the degree to which they may rightly be blam- ed for contributory negligence. Just at this point is the place to say something about faculty-student re- iations. The faculty man should know his students; more, he should know some of them very well. Not only should he now them,-he must know BURGESS GIVES TALK ON FAMILYSURVIVAL Sociologist Delivers Second Lecture Of Series Given In Connection With Modern Morals Class CITES CHINESE SYSTEM Prof. E. W. Burgess, Professor of sociology at the University of Chi- cago, spoke yesterday afternoon in room C of the Law building on the subject, "Can Families Survive Mod- ern Life." The subject originally an- nounced was "Hazards of the Modern Family." Professor Burgess pointed out how formerly the interest centered about the family while today it centers about the individual. He compared the family system of China and that of the pilgrim fathers to that of modern times. "The difference between the patriar- chal families and the modern family," stated Professor Burgess, "lies chief- ly in size. The large patriarchal fam- ily was interested in the family, the individual being subordinate, while in the modern family the individual is the center of interest and the family is subordinate." Professor Burgess pointed out that in China wneGe family bonds are close juvenile delinquency and divorce are rare. In these countries, he" stated, the marriages are arranged by the parents, while in our western civiliza- tion marriage is the result of romance. Marriage should be based on, mutual friendship, mutual interest and com- panionship, Professor Burgess be- lieves. Professor Burgess does not believe that the family will disapear but believes that it will survive the mod- ern urbanization of life. OFFICIALS DENY them, else we can seriously question his right to hold his position. There are, of course, numerous exceptions to make to such a statement, and they are so obvious that no space will be given to enlarging upon them here. Let us except these from the argu- ment, and speak of the majority of the faculty. The majority man, with a us- ual personality and the usual teach-1 ing load, must know some of his students well enough to enjoy their confidence and have their respect. He may plead that he is too busy. He has no right to be that busy. (Continued on Page Three) ORATORS TO COMPTL IN FINALSTOMORROW' Michigan Representative In Northern Oratorical League Will Be Chosen In Contest CASH WILL BE AWARDED Michigan's representative in the Northern Oratorical league will be chosen tomorrow night, when five finalists will meet in the University Oratorical contest, which will be held at 8 o'clock in University hall. The contestants, who were chosen in preliminary contests held , the second week in March, are: Elizabeth L. Rabinoff, '27Ed, Robert 0. Varnum, '27, Ah Hon Wong, '29L, Clarence W. Norris, '27, and William C. Bishop, '28. There is only one junior repre- sentative this year and no sophomore orator. Prof. Louis M. Eich of the public speaking department, who is in charge of the contest, has been working with the finalists during the past few weeks in preparation for tomorrow night.. First place carries an award of $100 in cash, and the Chicago Alum- ni medal, besides the honor of repre- 'senting the University in the Northern 'Oratorical league to be held at the University of Iowa, April 22. At this Conference contest the larger impor- 'tant universities and colleges of the Middle West will be represented. Second honors carries a $50 cash award. Miss Rabinoff's subject-is "Student Character for World Civilization." Ah Hon Wong's subject is "Shall Justice Be Done To China?" Norris' oration is called "The Gift of the Ne- gro to America," and Bishop's sub- ject is entitled "The New Negro." I BURNET T SPEAKS TO STUDENT CLUB "Time and experience have shown that a very large percentage, possib- ly more than 50 percent, of those planning on a journalistic career to- day find themselves tomorrow in the advertising profession,' said Verne Burnett. '17, secretary of the adver- tising committee of the General Motors corporation, in an address be- fore the Students' Press club last night. Mr. Burnett pointed out that there is a definite relationship between the journalism and advertising profes- sions; that the former is an excel- lent early training for those seeking to enter the latter profession. WASHINGTON, March 23-Seizure of additional ballots cast in the last Pennsylvania Senatorial election will GENERAL URGES DISTINCTION BETWEEN IMPERIAISM AND FOREIGNERS PIRATE RESORT FALLS Ancient Stronghold At BIlas Bay, Near hong Kong, Demolished By British Warships And Air Force BULLETIN (By Associated Press) ShANGhAI, March 24.-The Nationalists have captured Nank- ing and Chinkiang. Nanking fellI without fighting. All the Amer- icans at the United States con- sulate are saved. Only minor disorders within the city occur- eed. The city of Chinkiang also fell bloodlessly and the Americans there are safe. The general strike in Shanghai which would have effected about 200,000 workers was called off today. SHANGHAI ,March 24.-The Chin- ese people have awakened and the great commercial center of Shanghai will become not only a strong base for Chinese Nationalism but for a world revolution, says a manifesto issued to the Chinese people today by General Tai Tsung-Hsi, Cantonese commander. "The people must distinguish, how- ever," the manifesto continued, "be- tween attacking imperialism and for- eigners. They must not insult the for- eigners and destroy their property." Declaring that for 80 years the im- perialists under the protection of un- equal treaties, had been reducing China to a state of vasselage, the manifesto warned that the Chinese people must understand that the Na- tionalists do not intend to create a general anti-foreign movement, but seek to abolish "all institutions and systems of imperialistic character." The Nationalists intend to use propaganda and not military force to gain their purposes, the manifesto as- serts, giving as their program; Aboli- tion of unequal treaties, alteration of the status of the Shanghai interna- tional settlement; withdrawal of ex- tra-territorial privileges for foreign- ers; disposal of the missionary schools and recovery of control of the post offices and customs. While the Cantonese continueed to consolidate , their positions in the Chinese district, flanking the foreign settlement on either side, the foreign authorities managed to get into con- tact with General Ta Tsung-Hsi, who, in addition to being commander of the Cantonese forces in Shanghai, is chief of staff to General Kai-Shek, the Cantonese ,generalissimo. General Tai disavowed the opera- tions of the guerilla bands which were largely responsible for the 36 hour reign of terror in the native city, and said that he was doing his utmost to suppress them.j LONDON, March 23.-An old estab- lished stronghold of piracy in China fell today before an up-to-the-minute attack in which airplane bombing figured. Bias Bay, a notorious resort of sea raiders, situated a short distance up the coast from Hong Kong was de- be attempted by Jerry South, as dep-1 uty of the Senate campaign funds committee. He left Washington today for Philadelphia to carry out the or-i ders of the committee to impound thel ballots in Lackawanna, Schuylkill, Luverne, and Delaware counties and bring them here for a recount in the contest brought against William S. Vare, Republican, by William B. Wil- son, the Democratic candidate.- When South attempts to take over the ballots, he is expected to be met by court action instigated by friends of Vare, who contend that the commit- tee is without authority to prosecute its inquiry into the Pennsylvania Sen- atorial election since it passed out of existence when the Senate failed to pass a continuing resolution before its adjournmnt. An opposite view is taken by the committee, which holds that it is still in existence and is ready to defend its 'COMEDY CLUB PLANS~ 'DRAMA PRESENTATION Thornton Wilder's Production, "The Trumpets Shall Sound," Will Be Given Four Performances WILL BE NEW VERSION "The Trumpets Shall Sound," a playI by Thornton Wilder, will be given at four performances by the Comedy club beginning March 30. This will be the first presentation of this play outside of New York city, and the first time that this version has been given. Special permission was secured from Mr. Wilder, the author, for the per- formance here. The play was given for the first time as one of the repertory plays in the Laboratory theater in New York city last fall and has been running there ever since. Mr. Wilder is ia graduate ofmYale university, where he was a member of Prof. Baker'sI I play writing class, and has recently written a novel, "The Colala," which is reported to be one of the best sellers of the year. Paul Stevenson, director of the Ypsilanti players, who directed the Comedy club production "Outward Bound" two years ago is in charge of the performance. He had the op- portunity of being present at the re- hearsals for e first showing in New York last fal and watched the pre- fentation of the play there under the direction of Bolislavsky, director of the Laboratory theater and formerly director at the Moscow Art theater I in Russia. Mr. Stevenson has also conferred I vith the author of the play and se- cured his viewpoint on the produc- tion. The play here will be a re- vised version of that given in New York city for this reason and will really be a premier, according to of- ficers of Comedy club. The scenery for the showing has been built in the Mimes theater workshop under the supervision of Fred Redmond, and special music written for this production by Alex Kelbe~rline, New York composer, will be played at the performances. Leading parts in the show will be taken by William Bishop, '28, Robert Senate. The committee surmounted its first obstacle when Sen. T. Keyes, Repub- lican, New HIampshire, chairnan of the audit committee, refused to order vouchers for its expenses, by raising its own funds and appointing Mr. South after David S. Barry, the Senate sergeant-of-arms, had refused to go to Pennsylvania to impound the addi- tional ballots. COUNCIL ASKS BOARD' TO AID CHEERLEADER-S Also Appoints .Committee Chairmen For Spring Events To Be Held Under Supervision SETTLES CANE DISPUTE In an effort to place the cheerlead- ing squad on a more firm financial basis, a resolution was adopted by the COMITTEE FROM LANSING INVESTIGATING LOCAL ADIVAN'TAGES ARE SEEK TO DIVERT FUNDS Faction Would Transfer Appropriation Made For New Institution To Rebuild At Howell BULLETIN (By Associated Press) LANSING, March 23--Develop- ment of a $3,000,000 program to fight tuberculosis in Michigan was contemplated today, whent nem- hers of the legislature and physi- cians niet with Governor Green to discuss the various tubereu- losis sanitarium bills now before the legislature. The meeting pre- ceded a public hearIng in the House tonight on the same sub- .iect* IS l l t i (1 I t l ( Student council, at its meeting last 4 night, petitioning the Board in Con- Possible settlement of the contro- versy over the site for the state tuber- trol of Athletics to finance the squad in the future. The resolution requests culosis sanitarium was seen yester- that the board provide the squad with day when a committee of 25 mem- uniforms and defray the expense of hers of the State legisuature from Lansing visited the city with a view sending the Varsity cheerleader to two toninvsite the advante ofe of te mot iportnt ut-o-toIto investigate the advantages offered of the most important out-of-town ihe. games during each football season. There. ga enti 22a o be sa~r sur The legislators had luncheon at Up until 1925 each cheerleader pur- chased his own uniform. Since that I non at the Union in company with time the council has outfitted the Dr: Harley A. Haynes, director of squad and last fall sent the Varsity the University hospital; Dean Hugh cheerleader to Baltimore for the Navy Cabot of the medical school, and Dr. g a m e . a m e s D . B rut e m d i c s o o f , i n t e r . Paul Endriss, '28, Varsity cheer- J D. Bruce, director of internal leader was appointed chairman of a (.medicine and chief of the medical ser- committee to organize another perma- 4 vice of the University hospital. nent cheering section for next fall. In the afternoon, the visitors were The council intends to formulate a t e a torof the hsital and pla fo anthe blck f L00 tu-taken on a tour of the hospital. and plan for another block of 1,200 stu 11 dents, similar to that inaugurated last nilesity laborat Uiversitnspect the fall. Students will be given an oppor- .sachwore iyhysi eitor re- tunity to enroll this spring besides during registration week again in Sep- l other subjects which might be of pri- teinbe g in mayy importance to the sanitarium tembr. Iif it were located here. They also Action was taken by the council last i itere ooed ie forhy hs night making the University an i-i nspectei the proposed site for the cial member of the National Student Federation of America whose second Rearing Is held In Lansing annual congress was held in Ann Ar-. A public hearihg was held last night bor last December. in Lansing on thel subject. Discussion Committee appointments were made of all proposals made thus far for for the annual spring events which the settlement of the controversy was will be held under the supervision of engaged in by those present. the council. Chairmen are as follows: 1 Lines are tightening in the lower Spring games, James Boyer, '27; branch of the legislature Tuesday for all-campus elections, Frederic Glover, what promises to be a finish fight on '27; Swing Out, Tyler Watson, '27; the issue oI whether the sanitarium. Cap Night, Theodore Hornberger, 1eat owell should have the, benefit of '27Ed. the $500,000 appropriated by the last Upon request of students in the " legislature or whether the monej School of Business Administration, should be expended for a new institu- it was moved that the letters "B. A.t be removed from the senior canes of Representative James T. Upjohn of senior students in the literary college Kalamazoo, a member of the legisla- who are taking the combined curricu- I!tive commission which recommended lum in business administration. a new establishment at Ann Arbor, , F : 1 i f i BOXERS ATTRACT LARGE GATHERING More than 1000 people attended the annual University boxing show which was held last night in Waterman gym- nasium. There were ten events on the pro- gram. The opening events were two wrestling matches between members of the freshman wrestling team. The first match was at 125 pounds be- tween Quinn and Elliot, terminating in a draw. In the next match, Dougavito, all-campus 158 pound champion, won a decision over Wolf. Following came two fencing bouts. In the first, with foils Wiggers defeat- ed Pettibone, while Tuscan won from Benham in the next with sabers. Next were two novelty acts, the "Roman gladiators" entertaining with acrobatic feats while Mozumdra, a young Hindu, gave exhibitions of strength. 4 I i1 ( !' l1 , AID) t FOR 41A qIRfEN Instances where advert1min nt baWetzelha2, Valentne DaviesX27, proved its worth were cited. It costs t carriihr shind thecrir Minna Miller, '27, Samuel Bonell, '28, (By Associated Press) twenty cents to put out each copy o craft carrier Herm and twoc ruiers Thurston Thieme, '29, and Dorothy ($y teASaurdaiEveingPoststheparticipating in the attack. After the Wlim,'9 MANAGUA, March 23-Lee Mason r o bombardment, in which no lives were a '2. an ila ros mrcnspeaker te et said; "