/ ESTABLISHED 1890 itol AbF t MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII. No. 125 TEN PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1927 TEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS IAGIIS T[ RN PROFESSOR DISCUSSES PREJUDICE S G TUMBY FORMED AGAINST HONOR SYSTEM i 1 GUERILA CLASES AS NORTHERNES L OS E ARRIVAL OF CANTONESE HAS QIIETING EFFECT ON FALLEN CITY BRITISH TROOPS ACTIVE Over 3000 Shantungese Break Line And Are Forced To Surrender To internationals BULLETIN SHANCAMAI, March 23-A de- tachnent of 40 United States ma- rines this morning was hurried out to reenforce the British troops holding the Mfarkhani road bridge on the border between the interna- tional settlement and. the native distrlet of Chapel.. (By Associated Press) SHANGHAI, March 22.-A merciful lull tonight succeeded one of the bloodiest periods in Shanghai's his- tory. With the arrival of Cantonese reg- ulars in the Chinese district tonight, comparative quiet ,descended, upon portions of the native city in which terror, death and destruction had reigned for 36 hours during the con- flict between the retreating Shantun- gese of the northern army and Kou- mintang guerillas. Troops Take Refuge The Cantonese arrival impelled the remaining Northern troops to attempt to break through the British cordon to take refuge in the international set- tlement, resulting in the first real clash between Chinese and foreign troops since the occupation of Shang- hai. A majority of the Shantungese eventually were disarmed and intern- ed within the settlement, but in sev- eral places they tutlned rifles and ma- chine guns against detachments of the Durham batallion of the British de- fense forces. The Durhams replied in kind killing approxinately 24 Shan- tungese and wounding more. Two Durhams were wounded in the ex- change. Italian Forces Active An Italian force on the British rights also met a similar situation and in the exchange of fire there were 16 Chinese casualties. Altogether 3000 Northerners sur- rendered to the British, Italian, and Japanese guards. This is believed to account for all the Northern troops that remain in Shanghai today. But the blood spilled in the Sino-, foreign clashes was insignificant com- pared to the flow in the district of Chapei, a comparatively small section populated mostly by Chinese, to the north of the city, where guerilla war- fare raged until the Cantonese reg- ulars arrived. There was still some firing in the Chapel district tonight, but it was un- (lerstood that this w'as being carried on by the Cantonese against looters. A terrific explosion also was believed to have taken place in a northern ammunition dump, but this could not be verified because of the stringent martial regulation in the native dis- trict by the Nationalists. Chapei, however, was comparatively quiet. Chapel Dead Unknown 't It was impossible to ascertain the total number of dead in Chapel, but undoubtedly scores of innocent Chin- ese met death, some by the knives of executioners, and others by wanton machine girn fire by soldiers protect- ing looting companions. A series of fires, caused by explod- ing shells, Increased the horror of the day and made thousands homeless. All day long native refugees streamed in scores of thousands through the international barrier seeking a haven in the foreign-ruled areas which are crowded to the limit. The British have already had cong- tact with the Cantonese, Nationalist forces passing by train this afternoon through the Jessfield station where there were British pickets on both sides of the railway. The Tommies and Cantonese eyed each other at a range of a few feet with natural curiosity and commented jocolsely. Britishers Narrowly Escape Three Britishers, Viscount Gort, Lieut-qoi. Ileywood and Consul Gen- eral Barton, narrowly escaped cap- Editor's Note: Tau Beta Pi, engineer- ing honor society, is working through the medium of So chapters to complete a sur- vey of the Honor System situation in so of the principal engineering colleges of the country. Prof. A. I). Moore t of the En- gineering college, University of Michigan, who, as president of Tau Beta Pi, is con- ducting the survey, is the author of this series (of articles. Second Installment: Prejudice There are some who will read thesej lines who-, have forMed prejudices against the Honor system. Those who have this attitude will do well to ask themselves, what constitutes a real Honor system, and have I ever had experience with one? As will be brought out, there are good Honor systems, and there may be distinctlyI bad ones. Perhaps the majority of those who sincerely object to the in- troduction of the Honor system are E badly misinformed on their subject; they have had contact with some de- fective situation, or they have heard about it-and bad news travels fast.f A few objectors are found in a classl by themselves: they are the ones who believe that the average student can- not be trusted. Fortunatedly there are not many such. The primary purpose of this story is to clear up misconceptions and mis- information, and to educate. Purpose Of The Honor System, The principal objective of the Honor, system is not to prevent dishonesty. Thosedwho entertain any such idea are in sad need of a greater breadth of i GERMANY'S POSITIONi Foreign Minister Announces Stand On World Affairs In Reichstag To Quiet Public WILL NOTTAKE SIDES (By Associated Press) BERLIN, March 22.-Apparently aiming to help calm wild opinion re- garding the Italo-Jugo Slav tension and Anglo-Russian differences, For- eign Minister Streseman appeared in the Reichstag and formally formulat- ed Germany's position on the inter- national situation. Germany, according to Herr Strese- man, does not expect the Balkan dis- pute to became acute and trusts to the general desire of all Europe for peace to condemn severely any breach of peace. He added, however, "Even when one views the situation in the calmest possible manner, one cannot overlook the fact that we still are Sfar removedfrom final consolidation, of the general international situation." Referring to discords between Eng- land and Russia, the foreign minister reiterated that Germany desires to be. friendly with both nations, and op- poses the idea of dividing Europe into two camps as was the case before the war. Germany has nothing to gain from difficulties between other nations and will decline to take sides with either. She will strictly adhere to the for- eign political course undertaken through the signature of the Locarno treaties, her entry into the League of Nations, and the treaty recently concluded With Russia. , Turning to the question of the with- drawal of allied occupational troops from the Rhineland which was the subject of a compromise agreement at a recent session of the council of the League, of Nations, Herr Streseman admitted the solution of the problem appeared farther removed now than several months ago. He remarked that this was due to circumstances outside of Germany and !asked1 Germans to be patient until other nations alsoj realize that Germany's demand for' withdrawal of troops means not mere- ly amelioration for Germany- but the natural consequence of political de- velopment in which the interests of other nations also are concerned. # Editor Takes Blamel In Ford Libel Cases (By Associated Press) DETROIT, March 22.-The Sapiro- Ford $1,000,000 libel suit early hit I two high spots today and then drop-' view. The great principle ui.derlying the Honor system idea is the develop- nment of character through the placing of trust, the fostering of an atmos- phere of honest conduct, the encour-I aging of a growth of respect for in- tegr;ity, and the parallel encourage-c ment of a growth of contempt for petty dishonesty. The survey has shown that too mIny college people believe that the pur- pose of fhe f Honor system is to prevent (ishonesty. Thisis ind icatedlby thuls kind of statement which is made: ' We found that students would not agree t I report each other, and so voted not to adopt the Honor system." An Iol- system, the main object of which is1 catch cheaters, misses the point en- 1 )rely. (Continued on Page Seven) { Bit BE SELINCOURT WILL' GIVE LECTURE TODA English Dean Who Is Conducting Sem- Mar To Speak In Natural Selencej A iid itoiiii 'SHELLEY' IS SUBJECT 3 Prof. Ernest de Selincourt, Dean ofj the Faculty of Arts, and Professor of English language and literarture at the University of Birmingham, who is now conducting a seminar in English literature at the University, will dis- cuss "Shelley" at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon, in Natural Science audito- rium. This lecture, which is the second of a series of four University lectures which Professor de Selincourt is presenting, will bring out the 4artis- tic side of Shelley and his extraordi- nary power of the poetic resources of language. As an authority upon the romantic writers of English ,literature, Words-. worth, Shelle, Keats and their con- temporaries, Professor de Selincourt has made an extensive study of this, period of literature, and is the author of several books dealing with the ro- manticists, notably a critical work of Wordsworth's "The Prelude,"' recently published. As lecturer in English literature in Oxford university and later in the Uni- versity of Birmingham, Professor de Selincoure has been accustomed in his treatment of the romanticists to give a course consisting of a series of 10 lectures on Shelley, and has done much research on the work of the poet, whom he considers to be one of Eng- land's most distinguished poetic art- ists, to the extent that he is now popular in England, nearly a century after his death. One of the remarkable things about the popularity of Shelley, declared Professor de Selincourt, is that his poetry holds its place with the best sellers of today in the reading of theI modern English college student. In England, Shelley is more widely read today than any of his contemporariesj of the romantic period. ROOSE ELT TO SPEA[ IN HILL AUDITORIUM NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT GARGOYLE ADVERTISEMENT FOR JUNIOR PLAY UPHELD BY ADELPHJ Adelphi House of Representatives' -- went on record last night, in a debate nese Nationalist on the Gargoyle advertisement for the T i i Junior Girls' play, as opposed to the is phel d In Speechi action taken by the University author- ities. The question that was discussed read as follows: Resolved, That this house; condemns the University officials for placing on probation the girls concern- ed with Junior Girls' play publicity. The arguments as presented "concluded that the drawing in the first place was not obscene, and that the University authorities were too drastic in their action. The opposition brought up th point that a bad precedent would be! Etstablished if this type of advertising IOVIS 1'()1,1 11,11,1 AND THE RED GODS" BE SUBJECT OF EXPLORER IS ORATORICAL SPEAKER Ex-Assistant Secretary of Navy Describe Trip To Roof Tree Of Asia Will Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., explorerf and former assistant secretary of the Navy, will speak next Tuesday in Hill auditorium on the annual Oratorical association yes terday. series, it was announced Mr-. Roosevelt will talk f would be permitted to, run in tha{ newspapers and magazines. At the next weekly meeting on Tues- day evening in the society's rooms on, the fourth floor of Angell hall a dis- cussion will take place concerning the worthiness of the Student Christian association. Members of the associa- tion will be asked to be present at the meeting in order to uphold their I view point. Plans are being made for the 70th' anniversary celebration of Adelphi's existence under the name of Adelphi. The organization, however, has existed for 85 years. ri * -.......... II ft *1 Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. on "Ovis Poli and the Red Gods," will include a description of his M NE SEES PROMISE IN PSIENT ATTITUDE OF PEOPLE IN CHINA DEMOCRATIC PRiNCIPLES '0 BE UNIVESA.L EXPLAINSDIFFICULTIES 1'icretary Believes Non-Inter entior Of Foreign Powers Will Aid Satisfactory Outcome and trip to the roof tree of Asia. The speaker has been here several times before under the auspices of the Oratorical association. He grad- uated from Harvard in 1908, and re- ceived his honorary degree there in 1919. Formerly he was director of the Sinclair Oil and Refining company,' the White Manufacturing company, the Broadway Improvement company, and the White Motor company. In 1919, upon his election to public office as a member of the state legislature of New York resigned all of his directorates. Has Exicting Career In March, 1921, when Harding be- came president, he was appointed as- sistant secretary of the Navy, and held the post for three years. In the fall of 1924 he resigned this post and was nominated for governor of New York by the Republican party. He! was defeated for this office by Alfred Smith, and a year later went with the Simpson-Roosevelt-Field Museum ex- pedition. During the World war Mr. Roose- velt served as commanding-major of the 26th Infantry and later lieuten-3 ant-colonel. He arrived in France in June, 1917, and served with the, first Division of the A. E. F. through the battles of Cantigny, Soissons, Argon- ne-Meuse, and St. Mihiel. At the lat- ter battle he was wounded and award- ed the D. S. C. by the United States, the Legion of Honor and Croix de Guerre with three palms by France, and the Grand Cordon of Prince PRESIDENT ADDREISSES FREHMAN FRTENITY, Dr. Little Discusses Modification Of Student Government, And Less Paternalism EFFINGER ALSO TALKS, Improvement and modification of student government, possible means of establishing further student-faculty contact, and the absence of paternal- ism in University administration, were topics dealt with by President Clarence Cook Little in speaking be-' fore Phi Eta Sigma, honorary fresh-1 man fraternity for men at the annual banquet held last night at the Union.1 President Little suggested that stu-, dent government in which a morel or less legislative body would control' campus matters would bear serious consideration s being a possible de- velopment in the future. He dealt 1 with the matter of paternalism, main- taining it did not exist, and that if it did in exceptional cases, it was in no wise characteristic. - Dean John R. Effinger of the liter-' ary college also spoke ,urging sincer- ity and honesty in cultural develop-. ment, and pointing out the absurdity of hasty "culture developers." J. A. Bursley, dean of students, acted as toatsmaster of the banquet. Forty-three initiates were taken in- to membership from the classes of the literary, engineering, pharmacy, and architectural colleges of the Univer- sity. In September those men of the, first year class who did not secure the required average for the first semes- ter but for the entire year will be initiated. More than 60 charter members and initiates atteilded the meeting. "Due to the fact that the Chinese Speople of today understand and desire democracy, the present situation is the most hopeful in all China's history," Paul C. Meng, executive secretary of the National Chinese Students Chris- tian association, said yesterday after- i noon. His Iecture was given ill Natural f1Science auditorium under the auspices of the Student Christian association. I i~Developmnents 111 1910 When a democracy was first estab- lished in China in 1911, the people had no idea what it meant to them and Sln Yet-Sent for this reason they had much trouble Founder of Nationalist party was retaining that system of government. praised yesterday in a lecture given Since then China has progressed great- by Paul C. Meng because of the sane ly and if the foreign powers will keep policies which the organization ois their hands off and allow the revoli- pursuing. tion to be fought out, their long sought independence and democracy will be gained, Mr. Meng believes. Mr. Meng opened his talk with a his- L[GIS TUH[ ' ; D 4T1S ory of China's development tip to the present day. In 1842 at Nanking the M [TASIUp[ I IOI first of a long series of unequaltrea- ' a ' t ies was signed by Great Britain and China after her defeat at the hands of - ; Great Britain. The clauses of import- Representa1ie Upjohn Brans .Effort ance in this treaty demanded a re- At Diversion Of Appropriationi striction of the tariff on British im- As Legislative Girab j ported goods to 2 per cent, that Hong- kong be given to the British, and BRUCEES CONFER that no missionariestor other people UEESE who were connected with Great Brit- ain should come under Chinese law. (By Associated Press) Theso conditions have placed an eco LANSING, March 22-Lines were nomic burden onhthe country under tightened in the lower branch of the which it has not been able to attain legislature today for what promised an industrial development of its own. The industries could not be protected to be a finish fight on the issue of I by a tariff as in the United States whether the state tuberculosis sani- ! after her revolution and the result tarium at Howell shall have the ben- I was an almost total lack of develop- efit of $500,000 appropriated by the ment. Up to the end of the nineteenth last legislature for a new sanitarium, century, China remained unprepared or whether the money'shall be extend- 'for war and without any system of ed for a new institution. competitive industry. Speaker Lynn C. Gardner was at the Sendhig Students Abroad head of a group which insisted that It was at the beginning of the twen- the $500,000 be diverted to rebuilding tieth century that China first began the Howell institution. , to send students to foreign univer- Rep. James P. Upjohn, of Kalamazoo,' sities. They saw the.high state of de- a member of the legislative commis- , velopment of the industries, the strong sion which represented a new estab- national spirit of every country which lishment at Ann Arbor, led the op- surpassed their religious feeling, aid posing faction which contends the ef- their military power. Returning to fort to divert the half million dollars China, Mr. Meng said, they were na- appropriation to howell amounts to. a turally outraged at the economic han- legislative grab. Idieap under which their country was The money was apropriated for a suffering. new institution, Representative Upjohn It was under the leadership of these believes. Any attempt at effort to di- men that the deomcracy was finally vert it would be nothing more than set up, but the first president tried an effort to take away an appropria- to make himself an emperor in 1915. tion already made for purposes other I Since then the republic has had a hard than improving the Howell sanitarium. time struggling internally against the Speaker Gardner, Representative I domination of war lords who ruled Upjohn, Doctors James B. Bruce and over ignorant people and against for- Harley Haines of Ann Arbor, confer- eign domination of industry external= red with Governor Green in an ef- ' ly. A spirit of nationalism and the feel- fort to reach a compromise but fail-- in gof patriotism were gradually being ed. built up during this time until today Representative Upjohn proposed it is felt througout the nation as well splitting the $500,000 appropriation be- as in the eight millions who are liv- tween Howell and the new institution, ing outside of China, Mr. Meng de- both establishments to receive some clared. additional money from regular chant- Aims Of Nationalists nels. The suggestion was vetoed by The present nationalist party is en- Speaker Gardner. Another conference 1 deavoring to achieve a government was held before the ways and means founded on modern principles and is I i RADIO AGREEMENT WITH CANADA SEENj AS UNLIKELY NOWI (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, March 22.-Nego- i tiations for settlement of the dispute s between Canada and the United States i over radio broadcasting have broken down.j As the Canadian delegations which 3 LAST OF BIDS TO GRIDIRON DINNER ARE DISTRIBUTED Prominent students, faculty, Uni- , I 1 { I 3 1 E, (1 f !1 j ; va-,terctav renewed conferences wim ye~b"e '''"'" . o I dWthe W Cross byaMan American radio aulhorities prepared Danilo I and the War Cross by Mon- to return to Canada tonight, Alex tenegro. Johnston, Canadian deputy minister of Aids In LegiontWork marine said that the negotiation had i He assisted in the organization of been without result and that the sit- the American Legion in 1919, is a uation remained as it was before con- member of the national executive ferences were begun here two weeks committee of the Boy Scouts of Amer- ago. ica, is a trustee of the American Mu- No statement was issued by either seum of Natural History, and wrote side but it is understood the United a book, "Average Americans" in 1919.1 States representative did not meet the This will be the last sepaker on the demands of the Canadians for a mini- j annual Oratorical association series, mum of 12 exclusive wave' lengths. , with the exception of one in the fu- ture by Sen. Pat Harrison, Democrat,I FRENCH INSIST ON of Mississippi.f TOTAL WEIGHT IN SPEAKERS PICKED' ALLOTTING NAVIES IN BIBLE CONTEST versity officials, and townspeople, re- committee where Dr. Bruce suggested following the original ideas of the ceived invitations yesterday for the ( a northern location might be better founder of the party, Sun Yat Sen. Al- fifth annual Gridiron Knight's ban- than Ann Arbor. though there is a small number of quet to take place April 5 in the communists in the nationalist party Union. The last of the invitations Th p j there is hardly any chance of that were sent out early yesterday accord- 1 9h ee Papers xe au government, if it is finally established, ing to Gene Gutekunst, '27, invitations, A . ' being modelled on Soviet lines. The chairman. ' At botanical Club chief reason for the Russian interest It was requested yesterday by Wil- in China is due to the fact that Rus- ton Simpson, '27, general chairman of sia was the first of the seven nations the affair, that the acceptances be At a meeting of the Botanical Journ- who held extensive interests in China mailed in as soon as possible. The al club last night in Natural Science. who gave up some of the rights which ' tendance will be strictly limited to 250, building, Mr. S. 1. Emerson, who has they had held by unequal treaties for it was stated yesterday by officers of I recently returned from a leave of ab- many years, Mr. Meng said. (Sigma Delta Chi, national professional sence, read a paper on: "Some Spel- Natural mob violence that goes journalistic fraternity, sponsoring the toid Mutations in Wheat". Miss Elva 'along with any revolution and is pres- banquet. Lawton read a paper entitled: "Some i ent in the United States today is the Characters in Ferns Subjeetto Mende- only thing that endangers foreign peo- ' PRESS Ian Inheritance", and the final paper ple and their interests in China. Mr. STUDE INT PRESS by Miss Swan Kuiper dealt with "The Meng believed that the action of the CLUB WILL HEAR Vegetation of a Coastal Mountain United States in sending warships ADVERTISING TALK Range". and gunboats to protect their interests would be similar to an action which S CIOLWGIST WILL China might have taken in sending Verne Burnett, '17, secretary of the t A gunboats up the Mis'sissippi to Herrin, advertising committee of the General ,DISCUSS F A ILIES Ill., in order to protect the Chinese in Motors corporation, Detroit, will ad- ____ t!that city where mob violence recently dress the Student's Press club in the took place. editorial rooms of the journalism de- Favors Present Fighting partmnt, t 7:0 o'locktoniht. , sociology at the UJniversity of Chicago I aosPeen ihtn partment, at 7:30 lok tonight. and writer of several sociology books Mr. Meng asked in' conclusion that While a student at Michigan, Mr. will give a lecture at 4:15 today i'M the Chinese be allowed to fight it out Burnett was editor of the Wolveri room C of the Law school on the sub-Mutual confidence is the best solution ture by Cantonese in the native city ped into thedoodrums. while undertaking diplomatic missions William J. Cameron, editor of the this evening, but returned safely to Ford-owned Dearborn Independent,I the settlement. shouldered complete responsibility for A Nationalist division also advanc- all articles published in the weekly ed along the railway inspecting the and for its editorial policy, to the en- foreign settlement ,and 3000 National- tire exclusion of the motor manufac- isis occupied Chapei and the Shang- turer. GENEVA, March 22.-The French draft of a general treaty for the limi- tation of armaments, made public to- night, shows a continuation of the French insistence for a system of total naval tonnage in any allotment of naval strength, instead of the splitting up of tonnage by categories of war- ships as advocated by the United Contestants for the final contest in the Thomas E. H. Black New Testa- ment orations were chosen yesterday afternoon by Earl E. Flieschman of the public speaking department, who is in charge of the contest. The final- ists selected in the preliminary con- test are as follows: Miriam Mitchell, 28, Elizabeth Lucas, '28, Ledlie De