4 TUES-,-DAY, 7MARCT4 22, 1927 THE MICHIGAN' DAILY i I ' A. AU U1WI TO CON VENE, IN WASHINGTON; D, i 1'ii i Annual ('i4 vnflon Will beet t,; tcl i , Hling 1Helaquaii1rter At l Mayflower Hotel MRS. HENDERSON TO SPEAK Plans for the programs for the fifth national convention of the American Association of University 'Women, 'which conveners in Washin gton from March 30 to April 2, promise one of the most noteworthy gatherings to: be held in the national capital during the present year. The headquarters for thct conventionl are at the Mayflower hotel, arrangements having been made through the efforts o~ Mrs. Herbertl Hoover who will act as honorary chairman for the affair. The opening session of the conven- tion will be heldi',.b Thursday, March 31, Wednesday being given over to sight-seeing and to the general ac- quaintance of the delegates with the capital. Morning sessions are given over to business meetings, the after- noons being taken up.-with discuso groups andl the evenings following the. assembly dinners, bein& definite lec- ture hours. Thai discussion groups will be led by most able speakers, among them,l Dr. Ethel Puffer Hlowes, and Miss El- eanor I. Burn, Dan of the Constan-' tinople Woman's college in Constanti- nople, Turkey, The evening lectures will be delivered by such men as Dr. Alexander Meiklejobn, while on Fri- day night the International night din- ner will be held with tihe AmbassadorsT of the various countries attending as!, thle ;guests of honor and speakers. The t international program of the Associa- tion of University Women will be thet most important factor. in the conven- tion this year due to tlhe interest{ arqused by the International conven- tion which was held last year in Am- sterdam, Holland. Ann Arbor will be represented at the convention by Mrs. Max Winkler, Mrs. Hugh Keeler, Mrs. E. R. Sunder- land and Mrs. WV. D. Henderson. S. ILS ON THIRTY=l 3RD WORLD TOURJ TMortar Board Sale 'of Gloves To Begin Alof the sororities and dormi- 1will be visitedl during the comning 4week by inember's of M~ortar Board' jwho will display gloves which the so- ciety is selling for benefit of the Wo- "men's'league. In addition a. booth will be used to display the styles Friday afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. Any league house having residents who are interestedl in the gloves may ihave a representative; call on them by calling Myra F+. TDreyfus, at 7130. The sale will close Monday night Iwhen all orders will be sent to the wholesale houses. Minna. Miller, '27, is chairman of the spring glove sale and has as her assistant Mrs. Dreyfus. The most popular numbers of the win- ter glove sale w~~ill be shown a~t this time, as well as a number of ne"W styles recently received from New York. the college club. Wednesday night March 30, on, the work of the League. Mrs. Henderson will also speak at the special Michigan luncheon which will be held at the Cosmos club, Thurs- day noon, March 31, with the; Wash- ington branch of Michigan women act- ing as hostesses. There will be a meeting of Pegasus at 7:30 tonight at Zeta Tau Alpha. MEN 4 MISS cteleste Miller IHaving already touredl the world thirty-two times, Miss Celeste T. Mil- 1er, 81, of Chicago, Ill., has sailed from Skan Francisco. California on her, 33rd tour. Miss Miller speaks six different languages fluently, and practically all her traveling is done alone. In her travels last year, Miss Miler "covered 50,000 miles. IMrs. Henderson, who is executive sec- retary of the alumnae association of the Women's league, will address sev- eral of the meetings of the convention on the subject of the League. Prior to her stay in Washington, Mrs. Hen- derson will visit Baltimore where she will address. the Michigan alumnae at MICHfilIGAN PINS FOUNTAIN PENS ALARM CLOCKS HAILER'S State Street J ewelers Mrs. H. W. Cake is gbing 1 PANDETAILS of Directory Proceeds1 PROPOSED HO0 U S E Will Go To League~ Developments have been made inI the plan recently announced by the; Members of the board of governors French department of establishing a! of the University of Michian club ofv women's league house which will beE Detroit decided in favor of appro-r restricted to women students interest- priating the club's share of the profitsn ed in French. Thle house will be one I in which meals are servedperal resulting from the publication of the one holding nine or ten women. 197Aun ietr otebid The French department will place; ing fund of the Women".s League.L in the house a French wonan as'hs This was (one upon the formal reso-jh ch " erona, and only French conversa-; lution of Roscoe B. Huston who has io~ will be allowed at meals. In or-! der, however, to include another group been very active in advocating interests who might not be able to live in the! in tha work of Michigan women among I house, it has been decided to serve1 the Detroit alumni. lunches in the house for these, while According to the secretary of thehswolieateMion iletsoctoFrdik0.Btite lunches out. This will afford the op- J amount which will be derived from! portunity for about twice as manyi the publication of the directory has' women to be accommodated as would'i not been determined but will in any otherwise be the case. jcase be turned over to the League Other details are being worked out. i building fund. ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL OF ' r-TOI IENS SIi1k No core Fer of Runs in Your Silk Hosiery. Tr~iples~ the iiear o pure o' artificial bilk hosiery. On sale at CALKINS-FLETCHER 324 State St. IMack Sys c A car with good tires, good top and side curtains, and a real nice running motor is worth just $45.00l c regardless of the make, c ~We 'have plenty~ of these cars in stock now and you can make a real buy if you come crown here and look over our stock of used cars. a .A atUniversity:- * Chevrolet sales SCorner of Huron & Ashley Sts. Phone 9314 I= r 4 1I1111111 i1111111il1I1111fi11111111 U 11111111111111111111f11111111111111111111111111411111111il1lae Ir 10$r OCEAN SEVIC abroad again this summer and will be glad' to meet eleven young women interested in an educational. tour. First class, privately conducted, expertly su- per'vised. Phone 3597. MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW EUROPE, ORIENT on ANYWHERE - AN I N A STE-AMSHIP CLASS TRAVELERS CHEQUES, ETC. E. C. KEBLER, Steamship Agt, Liceasdrid & Bs" 601JAsHuro.Ana Arbor MEN OFFER HELP NOTICES TOWARDBUILDING Eight women will be initiated at the Sponsored by the Detroit Chamber meeting of Portia literary society to Hof Commerce, Detroit h2as started aibe held at 7 o'clock tonight at Helen campaign for the Women's League Newberry Residence.'All members are (which will solicit men in the city wiho'urgently requested to he present. have not already pledged, and the I Rehearsals for Junior girls' play merchants. Mr. Harry Hogan is secre. for today are as follow--, 4 o'clock tary of the. camnpaign. The work chorus one, 5 o'clock, cl~oi-u; three among the merchants is being-headed and six. by Mr. Oscar Webbe~r of the JT. L. flud- I Class basketball games today are as son Co. Mr. Z. Himelhoch of I limiel- follows. 4 o'clock, junior majors vs. hoch Bros. and Mr. William Comstock. senior majors, junior iead~eiics vs. This campaign is being undertaken senior academics, 5 o'clock, freshmnan by Detroit men entirely at their own major vs. Sophomore majors; fresh.- solicitation, and shows the widespread, man academics vs. Sophomore aca-. interest in the League work. demics. 06 . outsandin THIRD CABIN to at% AA~iOUND TRIP 7,5Ju" 170 (up) In our fleets you have the choice of 1.. The only ships in the world devoted exclusively to this type of travel [no other passengers carried]. MinnehAda, Minnesota, Winifredian, Devoni- an. You have the freedom of all decks, public rooms, etc. 2., The world's largest ship, Majestic, and the world's largest twin-screw steamer Homeric. 3. The largest ships carrying Tourist Third Cabin pas-e sengers to the ports of England, Ireland, France or Belgium. 4. The largest ships carrying this class from~ and to Montreal. 5. The largest number of "Tourist" sailings' offered by any line or group of lines. These are but the tangible evidences of the merit of a service which has delighted thousands of college men and women in recent years. Early reservation of space is recommend ed.; ,WH ITE STAR LINE ICED STAR' LINE LEYIAND JN ATLANTIC TRANSPORT INEk OUIKRNATIONAL UK SCAN IILK MARIll3 *@MWaAaV Will.- LarlIsweert, irgr, 214 Majestic 11141g., Detroit Telephione (ttlifilac 7105-446,0', rany aut horized ste<