THE MICHIGAN DAILY TU'ESDAYS MARCHI 22, 19 7 -r-----M---- LS Teenty-Two Thousand Bills Not Taken REES WILL SPEAK mwHIGH, 1IfiOLS' FINISU By________Session1 O IL T AT U DEHAE EIMIAIIOSUWenByirClose Of Congressiona ONGT TUNO ________1,___ f lal ) i l ?:d i) .., n co sJg1tliill h'oni thelit-' r ow ssstandt Vice 11C.Cel fte SeodRudO Sre hDj Idl s ' i!)aout !02 10 )! Ii t 5l2Ud hi al arers,. nunfotP:',;t!"o .'c (-. A gII oy- Secnd oUld eris li i' i1lll een p ne.The re TO rcalso u1iarc (i, niellt. fo in Vesti!ate it) C,1301 01: Coln- 1fl riean T-Aeplionie it(! Teie,',i'it ph League tLeaves 16.;r'elmob o Fthan 22,000 blswhich11r --ainod inii- plaint. 1Iconpa ny, will s;peak olnt e"Org..:I- Runn o hmii~ip acted IupopI. Be (ISthe11 -Ir ". iewn [i t I :e )"J sess :;n Cgr ;.s wasjizait ion of Big uiu' ~'at ain ~ii;i h ill. such1 as the NI cNarv -lHamug atie Called z~w to1hills for ]pore of the Businie, s A1hiaiitra8t io club; ~~NN R RECEIVE 9PR17ZE Rado ca ol, an11 the Mcf'atlen tl 0n a. doze=_i menoriails. The n-vr j I7:r ..0 o'clock tonig.,,, in room 3i23 of _________ ir ,l;iink hillis, thc ye were a num'- 5(;vrvktoft he wvrship ''iiluieapolis" Ithe Ui on. Follwin thesecnd lrni tf: some ! -%iitv-4* ws p ies ent ed to the cit v f0ithe samne IMr.i J. T. Shecafor, Assistato ie series in the highkschool (dcb,.. ng P Ii th ii( lit o1f.lie tiIPal7i' LIIon ap- paic . A statue of henry 'lay ov'sPrIesidlentof the IMichiI DellTole-! league, 16 high schools throughout 'the1 preii aion of l0,000,000) \was ]1 1, \ ! (X c t r y a w hole. A nother the ne t:t fiscal year to iijore than $4,-Th r re ai t r e of he<°a ' , p a ll iig he m o -'2 0 0 ,0 . of debates Ohich will be held onl ,,,vit r r' z..rh c, crii into the it Ther'e were ninvotlier hewvs pass-{ 1 and every two weeps thereaftr. 'Ho' l11-t ,A: tle, f e oreign dairiesI ed pertaining to Civil serviuce, pub- two teams wvhich survive thiese coil- ; is' tj: -cv N' 1 b .our rl: of sanitation lie buildings, war veterans ,rivers and tests will debate at 1 l ull 1;r 1 :1 imA I 0ila4twtiusse-l ini favor of the harbors, I esid es the i gular routine; on May 13. Plans are now being- made farmeor iakes it a ci me for coniniis- bill,. for the c41npionship contest. lLasU----------t-e-fin-ial-debate,--which-was high schools, was attended by miore' than 2,000: students fromt 75 high''.j~ om o k n C 9 J ,4b-rl is the feature at Tiuttle's. Our ly invited to oft tend. w - -dl cgiato Clothes kSh op OflECON.-The college mnuseum re- c~uvCo a cannon ball which was t he firs't shot put to be used iii t'.(, ~ Tity Buy a ..1 ThaltetRodlsfoeSrigalPietn ewlogotye EasplytlTofchoce SuissorSpin ing VaainEtaPnsFe Tnesis o pig r iheradsate.I h 116EAT1IBRT %34450 -~ Rc heDaly"Cassiie" olmn mnus are always- tempting and our dishes tasty. For good whole- some meals, try TUTTLE'S1 338 Maynar4i Na*t in at Delivery before S pri a ANNt-OUNCN A genuine .amusemnt event !-The Star Broadway has roared at. for years is at the Majestic this week with a' brand new line of laughs..... Enough sur- prising, uproarious stunts 'to fill a dozen ordintl y pic- tures ! Don't miss it! 1 -Shore H USTO Today and !I ALL IW(OL 43 UiARAjNT ED $29.50 I i y415. V11 or c~ - b4L offoiGOG~V. io1CA1Spw1 yp ;a ta %oBYLA61.v r Y } } )f Tt i!( {1 i .91 i i 1 w i! } K NNETH cKE f -MA IE T C l,'ID PILL- ' v a f I , I I+.."" A' .9 Oil x L T I 24 . GET TE'S T _ -DpO I STTL m .. t51 Y lY % op ills 2L -BA A LTO -000 _ .r "P T C#. _YY 194 - ,.L AN ' i Y 5UOy, - -BLU CIS M 3 /y T-OTr~OI l A It .1 --Aso- 1' 1111 11l1 1.1-PIXNi1,AN E, 1l11 Il V _ ,