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February 12, 1927 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-02-12

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(tuests---The Mises Dorothy Milly
tContinued from Page Three) trosse Point; Margaret Meyer Sag
as';Hlnen Payette, Grand Rapids 1s
idos; Evelyn Jordan, Sandlwirh, On.;,Ktaherine Bird, Anns Arbor; Dorothy
Kate Truesdall, Toledo; Ihelen Itadol- Poriz, lBucbanan; Pauline Dexter, A1'_ r +1
phi, Iowagiac; Ilary Lou Loomis, hgani;Beotly Mar, H-artdales, N. Y.
Elkhart, led; Luncille Walsh, Grand RthlI Kitchell, C'oldIwater; Dorothyti , n
Ledge ; Zoe Wallenibeeg, Dleroit. Ward, Buachanan; (Caiherine Strafford,
Al xandria, La.; Irene (libee, Gld&a '
ooh No. (i-Kappa Signma waer; Virgisi,. Swee, KalamazooP
Patronso-Mr. and Mrs. Harry (Gree n, Shirley King, S. Joseph ; Janet Tree-

Portrai1ts Live Forever

All,\IlORIj;S of tihe J-Hop
arc always fresh if yen have
1)01rtritiiimade at t1e tite to
tpreserve the beatiiful dress anl
spii of 11w most magnificent
socia fuecion of its kind.
Studio--334 South State St., Ann Arbor, Michigan.

tlenei Goldkettec's VictrimRtecordinig Orchtestra, whto wiih Fletchier Heride(rson's Orchestra sod the Royal Ca-
nadians ti iertaitn you atliee1101), 10111' toilihe'1(111di recl froteRolti d Bi Iallromsiin New York city, where
tter were the refiueeiin the ininiual creebrationi thai occr-;i tere catitNear.
Ott theiridepture fromutriiifor New Yorkz,liley wee'replorteidL toiiave been given asndt-off by Mayor
Fletecier Heniderson's Orchiestra travels ltroiughioiut the country ptlaying special esigagententits in opular
biall-roonms. The Royal Canadians rome from thePoulecDBix restatiraint ini Cleveland and lette that pilace eoity
(tie special engagemnts uc sti thle 110p1
bley, Flint; Maxinie Vredienbuergh, New Jackonu; Janesic ukey, Derit; Lucrile R eo-Grams To Filmi
York city; Kathieritie A. Davis, Des Slater, Detroit; Ruth Wilkie, Dight- 1 J
Moinies, Ia.; Meleni-Janie Fiowler, Wet- land Ptarkt; Eliztabetli Kennedy, Royal Fe 'aturefs O0' i-Hop
Lesley, Maess.; Virgintia Tuiee, lie- Gait; Calirlotl~e Hutbbtard, Mt. Cl emenis; Ij "
fruit; flare Stricklanid, Deitinh; ?Marthm Chtambehrlaini, A11, Pletasat:
Hlelen Ttaylore, Lainlg. FEv-elyn P rail, AAitrbor:;Kathryni Two'sets iloof Klieg lights woill be
Catrnoaan, l';stott, II. uoei byliiieIRo-Gramtiphotoigrapher.
BouthliNit. 7-Hlertmitage attii -iii it the pulblicity dlepartmtenit of the ea
Kappa TtauiBoothi Nii.8Duisitiess Admintistratioti Motor Car compatty at Lansing, in
Patroins-Prof. Everett Mrown atid Patrotis--Mr. tand Mro. FranikE. takinig pictuires of the Hop in order to
Mrs. Brownt, AnntiAertor; Mr. atid Mrs. St. Aitbiti, Ml. (Cletmenis. insure the btest lighttinig effeets. The
G. M. Slump, Detroit. Garess-The Misses Hlnen Rogers, Detroit News photographer wise took
Guests--The Misses Mary ltessigise, Highlatid Park; Ruth Larkwmorthy, tl iiitrers tast year, whieh were
Saginiaw; Francees Stwitzerteg, Alle- Flinit; Elvylente Jtoiisotn, Reed Cloy; consideredi to be lie test of any of
ga; ls a~waDetroit; Annt Meirodinie tasi', Jacksotn; Mlarguterite the four filmst whirls have beenfalsent
Wright, Flinit; Jean Ilegwood, Detroit ; Hall, Kalamaezoo; Cathseritie Sptrowls, o te last fitit Hopts, used only oe
Ktteirinte Matthews, Port Clititoti,0.; Gary, Id.; Florencre Ellis, Detroit,; set of lightsa, as did all the others in
Irma Satuzetibarher, Toledo; Ila Dron- Margaret Cookt, Detroit; Clara Custif- the past. Trhis is the fifth time that
sets. Crasid Rapids; Mary Qiinni, To- sost, Ludintoti; Laura Soisle, Albion, the Mop weill be filmed.
ledo; Harriet Grace, Detroit; Ruth N. Y.; Jeast Campbell, Kalamazoo; Pictures will be takess of the block
Price, Wyandotte; Christine Drevar, Roth Cassltte, Menmphis; Evelyn P~oor, "', the grand march, asid the dane-
Gratiditapids; Margusaret Hotistont, Anns Arbotr; Annte Kinigbeck, Detroit; tng, while closeussowsill lie 'shot" of
Alice Starkweather, Kalanmazoo; the leaders anid the various dignsitaries
HlntSockwrell, Mt. Clemens; Rita attesiding, isscludinig President Clar-
Creig, Hightlandi Park; Gertrudle Fos- estee Cook Little, Fielding H. Yost,
let, Hattie Creek; Kalterinte P. Teat, idirector of intercollegiate athleties,
Kalanmazoo.'Henny"Oosterbaan captain-elect of
the football teens, and others. It is
Bh liNit. 9-Delta Clii anid Lambda expected that approximately 500 feet
Clii Alpha of filmn, equivalent to one-half reel
Patroins -Mr. asid Mro. Rttymnssd will be taken.
Weiss, Grasid Rapids. E. P. lHuby, who has taken pie-
GtisThie Mises Glades Marinstere of all (lie recent affairs at the
Detroit; Nileanor Hforvack, Grand Its'tUniversity, issclsidinig those of the feet-
yen; PateriiaHodon, Dulttith, Miii.; ball gamnes, of the Sophonmore Prom, of
Virgintia Kirtlandu, Toledo; Mary MLat the class fights, asid others, will be ins
duix, Colussibus, 0.; Margaret Bero, charge of the photography.
S p i g irmeinighamss; Paxitte Taylor, IBirma- The filmis will be showns for thse
S p rin gIsighatmi; targaretC (ovle, Dbetroit; first tisse Suniday at (lie Arcade thea-
Cathaorinei Laltier, Escanatba; Janse ter where they will be ruts unitil
Aslilritok, Fisidlay, 0.; Martha Molly, 'Thusrsday. After Thursday thse films
Toledo; Hazel Pettit, Toledo; Ir..seill be seist to all (lie theaters on (lie
Rtichtird Gtreory, IDetroit. Bustterfield circuit and other houses
e _ liattuse lReo-grams.

ii t
It's Winter by the calendar, but it's
Spring by the fashion clock.
Just come down and go through the
dress department in Goodyear's and see
if this isn't Springtime.
Just notice the gay, colorful new dress-
es as fresh and as clear-eyed in their
fashion rightness as April.


And even though fresh and new and
Spring-like in their fashion, all these
new things are, as all things in Good-
year's, always priced at right prices,
You will like these new Spring things.
They are just lovely. And they are
good examples of the fashion alertness
of that part of our organization which
buy and sells things of right fashon.

Blooths No. 10--Xi Psi P'hi
laleois lie. Waler '1T.tigers 1and Margaret Probeck, Archibold, 0.; Ann
Savior, Hlightland Park; Ella Nilsons,
Mrs. Rtogers, Deriti; lDe. W. A. Vancre, Deroit.
anii Mrls. Vtance, Nashiville._____
Gts-srTe M2isses Alice H. Asnder- DBsoth No. 11-Lassyers' Club
soni, Asto Anise; Jeass Hrubaker, Patrons--Prof. Blythe E. Stasoss and
Saiti Sti'. Marie; Hlelesi K. DBurnhlam, Mrs. Stasoss, Anti Arbor.
Anns Arbior; Fraisers Davies, Toledo; Cuests-'rho Misses Mary Deming,
Alnma Craff, Salute; Marguerite lHar- Crosse Poinit; Mtarien Coy, Traverse
risieliis, 11. H-olyoke, SotisiliHadley-, City; Masseuse Josses, Dowagiac;
Masstachuisetos;Chsarlotte Hloren, Tro- Jeassette McAlpine, Lakeweood, 0.; Lu-
ledit; Marjorie Hoyt, Saline; Mabelle cille C'halmiers, Detroit; Helen Steeve,
Johsssosi, Detroit, Heisrietta Kent, Anis Arbor, Eleanor Horney, Detroit;
Waynsesbturg, Pa., Florence McCombo, Thesia Thonmas, Ants Arbor; Norda
Ames. Ia.; Elsie Palmer, Coldwater; f(iontinsted on page five)
Wednesday Night Only
February 16
fA1rs. Yise
In Henrik Ibsen's Play
PRICES: $1.00 TO 800
Seats on Sale Monday, February 14

124 South Main

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