( ESTABLISHED 1890 Jr- frian-6 ~aitg .. ... .. .., r.. .. MEMBER ASSOC IATED PRESS VOb. XXXVII. No. 91 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1927 EIGHT PAGES BRODETSKY TALKS TOATROFDANCING NEATRHTKAJIOPFAVORSSILLNLIIBILITNHENRYKASSN,28 T O S(1 TLSTRQE DISCUSSED LI BUFADILLBE DISTRIBUTED AT COVULOF CMMT SICD hl T T.C C LU BYH AW T)DAYSIBY T AKING POISON NATJA TAL C D Appears With Dninshaw Dancers In Those J-Hop favors and programsAND, RECR ITIN T Injury Sustained In Auto .ccent Return Engagement At The which were not caled for yesterday Given As Prbable Pse f ilWitneyTheater iTO UL IEN ITONIGHTT dotibue efom 2 to o'clockdyPF5oII D FOR Jr,'8of Of Deed TedShawn, who will be in the city '28E, announced last night. Henry R. Kasson, Jr., '28, of Chi- "NEWTQN'S ffEAI INTEREST 1 today for the performance of the Den- II EIrNISo, COOK Several persons have lost their "BIB SIXTY'" TO ACT ON NEW tago, committed suicide yesterday af- SEin . LIFE"'WAS CHEMISTRY " ishawn dancers at the Whitney theater WILL ALSO STEAK ON J-Hop tickets and have asked the com- RULINGS FORULATED BY JEA EMISY , i tonight, will speak at 4:15 o'clock to- W I P AKRA L1 mittee to replace them, it was an- ATLETIC TOR his rom at 523 Forest avenue. He . day im .University Hall auditorium on nounced yesterday by Thomas C. was dead when the body was discover- "The Art of Dancing." The lecture Winter, '28, general chairman. He ed. Death was caused by poison, sup- 'WAS POOR SCHOLAR' will be open to the public. GOHRINGTO SING said under no circumstance will lost RESULT OF LONG STUDY posedly secured from the chemistry ERI The Denishawn dancers, with Ruth tickets be replaced. Tickets must be laboratories of the University. Most Famous Works Were By-Prod- St. Denis and Ted Shawn and their Other Soloists Will Feature liusleal ; presented in order to obtain favors Meeting Is Ex )Cd To 1ing Athletlc Kasson suffered concussion of the Orderly ucts That He Never Intended To company of 14, will appear in a return Aumbdrs Of Programs Arranged and programs. And Academic Groups Into brain in an automobile accident about 1 Do AccordIne To Professor ngagement tonight when they will By Waldo Abbot Arrangements have been made toG reater Harmony a year and a half ago, from which he present a series of Spanish and Singa- - take moving pictures of the grand never fully recovered, and it is be- Newton's real interest In life was lese. The company has recently re- Speaking on the subject of diabetes, march and other phases of the Hop. (By Associated Press) lieved that this was instrumental in haturned from a tour of the Orient D. Louiis H. Newbur gh professor of They will be shown at a local thCeter HICAGO, Jan. 27.-A code of rules his decision to take his own life. Ac- WAS chemistryand hismost famous works where they gathered new material for L investigations ill open the a week after the hop, as In past years. on ineligibility and recruiting of prep cording to friends he was of n dor were by-products that he never in- their dance numbers. cliical k school athletes, and a four-year foot- treely nervous temperament and in or, o tended to do: thing that he discovered rispofram hichiga Night ball schedule, have been drawn up by the opinion of physicians called he orderly while trying to convertjead and other m Tstte starting at 8 o'clock tonight from hW athletic directors of the Western would probably never have committed ply am base metals into gold," declared Prof. lITIISLtlWIll station WWJ, the Detroit News, ac- conference for presentation tomorrow the act if he had been given a few chorus S. Brodetsky of the University of L cording to Waldo Abbot, of the rhe- into the "Big Sixty," the academic and weeks complete rest. abroad. Leeds, England, addressing the mem- 'tori department, program manager. QDathroad. powers of the Big Ten. The accident which caused his m- The hers of the Mathematical club yester- APPE - I-HI- Dr. Newburgh's talk will replace Ts rethyL yLrd heK s w rin dire day on the intimate life of Sir Isaac APPEALIthat of Dr. Frank N. Wilson, professorj study by the athletic directors and Ing to Toledo with friends, when the whethe Newton. Professor Brodetsky stopped of internal medicine, who was pre- Major John L. Griffith, commissioner car in which he was riding collided enough in Ann Arbor enoute to Chicago, be- viously scheduled to speak on heart Professor Johnston Will Lecture On of athletics of the conference. It with another and threw him to the egh. ing .on a semester's leave from Leeds. isy I diseases. The speaker is in charge of "oe Criteria Of Purity Of specifies four forms of "rushing ath- pavement. He was unable to return silence, The speaker told that Isaac Newton Fifth Number Of Choral Union the diabetes ward at the University Organic Compounds" I letes" which the athetic directors to the University until the next se- ican po was born in 1642 of undistinguished Concert Series . hospital and has conducted researches consider as illegitimate ways of re- mester. "a free parentage. The future phy icst w'as f1in this field for more than 15 years. IS OPEN TO PUBLIC 1cruting athletes and from which they During his career here, one year of At t a weakling and was not expected to FOUGHT i WORLD Prof. Clarence S. Yoakum, of the _consider legitimate. which was spent in the engineering Atut live. While attending school at School of Business AdmfinistratioSn, The chief purpose of the meeting college and the remainder in the lit- ovedtu Grantham, Newton was a poor scholar Fi s.k.swho will talk on some business topici Dr. John Johnston professor of tomorrow, as set forth in the call is- erAry school, he established a high her wo with a dislike for mathematics. He Fritz Keisler, well known vio is at present upon a committee on physical chemistry and chairman of sed by Major Griffith, was to decide scholastic record. He was 22 yearsSecret was taken out of school, tried farm- and considered by many critics to be management research methods and the chemistry department of Yale uni- whether the Conference was a "play- old. Hifparents are at present visit- eta ing for a time but as that did not the world's greatest master of that qualifications organized by the Amer- veristy, will speak on "Come Criteria ing league" to forestall discussion of ing in California. custom suit him either he was sent back to Instrument, will pcay here Monday man Management association. of Purity of Organc Compounds" at this problem and the question of ro- donmen school. night in Hill auditorium as the fifth The educational system of the state 4:15 o'clock today in room 165 of the tating schedules, the four year foot-gH a rthe yleees rarsc l da Interested In Chemistry l4as incorporated in the high schools eChemistry building ball schedule was drawn up last leaders Newton entered Trinity college for number of the 48th annual Choral will be discussed by Prof. James D. Professor Johnston is a graduate of week. While all rivals preserve their IILgroups the reason that his uncle before him Union concert series. He has appear- Ednmonson of the School of Education, the University of St. Andrews, Scot- traditional meetings in most cases, the south a had studied there. While a student, ed here several times before ani of- Professor Edmondson's work is such land, having received the degree of dates were not chosen on a "round II ereign he roomed with a druggist, and be- ficials of the School of Music consider that he spends much of his time visit- B.Sc. and D.Sc. from that institution. robin" basis. ling go came interested in chemistry. "He him one of the finest musicians who ing the various schools of the state. Later, in 1919, he received his M.A. List Practices Permitted posal f used to mix all sorts of vile concoc- ever played in this city. The fourth of the talks will be given from Yale. Following his graduation I Among the legitimate methods ofi e e p l f tions to better his ailments," said the Mr. Kreisler was born in Viea,IbyProf.Cfby Prof. Charles W. Cook of the ge- from St. Andrews in 1908, Professor recruiting which the coaches have P ofdChairOfAmercan, il speaker, "but often as not they kept Austria, in 1875, and at an early age ology department. ic will outline the Johnston was connected with the included in their code are banquets ish Colleges aboit s woneakerton s"butscioftenn jmaseranotourthey thkept; om-During Absenceea ci 31im in bed longer." Showing how a won recognition as a musician. When mineral resources of the state, com- chemistry department of University to prospectiveathletes, rushing at in-g' faction life hinges upon a matter of seeming lie was 10 years old he won the first paring the deposits here with those of college, Scotland, University of Bres- terscholastic meets providing no E iselvesc small moment, Professor Brodetsky prize and the gold medal at the Vien- other localities. At present the speaker lan, Germany, and was an associate financial inducements are offered, for [BAK IN CHARGE closed. related how Newton had accidently na conservatory of music, and two is economic minerologist for the Ford in the department of physical chem- coaches to make talks at high school -- picked up a book on astronomy and years later lie won the premier prix Motor Car Company. istrv in the Massachusetts Institute banquets, and for members and ath- Prof. Claude H. Van Tyne of the Pend was puzzled by the geometrical fig- de Rome at the Paris Conservatory of The musical features of the program of Technology. letic directors to write to high schools history department will leave Tuesday ican gc ores. Wishing to learn more about Music. While still a boy of 13 he will consist of two soloists and a.vi- In 1919, Ie accepted the professor for the names of athletes in the senior for England where he will occupy theItpathy the subject he first began studying toured America with Moriz Rosenthal,, I luuist. Rusell A. (ohring, '7, soloist of for the es osethlstes in the ir Egashr hi oc he Iopathy Euclid, which was, however, too pianist, who appeared here last fall, this ye rs Michigan Union Opera, wll chairoansp of the chemistry a te information about the school history, literature and institutions in Americ obvious in his opinion. He then stu- and after his American tour he ro- sing two popular selections from that m nshpo he chemstry de s ti on aoutrtescgool. hitosy liert ins tons in Angh ~idtegoer fDsats I undt uti ocmlt i production: "I Love You" and "Jutst . enti at Yale; which position Ile stilli The four practices Ir garden a.~9 il- British universities Professor Van Shangh died the geometry of Descartes. "Inl turned to Austria to complete his! 11' de I r ].aiods. legitimate included giving or loaning Tyne is the eighth lecturer to be to dis 1664, while still an undergraduate, studies in the Gymnasium, there. He Like a Rose.Miss len erraro Other societies, Proessor money, or granting scholarships to he s the eit tis Newton discovered th binominal made his debut In Berlin. in .1899 and !sopraumro, graduate student in thle Aogscjte, oe, rgatigshlasist chosen for the position. British Nshortlythe a e r e to erica a School of Music, will sing the num- fJohnson is a member of the National i athletes by any group except the i Prof. Arthur E. R B oak will be in jforces theorem ,and the next year wrote o shortly after came t apAmerica agaon :ers: " ssi D' Aita" from Tos(a by Reasearch council, American Chemni- regular faculty committee, for coaches charge of the history department, operati s don and since then has played in all Puccini, "Come Sing To Me" by cal society, and the American Elector- to initiate correspondence with high filling the position left vacant by Pro- leaving speaker., o si a e ladin cer ies inye muop. Thompson, "Homing" by Del Reigo chemical society. He has been a con- school athletes, for alumni to pay the fessor Van Tyne during the latter's emerge Newton, who was essentially a the leading concert ciand "All The World Is Sunshine" y tributor of various scientific articles expenses of athletes, and for coaches absence. unemb physicist, was extremely practical. He and many times in tours of the United McFarland. Two violin s s"Cava- to the Journal of the American Chem- to visit interscholastic meets for the The chair was founded by Sir closure always desired concrete proof for all IStates and other parts of America. TV ilnsis Cv-t h orao h mrcn e-meso C Tecarwsfuddb i lsr therys," Professor erodetsky said. Haeowns one of the world's most tina. by Raff, and "Legend" by Wien- eal society and the Journal of Physi- purpose of recruiting. George Watson, Bart., in 1921, being That I e becaesonvincdthat s valuable violins, the Josef Guar ost iawski, will be given by Miss Pauline 'cal Chemistry. Represented By Six 1 the first lectureship in American his- hopes theoryo, optics bcas ongnd thn the iules iof1737st the e girn- Kaiser, violin instructor in the School The department of chemistry has Attending the Conference tomorrow tory to be established in the British I founde teyear optis devisedn an theor f igs g s of Music. They will be accompanied at announced that the speech will be of will be six representatives from each Isles. The late Viscount Bryce de- of the next tean years devised a theory ofac hisg ing of the war he enlisted the the piano by Miss Donna Esselstyne. interest to all people concerned with' Big Ten school, including the presi- livered the inaugural lecture. The not ha: sown, age impedaroveentov te astain iynd s191t15. He was chemistry, chemical engineering, and dent, chairman of the board of regents, other lecturers have been: ex-Presi- ereignt sco , a great improvement over the as captain n 1914- hNOTED ED CATOR physics, but will beopen to others who alumni representative, faculty repre- dent Hadley, of Yale university; Prof. cession nmentastherealcause of Galileo'snsumedhislaingdcmsheurgedfr-desire to attend. sentative, athletic director, and foot~ A. F. Pollard, of University college,ernme bnKme s, the rea er pointedlout. sUnied Stas laeng hen toe f o GI EL I ball coach. The meeting is expected London; Nicholas Murray Butler, tains a DIin tss, tie ewton wien t. eas 191618 hen Amed TLC to bring the athletic and academic de- president of Columbia university; Sir may a During this time, Newton was given two years from 1916-18. When Ame- BANQUET Landlea Cobb partments of the colleges into greater Robert Falconer, president of Toronto pendi the professorship of mathematics at ' rica entered the war he cancelled his ti harmony, although the decisions on s, the ou Trinity. concert engagements here. He has Dr. Otis W. Caldwell, director ofSpeaker OfC arges any suggestions nade likely will be unverslequaol DrCOihW al11l ircorobU aonyu aletoughthdeisinsewothprofessor of American history eul Talks Of Gravitation h also written a book, "Four Weeks in Teachers college, Columbia uuiversity, Ba e 1l candl referred to committees for further dis- at Oxford university and formerly naval In regard to the discovery of the the Trenches, or the War Story of a talking on "Scientific Method Applied n ase cusion. a or uhesity d ormerly' theory of gravitation, Professor Bro- I Violinist." To Problems In Education" will be head of the history department at detsky pointed out that Aristotle and the main speaker at a banquet of Phi (By Associated Press) L TE Professor Van Tyne's nirt lecture LON others had held ,conceptions regard-D mo rai 'Delta Kappa, hoorary education so- BULLTINCLwill e in the chamber of the House accepge ntlgCoperniusprovewthatwrciety, ath6go'clock tonight in the Union. COLUMBIA, S. C., Jan. 27.-Ty EXTRA PERFORMANCES Iof Lords in the presence of the Prince I theptd until Copernicusa roved th Collapse In Senate Over 200 reservations have been made Bobb said tonight he would con- OF 'A of Wales. Five others will be given poBsib center of space. The story of the for the banquet, as invitations were, sider the statement of Commis- nOFoTHEtnASTrWARs tha appleray or may not be true, said WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. - The extended to Pi Lambda Theta, the sloner Landis exonerating him of -Inothe the spaykr bu t er asa 1665,WcaHIN Democratic cohorts ifaculties of the School of Education charges of "fixing games" closely Two extra performances of "The 1 Nt ad orbuted any a of arg the tedigedoorce her e- and University high school, and the and then would decide whether Last Warning," a play by Thomas F. Democratic Leader -The Newton badl formulated an idea of the Senate, designed to force the Re- idcto lb. e (dr r-t ao ege alnwl e rsne t8:0t-.osy gravitation which was rectified twen- publicans to go on record against education clubs. he would return to maJor league Fallon, will be presented at 8:30t the/a^e ge Claousry t~ChallengesClmsIpoo ty years later ,when he learned the tax reduction, collapsed today under r. Caldwell has been a student of aseball. Ieducation for the past decade, anud mois angle of inclination and the actualthe fire of adverse ruling by Vice- ducation Mimes theater by the Comedy club.G i lnist radius of the earth. In 1687 his book, President Dawes. in his work supplements education' CHICAGO, 111., Jan. 27.--Tyrus R. The extra performances have been Of Great Prosperity nudiat "Principia," the treatise on the theory The majority withdrew from the with scientific work. He was recently Cobb and Tris Speaker today were made necessary by the fact that more alege - _ :-- t , ___ _ .-.,-_ -, . - -.. ( ress PRICE FIVE CENrh ..OG IN CHINESE CY MEETS FAVOR BORAH BREAKS SILENCE ON QUESTION OF . FAR EAST TISH TOGIVE TERMS Steps For Giving China Her iplonmatic Equality Brings Chorus Of Approval (By Associated Press) HINGTON, Jan. 27.-The wide pened by Secretary Kellogg to steps for giving China her n the sun of diplomatic equal- ong the nations, brought a of approval today at home and single voice raised in Congress ct criticism questioned merely r Mr. Kellogg had gone far Senator Borah, of the for- lations committee, breaking his declared himself for an Amer- eiey in the Far East looking to and disenthralled China." he State department peaceful es to meet the swelling de- n China for equal footing with rld neighbors advanced a step. ry Kellogg is prepared to open tions for immediate Chinese economy and ultimate sban- it of all American extra-terri- ights with delegates named by of the two great warring in China, the Cantonese In the nd the forces of Tso-Lin, sov- war lord dominating the Pek- ernment. He is waiting a pro- or such conferences. Whether supplement the open invitation rect diplomatic efforts to bring uch a meeting, if the Chinese s themselves fail to avail them- of this offer, has not been dis- Naval Forces Ready ing the outcome of the Amer esture of friendship and sym- with China, American naval still stand ready to protect an lives and property at iai. Mr. Kellogg failed again close what co-operation with French, or other foreign might be expected if landing ons became necessary. He is Admiral Williams to meet ncies that may confront him arrassed by any premature dis- of the order he has received. the Washington government that this peaceful gesture, d upon the traditional demand United States that China does rter away her birthright of sov- y in granting exclusive con- is or monopolies to foreign gov- nts or their nationals, but re- in open commercial door to all, vert the serious situation im- g at Shanghai, is obvious. That tlook is none too optimistic is y clear and accounts for the precautions. fBy Associated Press) 'DON, Jan. 27.-Great Britain ut to offer to China what are hed "generous" terms to end, if le, the serious situation, with ve possibilities that have arisen Far East. Exact Proposal Unknown British press and public anxi- await official publication of the sal, but up to the present the ers content themselves with re- ing inaccurate versions of the d terms published in the foreign and at the same time assert of gpavzi'ation, was published after 14 fiery political Jskirmishing with the made director ot Lincoln schoo, a I cleared of all charges which might than 100 were turned away at every (By Associated Press) monti of arduous work. "It is con aliamentary advantage that the branch of Teachers college, Columbia make them ineligible for participation performance last week. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 27.-Repub- lthat mnf oaruuwok "Itsco-iplmery avatgetatte racwilTaheslol sidered by many," declared Professor minority laid claim to a moral vie- unversity, for the furtherance of in professional baseball, in a decision Tdn-i T "Brodetsky, "to be the greatest book to'ry, by building up what is claimed scientific research. by Kenesaw Mountain Landis, and featured the presentations last week can claisntonide preritrh ever' written by a human being. The was a record that would make it clear ! given permission to rescind their will be used again tonight and to- was challenged tonight by Rep. Old- istera publication of this book made its to the country that the Republicans i Chancellor MX withdrawal from basebaland return morrow. field, Arkansas, chairman of the h posal author famous." wereo,,reported for the failure to easea s to the. reserve lists of the Detroit Tickets for both performances are Democratic congerssional committee,'t g ln,163, &he became a member of Ithe tax burden. Confronted with Cabinet Plans Fail Tigers and Cleveland Indians respec- now on sale at the Mimes theater o who, in a Jackson Day dinner adic toryt Parliame nt, and in 1696 he was chosen President Coolidge's own proposal for tively. office and may also be reserved by r - master of the mint. "Newton display- a 10 per cent tax credit'this year, of- Cobb and Speaker appeared before phone at the Union. Tickets thus re- ion's foreign policybusine ed a great -6ower of organization and fered by Senator Reed, Missouri, as (By' Associated Press) Commissioner Landis Nov. 27, 1926, phone at te Unon Tct thu e on'sfin policy. bssan was theatgreatest masterriofa served will be held until the time of Suspicion and distrust, le said, have I Thc was probably the greatest master of an amendment to the pending defi- BERLIN, Jan. 27. -- Chancellor and were informed that Dutch Leon- I the performance and they are priced been directed against the United tenns the min that England ever had. He Iciency bill, Repubican spokesmen Marx's frantic attempts to form a ard, retired pitcher, formerly with at5tes was honest, too, in an age of corrup- I{conceded that the titular leader of cabinet were given a setback late to- Detroit, had turned over letters to a5less, planess, headless, and heartless" urr Lion and bribery," Professo sky went bribery" Professor Bodet- their party had made a "mistake" In night when a dispute between the the American League stating that the plynles eless, and herle-s" ohi sky wet, on to say. advancing it. Centralists and Nationalists over the g ameof Sept. 25, 1919, between De- Interest Lapses In tions conce Was A Bachelor With few exceptions, senators who finance portfolio forced an adjourn- troit and Ceveland, had been fixed...r pons.m noser "Newton remained a bachelor all participated in the hours of debate, ment of the caucus of government Cobb, Speaker and Smoky Joe Wood i M exican Arbitration I A, fo depubli cl oprt t er his life, though he had two romances" 'declared in favor of the reduction now par leaders until tomorrow. branded the charge as false after they iaperity," he added, I reply that the I ly w related the speaker. "The first oc- I instead of in the presidential politi- Arehension over the Nationalist learned that Leonard had included y faress. thaeerer a s in curred just before he entered Trinity. cal years of 192, but pointed out that participation continued in liberil rad- them as parties to the arrangement. ( y Associated Press) s distress. Whatever proserity has way He fell in love with his landlady's I under the constitution revenue legis- ical circles, and there is apparently "This is the Cobb-Speaked case," sIEXICO CITY, Jan. 27.-Discussion been enjoyed has been among the over unde almosttitason'evsaidlgis of possible arbitration of the differ-j privileged classes and notaogtm daugher, but was too shrewd to get ilto utoiiaei h House. almost as much confusion over the said the decision by Commissioner nsbtweMxioadheUtd great rank and file.prs marred, and because he lacked f Vice-President Dawes exe- new ministry as there was a week Landis. These playersehaveenot esbeteneo la nd sro Before VicLandes.dTneseaplayersrhave notatenesobertee nex ioand theanitedw gretatiean dfielcaedcol fund" After having received the cised his seldom used right to shut ago. been, nor are they now, found guilty is dying down pending some definite that 10 years ago practically every It title of "Sir" he fell in love with a off the debate, there had been sharp 'of fixing a ball game. By no decent is dy on pe oe fiie tht- ears ao p acil evtr It titlelady, and proposed to heby and even personal exchanges across SELL 100 PLATES DAILY system of justice could such finding move by one or the other of the gov- American republic joined hands with Igover letter, but was declined. "Newton ithe political dividing aisle of the i be made. Therefore, they were not ernments. The attitude of the Mexi-the United States against Germany' hasI t. ha placed on theinlgbels.cnatoiiscniustbeta!beasthywsdtohwtertoo was.,.ma,,,. o.n4 our ULYIV L4JL'.~Jh amber_ _,_wen bm.ot. ua, ..a -.--..s ...ix , 1r _...,nlgil it.cnathrte cnius ob ta eauete.wse.othwtei os the terms, when made public e found to be generous. impression drawn from the min- al hints is, that while the pro- may not go far enough to satisfy overnment's liberal and labor s, they will prove too concilia o please the ultra-conservativ 'rters of the government an ess communities in China. ugh it is understood that th will provide -for the eventua nder of British concessions in , including extra-territoriality ng has been allowed to leak ou rning a question, which is con ed vastly more important, name hat the guarantees that will b red from China are, and in wha the government proposes to ge the difficulty' that there is n e governing body in China a nt by which such guarantee be extended. is generally assumed that th nment in granting its proposa ooked beyond existing difficulties mething which will provide fo 1 t , - l- Y- d l t 0 - C at Is e J1 ber, when Smoot Utahandon matters of personal honor," statedAccording to a report given out at Glass, of Virginia, on the one hand' Professor Brodetsky. "The controver- and Reed, of Missouri, and Len of ntheChamber of Commercerecently, ..:+ T --+n±--" +hn ,icnirrvof - .,-.,_-- . --an average of 100 sets of license Iplates "As they desire to rescind their Swithdrawal from baseball, the re- 's nse which the Detroit and Cleve- of awaiting developments. Whlie there has been a consider- able reduction of operations in the loyalty and esteem. something satisfactory for tracti o. "Today, instead of esteem and 1 permanent character. respect," he said, "we are looked upon l