SiNDAY, ?1IAF C 11 2") 11)'!7 TH-,E MICI IIG N DAILY PAGE, t-,VFIN SUNDAY, MARCIJ, 20, 1927 PAGE SEVI?.N ANNUAL BOXING S iW WILL B E HELD , Bakbl1TmWsetFurYr MARCH 23 AT 1ATE YAN GYMNASIUM'IPersonal FYlRecrdICnfrec ..sP "t 1a ;l)(1 ' 'l th 11 n iN VV i dard, -"i(I l l boXing card to bo( 11( A \ 114]Watl, r'ti :lilV hthr 1((Iuil.t.1w to ri.,' b:w hW ll ,. an, t tir!at triial of Fillvren100 te highl C 8 ' I v i it)u Wlo, A. A. IU. sem~liinlist; li1 ap11i n flK.h.lx -li,)ig us> I Q s iiIl (.,f in ' m ..i Ile a, Il il1 ., k§. 71: : VR lsicl lsonin 11a three round i d (1 tetwt 'ii rly Al'1-PI WP ,!I i 213.2I iiiiC\(i-1o.. ccutbi o' are1i'PV Ikght HIericow it7 a- A . t. final )O:-1 ,, for hef rataernity, relay cigin Ii l-Oper nvl fols of I r. terVl ilv~e1s it oL ja, ci eunts. h doran,which hasr f,. ' t. and""ll erw ..;< -112, a, (!,d at act ion:,;ol (U ) tin'catrd. semil-final race; ll heldThur1sday ight. iV ,' lig' I, 111' 1 haei. t tas.Un U In ,see n ec-. ;methe W lvrie Michigan in a11 ; thzrec yl-..~U.1 i110a 2 1 iI5g' ;3'A . -al(2a1ft~ar, a..tvt! > e d ,15(1 as f-h.I hie :'"!'t'. *igrili (1oweled r.'b1 S4111a"(for' three c.)i, t~e las tIOi w-c , , x ""ti tir.Sl, ws close bhind~ with 101. poutns. -twc rld's t Sroages: mol anl at 125 nornds 1)eItain 1:3 3,3. wilileIIllPhi hiwonf!The lowes't mark iCn the cuoif 'itLCe "A i t.(a -n1 iU:R do114; Purdue 1 16 'o chSn11 ivan (. 'u..s .that ('rl nV~ii g.'.7'".E a ii.( : hibtlilt-Uinn, all-'their way t the ftoal l Otmt u o h is orrar si fth hoS (,12:(i c ,18 oa is the be" t 'nat t s;h'1,,ah . by. 2or 'IS westlin g = c1m i t)ion and lw olf, i P hi Kappa in111:23 .7 L1924 ic h igan~ ! .)in, wit H Julat 1^:oIllinoisin, 126; a, ,>t 1'C QIIIYI 11 1.!2t5;r l (, s iialte1,1it0 ,It, 1u36, ;. it131 1(t ofMichigan. a . (,a'a rh~en a i i now, r)11ll h5 i a:ic ~n \\.i rCt S11O , xii ll 2C:.t two) In I aiotlxd 1 111 1 1111 lr:11( 1 ii(i 7.73111nuan avere of 5six ant on~,ue(4ton :,l' per NO'! h xIt est ('CIIwts hig b ih 11 way to engage ina tol 'llallc lit in f£;';l, opnnsInapi feri- )cltdwill mi!('l;T;11 iKappai Sigmna g~rame. In 1v, 25 t he t " 't31, .Ed'86Mi ciai ttl ltall conerence Clevlandtnd t._oah Sllians m- boots~i; a rocs. ionlal act listedl for'the class sA1lbasketb~all ttle t cioest consented to stop off and meet s I~nnn ladiators will put onl an 8:30 next Th~ursday fnight. olyteN orthwestewx h84eingathe t'cl scimlenumbertofuegoalsscoed Bedrkowitz. xh~libit ion; and N. 11. Benham and C. Futr1ivs are,110ow ing receivedi at; Inl1926 the team mace 1!' Folis and j et, , ,.Ooteran alCi { her bouts onl the cardl are Farrell, :[. i(ttilbonillxvi engage ini two e ,hi- !tfie Intramiural ofice for all-campus 'still had the fewest of01: alin! nntn urfilgosthnehr wi xbione:ibots. .anfd all-fr eshmien singly and double the conference. Last seasc'u the quin- of t he two higher scories. The total din~ee ounds a '121r 3onnds ith f --- - Itennis. No juan cal eter both the 14bs~~ silr hnan i Stin; Helm, whlo lost to -dim staLu? 011 !0)STATEI---~,One hundred sixty-I all-campus and tile all-freshman l ~tor- for bthsigl - I of 194 b~e~r~1 , n ea ase t s ItIoCC thnity ig A. A. U. chanion after flooring dial four degi'ees were awarded in ?March. 1 laments. Entries canl als~o be mnade lphtching tourlanelt. Indliana wa~ns again seod withI 151. ES CLOSES AT 3 P .M . .A V R I S IN G 3j AT 3 P at ' ; { 7 i m .- .. If you arc a telephone sub~scr iber call Jimmie the Ad-Taker, Dial 21z14, and your want ad will be charged. The Al-chigan Dlaily res;erves titt right to elas~ ify -,ll wants adis tndoer appropr'iat e head- ings and to revise or withhold obiectionabie copy. This colunncloCse at 3 P. Al. date precedi- in g put,lication. -Notice of a' err or must bey ;given in time for the second inztertiot. f CASH RATES Ten cents per readink line (on the basis of ive average words to the linc) for one *.r "- in setiions. Nine zealts per rcading Hute for thu-ee or moreIc in sert(ions.f Cas classifieds received at the Daily dflice in The Press Building on Maynard Street.i CONTRACT RATES ! Special standardized rates r on applica- / Collccn Is Hlere Ag,-taii! I X . 41 V T '9 _"Y z ppp- .r --qq I t l Yt 4 r STARTING SUNDAY { ~As Welcome as Ap ril Showers That Bring, May Flowers! And Dame Rumior Sa,s: "You're in for an Earful and Eyeful of the cleverest comedy-romance' Col- leen's ever played._ And for Our Ladyp Patrons IOtlI' sure to mai~rvel .it. several (liMlays (of ciehic isler ivwjs send gownis now Im)anitillg i New lrk's Avenue. - JACK MULHALL ~ i~1,1 And a Great Big Cast of 31 ' Your Old Favorites14 1 '- Productlion 2'01iI iIllllti' FOltSALE FOR SALE-Neairly new Und1(erwoodI Portable typewvriter, witih case. 'Very reasonable p~rice. Dial 9850. 123-124 FOR SALE--1louse, five roomls, two blocks east of campus. Under $5,- 000. 1342 Volland. Phone 9692. 123-124-125-126-127 128 jFOR SALE---1921 Ford Touring. $40. Call 3283. t I All makes of typewriters for sale or rent. Excellent machines at rea- sonable prices, for rent. Prompt repairtin g by experienced1 workmen. Courteous service. Aulta Brand Ribbfons and Carbons. Rider's Pen Shop, 315 State Street. sun-tues-th~urs-tf F'OR SALE -Southeast, fourteen-room house, A-i condition, large lot with shlade and fruit trees, double gar- age, five blocks from campus in fraternity district. Phone 6047. j 121-122-123 TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair- ed. Largest and best stock to be ob-I taned anywhere. 0. D. MORRIL"L, i17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal-I 'er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor- ona Typewriters. Inc. t WA N T°i1) IWANTED-Room itn private family by woman graduate student for next year.- Locattioni between cami- puis and University hospital. Sleep- ing porch preferred. Also board. }Address 1 13 K, this office. 123 WANTED-French tutor wanted. at~j on1ce. Address B'ox 169, the Mich-1 S igan Daily. 12" WANTED-College xvomlan in Paula's3 -Coffee Shop. - - 123-124 NOTICLD-Unive'sity instruct or wants furnished house for academic year 1927-28. Would care for large home during owvner's absence or sabbati- -cal leave if rent is nominal. Harry L. Samuel, 320 East Washington St.. SatSunTu WANTED--One or two students to jmake beds for a dandy room. H-ot and cold water. "837 Thompson St. '_-- --122-123 WANTED STUDENTS co know that Sang Pays from $5 to $25 for old4 snits and overcoats. 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 NOTICE-Th0 new Royal Portables are no0w on (display at Rider's Pen .Shop, 315 State St. A wonderful machine. You will be interested. Call and see them. '2Y1?E IVJITERi11liiS AND1 CARB ONS Our rapid turnover Insures u fresh stock andh you secure the best ul qa-ty at a moderate price. . 1D. MOR- lURLL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone 6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters, Inc. tf _POjRrABLhE'PHONOGRAPH Special price of $15 with three monthls to pay. University Mutsic 1ouse. tf JWHY WEAR ":READY MIADS" when you can hanve a two pant sit built to your measutre for $37.0? Spring styles now ready. T. U. LYONS, Willimuns at Maynard. tf TYPE WI I,'!rNto and 3! lniogru prh- 1 jg 'promnptly and neatly done by experienced operators at mod- erate rates. Thesis and college work a specialty for 1J years. . D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. Th Tywie and Stationery Store. t GITI''At SPE)CIAL A good reliable instrument for only $11.00. Just the thing for music i your Iroomn. {3! ?iaersity" Mulsic ,oue. tf NOTICE-Typing, thesis neatly and quickly typed at popular prices. Phone 7:345. t ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleaning yWorks. Rugs Shampooed. Pon 6513. -daly-t TO SEE best of 50 lines clothing drop card to 1103 E. Washington._ Phone 6365, evenings. $22 to $3p. tf NOTLCE, PUORRS - FORDpS - FOIS Our entire stock of used cars has been put into first clss running con- dition and the prices' asked 'are in many cases much lower than the value given. A car for every purse and very car worth the money. Come in, pick out your car and drive it home. We - have roadsters, touring, coupes, Tudors, four doors, $35 to Ne l s f t e saP i (c es a n d s e -~ v i ce r i {g h L . 1)1I I ;& Qhliin;ige, lPro i4 Pt rintfers 104)-111P". NVashl. St., IDial 8131" t'1S-t I 1O'PICE-Mell C iillespie, teac'her mani- dolini, banjos, guitar, chord conl- rs truction. Dial 4757. 'Wed., Fri., Sun~ tt -Trotjanol(w,"l's ilatsier Sil js sat- istied Student s for -I 40 i-ivet-'. j 1 . 1 .1 ) V 41Five tables. Sat isfactory rates.. Also cigars, tobaccos, candy rind ice cream. Johnston Brothers. 514 Least William. fri-sun-wed FRAME them 110ow--your Fraternity pictures and shingles. Ann Arbor's only professional picturIe framer. 306 S. State St I'li ners. NOTICE-Hear the new Orthoponic Victor Recortd of "Itna Little Bit Fonder of You." By Warrings Pennsylv'anians, at Schaeberle & Son Music House, 110 So. Main. tf 4 S J. 1 { / y I t 4 Li i An ALFRED SANTEL "I'm the 'phone :girl de looks at the Ritz Hlotel- Som-mi-me tavern ! Just get a flash at these gowns -and the gold-diggers inside 'ern . . . Rolls-t Royce, dad'dies?--Plenty of 'em! But I'd rather/ be an Orphan, thanks . . . unless I can find a real NICE millionaire- C'mon over and help me look for him!" Also an Especially Adapted Comedy for "Orchids and Ermine" 7 ;, i HAL ROACH PRSZniT8 1, - Helene Chadwick Bruntte Z ? tOther 'r dltabb' w, Jtrth /ME FiNaY~~ON -(tfiy~t3 l t_ ,,. E~,, xvents III / ITOPICAL 'OAMETSi Spuce, Wit ea it IWisd4J m TODAY'S NEWS - - The Mutsical Synop)ss ntlet 1 FOR VENT FORL RENT-Nice two room suite with hot acrdl cold water. 11/2~ blocks fromi Engineering. Call 5833. 123-124-125 FOR RENT-Suite, second floor. De- sit-able location. 429 S. Division. I ~123-124-125 FOR RENT---Pleasant, sunny room for graduate women students, two blocks from campus. Phone 8006. 120-121-122-123 F"OR RENT-Three adjoining rooms, p~rivate bath and" balcony. May be used for light housekeepipg if de- sired. 933 Forest Ave. 121-122-123 FORv RENT-Large, beautiful room on ground floor, private family. Phone 7595. Corner Kingsley and D~etroit St. 121-122-123 - LO0ST LOST-Log-log slide rule with name on it. Please. Frank Albright. Dial 8368. 123 NOTICE GIBSON MANDOLIN jJust two left to sell at $27.50. Reg- ttlar price, $45.00. A fine buying op- portunity to a musician knowing Gibson standard.j Uiniversity Music House. t1 Damon- "Hey, therelI Aren't you a friend of mine?" Pythias- "I certainly am. I'd do anything s, .I .k $345. 1:30 3:10) 7 :00 S: 10 All Seats The very one you want is here. Talk to Mr. Gauss. Phone 4229.