N- PAGE SIX THE MICI TIGAN DAILY SUN)AY, MARCII 20, 1927 rirow w wr a IME DI~fTHIS IS STEVE'S PLEA- DETROIT HIGH V'RNMEREREA FORFINLS F MEVTHE SHOT PUTTERS BE ?"1 Coach Stevo Farrell, in looking over hi aterial for the Michigan-Cornell Onk Park, Scott Of Toledo, Froel)0 f trak meet, bemoans the lack of ("ary, Eat tiAed -entral Of Colunt- weig~ht men in sonorous tones which bus Also Onalify Meni echo loudly through the Yost field "Yes, this is my song, this is my! NORTEASTRN LADS plea, -where, oh where canl the shot .1 utters be?' sighed Steve yesterday. Preliminaries in seven events of thei "I have never had an abundance of I third annual Michigan indoor inter-I material in this event, but never have scholastic track meet were held yes-1I been con frontedl with such a per- terday afternoon in the field house p ilexing problem as this." with major honors going to Detroit i iOt of the 7500 hale students on high schools although Oak- ParkeI the campus, only two have reported as Illinois, placedd men in the shot put aspirants for places on the track tcjam and 440 yard dash and high jump; in the shot. put. Of the two Lovette,1 finals, while Scott and Libbe)y of To-' is the only one capable of making al ledo, East and Central of Columbus,j fair showing against, good competition. and Froebel of Gary were among the! Michigan has big football player's, but out of state schools to qualify men,! where to they hibernate in the win- Froebel placed men in the shot putt e and both low and- high' hurdles and( Stev scored the popular impression the high jump. Borsattino and Waite ta shot puttees must tower above six feed and weigh more than 200 both won places in the shot put while Gordon captured a place in the highs pound~s."anexonenthoeigsf o jump and took one of the high hurdlei oldhaaneclnthnefo races and Odell plae'd third in the (iVl!C t.oiddh omsott semni-final heat of the lows. Scott high have sonic fuzz. Of all the events in of Toledo Dlacned- men in the quarter ! track, the shot p~ut is the easiest and 'FIVE PLAYERS WHOWERE _WITH HOLEY AT TORONTO 1 NOTRE DAME TANKMEN ARE AT TH~ RO'7 WSo' CAMP UNDER OLDN MANAGER DEFEATED BY HOOSIERS' ____ ___ ____ ___ ___FOR STATE SWIM TITLE University of Indiana's swimming team gained the intercollegiate swim- miing title of Indiana by defeating the Notre Dame tankmen recently in a closely contested meet which was de- cided by the last event on the pro- gram, the medley relay. The Hoosier swimmers have com- pleted one of their most successful seasons, having won victories over I IePauw, 'Wabash, Purdue, and Notre Dame to win the state tank title. Thel contest with Notre Dame was the most closely contested of the five, as the Indiana team held only a two point lead before the final event. Captain Zaiser, Miller and Royer' took first places for the Hoosiers in I the :it)-v ad free #stlJ A. theUAA bra st.E4. I BATTING IS WEAK IN IRST PRACTICE TILT Although the players as a whole did not show goodl batting ability, Coach Ray Fisher's baseball squad tur~ned in a good performance in the open- ing practice game of the season yes- terday on the regular diamond at Fer- ry field. Only seven innings were played. The Coach divided his squad, into two teams for time workout, with the first team composed of Moffet, pitcher, Davis, catcher, Neiblung, first base, Kubicek, second base, Loos, short. stop, Weintraub, third base, Capt. Puckelwartz, center field, Miller, aright field, and McCoy, left field. The opposing team also had Davis behiind maile, and both hurdles. Baxter woni gives one an' opportunity for real en-1 a place for the finals of the lows while joymnlt. Again, I say, you don't have Bryce did likewise in the highs. Moor to be a giant. The best shot putter I Northf e asen: e the m'ar ace. os have had at Michigan in recent years NorteasernledtheDetroit schools weighied only 170 pounds." In qualifying mebn by' placing six in The Michigan-Cornell track meet the finals. Northwestern, onei of the wihi ob edhr etStr strngfaories, laced four men in day, is decided by a close score in the erfinals to tie for ,qulfgthirdt with Detroit. ihssrn aorts. aol oof the e hn Easterneris , the eo Wol-. number of trackmaen, Froebel of Garyl Cornell has three men who can heave1 being second highest. the shot more than 42 feet 6 inches,1 Beauvais of Western was one of thme fWhile Michigan has only one good outstanding men of the afternoon, promr Winning heats in :both high and low St; esutrdoft h te n hurdles in addition to winning his way Sev anee f oteohret to the 50 yard dlash finals. North- of the field house, humming "Yes,I eastern's qualifier's included two this msqnmy song, this is my plea, where stars in Snowden and Beatty who in oh where can the shot putters be." ~Addition to winning places for the- broad' jump1 finals, took honmors in 50 yard, dash: (semi-finals) First the 50 yard (dash and low hurdles re-?heat won by Tolan, Cass Tech; Dobry- spcctively. danz, Western, second. Seconmd heat, Northwestern placed heavily in lihe# won by Bennet~ Libbey; Beauvlais, 440 yard dash with Dant breaking the Western, second. Third heat, won by meet record of 54.9 secoinds witA aa} Snowden, Northeastern; Falon,' Co- time six-tenths. of a second better . lum bus least, second. Langs, another Colt, also, qualified. 60 yard low hurdles: (semi-finals) Erskine, of thme Colt team, placed in 'First heat, won by Beauvais, Western; by B~eauvais, Western, Swan, North- E r' s k i n e, Northwestern, second; Dennis qualified in the high junip. Brown, Columbus Central, third. See- 60 yard high hurdles: First heat, ond heat, won by Beatty, Nrtheas-1 won by Beauvais; , Western; Bryce, tern; Baxter, Scott, second; Odell, Scott, second. Second heat, won by Froebel, third. Times of both heats, Gordon, Froebel; Beatty, Northeas- 7.2 seconds. tern, second. Third heat, won by Rob- 12 pound shot put: Rolfe, Flint bins, Ann Arbor; Erskine, Northwes- Central; Kuehn, Oak Park; Borsat- tern, second. Best time, 8.3 seconds b; tino and Waite, Froebel; Turashoff, ~Beauvais and Robbins. Cass Tech qualified for the finals. 440 yard dash:, First heat, won by Best distance, 45 feet 10 3-4 inches, by bangs, Northwestern; Brinn, Kalama- 1_1 olfe. Zoo Central, second. Secoiid heat, wont Runninig broad jump: Beatty and by Toutsey, Oak Park; Moor, Scott, Snowden, Northeastern; Tiltel, Co- second. Third heat, won by Dant, humnbus Central; Olds, and Russell, Northwestern; .Lewis, Northeastern , Noi~hern qualified for finals. Best second. Best time 54.3 seconds by! distance, 20 feet 61-2 inches, by Bdat- paat (new record). ( ty. 60; yard low hurdles: First heat, won! Running high jump: Lewis, Eastern, by Erskine, Western, Swan, North-i Kuehn, Oak Park, Dennis, Northwes- western, second;-Graves,, Waite, third, tern, Gordon, Froebel, and Relkin, Second heat; won by Erskine, North- Port Huron, qualified for finals. western; Keller, Columbus East, see- Hfeight, 54edt, 6 5-8 inches. En~d, Baxter, Scott, third. Third heat, won by Beatty, Northeastern; Rob-1 PH'ILADELPHIA.-The annual In- bins, Ann Arbor, second; Gordon, tercolleglate Athletic association out- Frroebel, thiirdl. Fourth heat, won by door track and field championships are Odell, Froebel; Brown, Columbus, to be held at Franklin field on May Central, second; Lamb, Northmern,.27 and 28. third. Best time, 7.3 seconds, by° Er-- skine and Beatty.I Subscribe for the Michigan Daily. ,14i i 1 1 I f 'strke mid ackthc~ late, with Asbeck pitching, Heil- tim stokerepecive Istedt, first base, Corriden, second r~ .. ly, while McCafferty starred for Nor Dnewihtre irt n h ase, Mose, short stop, Doran, third ,. ibase, Frocike, center field, Hro- v 100 amd 220 yard events and the fancy witz, right field, and Rleichuan, left divin. field. The first team won, 4-2. { (Several of tie min who are likely h Xz N t 'T j . Varsity candidates did not work with Q 1theu teams, according to Coach Fisher, amn he eng e un Tiis Year i wo is expected to play firtbase, and r.Tuskowski, sophomore catcher amd ,. ~~Lloyd( Hahn, Americas foreiost atillr ; mile , will not runn the mile agan Don Miller, mainstay of the pitching thIdis year, le stated yesterday.i staff, was the only one able to hit The fleet Bostoin A. A. U. runner, with consistency yesterday. Miller Ifresh from his victory ii the Banker's made two long hits, both of them for Imile, feature of the American Insti- three bases. Morse and Loos also tte of Banking gaies, said that hie showed bettr than the others at the did not care to train again for sixI bat oth teaus were above tie ae- weeks, the time ho needs to preparei rage in fielding for so early in the I'lpioto siiovi s, left to right, 0O'Neill,,0' Ihium'e, Stenart, Ni idem, iAiller aid I4u'sle toigethe. isis How- I ( foran i'uantre.le risyasognt.i Ie(I(hs ldrue ascac. 1 4 minutes and 1.4 seconds. Subscribe for th Michigan Daily. Last year thie Trono .)basball club (unity to manage the Toronto club. tainly is a Toronto air about the won the International League pen- Mullen was given a chance with the Browns' camp. nant and ended Jack )umi's long, Tigers last spring hut Jiack Warner Thne 1rownus blo good this year.l reign at Baltimore. ])anllHowley was heat him out for lthe thtird base :lob The acquisition of Fred Shulte, theI SPIING TIS HERE the maim who piloted the Canadian as he rounded into form (quiker than; outfielding star frown Milwaukee, !d H R club and this year when hie was pic'k- Mullen. Bill was sent; to Torommi 0 and gives Hlowley tie makings of a great ed to manage tie St. Louis Browns Plahyed t hiirdl indeir Ilowley and hit y oung ~outfield with Beiniet aind Rice A little early this year, but wlcome just the same. aidl lie took along with him four ofi .357, fithiniiitihe leag ue and rankd to team with .Schulte. George; Sisler, 1 April showers and May flowers are always welcome thme players who helped him win that very high in fielding, relieved of his nangerial worries, is, after a cold, dreary Winter. The warm suishine makes flag last year. Hie eaid that last sea- Stewart, at southpatw pich'i, won looking great and is getting back his youi think of flower-beds, shrubs for tie lawn-and a sonm he decided that those four ought 18 game and lost s for D~an and is 01(1d pep. cozy home of your own. to be in the big leagues this year. j expected to make the gradce in the Wse have assisted maiy in securing a home, why The four are Bill Mullen, Otis Miller, majors. BUFFALO.-Agnes Geraghty of the; not let us help you? Walte Stewrt ai(I Seve ONeill OtisMillr wil havea touh lie Womn's simminrassciatintloweYoumeceiettimnsamenttndtionand icnsideatio whether you buy a cottage or an expensive 'home. If O'Neill was discarded by tie majors! landing a regular berth ts le has to! ered her own mark in the 300 meter jyou are renting, decide now to own your own home. after serving brief terms with the beat out \alie kt rber at short. How-! breast stroke by covering the distance! We shall be pleased to have you visit our factory, look Yankees and Red Sox following a ever' he wvill sac~k witli the Browns in 5:17 2-5. over our hiouse-plans and learn hlow easy it is to own long term with the Cleveland Indians. as Hlowley thimfl% enough of him as a; -- a homme through our financing proposition. He staged a brilliant comeback last I infielder to keel)himm. ! CATALINA-Zarl Webb o .Rgge N R O O E U E S Ic year anmd received several offers from Imoie of the whiter deals le also I Stephenson, both ex-America~ Assoc- i 7 - big league clubs bult is sticking with 'leqtiiredI Frankl O'itoni le who played ciailon stas, will probably earn "a 12150 North Main Street Telphone 7408 the man who gave Iini anlother 11underm himn a few ears .a'toat'PNiomto regular job with the Chico Cub chance. HeI was alyo given the oppor- With O'itourke anid tan yc'stl hece cer- this season. :.. 4.1'k~ 1 I III Very good lookiitug stock embossed w iIb i igmnSeal~. Also other sizes of stationery %or every 0C 0111..Ourstock is large and ouir assortmient great. Phon01e 47414I Ii oth f iUnih er si y P'lt . l1t BOXING SHOW ----- I I aa aa .a a~ -I w _w Fitheitusimpsillest wth- aR _ w aTN E Browie amers ae te lat wrd n sipliity jutpitte ln,"lckah hte n h pitr istkn == Sop a ths stre nd se te coplee Brwni I Wednesday arh2 8 P. M. U. OF M. CHAMPIONPTS Three Rounds at 124 Lbs. FARRE L FI'alist it Stite A. A. I . :Meet. Vs. STEIN Anniversary Special Showing Fifty new spring suits beautifully tailored in the most popular light patterns will be shown Monday morning at Extra trous~ers arnd knickers, $6 WY[NflNFDA-. C)NiDNNY Three Rounds at 1 35 Lbs. HELM Vs. WODAD A. A. U. M1eet. Three Rounds at 145 Lbs. RENNER Vs. RAIHILO Lost to Champ. T'hrec Routi s at 1 58 Lbs. BROWTZ Fi'ilid l :iiState )1(ee#. Vs. CARLSON tIC~I' Ililef l. -knd~4111 U~ II % I ItVI(1 JJ1411L{YE)Z7 t' if 1141