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March 20, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-20

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SU DAY, MARIU 20, 1927


Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
creditedin this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at thw- postoflice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
miaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
uiard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor...............W. Calvin Patterson
CityEditor.....-.........Irwin A. Ohias
NewsEditrs.......... Frederick Shillito
NewsEditors........ Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor.......... Marion Kubik
Sport "Editor............Wilton.A. Simpson
ic and Drama. Vincetrr C. Wall Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymet Ellis Merry
Carlton Champe Sta~nford N.Peps
jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
James Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick

treaties, the small size of the bacteria
themselves or the apparently innocent
production of chemicals for commer-
cial reasons would prevent detection
of illegal war preparations and the
enforcement of any restrictive meas-
But the proposal is not impractical.
There is really nothing to prevent the
breaking of any treaty or restrictive
measure reached by common agree-
ment, except the word of the parties
involved. In the past this word has
been most generally found sufficient.
There is little justification of the
changed attitude regarding chemical,
warfare at Washington. The United
States should support any measure
designed to reduce the hazards of the
possible wars of the future or to help
prevent those wars taking place.
One of the most important measures
now being considered by the state leg-
islature concerns the proposal to
establish a second state tubersulosis
I sanatorium at Ann Arbor.


--- ROLZ
This is station ROLZ-way up on
the twenty-third floor of the Cle-
ments Library. This morning, ladies
and gentlemen of the radio audience
we are broadcasting the Universityp
of Michigan's ninetieth anniversaryI
program from the West Gallery of
Alumni Meioria l hall.!
The Varsity band will now give us
a selection. Send in your guesses
as to what the piece is by telegram
and telephone.
* * *


Next on the program will
address of welcome written by
but read by President Little.

be an

CLIPPY-My friends you don't know
-at least I hope you ,don'f-how
much this chance to address you
means to me. I plead with you alumnij

Music and Drama
Concert in 1ill auditorium at 4:15
To.NiGHT: The University Clee
Club will broadcast over WEBII,
from Orchestra lall, Chicago, at 5:130
About four seasons ago, the two
most brilliant comedies of the season
were done by the same two young
men, George Kaufman and Marc Con-
nelly; and the entire profession be-
gan saying nice things about them-
things that have been since verified
ly "Merton of the Movies" and the
more recent "The Butter-and-Egg
Man." The first of these comedies in
point of production was "Dulcy,"
which is still on the boards of a dozen
companies of stock. The second was
"To the Ladies!'', as popular as its
predecessor, but due to the fact that4
a London company was immediately
formed ,even while Helen Hayes and
the original company were on tour, it
was not committed to the amateur
stage until a recent release. This is
the play that has been chosen by
Mimes for presentation next week,
beginning Tuesday night, March 22,
through Saturday.
"To the Ladies" is even more hi-
larious comedy than "Dulcy," for
there is a most amusing two-fold re-
action. It is excellent comedy of sit-
nation and lines-something not par-
ticularly rare, but seldom found in
any degree of perfection-and a satire
of Young America's Rotary Club type.
Leonard Beebe is the conceited hus-
band of a clever wife; the type in
both cases is so well-drawn there is
I no mistaking; there are ten million
like them. In this instance, however,
the authors have not approaciel the

For Your Convenience--Two Stores Completely Stocked
At Both Ends of the Diagonal
rrlrrltrrl ilrr irirrrrrrrlrrlrrrrrrrlr lrrrrrrrrrlrlllt'trrr'lrrrrllrr11r11rirl lrrirlill lrlrrrrrriirrrrirllrrrrrlrrllrrtrlrrrtrrrrlrrrlrrriltrtlrrrrrh

It is necessary that your
Fountain Pen should function at all times.
a Pen with 4 distinct advantages.
1 A Self-starter. 2 A dependable writer. 3 Holds two weeks supply
of ink. 4 Will out-wear several pens of any other make, and besides it is
made and serviced right here in Ann Arbor, by the maker himself.
Rider's Pen Shop*
315 State Street


Margaret Arthur
essie Church "
"ecA F - arrk
Margaret Clarke
k,.,. I1atj ii ' Celand
Clarence Edelson
William Emery
Robert E. Finch
Robert Gessner
Margaret Gross'
Eiame Gruber
Coleman 5.Glencer
arvey Gunoderson
Stewart ooker
Morton B. Icove
Milton Kirshbaun.

n., -l Vprn
Sally Knox
kucLard i~urvink.
G. Thomas McKean
V-nnet1 Patrick
Mary Ptolemy
James Sheehan
Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Sylvia Stone
Mary Louise Taylor
William Thurnau
Milford Vanik
Herbert E Vedder
Marian Welles
Thaddeus Wasielewski
Sherwood Winslow

The site named in the bill was' to never come back to football
chosen by the investigating commit- since I believe this placeI
tee for its natural advantages in first, last and always to t
preference to expansion at Howell dents....
where the existing unit is located. As Ladies ad gentlemen, we ar
might be expected, the representatives that we had to interrupt Clij
from the district in which Howell is se adrto interruCip
located have strenously opposed the ste watidered off her subject.
proposed measure. altogeth'er too denonstrativ
now we wi!1 hear fron several
Though serious consideration should w
eihe nent educators on our campus
be given to the arguments for either Wen.eChi .o .oi 'B
side, it would be regrettable if this b
matter of public health was settled THE CHIEF (Not of the Rec
entirely upon sectional interests. The Club)-Friends and student,
question to be solved concerns _sup- telstuent odynheredh
plying more facilities for. tubercu- the s tety ran het
losis treatment in the best possible to co-operate in all the tra
manner. It is hoped that the House events. It brings tears to n
and the Senate will make their de-I when I think of all you alu
cision upon this basis and no other. from here before

games, t
the Stu-
re sorry
py, but
. She'sj
e. And!
. First
d Apple
I want
take in
w I like
my eyes
ni who
we dis-



Telephone 21214
Advertising.............William C. Pusch
Advertising..............Thomas Sunderland
Advertising...........George H. Annable Jr.
kdvertising............Laurence . Van fuyl
Circulation................T. Kenneth Haven
Publication................John H. Bobrink
Accounts................Francis A. Norquist
Geor e Ahn Jr. Esther Booze
D. M. Brown Hilda Binzer
ien' em r ooper M,-ion A. Daiel
A. M. Hinkle Beatrice Greenberg
1. L. Pulse Selma M. Jansn
R. A. Meyer Marion Kerr
William F. Spencer Marion L. Reading
Harvey Talcott Harriet C. Smith
Harold Utley Nance Solomon
Ray Wachter Florence Widmaler
J. B. Wood
SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1927
Night Editor-ELLIS B. MERRY
The bill scheduled to be discussed
at the coming meeting of Adelphi, ac-
cording to the Daily Official Bulletin,
Is: Resolved that this house approve
the action of University authorities
in placing on probation the girls con-
cerned with the Junior Girls' Play
All of which makes painfully obvious
the fact that Adelphi has exercised
bad taste in bringing matters better
forgotten to public attention need-
lessly, and through this blunder is
placing further censure upon the two
parties least to blame for the entire
unfortunate situation.
Tere are some 1,800 students in
the University who still have a little
more than two months in which to
realize the full significance of the dis-
tinction between graduating "into"
rather, than "from" the University.
This difference in attitude on the part
of those who have terminated their
undergraduate days at Michigan,
which was convincingly brought out
by E. J. Ottaway, president of the
Alumni association, during the 90th
anniversary radio program, may be
regarded as the keynote of alumni re-
lations with the University.
The alumni executive pointed out
that the student was regarded as hav-
ing been graduated into the University
circle uponthe receipt of his diploma
in the earlier days while too many,
now consider their graduation as a
departure front the campus.
Admittedly, President Little, and the
University authorities in general, are
trying to imbue the student body
with the older viewpoint. Unless stu-
dents will meet them half way, the
efforts of the administrative oficials
will be futile.
The development of such an attitude
will of itself bring about a closer feel-
ing between alumni and the Univer-
sity. That such relationship will
mean much toward the general wel-
fare of Michigan is only too obvious.
It is unfortunate that following a
definite declaration of approval on
any plan to limit the use of gas and
bacteria in future wars, officials at

That the larger cities of the coun-
try are infested with automobile ac-
cessory thieves is certainly no new
statemfient nor one lacking ready veri-
fication. However, their activities
have of late been extended more than
ever before to smaller places. Ann
Arbor is no exception .
From time to time thefts or tires,
horns, spotlights, and other acces-
sories that make up the average car
equipment are reported in the city.
The fact that such articles are diffi-
cult if not impossible of identification
adds difficulties, but the present de-
plorable situation certainly can be
improved by Ann Arbor police.
The rumors emanating from Wash-
ington during the past two or three
weeks regarding a possible break with
Mexico have received a permanent
setback with the denial of Secretary
Kellogg that a break is likely to oc-
cur and his optimistic statement that
the disputes arising over the oil and
land laws of 1917 could no doubt be
settled by arbitration as previously
expected. The statement of Secretary
Kellogg will do much to dispel any
tension existing in diplomatic circles
following the exchange of notes be-
tween Mexico and the United States.
These were not made public.
It is not likely that the differences
arising over the oil and land laws
will be settled either quickly or easily,
but the hopes of the State department
for an amicable settlement of the dis-
putes are likely to be carried out..
President Calles knows that the min-
ute the United States withdraws
recognition of his government his ad-
ministration will be history. Mexico,
regardless of the matter of sover-
eignty, cannot afford not to negotiate
settlement of the oil disputes. Further,
the optimistic statement of Secretary
Kellogg is not one likely to be author-
ized on mere optimism.
Millions every year are spent by
the University in carrying on the ac-
tivities of its wide sphere of service.
More specifically, many of the fore-
most scientists of the country are
enabled thus to carry on invaluable
research through the aid of the Uni-
versity, in medicine, chemistry, biol-
ogy, and countless other fields. They
perform an unusual work for the in-
stitution and the State and for that
service usually receive recognition.
On the other hand there are those
whose lives are more or less tied up
with the University whose efforts in
its behalf usually do not receive the
recognition due them. Their endeav-
ors are obscured by those in the
spotlight but their service is no less
important. Charles A. Sink, who has
worked year in and year out for the
best interests of the University is one
of these men.

. subject with the bitterness that is
And now, friends and ,11111, we unusually called forth. The satire is
are to hear from harry Tillotson, wMho kindly, and given with the romantic
will tell us his new plans for betteri.t a e "Tothe
distribution of football tickets for Ladies" the most representative
next year. ***Lde" tm ot rpeettv
xt yer.domestic comedy of that season. The
following cast has been selected by
HARRY-It has been a long time Mr. Shuter, the production having
since I saw the friendly faces of you been in rehearsal for about a week:
alumni. I expect to see you all again Elsie Beebe....William M. Lewis, Jr.
next Fall--all lined up outside my Lmeonarl Beebe .................
office trying to get tickets. But I ........Charles D. Livingstone
want to tell you that kind of thingig John Kincaid.....Thomas K. Denton
is a thing of the past-- like you alumni. Mrs. Kincaid .....Leslie M. Stewart
I-Ia! Ha! Never again will you be Chester Mullin ......C. Lyman Crane
getting tickets at the last minute. I Tom Baker ..........Robert Wetzel
am glaad to announce that the stu- A Truckman......Theodore Skinner
ldents will be given their rightful Second Truckman.. lloward A. Bloom
share from now on. The Toastmaster... Kenneth M. King
* * * The Politician ........Carlos Kelley

covered tear gas, the greatest inven-
tion in the world for bringing stran-
gers together in a nice companion-
able way. Come back somec lay andj
let's get together for a. good cry.
* *

r -

These sweeping changes include an
arrangement whereby you alumni
mail in your orders for seats any-
time, and we mail the tickets right
back to you. However, there is a
limit to the number you each can
have: not more than 10 will be given
to any one alumni, unless he pays
for the extra ones. Students will be
given seats in the old Ferry field,
where there will be a giant grid-
graph to tell how everything is get-
ting along. You're welcome.
* * *


Here we are again, folks.
ROLZ, now way.up on the
third story of the Women's
building. The next address
given by the Cynical Senior.
* * *

This is
will be

here from the campus there was no
riot in progress. But the police
hadn't left dinner yet, so maybe there
I will be before long.
* * *
A man was caught studying the
other night. The Student council is
just as active as it was in your day
-even if you are one of the lucky few
who graduated before the Council
came into existence.
* * *
Those of you who were herein the
80's may remember the large and
beautiful auditorium in University
hall. Well, somebody discovered it
the other day and now they are goingI
to rebuild it into an auditorium.
Then it will be used for Play Produc-
tion plays. They had to strengthen
the walls and the floor. And make
wider exits. I want.
* * *
This is ROLZ hastily signing off be-
cause of a tear gas raid.
S *
REV. HERBERT JUMP, of the Con-
gregational church, passed the Free
Press "Ask Me Another" test with a
score of 100. We will have a special
test for Rev. Jump to try in our nextI
issue .

The Photographer .... Roy G. Curtis
The Stenographer.. William S. Ramsay
The Barber..Alexander K. Gage, Jr.
The Bootblack ........Lester C. Curl
* * *
The University Glee Club will
broadcast a program tonight from
Orchestra hall, Chicago, in conjunc-
tion with the twelve other clubs of
the major universities and colleges of
the middle west. The numbers to be
given will be "The Lotus Flower"
(the prize song of this year), "The
Little Bow-Legged Boy" (the choice
song) and "Laudes atque Carmina"
(the college song). With the excep-
tion of "Laudes atque Carmina," there
will be no piano accompaniment,
while no direction will be permitted
in any instance.
* * *
As a program of chamber music, the
Brahm's Horn-Trio in E flat will be
given this afternoon, with a con-
tralto solo with 'cello obligato and a
Quintet in F minor by Franck aug-
menting the entertainment. The Uni-
versity String Quartet which has be-
come temporarily a. Quintet for the
occasion will be composed of Albert
Lockwood, Samuel Lockwood, Janette
FraserAWieder, Pauline Kaiser and
Mary Alice Case.
Nora Crane Hunt, contralto, and
instructor in the University School of
Music will present the "Panis An-
gelicus" with Miss Wieder as 'cellist.
A trig of horn, piano and violin will
present the Brahms number, with
Perry Mason as soloist. The complete
plrogram is as follows:
horn-Trio, E flat, 01). 40...... Brahms
Adagio mesto
Allegro con moto
(Maude Okkelberg, piano; Samuel
Lockwood, violin; Perry Mason, 3
French horn.)
"Panis Angelicus"......Cesar Franck
(Nora Crane Hunt, contralto;
Janette Fraser Wieder, 'cello; Mrs.
S. W. Mower, accompanist.)
Quintets F minor............Franck


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A fifty-fifty or a seventy-five
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Benefit Women's League.
Leave films for developing,
printing or enlarging at the
Candy Booth
"U" Hall

-= -
1= -
A Real Good Time
At all the dances at Gran-
ger's Academy there is a pre-
vailing spirit of real good time,
evidenced by the merry con-
geniality of the crowd. The
student atmosphere makes ev-
eryone feel a home immed-
ately, and the check room ser-
vice and the soda fountain' are
evidences of the careful service
provided for our guests. The'
_ peppy rhythm of Jack Scott
and his Wolverines keeps ev-
eryone moving throughout the
evening, and when the dance
is over everyone leaves with
- -*
the feeling of having had a
most enjoyable evening.
-= -
Granger 's Academy
Wednesday - Friday - Saturday
I. -
Ypsilanti Normal Concert Course
Sigrid Onegin, Contralto
Song Recital-Tuesday, March 22, 8 P. M.
Single Tickets, $3.OO-Pease Auditotrium
Course Tickets for Final Three Concerts-$4.0
'Onegin; Carl Fried berg (Pianist)
Biarrere-Richards (Flute and Harpsichord)

Makes n ideal mixture for
these cool Spring days.
Oail Co.







. I





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