StT NDAY, MARCH 20, D27 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACs TxREr SU DA , M A CU 2 , 2 A G T I W R q i0 W I, dII MANFRkL1OM i f'INDIA, ENROLLED HRE; gk j~ub I , ry1 igbi :ight 1man11inlled} t atermT~an gymiumliI1. Sullivan! th ITa'd"in tics (listingUlt ,hed ltitle is Iesplonsible for' discovrering Mozun- which will pub!lishl the hal,.1dl1ook for d in, ) entIIered the l'n1iversity this a mnarve~l for controlling his 111usecie:; thle clauss et 191, 1w;ork hiia been'll t0 f to :d v1r 0einic al n 1ur1- andi his5lbreath. started a~ ld contirac±;ts forthe print- ll11g. ozuin~lar has alreaiiy di il,,yed his, inug a;nd engraving will be let tnext Nczzinrlai 'a feats of Unpara lied'feats of str'ength inDetroit tfe suspendedC Lert. E. Vedder, '28, sports editor; and be ai'raifl." he continued, ''and then botween two chairs. Edwiard C. Cummiings, '28A, art oil-! one miust take a deep breath and hlold M 1,'ozum(]ar 1as :a ilisslon to accoim-I ito,,r. Charles T. Lee, '27, b~usiness! it until t he test is completed. If any I plish while ini the United States, anid mnanager, has appoinetd William D air is allowed to escape from the this is to teach hlir countrymnen that Lrunmbaugh, '28, as his assistant. chest, the resistance is gone and. thej their physical ,levelopmnent should go - - _____ ___-!wcight. then crushes the body. All hand in hand with. their intellectal II.LINOIS.-Four students have sur- this, of course, dlemandls a confidence education. He has written a book ofI vived the -preliminary in comtpetition in one's self," he concluded, poetry, and hias attained high grades for the designing prize of the Paris To verify Mozumdar's story, 'fed as proof of his equal development illn Beaux Arts. Sullivan, boxing" coach,. was interview- both the intellectual and the physical. :fTl~~ 75'a 'la'hin'tiie ., rj111 " a t~ .. 7 E I Woodward at Eliot PLAYHOUSE ALL ABOARD! For the Excursion of THILLS and FUN on 6a The Spookiest, Thrilliest, Funniest Mystery Play Produced in Years 'OW lINN(12 xIATLWEKINR)1(N E~STABLISHED 1818 ((59 MADISO AVENUE CC'. FORTY-FOURPTH STRUET NEW YORKi Our representative will be at the H-OTEL STATLER DETROIT Monday, Tfuesday and Wednesday March 21, 22 and 23 Send for BROOKS'S 11/1;c ihin?1.U s a i A r i S LITTLE 3UILDING Tirm oNr CaRQf. IBOYLSTONJ P'ALM BEACH PLA A BUILDING C o u aNr vR 0 A 0 INEWPORT AUDRAII* BUILDING 220 B'ILLVUc Ave~iur I. ,:Lx... . t l k 4 " ... d i' i:',d. ... ilAN ' 'L , a 59x : a..";' "y I 'I{1 4S7o-: .... ,,uaV} SVV'xmaff a .","vrr. ew.+meorro ^<. e+,x ^en .... :.x.«, n.:w+,rr+:,.s : :' ":..-:c"i.«-..1;nF. x r- ,ex-:J... r..-:. ;w.:..wci..i3-;+mw:,....;.. Szw.lnm,. ._ r_ .._ .- .., y VMS Y 9t 14 I.p -0,%, n dL ry M " %wc -dvm% , t ti i {F;Tra. ' I~ .4.'C ^ r'. i:f' r . 'F l .. . 4 cyicture r.::j' '' ,t \N . 'S\ IS1 A f fi 1 t'POOL/Cii T';':N i r y V j ' i' 1] ± y, f;.;;t ' A i h x'' S L l y "" f T ' , " ;, ' ', ; i j' r . e with n Shoin *Am I Th24P.M Ic ,,RDO L HEAT " 4 L t . 1 2 . h . 'C j Y + ""~ _t '. tiy ". Sd alt?, . . ,,", ' ., o { ; r, " C , fi t it . . .: k~ s , , s ' , 14",Y W "y J 'S yr { . N V r + " Y'.i t om'!' 1 ( 1, .. T . :.. h.. , ° i _, ... ' . f .. . , ._ , 4 = '7 'JIR i ,... L ' \ A Nr h, '! . 'r r a r ' .: tt r y' " ... ___. i y$ /l. yy .4 }, t S r y k >' .,. '', F , ,F ' 4 + + 3 %? - y %, ' rd ', " r } .. . . . : . , A -, . ,ray , 4r ,, ; y ". - .:. : I _..-------- .r... , I If r- ' ~i4. r I RwIi IA V mm Mm- PM, w