Delegates Adopt Resolutions Proposing
To Recognize Nationalists And
To Make Equality Treaty
Crowds Present Problem At Trial of
Libel Suit Against Automobile Magr
(By Associated PressY Sitting quietly behind his at
DETROIT, March 18.-Crowds that the black, slick haired plaint
daily have tried to "crash the gate" had little to say, other than toc
at the trial of the $1,000,000 libel suit with his lawyer from time t
against Henry Ford present a serious W. J. Cameron, editor of th
problem to court attaches as the time pendent, and F. D. Black, bl
for Ford's appearance on thetwitness manager, have attended more
stand draws near. regularly, Cameron being thef
Although the proceedings thus far the witness stand.
have not been of a sensational nature, Sen. James A. Reed, Democra
there has been a spirited fight each souri, brought the first bit of
session for seats. No injuries have to the trial in his opening sta
been reported in jams at the doors, for Ford. Glancing over his
but clothes have suffered. with indignation as he told
The beautiful little courtroom ac- failure and consequent lossa
commodates but a handful. When lions of dollars through Sap
tiff has
o time.
e Inde-
or less
first onj
-at, Mis-
of the
of mil-'
by theE
ting to)
ches of
eld the
ry and
ely at
the at-
to the1
er this
to do it
with ob-
!-NI " T\ a ,
After resolving that the United 1t l rui ouiiamg wa mil mere
a~~~ ~ was u5,0 e npns t stry
States be requested to withdraw arm- was $50,000 yet unspent, so the story
ed forces from China, to recognize goes, and it was decided to put it
the Nationalist government, and to into the two courtrooms. The walls
make a new treaty on an equality are lined with rose colored marble
basis, the two-day convention of from Italy of intricate designs, and
Chinese students of the state of Mich- the ceilings elaborately designed.
igan was brought to an end last night. Aaron Sapiro, who claims his repu-
A banquet was given d athe local tation as an organizer of cooperative
Aubanquet wasr givenby the lcal ffarmers' organizations was injured
club in honor of the departing dele-'by articles in the Dearborn Indepen-
gates after the last session. dent, has been the only one of the
The second session opened yester- principals regularly in court. Al-
lay morning with the entire assembly though Ford was reported to have
Singing the Chinese national anthem been in the Federal building the open-
and bowing thrice to the flag. Then ing day of the trial, it later developed
all sat silent for a few minutes, a Ia tall, slender court attache had been
tribute to the memory of Dr. Sun Yat- mistaken for him.
The first speech was then given by THn, luBn
Thomas Que Harrison, field secre- EA
tary of the American Friends com- B OL
Sittee. He talked on "My Impression
of the Chinese Nationalist Move- DvY ADPIT PTB
Harrison declared that the future -
of the United States depends more
upon its relationship with China than Students In College Of Architecture
China's future depends on the United Will Publish Annual With
States, because of the potentiality and Specimens Of Work
possibility of the China's future
greatness when she has developed her SALE STARTS TOMORROW
natural resources. He told the dele-
gates of the importance of getting in
touch with the American youth instead Subscriptions for an architectural
of with the older people, whom he year book, the first one ever pub-
characterized as being "hopelessly 1 lished here by the students of the ar-
conservative."chitectural college, will be solicited
sees Chinese Progress tomorrow, according to William E.
"China is awakening fast,"Mr.Prston, '27A, acting editor. The cost
Charin cont inuedgan tos of .I of the book will not exceed $2.00, it
Harrison continued, and told of thewsstt.Tepuiatnwch
favorable impression he received dur- was stated. The publication, which
ing the recent tri he made to China. will be prepared by the Architectural
He declared himself amazed at the society will be a review of the best
hgh spiritocr ifise amongdall the work in the past several years as well
high spirit of sacrifice among all the as a year book. For this reason it will
eCasses. In touching briefly on be of more value and contain more of
Chna's friendliness to Russia, he said interest than those which are to come
it was analogous to the American al- in the next few years, it was pointed
liance with France during the Revo- out. Prof. Emil Lorch, head of the
lution. architectural college says of the pro-
Paul C. Meng, who took graduate posed book, "Every student would
work in public law and government value this record of the work of the
at Columbia, and who is associate I school from a personal standpoint,
Wditor of the Chinese Student Month- and from the standpoint of the prog-
ly and general secretary of the Chin- ress of the school at large. In it will
ese Student Christian association, appear the work of the individual and
then addrlssed the convention . on , his friends. I belielve a year book to
"How to Promote Better Friendship be a very desirable thing."
Between the United States and Post graduate work, all design
China." Mr. Meng asserted that this courses, construction courses, decora-
good will Aas essential because China ( tive design classes, and the work of
considers America her traditional the freehand department will be' rep-
friend and is rapidly becoming the resented in the book. There will be no
greatest consumer of American prod- advrtising. It is expected that the an-
ucts. Moreover, he continued, China nual will be published next June.
is at present fighting for democracy The staff representing the Architec-
and independence as America did in tural 'society consists of William E.
1776. In listing misconception rela- Preston, '27A, acting editor; Percy O.
tive to China, he mentioned the be- Danforth, 27A, and Dole F. Thompson,
liefs that Russia is stirring up all the '27A, assistant editors; Theodore
trouble, and that China is planning Rogvoy, '28A, business manager; Otto
to sever all relations with other na- 'F.Wenzler, 28A, and Clayton B. Howe,
tions, as well as the neglected sig- 28A, assistants; John R. Kelley, '27A,
nificance of the unequal treaties and and Stanley Podielniak, '28A, art edi-
of thenationalistic spirit. tors; Edward D. Rich, Jr. '27A, edi-
Mr. Meng then explained that to torials; Prof. Emil Larch, Prof. Al-
understand China it would be neces- bert J. J. Rousseau, Prof. Ernest
sary to learn more about her strug- Wilby, and Prof. William C. Titcomb,
gle against militarism and economic faculty advisors.
exploitation; to know how the un-
equal treaties are out of date and BUIGER TO SPEAK
have been an infringement upon TO MEDICA BODY
China's sovereignty and economic de- M EDICAL
velopment; to study tie new spirit of TOMORROW NIGHT
China that is embodied in the Chin-I
ese rennaissance and the Three Peo-, Dr. Carl A. L. Buiger, of the Rocke-
ple's principle of Sun Yat-Sen; and feller Institution for Medical Re-
finally to find out what the Chinese search, wil discuss "Disorders of Res-
students think and believe. piration: Clinical and Experimental
Pass Resolutlons Studies" at 8 o'clock tomorrow night
Pictures of the entire assembly and';n Natural Science auditorium, on
of the official delegates were taken I thel fourth of the regular lecture ser-
just before the opening of the third ies presented under the auspices of
session in the afternoon. The dele- Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary med-
igates were divided into three forums ical fraternity. Dr. Buiger will arrive
to discuss certain questions and to re- I in Ann Arbor tomorrow morning, and
port their findings at the general ses- will be entertained at the University
sion which followed immediately. After hospital during the day.
the forum leadeis had given their re- The lecture, which will be accom
ports, the official delegates then pass-; panied by lantern slides, is primarily
od a number of resolutions. The doc- for medical and pre-medical students,
trinesandaprograms of Sun Yat-Sen butshould prove of interest to others
were declared to be adquate for the interested in this phase of human
salvation of China, because it com- physiology.
bined the best in Chinese and west- Candidates for initiation to the so-
ern civilizations; and that the for- ciety will not be made known at this
eigfn policy of the Nationalist govern- time, as had been announced recent-
ment as expressed by the foreign min- ly, initiation coming some time after
ister, Eugene Chen, should be suport- the Spring vacation.
ed by all Chinese students.
The assembly decided that they did fl'PIN DO L A NIS'
' ganized bodies, smiling sarde
as he told of promises made
Chicago attorney, and resort
mockery in quoting from spee
Sapiro, the veteran Senator h
undivided attention of the ju
packed room.
Reed jabbed back savag
times, following repeated in
tions by William Henry Gal
Sapiro's counsel. Stopped by
torney, as he was referring
tri-state tobacco association,
Reed shot out:
"I'm certain I did not cov
ground before, and I'm going t
in half the time you take up w
Cameron, who was on the stand
but a few minutes yesterday before
court adjourned, was able to answer
only a few of Attorney Gallagher'sl
questions. The battery of Ford coun-
sel were on their feet at every ques-
tion as to what Ford and his editorsI
had discussed in conference on the
policy of the paper.
The editor did say, however, that)
Ford did not impose his views on the
staff, giving as an instance that Ford
regards Russia leniently, while the
Independent opposes Bolshevism.
Canada Ready To Arrange Measures
Covering Tariff Duties On MutualI
Coast Products And Fish,
(B- Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 19. - The
cloak of official silence, which is
wrapped about anything official Wash-
ington is unprepared to discuss, was
thrown today over the shoulders of
Premier Mackenzie King's suggestion
for a reciprocity arrangement with the
United States.
Canada is ready to arrange a re-
ciprocal trade treaty to cover tariff
duties charged on mutual cost prod-,
acts and fish, the premier told the
Canadian parliament, and is also will-
ing to meet President Coolidge half-'
way in reducing certain duties with-
out awaiting Congressional sanction.)
But official Washington, the sceneI
of a historic battle over reciprocityt
during the past regime, today knewI
only what it had seen in the news-
papers about the Canadian premier's}
latest ainouncement.
There were a few, closely associated
with current matters, who said that1
under the law Mir. Coolidge could not
change the tariff merely for recipro-
cal purposes and that he had the
power only to. use the flexible pro-
Svisions of the tariff act to meet con-
petitive trade problems. In the main,i
however, official comment was held
to the brief statement that the gov-
ernment had not been approached on!
the subject.
The remarks of Mr. Mackenzie King
revived memories of a long interna-j
tional parliamentary uproar which
continued for some months in 19111
and which drew into conflict some of
the leading statesmen of America and
of the world.
President Taft threw the recipro-
city question into the lap of Con-
gress on Jan. 26, 1911, after havingf
labored late into the night with his
cabinet in preparing his message
which transmitted the Canadian-
American trade agreement. From that
time onward, the issue overshadowed
all others for months, bringing state
legislators, foreign parliaments,
statesmen the world over and the peo-
ple of Canada and America into aM
continuous round of debate.
Feeling on the question reached
such a pitch that at one time Glou-
cester fishermen half masted their
flags in opposition to a clause in thej
treaty putting Canadian fish on thej
free list. In Canada, there was talk
of modifying the use of the American
fn- honn RPof tp. nneainisu
Attorney, Former House Clerk, Will
Go To Pennsylvania To Obtain 1
Ballot Boxes
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 19.-Defied1
by Lhe sergeant-at-arms of the Sen-
ate, the Reed campaign funds commit-1
tee today turned to its deputy mar-
shal, a Democrat, to obtain posses-
sion of the ballots cast in four Penn-
sylvania counties in the Vare-Wilson
senatorial election last November.
Jerry South, a former clerk of the
House and now a Washington lawyer,
was commissioned to proceed to Dela-
ware, Lackawanna, Luzerne and
Schuvlkill counties to make demands,
on officials there for the ballot boxes,'
registration booths and other docu-
ments which the committee holds to
be necessary for the investigation
which the Senate has directed it to
South will leave for Pennsylvania,
next week, but in view of the question
raised as to the legal authority of the1
committee to proceed during the re-I
cess of Congress, he is expected to
encounter legal obstacles.
The unusual procedure of appoint-
ing a deputy-marshal was made
necessary by the refusal of David S.'
Barry, regulary elected marshal of)
the Senate, to proceed on orders of
the committe until he could have time
"to take advice on the subject."
Directed both verbally and in writ-
ing to carry out the committee's or-
ders and assured that the necessary
funds would be forthcoming. Barry, in
a letter to the committee, raised the)
question of the legality of the use
by him of money furnished through!
channels other than the official dis-
bursing officer of the Senate.
Senator Keyes, Republican, New
Hampshire, chairman of the Senate
audits committeee, previously had re-
fused to approve vouchers for the
Reed committee, on the grounds that
its status was in doubt, owing to the
failure of the Senate in the filibuster)
at the end of the session, to approve
a resolution specifically authorizing,
it to function during the recess of
The fund tendered to Barry today
by the committee was $1,000 the
amount the sergeant-at-arms had spe-
cified as necessary, and was advanced
from the personal resources of Sen-
ator Reed, Democrat, Missouri, thee
committee's chairman.
In announcing the action of the
committee in commissioning South,
Senator Reed said he and his associ-
ates did not mean to wait on "the
pleasure of the sergeant-at-arms of
the Senate."
"It is due to British influence and
control of the Reuter cable company
that America gets a distorted idea 'f
the situation in China," declared Paul
C. Meng, general secretary of the
Chinese Student Christian association'
last night in an interview. Because
I of a number of unequal treaties, Eng-
land has secured a dominance in
China that she is unwilling to re-,
linquish, and therefore does not want
the true facts to leak out, Mr. Meng
The Nationalist party is fighting
not against a nation but against these
unequal treaties, lie continued. It de-
sires nothing more than to make them
void, and to give China a chance to
delvelop her own resources, Mr. Meng
He. pointed out that Secretary of
Commerce Hoover has long advocated
a direct cable conmunication between
the United States and China, instead
of gettilg falsified accounts viaLon -
don, but due to British pressure the
project has never been seriously con-
sidered. If the United States would es-
tablish a cable servic3 and send im-
partial and unprejudiced journalists
to China, the Americans would soon
view her in a new light, Mr. Meng
Clippy [assesAway!
As Disease Causes
Use Of Chloroform
By Timothy Hay
Clippy is dead.
The shy and undemonstrative Scot-
tish terrier, who created such a furore
last fall when she strayed away from
the President's home and who had the
whole campus hunting day and night
for her until she finally wandered
home of her own accord, will never
more scamper across the campus.
For it was discovered yesterdayI
that Clippy had the rabies and there-
fore had to be chloroformed imme-
diately. Clarence E. Weaver, assistant
in the Pasteur Institute of the Mied-
ical school, diagnosed the case and
put her to death.
Not only was Clippy loved by mem-
bers of President Little's family, but!
the whole campus knew this little
black brindle dog, who was to be seen
romping over the campus on every
sunny day.
Clippy was a great favorite of the
President, and had been his playmate
during leisure hours ever since she)
came into his home when a puppy,
seven years ago. When notified over
long distance telephone last night,.
President Little, who is East on a
speaking tour, was much disturbed by
the news.
Clippy had been sick with distem-
per for three days, according to mem-
bers of the Little household, and when
a veterinary was called today, he ad-
vised tests for rabies. Weaver was
called, and he found that it was ra-
bies, which Clippy is believed to have
received from a dog which bit her
a few days ago, when she was out
walking with President Little.
Although Clippy alive providedj
amusement to the campus because of
the publicity following her running
away from home, in death she is re-
membered as a likable brindle terrier,
and as a joyful playmate of a Pres-
Attacking Cantonese Army Expected
To Reach Prize City Within
Two Or Three Days
(By Associated Press)
SHANGHAI, March 19.-By the col-
lapse of the Shantungese defense on
the Sunkiang front, the road to
Shanghai has been opened o the at-
tacking Cantonese army, and military
authorities here anticipate that they
may reach the prize city within a
couple of days. Their advance, how-
ever, may be delayed by adverse
weather conditions, such as have been
responsible for the delay of the Na-
tionalist operations for the capture of
Foochow, about 50 miles west of
The collapse of the northern line
at Sunkiang, which has been defended
by 7,000 of the army of Gen. Chang
Sun Chang, was brought about
through an out flanking movement
by the southern or Nationalist
forces. This maneuver rendered un-
tenable the northern position at
Minhang and farther eastward. The
northerners retreated without the
slightest attempthat resistance. Two
thousand of them had arrived in
Shanghai tonight.
The collapse, though not unexpect-
ed, as the northerners had been
heavily pressed on all fronts the past
week, was not looked for so quickly.
It had been generally believed the
Nationalist would eventually gain
control of Shanghai by some sort of
political bargaining.
Naturally there is some anxiety
over the possibility of clashes with
the Nationalsit troops arrive in
Shanghai, but the foreign communities
feel quite secure with nine battalions
of the British troops and artillery;
strung around the settlement, with
the forces of other nations within
call, and strong naval forces avail-
able in case of emergency.
British troops were ready tonight
to oppose any invasion of the inter-j
national settlement, whether by
northern or southern troops. In the
sections of the city under Chinese
control, the streets were deserted and
the houses closed. Here and there!
groups of soldiers and policemen were
Gen. Sun Chuan Feng, whose army
collapsed several weeks ago through
the onslaught of the Nationalists, is
reported to have fled to Yangchow,
north of the Yangtze river. He had
been held a virtual prisoner at Nan-
king since the outbreak of his forces.
I Beginning with Tuesday's is-
sue The Daily will publish in in-
stailments a discussion of the
Jhonor system in colleges and
universities written by Prof. A.
D. Moore of the engineering col-
lege, national president of Tau
Beta Pi, honorary engineering
Professor Moore's report is
based on information secured c
through a national survey made 1
in more than 33 colleges and
universities where the honor sys-
tem was and was not in opera- t
tion, where it had proved suc-
cessful and where abandoned.
The report will be published
in approximately 20 install-
First Place In Middle West Entitles
Winners To Chance In National
Competitio Next Month
Entraining for Chicago, 24 members
of the Varsity glee club will leave
Ann Arbor this morning to attend the
Middle West intercollegiate glee club
contest, to be held there Monday night
in Orchestra hall. The University
singers will compete with clubs froma
at least 20 other schools of this see-
tion for first honors, which gives the
winners the championship of the Mid-
dle West, and the privilege of attend-
ing the national inter-collegiate c6n--
test, which will be held in the last
part of April, in New York.
The competition Monday night will
consist of three songs from each club,
a "prize song" which has been for-
warded to each organization entered
in the contest for practice, and which,
being common for all, will be the
most important selection judged, a col-j
lege song, and one number which the
clubs may choose themselves. The
Varsity singers will sing "Laudes At-
que Carmina" for the college song,
and the "Bow-legged Boy" for the
third number.
Each of the numbers will be judged
on points by prominent musical men
of Chicago. At the request of the Mich-
igan alumni in Chicago, the Varsity
men will broadcast a program from
station WEBH, the Edgewater Beach
hotel, Sunday night. Alumni will en-
tertain the singers Monday noon, at
a banquet at the City Club, at which
the singers will present Michigan
songs. Following the contest Monday
night, the club will return to- Ann Ar-
Phi Eta Sigma, national freshman
honorary scholastic fraternity for
men, will hold its semi-annual initia-
tion banquet at 6:15 o'clock Tues-
day night in the Union. Forty-eight
initiates for the freshman classes of
the literary college, the engineering
college, the pharmacy college., and the
architectural college will be taken
into membership previous to the ban-
President Carence Cook Little will
deliver a short talk to the fraternity.
Dean John R. Efinger of the literary
college, Dean George W. Patterson of
1 the engineering collelge, and J. A.
Bursley, dean of students, will also
speak. Dean Bursley will act as toast-
The fraternity was organized on thel
campus last November, the installa-
tion being attended by Dean Thomas
Arkle Clark of the University of Illi-
ois, founder of the fraternity. At the
present time there are 45 active mem-
hers on the campus.
It was urged yesterday by William
B. Palmer, '29, president, that mem-
bers pay the banquet fee as soon as
possible at the office of the dean of
students. The initiation will take
place at 4:30 o'clock.
Records Fall As High Schools Fro,
Five States Compete In Third
Annual Indoor Tourney
Oak Park and Riverside high school,
Illinois, holders of the Cook copnty
and Iowa indoor interscholastic
championships, usurped the track su-
periority shown by Detroit North
western in previous years by scoring
22 1-2 points to win the third annual
imdoor interscholastic track meet last
night at Yost field house.
An uphill struggle characterized the
pluck shown by the victorious squad
in overcoming the lead held by North-
eastern after the Detroit stars, Beaut-
ty and Lewis, had scored three con-
socufive first places in the 440 yard
dash, 60 yard low hurdles, and broad
Winning the medley relay in record
time, placing third in the mile run,
and tieing for first honors in the high
jump, for a total of 11 points in the
last four events netted Oak Park the
lead, while Northwestern creeped up
Oak Park .................22/2
Detroit Northwestern......16
Detroit Northeastern......16
Froebel, Gary ............13
Flint Central'..............8
N. Tonawanda, N. Y... 7
Columbus Central........
Detroit Western......6%
KalamazooCentral ........6
Ann Arbor ............... 5
Cass Tech................5
Detroit Northern,........3
Libbey, Toledo.............2
Waite, Toledo.........
Detroit Eastern............1%
1 Scott, Toledo...............i1/%
to share second honors with North-
eastern with 16 markers.
Four individual interscholastic re-
ords and the medley relay mark were
shattered, two falling to the team vic-
tors in the medley and half mile and
the others coing in the mile run, the
440 yard dash, and the 60 yard high
' Set New 440 Mar
Lewis, Northeastern, was timed in
the exceedingly fast time of :53A in
the quarter to displace the mark of
:54.3 set earlier in the day, by Dant,
who placed fourth in the final heat,
trailing Tousey, Oak Park, and Langs,
his Colt teammate.
Cress, ,Oak Park, ran the first heat
of the half mile in break the
standard of 2:06.1 made by Burson,
Waite high, Toledo, last year. After
placing third in the half mile to Cress,
Toth, of North Tonawanda high, New
York, came back in the mile for the
best individual performance of tIte
day to lead the field by more than
30 yards in the new time of 4:39.8, al-
most six seconds faster than the oW
In the initial event on the progra
the 60 yard high hurdles, Bauvals,
of Detroit Western, broke fast and led
the field to the tape in :08.1 to com-
plete the carnival of record smashing,
1-10 seond better than the old mark.
Robbins of Ann Arbor, Erskine, North-
western, and Gordon, Froebel high of
Gary trailed in that order.
Cass Tech Scores
Cass Tech brake into the scoring
column in the third event on the pro-
gram, when Tolan, who finished fourth
last year, led a slow field in the 50
yard dash in :05.7 after Campbell,
Flint Central, had gained a short lead
by a fast start. Bennett, Libbey high,
and Snowden, Northeastern, followed
Campbell in third and fourth po-
Individual high point honors were
captured by Beatty, Northeaster,
who tallied 10 points by winning first
places in the low hurdles and broad
lump, setting~ a hew mark in the for-
mer. Kuehn, Oak Park, and Toth, sen-
sational North Tonawanda distance
runner, tied for second honors, the
Oak Parker earning second place to
Rolfe of Flint Central, in the shot put
and tieing for first in the high jump
with Dennis, Northwestern, at 5 feet
10 1-4 inches.
Peluska of Froebel high, Gary,
barely failed to establish a new pole
vaut mark at 11 fp t 7 r