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March 19, 1927 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-19

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SA T1"RDAY ,MA RCIT 19. 1927

Publicaijon in the Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten.
University Senate:
The third regular meeting of the University Senate for the year 1926-
1927 ~vill be held in Room C, Law Building on Monday, March 21, at 4:15
in the afternoon.
Order of Business:.
I. Election of Senate Members of the Board of Directors of the Mich-
igan Union.
II. Memorials to Dr. N. S. Hoff and Professor IL B. Merrick.
John W. Bradshaw, Secretary of the Senate.
3laison Fraijealse:
In order that we may know whether there is a demand for a hous cm
which French is generally spoken, I am asking, at the request of the French
Department that all girls interested, leave their names at my office in Bar-
hour Gymnasium before Thursday, March 24.
Alice C. Lloyd, Clinirnian, Advisers of Women.
Foreign Women:
All dormitories do not remain open during the Spring Vacation. I
shall be glad to help foreign women to find other accommodations if they
will see me before April 1.
Grace Richards, Adviser of Women.
Ann Arbor Art Association:
The Second Annual Exhibition of the "Fifty Prints of the Year" se-
lected by the American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York, and cir-
cuited by the Institute, opens Sunday afternoon, March 20, and closes Mon-
(lay afternoon, March 28. This exhibition gives equal recognition to Prints
of the "modern" or post-Impressionist school and to those of the conserva-
tive or representative school. Most of the Prints are for sale at studio prices.
Bruce N. Donaldson.
Economics Club:
The Economics Club will meet on Monday, March 21, ~t 7:45 in Room
104, Economics Building. Professor C. H. May will discuss Foster and
Catchings' "Profits." Members of the staffs of Economics and BusIness
Administration and graduate students in these departments are Invited.
Please note change in place of meeting.
Z. C. Dickinson.
Men's Educational Club:
The Men's Educational Club will meet Monday at 7:OQ P. M. sharp,
March 21. Dr. Marvin S. Pittman of the rural educational department of
Michigan State Normal College will speak on "Four Eras of Rural Educa-
tional Effort."
Wn~ F. Wilcox, Vice-Pres.
Electrical EngineerIng Students:
On Monday afternoon, March 21st, at 4:15 P. M. In the Natural Science
Auditorium, there will be a meeting of the Student Branch of the American
Institute of Electrical Engineers at which Robert R. Swain, Grad., will
present a talk on "Radio Frequency Measurements." A small model will
be used In illustrating the properties of high frequency electric flow on
wires. Everyone interested is invited to attend.
Maurice H. Nelson~ ChairmaN A. I. E. E.
Senior Mechanical Engineers:
Mr .Frank B. Doyle, representing the Ingersoll-Rand Company of New
York, will be In Room 221 West Engineering Building on Monday and Tues-
day, March 21 and 22, to interview those interested in positions with this
H. C. Anderson.
Senior Mechanical Engineers:
Mr. F. D. Hooper, of the LIdgerwood Manufacturing Company of New
York, who are very large manufacturers of hoisting and conveying ma-
chinery, will be in Room 221 West Engineering Building on Saturday, March
19, to interview students interesteO in positions with this company.
II. C. Anderson.
Faculty Women's Club:
The Play Reading Section ~vill meet Tuesday, March 22nd, with Mrs.
Arthur E. Wood, 3 Harvard Place.
Charlotte III. Sundwall.
University of Michigan Band:
Important formation tonight at Yost Field House to play for track
meet. 7:15-8: 15. Uniform with cape.
Paul F. Schianderer.
international University Cruise:
Students wishing information regarding the "Floating University"
World Tour for 1927-28 may consult with, me in my office, Room 3224
Angell Hall, Mondays, 3-4, Thursdays, 2-5, Fridays, 9-12. The Tour will be
Canton F. Wells.

Senior Civils, ElectricaIs and )Ieclianicals:
Representatives of the Bell System will be in Room 153 West Engineer-
ing Bldg., Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 21st to 23rd, to inter-
view those interested in positions in the communication industry. This
includes the Development and Research Departments in New' York City,
the Western Electric at Hawthorne, and the seventeen Associated Opel at-
ing Companies of the Bell System covering the entire United States.
L. M. Grain
41. H. Cannon
Hg C. Anderson
- aaa~enr-a

r~IIin rnroiiuaii~ To each of the six debaters par-
IJLUV ~rn~it~ri Pursuit. Plane Embodies New Features 111011 SChOOL DEBAJES ticipating in the championship debate,
C ______________________________________
fl raniu ArAn ~ n ~ ~ the Dct preseilt
watch as a testimonial of in-
tl [P411 ~)Lt~1J ~ Ii IIU U NY dividna I mcnibe;s. The school repre-
IRIALS ARE SETTLED I sented J tl1e~wmmn~ team will
tjvq~jzuru neiit~r A nu J~lFlJt'f~ I~CRU IV ill

Verdict In hent Cw~e Club After
Judges l)elay Decision

th~ Michigan
league met. It
ehinination C(
carried on t
I - - OiiSliiP.
delates is, "r

After delaying their decision 24 ed St ties Gov
hours in order to give the matter fur- (oal Mines."
ther consideration, the judges in the '1 he scbooh
freshman finals of the Kent Case - - n1~ht Sui'Yive
club, Profs. Edgar N. DurfeeE. Blythe h s, a'~ well
Stason .and Burke Sharteli, all of the - I aebates. More
Law school, have given their verdict the league la~
in favor (A the plaintiffs. Leonard hated four Ii
Keller and Robert Kerr in their case ed in accorda
against Leo Rosen and 1-loward Wil I CiSiOflS. The 6
son. est number o
the first clii
In the Story Case club freshman March 4. All
final which was held at thc same time I ~ the Uni'
Philip N. Krasne and LeRoy 0. DahI P1 troph
berg gained the decision as the plain aque
- .. .. t roit Free P~
tiffs, over Gerald F. White and Ra~' - -
H. Callahan. The judges of this trial ..*.. - Idacilie is tel
were Prof s. Edward I). Dickinson
herbert F. Goodrich and John B ~Oli(l bronze ~
Waite, Law school faculty members -~ ~Per the 5
The last of these freshman law stu . :~~- .. I bates
dent matches will he the Marshal' I
in . . held at
club trial which will be held March which will rE
23. In that contest Charles Sable and I *t****~***~.;~. contest to tw
S. W. Hill will he opposed to Agel '~ will come in
Bean and Sidney Wilsh. the state cha
There will be no inter-club competi 1 are now lieu
tion of the freshman teams, as ihis I which will be
privilege is reserved for the juniot I -~ *- ... i J~t ~'ear iii
teams which compete for the Henri' high school n
Campbell award. rrhe junior compe The Curtms{ ~ Ii ~ I of 75 school
tition has reached the finals and the I attended the
last trial will be held as pal't of the A new Ciii Oss pum suit plane tli e "Sea Hawk " has been tested at Cii I I lUdison an(l
program for Founder's day, which will I den City Long Island It embodies many new features Its I inding wheel';
be April 29, at the Lawyers' club. can be replaced ~vith a single pontoon, for landing on the water; its motor ______________
The rules upon which the freshman is nine-cylinder, air-cooled and there is a *'dump valve" for minimizing
cases have been tried allow twelve fire hazard. Photo shows propellor and nose, disclosing how the motor is
minutes for each speaker aiid limits mounted.
each man to 15 citations. The cases
are tried on an agreed statement of I 1 D A ~ Suggestion" by Prof. John I B'rumm I you
facts. Briefs are handed in two days M. £. I. ~. DULLL1IIIV~ aiw
before the trial to the judges, as is j~5' rioiir IN AIA41L llea(l of the journalism (lepartment I.1
the practice in the appellate courts. Time paper is C(litCd by Cassamn A. Wil-
The winning freshman teams xvill be son, '23, and Eugene I-I. Gutekunst,
awarded fully paid siml~sci~iptiomis for Copies of the Interscholas- '27, und('r the supervision of I~rofes-
bound volumes of the 1927 and 1928 tic Press association bulletin, publish- sor Brumm.
- copies of the Michigan Law Review.. i ed iiy the Michigan clia pter of Sigma
I Delta. Clii, under the direction of tIme
NEGRO - CAUCASIAN University journalism department, are SO1~1E NEX~T TITLES IN
CLUB LAYS PLANS completed and in the mails. I o
The paper contains a summary of
In the third of a sci ics of discus- the purpose and program of the con-
smons being held this ~'ear under the vention to 1e held in Ann Arbor, May l)'Aiinimnzio . . . The Maiden of the II
auspices of the Negro-Caucasian clii., 6, atid 7, which is sponsored an- I)e Gotirmont . .; . A Night in Luxemhi
Henri P. St. Hill, '30, led the group
which met at' the home of Oakley nually- by Sigma Delta Clii. The bul- hIaII(Iy . . . . Tile ilctnnii oi the N~
Johnson of the rhetoric department j letmn is published in the interest of all Alken . . . .
last night in a discussion of inter: high schools throughout the state -
racial relations in Africa. Num' M which will be represented at the con-
Malik, '27M, of the Cosmopolitan club veiltiomi.
led the group on the same topic with I The feature article is 'By Way of
its relations to India.
Plans were also niade at the niect-
ing last night to bring several noted Cooper"s Kitchenette
negro educators and lecturers here
in the near future to address the lo-' 11141cr New M~inagenient
cal club. Mr. Jean Toomer has already Try Our Special I ~
been secured, and will speak to the juc Dinner A ~ ~
group next Friday night. An attempt Tenderloin Steak or ~
Cullen, the famous Negrb poet, and - Mashed Potatoes -~
ill also be made to bring Countee Salnion Loaf -
Dr. John Hope of Morehouse college, Buttered Beets I , ~ ~
Atlanta, Ga., here to address the re-1 Radishes - -~
Cherries I
maining discussions to be held this - Red Pitted
year. Fanious for Butterscotch Pies '1 ~" ~ ~
___________________- :I~2 ~o~ti~ St~ite St. f..*~ _________
NORTHWESTERN-The glee club Over l)ernihl PraWs
will start its spring tour soon. r ~ ~ "C

higo school dcIyit~no
~st night iii the second
u;tc-sts which a i'e hem g
0 deterliiiiie the ~tat~ -
The SUl)ject of all t lv~
tesolved, That the I nd
~rnnienr Should Own tIme
which debated last
I the point-winning ser-
as the first elimination
than 230 teams cut ei'ed
;t fail, each of which d'e- 1
nies with Imints award~j
mice with the Ju(lges' (IC-
4 schools wit li the high-
f points were iinaired for
alimatioli (1 chat es held
of these sehoels will re- I
versity of Michigan Wall
y presentell by the Dc-
'ess. The (lesigli of this I
ten froni t lie Liii versity
lie medal lion is cast. iii
vithi all lettering emboss-
uMes Ct (idim~t('5 hcl(l Yes-
xv ill be three more (he- I
intervals of two weeks, I
~duce the number in t ie
o schools. These schools
May to Ann Arbor for
iiipiomishj 1) d ('bate. Plamis
ig made for this (lebate
held in 1-lihl auditorium.
Lore than two thousand
upils, the representatives
s throughout the state,
final (:ontest between
Kalaniazoo Central high



~r i
The Sack Suit
The distinctive appearance
and quiet harmony of Lux-
enberg clothes come through
the skillful uniting o4 con-
servatiV~ styme ~x'~ sn~art

It matters little when you come. We can please
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~I1he Cream of the ,lest
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When in the vicinity of State and Packard, will find the
PACKARD RESTAURANT, American cooking, a good place
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N o More Fear of Runs in Your
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'1,Vatcli this spa-ce for announcement as to locatioli of
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stores where you may buy this welcomiie scientific
discovery. Coming Real Soon!



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will find

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savory roasts, tender steaks, and good chops, priced

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A 'I

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