MARCH 119, 1 M7 .. i ; THE MICHIGAN DAILY PhG1 ,. ..,~ MATMEN TO COMPT IN FITME TO A Eutries Includ1e C plain Il)niioc And Mlembers Of 'HTie IDeserve And 1 Fresliiaiai quadsi 16 WRESTLERS ENTERED Sixteen members of theVarsity and freshman wrestling squads and Coaches Keen and B~otchen will leave; thin morning for Flint Ahere the men will compete in the State A. A. 13.i championship meet which .will be heldI' In the I. M. A. gymnasium.'- Captain Donahoe, holder of the Cont-I ference 158 pound title for two years Is the only regular mnenber of the Varsity team who is entered in the competition, hut there are five wrest- lers fromx the reserve squad. The oth~er 10 men are members of Coach Pete Potchen's yearling team. Rlubin, reserve, will wrestle at 112: pounds; Bruce, reserve, and Ihewitt,1 freshman, will compete in the feather-{ weight division; while Thomas, Quinn, and Eliott are. entered in the 125 pound class. Finley, reserve, and Hagaman, freshman, are the 1351 pound entries, and 'Pelton and Bers- icy .will compete in the welterweight division. Captain Donahoe and Dou- 1 gavito will participate in the 158 poulnd class; Southworth, reserve, and Faye, freshman, in the light heavyweight division; and Nicolson,4 reserve, and Wolfe, freshman, in the unlimited class. Last season Coach Keen entered five mnen in the State A. A. U. meet which was held in Detroit and each won the title in his weight The men were members of the Var~ity team, however, -while the majority of the Beentered at Flint have had very little experience. The list of entries includes a num- ber of capable performers, however, and the Michigan coaches are con- fident that the men will makze alI good showing. Two all-campus cham- pions, Thomas, 125 pounder, and Dou- I gavito, '158 pounder, are' entered. FOOTBALL STI ARS0 1 'AID 'COACH FISHER I IN TRAINING TEAM; IDE1/IIPSE'DENIES TES SIXST xEEN ; !:1 TO FIGHT NO ONE BUT GENE TUNNEY olgaeCohsSo A "A3nd if I.decde to0cokIbankI) .prs Dllps(Vi ndrIh tr ;COE tFhefih ( nei't. Iion a fur the(cre1o' hvsici',i hoar ei()a AT3 .11. DV hvywegttitle op I wont fii.1at all,", declared Jack ely IIoI Los'ii o~j ut h Angeles yesterdlay, that; cna 'hag ' x i h.01 t (n)f bOtshs :pinie )susta ined(1i RickardIs ttiid hopes of all el ininat - a 1rromivs i ;1it. Tbhis infect ion is hield. w If you ar a telephone subsc iber cll Jimmtie4 tioni tourney aIll Isettill _; tit'. I 'lir li 5' 'M llilrl0 to' thI1() 1.1100 r~ at- - wll be chagd l~git conternlilg ; Ia U330y 13 n - 12 ths hic l h Ila~v'e hb eeid the t071'rflm!ei' in *The Mihigan Daily reserves the righ to nla~it s a d hs i]le thr~tt "to t tl: i .:; "1ji(,.. . ;classify all wns ads under appi mu ia te ia- Dempsey aii saidehsi,. ,.!'2Vl )(3.l 12)3in ings and to rvise or wihhod ocioii0.t1bie De4 sy sie" New Yorl Itiekard has lbeen con-",./- . copy. Ths eiteratting hNis posit ion1, f i ]v ho:r'I 013T htliag U, rsing .ack .Delaney in ii his -.:.;'Thi5 scolumn cloes at 3 ' h. date precd- - ii~sng pulication. Ntic f any ceror nmut liei !hi : =(Olilet y~ i I he I illaU 11. 1 01Pt' OUc o_ given in time for the second inserto. would 1make thle 2tn' inu(i t''nI i i fi 14,Ik la ney will be matched with ' -'E lCASH RATES Sell' "inl.dxte till)e". Wh len ",l n ltile t i.." winl'r of the Coming 1 dOllilt0- Ten cents per reading ine on the basis o ! Rick I-ri ltinIV'Ikin ll . ii?-av wed a y lleney bo t, th winnfivoebaplecd Ieawive aeto thewordito te for) fo e ine J two -ik d:liaumh -i Anday ene otteX lf~ t epacd4 1- insertions. intention whatsoever to "otnsider in the final round against the Shar-=7fjflu= Nine .:ets per reding ?int for three o inzuret "Te 's elimination ptlay ' key-Maloney victor. insertions. _________________________________________________ - Casai classifieds recived at the 1?oily ofie99 in The 1ress -Bwiling on Manard ti cet. ____- -.-.-. --.------.-.---------- - '3~ ~CONTRACT RATES; I r Lion.L ( Special standarized rates given on applica- FORSlL I__ ___+" 1=*.--. seetste. 3-1 gears.Top. luns \\ z tlike a top. (lass. flt.~ Indivi- =-<'(=uality. See it at 621 S. State. C le e- Phone 7517. 122 PRSALE-i121 Ford Tlouring. $40. -~I ' Call 13283. If _ J = FORl SALE-Will sell for $4 two! Men C'horal Union stubs entitling holder - 3k «. to $6 reduction on May estival ." khf tickets. Call 5687. 122 / *FO R SALE--Southeast, ou teen-room x = house, A-i condition, large lot with -~ shade andl fruit trees, double gar- age, five blocks from campus in fratrnity (istrict, IP'hre 6047.; I11{ %'X, M Topcoats 121-1 22-1231 t ~~~~~-FOR rV .ll~ FR SALE - Oakland Ave. Large $2.0..).'~) lot. Suitable for fraternity or st 'J ii.I jlj More of these fine topcoats are coming in all the time. ity it 52o 50 L/L)I) There is a good assortment for you to choose from. They --FORSAL--ox vsreaI- Ear-c extra long and are excellently styled and tailorcd. - tion size, almost new. Dial 5333. The new Dobbs for Spring, the or 71t South Division. 120-121-122 BY M ER E, is shown today in Sprng Suts 1 SALE--Michigan State PoliceI + motorcycles, 1926 models. To be New York in the shops of Dobbs $40 - $45 - $59 Sold at give-awv~y prces. Orders & Co only, and by authorized agencies tae oIob eiee ac y Y$=EXTRA PANTS FREE 2a5a.JonMirFrs-bet in te pincpal itis o theunied - Grag. _120-121-122 i th prnia ciiso th UntdSuits cut and styled as only R. & W. and Adler Cl- = TPEWVRTiTRS-All makes, old, States. It is a smart design produced - egian can make. The shorter coats and the wide trousers rented exchanged cleaned ear ;c are very popular and smart looking. The latest grays and ed. Largest and best stock to be ob- by the famous Cavanagh Edge Process. tasaeue=truhu.-taned anywhere. . D. MORRILL, (r 17Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal- t pnfryour iseto er: Phone 6615, L. C. 'Smith & Cor- THE DOBBS urdayItheW191h ___ WN April Special WANTED-One or two students to Ecuieytthu.°Collegiate Shop make beds for a (dandy room. Hot 'PTTIT b .COMPVI~ANTT11 TLBRY and cold water. 337 rThomplsoni St. III 16 .EAST AIL ___________ 122-123 S o u t hi S t a t e S t . a t W i l a t11 ~ 1 1 F 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11/l 11 F F 1Fi l liar n S 't. \11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 V A N I E D - S t u d e n t s w h o l i k e g o odho B AE CS t on we ________ ______ -~ Read The Daily "Classified" Columns REU lier U between 9:30,D~ and 1441:3. WANTED STUDENTS to know that ~b u tc b %v viceS4m pays Froin $; to $25 for old t~ y :brc c121 F. ANN DIAL 4306 t f 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * -FORI REaN-Sutesecond floor. De-1 FIRS METHODIST FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHI CONGREG6ATIONAL srklloain42 122-123-124on Corner State and Wash. Sts. i R. Edward Bayles, Minister CoreHuo n ~iiinSs IURCH - -___ -_ Arthur W. Stalker,D . iitr Hwr .Chapman,MistrfriRETPleanunyom StudentsMinister hH.arddersoinisteriforr-jrHeHberrsA. Jump. Miniseror gradiuate* woen students, two Parley C. BirngI erbetnA.Jimspociate b Ilocks froum canpu. Phone 8006. Miniister an~d Student I!i.ector. 10:45 - Morning worship. Mr. Lewis C. Rteimann Heen 120-1SudntDi to21-122-123___________ Miss Marugaret Sitair, Sayles speaks. Topic: (Hen aty-:SuntDrco Student'Director. "Tm luiiyo oe" 19 eleB awl 10:45-"s tie Ark of God Toi-( FOR IRENTr-Thriee adjoining rooms, TI SING ,Z3 PA,~ NO0TICE N OTIE-Special sale on Dresses at x10 tom' Saturday only. Special sale on flat,, at $5. 1liss .MKinnev, 215 East Liberty. 122 tiO)T'l(' '--Unisesity Instructor want, fuarn~ishedl house for academic year 1927-28. Would care for large home durinlg owmm:~'s absence or sabbati- cal leave if rent is nominal. Harry L, Samuel, 327 East Washington St. SatSunTu Students! SaVe .'wonuy . it uyo.. typew~riter' and ty lw 1333'w a thesis. I'ione Ladis 534>ui. w 'ol -tlhmu 3-'ia I -i3~a SUITS AND (OVER~lCAS 'v"r't-i onable prices, tailored 0or ready- made. We have a wonderful vai- ety of patterns. Rep)airing also a specialty. LBeatiful fabrics for your winter overcoat. WILD THE TAYLOR 109 E Washington Phomne 5069 c Wed-r -Sat DANCING Every Saturday night, Dix- bora. 5 miles out Broadway on new Plymouth pavedi road. fri-sat-ti NOTICE--H_.Iear the new Omtoponmrc 'Victor Recor)Id of "Inca Little Bit Fondter of You." By Warings i'ennsylvanriarrs, at Schaeberle & Sonl Music House, ito So. Main.i f NOTICE-The new Royal Portables are now onlisplay at Ri2der's Pen Shop, 315 State St. A wonderful rmachine. You will be hterested. Call and see them. 1''I'PF~ Jl tlUt1ER 0iiS A. i CARBONS Our rapid turnover insures s fresh stock anti you secure thte best qual- ity at a moderate price. 0 D:. MOR- I RLL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone 6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters, Inc. - tf PORTABLE P110NOGIIAPIL *Special price of $15' with three months to pay. IUniversity Music House. WHY WEAR "READY MADE S" when you can have a two pant-suit built to your measure for $37.50? Spring styles now ready. T. B. LYONS, Williams at Maynard. tf TYPEWRITING anid AMimeograph. Ing promptly and neatly done by experienced operators at md- erate rates. Thesis and college work a specialty for 19, years. 0. D. MOirill, 17 Nickels Arcade..- The Typwriter and Stationery Store. tf GUITAR SPECIAL A good reliableinstrument for only $11.00. Just the thing for music in yo~ur'room. U~niversity Music House8. tf. NOTICE-Typing, thesis neatly and quickly typed at popular prices. Phone 7341j.t ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleaning Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone 6513. daily-t TO SEE best of 50 lines cloting drop card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone 6365 evenings. $22 to $30. t 1- NOTICE Coach. Fisher- in training and de-I veloping Michigan's 1927 baseball' squad has the assistanfce in one way or another of five all-American foot-{ ball players. This record is not believ- ed to be equalled by any other schoolI in the country. Vick, Kpke, Blott, Friedman, and Oosterbaari are the stellar football players who are work- ing with Coach Fisher on the bal team this, spring. Vick was chosen °on Walter Camp'sc mythical team in the fall of 1921. For . three years he. played on Wolverine baseball teams. F ollowing his gradua- tion he signed with the St. Louis Cardinals with whomn he played until the close of the past season. At pres- ent Vick is handicapped by a weak - arnm and two weeks ago was dropped from the' Cardinal roster. It is ex- pected that he will play ball this sea- son for the 'Louisville club. Vick is spending a short time in, Anni Arbor before lie joins a professional team and is -helpiing Coach Fisher in the early season job- of breaking in the pitcher's arms properly. ILarry Kibke, an all-American of the 1922 campaign, is on the coaching staff of the University amid has been an assistanut coach in football, basket- ball amid is now having his first year as an assistamnt in baseball. Kipke won three of his nine 1~'s in base- ball, when he was a regni rm outfielder during his college (lays. Jack Blott, the 192' all-American, was a catcher and one of the heaviest hitters imi the Conferemnce for two years. Bl1ott played big league base- ball with the Cincinnati Reds, but returned to Michigan to take up coaching duties in 1925. Blott amid Vick were centers on the football team and catchers in baseball in thmeirm' turn. The two other all-American foot- ball players who are under Coach Fisher are Bennie Friedman anti Benm- ny Oosterbaan, time famous "Bennie to) Benny" combination. On the baseball diamond the throwing will be tihe reverse of that on thme gridiron and the combination will read "Benny to Bennie" foh- Benny Oosterbaan is an outfielder and Bennie 'F~riedmam is a third baseman. Oosterbaan played Conference ball for the first time last season andl rapidly developed imnto one of the heaviest hitters on the team. Fried- man was a substitute third baseman last year and is bidding high for a regular position this season. Should the "Benny to Bennie"' com- bination come to mean as much imn lbaseball as it has in football, thenm Coach Fisher's and the fans' worries :.bout the Big Ten ch~amponship will s.ubside. L LOYD HAHNWiNS FAST 4CE FROM EDWIN WIDE NEW YORK, March 18 -Lloy d Ilalin, American mile champion, raced 't o a sensational victaryr Thurmday eight over Edwin Wide, the Swedish school master, in the one mile test, I 10: 30-Sermon : "' Ilme Bible and the Spirituhal Life." 12:00-Student Bible classes at Wesley Hall. 12 :00--Church Suniday school. Students meet at same time at Guild Ilouse. Dr. Waterman andt Mr. Chap5- manm lead two groups. 5:30-Fi'ieildslil)four at Guild House. Secretaries for Students. 9': 30-Student Class 1l(1 by Prof. A. It. Morris. 10:45-1"0mm lloiioi." 12: 00--Open 1= om'tmmfor studlent. 5:30---Social Ihoumramnd Supper. 6: 30-Youn, People's Society meeting. plimmg'V A protest against Sinclair Lewis' recent nov- el, "Elmer Gantry." 5:30-Student supper and so- cial hour. Mrs. Kirkpat- rick, matron Starr Corn- monwealth, will speak. 8:00-Motion picture service. Mr. Jum~p will preach on "9The Muarano. Glass Blow- er."' Feature film, Anita Stewamrt in "Never thme Twavin Shall fTWO" 6: 00-Wesleyan Guild tional nicetinig. devo-I 7 :30-Evcnimg church service. Sermiomi : "(Oseri ing' Simv- ss. 6:30--- Devotiomnal and slonal meeting. discus- I U~~~~~~ , __________ __.. UNITARIAN CHURCH State anmd Heron ,ts. jl3dney S. Roblins, MYinister Alarch 20), 1927 10:45 Morning service "A Religion Based Upon1 HmamnNature:' The second of two addresses o)n this subject specially intend- ed for students. 5: 45 P. M. Candlelight Supper 6:30 D~iscussionl of the topic of thme mornimig sermon. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 Soumth D~ivision St.. 10:30 A. M.-Regular morning ser- vice, subject: ".1atter." 11:45 A. Al.-Sunday school follow- ing the morning service. 7:45--Wednesday evening testi- monial meeting. The Reading room, 10 and I1 State Savings Bank building, is open daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except Sundays and legal holidays. BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH Fourth Ave. near P"ackard St. G. A. Neumann, Minister 9:00 A. M.-Sunday school. ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division and Catherine Streets Itev. Hlenry Lewis, Rector Rtev. Ir. L. Harris, Assistanit Trhlird Sunday in Lent. Holy Communion, 8:00 A. M., the Church; 9:30 A. M., Harr'is Hall. 11:00 A. Ml.-Morning prayer and sermion by time Rev. Henry Lewis. 3:00 P. M.-Student and adult qonfirmation class. 6 :00 P. M.-Student supper and meeting. 5:00 P. M.-Evening service. prmivate bath and balcony. May be used for light housekeeping if de- -sired. 9133 Forest Ave. 121-122-123 FOR RENT-Large, beautiful room 0on ground floor, private family. Phone 7595. Corner Kingsley and Detroit St. 121-122-123 LOST-fair of shell rimmed glasses in case, between Hill street and 714 East Umniversity. Reward. Call 4541. 122 LOST-Large size cloth-back note book, containing Hygiene, History, Fine Arts, Rhetoric and. Political Science notes. Reward. Call Cal Patterson. Phone 4917. 120-121-122 i NOTICE NOTICE-Special sale on Dresses at $10 for Saturday only. Special sale on hats at $5. Miss McKinney, 215 East Liberty. 122 GIBSON 3MANDOLIN Just two left to sell at $27.50. Reg- ular price, $45.00. A fine buying op- Ipoirtunity to a musician knowing Gibson standard.I University 3Music House. tf Ann Arbor Mimeographing shop-214 Detroit St. Let us do your mimeo- graphing and typewriting. First- class work. Quick service. Lowest prices. Dial 8683. c-tues-thur-Sat HEALTH Begins when you phone 8428. C. M. Gibison, Chiropractor, 35 Wuerth Arcade. tues-thurs-sat-tf 1FOR convenience, speed and satisfac-1 tion, visit Trojmowskis Barber r FORDS o FORDS - FORDS 10:00 A. M.-Regular service. Sermon "R~epemntamnce 1and i.x ; morning subject: Coni vr- 11:00 A. M.-German service. 6:30 P. M.-Young People's League. Wednesday o~f each 8:00 A. 1\.-Holy (B-arris Hall). Our entire stock of used cars has 'been put into first class running con- dition and the prices asked are in many" cases much lower than the value given. A car for every purse and very car worth the money. Come in, pick out your car and drive --it home. We have roadsters, touring, coupes, Tudors, four doors, $35 to. $345.,,. The very one you want is here, Talk to Mr. Gauss. ]Phone 4229.. week: Communion - - B'nai B'rith hIILLEL FOUNDATION 01l. F. University Dial 3779. Smmnd~y, IMar('li 24), 1927. 4: 30 P. M. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St.. and Fifth Ave. E. C. Stelihorm, Pastor 9:00) A. M.-bible study. 10: 30 A. M. - Morning sermon. . ubjet: "~Jesus casting~ CHURCH OF CHRIST DISCIPLES Corner JIMl and Tappan liemmnelli I..IBowen, Pastor 10 :30-lMorning worship. l E ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and West iluron Streets C. A. BRA'UER, Minister. 9:00 A. M.-German service. 10:00 A. M.-Bible Study. 11:00O A. M.-Englism service. Sermloun topic :-",Jesus, the Shop1. tues-thur-sat i