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March 19, 1927 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-19

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
mnaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Editor................W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor............... .Irwin A. Oliaa
News Editors............j Frederick Shilito
t Pili C.Brooks
Women's Editor.............Marion Kubik
Sports Editor.............Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor........... Morris Zwerdling
Muslo and Drama........Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymet Ellis Merry
Carlton Champe StanfordN. Phelps
Jo Chamberlin Courtand C. Smith
fames Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick


8ATURDAY, MARCIl 19, 1927

Marion Anderson
Margaret Arthur
lean Campbell
Jessie Church
Chester E. Clark
Margaret Clarke
Blanebard W. Cleland
Larence Edelson
William Emery
Robert E. Finch.
Robert Gessner
Margaret Gross
Elaine Gruber
Coleman J. Glencer
Harvey J Gunderson
Stewart Hooker
Morton B. Icove
Milton Kirshbaum

Parl ern
Sally Knox
G. Thomas McKean
Kenneth Patrick
Mary Ptolemy
IMurris 4Uulr
James Sheehan
Nelson J. Smith, Jr..
Sylvia Stone
Mary Louise Taylor
William Thurnau
Mvilford Vanik
Marian Welles
Thaddeus Wasielewski
Sherwood Winslow

ceive enough from these payments to 1
pay their debts to Great Britain as
well. Great Britain, according to his
figures will also receive this year
$2,000,000 in debt payments more than
she'pays us.
All of which would seem to show
that the European nations are not as
poor as they are supposed to be and
further, that the administration does I
not expect to enter into negotiations,
regarding cancellation of debts . That
much is plain. And it is further evi-
dent that while recognising that the
associated nations of the World war
were engaged in a common cause, the
loans were actual loans, not gifts.
Since any means of deciding just what,
ratio of the expense each nation
should bear could never be determin-
ed, the administration proposes to
treat the loans as such, to be met in
a business way, regardless of any
sympathies involved.
Though the state department is
now giving the treaty proposed by
President Diaz to establish an Amer-
ican protectorate over Nicaragua its
due study, it is probable that the sug-
gested pact will not be found favor-
able to this government .
President Coolidge and Secretary
Kellogg have already intimated their
dissatisfaction with the proposal.
Their opinion is doubtless based upon
the conviction that the treaty would
make the relations between the two
countries too close for convenience.
While the United States should re-
serve its right to protect its interests
in Nicaragua, it should not take the
responsibility "for the protection of
life, liberty, and individual liberty."
The recent dispatch of the British
cruiser, Colombo, to Nicaragua for
the protection of English nationals
indicated the complications which
might arise if the United States main-
tained more than a policy of watchful
waiting except in dire emergencies.
Though Secretary Mellon is ex-
tremely cautious about making any
predictions, it is likely that the public
debt of the United States may be re-
duced by $1,000,000,000 during the
present fiscal year which will end
June 30. The tremendous sums ac-i
cruing from income tax receipts, debt
payments, and sinking fund, will
make possible this notable decrease
in the public debt. The tremendous
debt reduction of the year 1920 may
be equalled.
Though the tax reduction lobbyists
have been busy toward securing a
reduction next winter, Secretary Viel-
lon has pointed out that much of the
present surplus will be absorbed in
the debt reduction and that there is
no way of judging just what the in-
come of next year will be, although
indications woul point to another
surplus. It certainly would be un-
fortunate to start tax reductions when
good business sense points toward fur-
ther debt reduction.
Although the country is now in the
midst of unprecedented prosperity
there is no reason to believe that
such a condition will continue through
1928 and 1929 As firml basedq. -a

The free show in lill auditorium
which was to have been given by the
theaters last night had to be called
off because the Student council for-
got to meet to decide which pictureI
should be shown.
* * *
And in spite of the order issued byl
Rolls Board of Regents yesterday re-
garding the closing down of all
classes in honor of the 110th anni-
versary of the University, one or two
professors met the few students that
did show up. Next time we shall ex-
pect better co-operation.
* * *

TODAY: "Eight 'til Eight," fhe
I wenty-third annual Junior Girls'
Play in the Whitney theater at 2:30
and : oclock.
* * *
A review, by Marion Kubik.
Enthusiasm, and lots of it, is the
most prominent quality of the 1928
Junior Girls' Play... and nothing can
so aid success as enthusiasm. To
compare "Eight 'til Eight" to a pro-
fessional venture would be greatly to
the disadvantage, as well as being
unjust, to both. Although the smooth-
ness characterizing these business en-

Music and Drama

EARN $1.50 A MTONT111!
In spare time. SIX COLLEGE MEN
wanted. College men who want to
earn their expenses should get in
touch with us at once. We have an
excellent proposition. No rapping
at doors. You can earn $150 a
a month in spare time and $500 a
month during vacation. Write for
facts. U. C. & P. S. S., Box 304,
Harrisburg, Pa.
tI .1


is every

Note: This is or
telligence tests w
members of the U
Clippy passed y
the excellent scor
she gained when
ber 2 correctly 1
School of Music
means of locking
town in one build
be properly isolat
1. Is Spring h
2. Did you ge
yet, or were you
3. Why were
on at 10 A. M. y
4. Do you kn
torium was built?
5. Supply the
Are you going
night ?"
(For answers,

terprises is noticeably lacking in
ne of a series of in- "Eight 'til Eight," it makes up for it
ritten especially for with a preponderance of enthusiasm
niversity. and wholesale enjoyment on the part
esterday's quiz with
esof trdoiy'sqwith 1 of cast and chorus members that puts
e of 20 points ,which the strained smile of the professional
she answered num-tosae
by saying that the to shame.
sayvingdIn retrospect, the song and dance
up all the noise i numbers stand out far more definitely
ling, which ought to than the play itself. There is a defi-
Led. 1nite swing to most of the music that
* * tends to haunt anyone who is at all
QlUESTIONS sympathetic with modern rhythm.
The Butter and Egg man specialty
incorporates a rollicking swing that
a committee man? makes the listener want to execute
the same intricate clog put on by the
all the street lights entertainers. And that come-hither
ow when Hill audi- wink emphasized by the biggest "But-
1)o you care? ter and Egger" is enough to scandalize
line which follows: any self respecting chorus girl.
to the library to- Probably the cleverest of all the
musical numbers is."Turning Tables."
(:a nII r TllILyrics, tune, rhythm ...... all are
Iil Harry T lt-

State Street Jewelers

-° ...
a, "b ;s
"mod 3

pipe s


For Your Convenience--Two Stores Completely Stocked
At Both Ends of the Diagonal

1. - -


Telephone 21214
Advertising..............William C. Pusch
Advertising.............Thomas Sunderland
Advertising........... George 11. Annable, Jr.
Advertising...........Laurence J. Van Tuyl
Circulation................T. Kenneth Haven
Publication...............John H. Bobrink
Accounts................Francis A. Norquist
George Ahn Jr. Esther Booze
D. M. Brown Hilda Binzer
Florence Cooper Marion A.eDaniel
A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg
E. L. Hulse Selma M. Jansen
R. A. Meyer Marion Kerr
William F. Spencer Marion L. Reading
Harvey Talcott Harriet C. Smith
Harold Utley Nance Solomon
Ray Wachter Florence Widmaier
J. B. Wood


Candy or Tobacco.
It is very convenient at times to be able to run in
to our store between classes or on your way to or
from the campus and find candy, tobacco, maga-
zines, and many other things which you may have
occasion to want.
Varsity Laundry Agency



There is an interesting story about
the choosing of the site of the Uni-
versity. It seems that there were
three institutions to be located, and
three towns out for them. Pontiac
got first choice, and took the asylum;
Jackson was next and asked for the

clever, and Daisy, Ilenry and Clark
take care that it goes across. "A Lit-
tle College is a Dangerous Thing"
comes next in the line of praise, and
the love song is a definite accomplish-
Every year, the annual play of .the
juniors contributes a waltz song,
each one of which seems to be as
beautiful as anything ever written...
and every succeeding year another
aspiring composer produces some-
thing more exquisite, more intangibly
lovely than ever before. This year is


Williams Street

li1'i 111 11V' 1

Across from Congregational Church



Traditions, those customs in whichi
any university takes a natural pride,
will come into their own once more
this spring with, the advent of senior
class activities shortly after the
Easter recess. And despite the fact
that the graduating classes occupy
the center of the stage in these an-
nual observances, the underclassmen
have likewise important parts to play.
The spring games require the un-
divided support of the freshman and
sophomore classes, while Cap Night,
a little later, always draws hundreds
of students to the scene of the yearl-
ings' spectacle.
Swing Out, the first official event
of the graduating classes, and Cane
Day, when the coveted walking sticks
make their initial appearance, are
both worthy of whole-hearted support.
Wearing of- caps and gowns each
Wednesday following Swing Out is
another tradition which should not be
observed in any haphazard manner.
The. foregoing customs, among oth-
ers, have become institutions at Mich-
igan. They constitute the few occa-
sions when members of the various
classes can express themselves as a
unit, when a true class spirit can
prevail. Such opportunities should
not go neglected.
In answer to the recent petition of
Princeton and Columbia faculties
calling for a reconsideration of the
debt settlement, Secretary Mellon has
made a final pronouncement on the
administration policy. In Secretary
Mellon's opinion, a reopening of the
foreign debt settlement would be a
step backward, calculated to produce
discord and confusion rather than to
contribute to the economic stability
and orderly, government of world
prosperity. It is extremely improb-
able that the present administration
will deviate froh this policy.
Pointing out that the nation which
sacrifices its own just claims is un-
likely to retain the respect of other
nations, Secretary Mellon declared
that a cancellation would not affect
the dislike with which Americans are
treated in Europe today. More speci-
fically, the Secretary of the Treasury
mentioned the fact that such a pro-
nouncement of a cancellation policy

prison; but Ann Arbor had to take I no exception, and it is hard to con-
what was left. ceive of what heights next year's song
The first class in the University of love will reach.
met in the Fall of 1841. There were The theoretical hat comes off to the
six students enrolled, and it took principals--who really were over-
them about a month to get registered, worked. Josephine Mitts, Marjorie
if the present system was in use then. Chavenelle, and Lois Porter are all



LO0 2Ul LFU f~ 1. 1y u Uu
our national prosperity is, there are
possibilities that depression might set
in following over-expansion. Financial,
history shows this to be easily possi-
ble. Good business judgment would
point to a further reduction of the
national debt. The tax reductions can
With Calvin Cooldige's second term
now drawing to a close there has been'
the usual amount of argument, pro
and con, upon the desirability of a
third term for the chief executive.
Included in this argument has been
the proposal of setting a limit to the
number of terms of office that can be
served or designating a certain num-
her of years, say ten or twelve, as the
absolute limit. But it is unlikely that
any such proposals will be written
into the country's statutes.
A century and a half ago the cre-
ators of the constitution saw fit to
allow the people at large to decide
upon occasion and circumstance just
how many terms the president might
serve; whether or not lie could serve
a second, or third, or fourth term,
would depend upon his qualifications
and accomplishments. The prospects
are somewhat gloomy for those who
would restrict this basic right when
it has been upheld for 150 years.
The proposed high tariff on Amer-
ican automobiles imported into France
has turned out to be only a threat.
The new tariff schedule will contain

But once classes got under way, it
is understood, the attendance was
fairly regular, there seldom being
more than one or two, or at the most
three, students bolting at any one
given time. j
It is interesting to note that, start-
ing with this original class of six
freshmen, the University graduated
nine men in the first coimencement
exercises. That percentage of sur-
vival can't be leat by any modern
* * *
These graduates got together the
very day they were released and form-
ed an alumni association. From then
on students were relegated to the end
* * *
For some reason or other they have
to have a class poet, orator, historian,
and prophet for the senior literary
class-day exercises, and so the pres-
ident called a meeting the other after-
noon to carry out the election. And
all of 20 persons showed up.
There would have been just about
enough jobs to go around, but that
was the trouble,-nobody wanted any
of the positions since they involve
work. So it was finally decided that
the president should pick on some of
those who weren't present.
Lower Staff Gets High Hatted
March 1S.-Rebellion broke out in the
ranks today, and only the efforts of
the managing editor of Rolls halted
a war that threatened to disrupt the
paper, and perhaps take heavy toll
on the campus at large.
* * *
It all started when two of the lower
staff posted a challenge to the Upper
Staff to hold a baseball game alongI
in April sometime. The reason they
got started so soon is that they are
going to try out and try to sign up the
I Varsity baseball team as reporters for

very good and it is to be regreted
that the collegiate suitors are so re-
stricted in their parts. It is only once
in a blue moon that a junior class
finds as charming a male lead as Nel-
lie Hoover, and her ability could have
been used to greater advantage. Just
as in the Opera most of the interest
and enthusiasm is directed to the men
impersonating women, so in the
Junior Girls' play an audience is most
impressed by the "men."
Much credit is due Marian Welles
and her costume committee for they
give the only professional touch to the
play, adding a daintiness and charm,
which coupled with the naivity of the
play as a whole, should captivate De-
* * s
Those who remember Sigrid
Onegin's Metropolitan debut in 1922,
or her subsequent concert tours need
not to be told of her return and tri-
umph during the current season. In
fact even the most heated superla-
tives seem cold evasion, if one has
heard Madame either in recital or
opera. Her vpice is mezzo-soprano
deepening at times into a rich con-
tralto; and this combined with pro-
found musicianship, beauty and a fine
dramatic insight produce an artistic
effect that is rather devastating in
its effect on both audience and critic.
Madame is returning this year after
an absence of a year spent in concert
work on the continent. If we can be-
lieve the foreign press her success
there warranted engagements for an-
other season. However, the American
public is prone to allow the absent art-
ist to fall into unwelcome oblivion,
and a judicious management is re-
turning Onegin for a concert tour. The
Ypsilanti Normal Conservatory has
been unusually fortunate in obtaining
the following program to be given on
Tuesday, March 22, in Pease audi-
Aria: "Furibonda Spira......Handel
Aria: "Chi Vocol La Singarella"
Now the Dancing Sunbeams....Haydn
She Never Told Her Love ....Haydn
Piercing Eyes................Haydn

,d u

EARL V. MOORE Musical Director
FREDERICK STOCK Orchestral Cond.
JOSEPH E. MADDY Children's Cond.
Rosa Ponselle Soprano
Metropolitan Opera Company
Betsy Lane Shepherd Soprano
American concert and oratorio singer
Lois Johnston Soprano
San Carlo Opera Company
Ernestine Schumann-Heink Contralto
Jubilee Anniversary
Sophie Braslau Contralto
Metropolitan Opera Company
Elsie Baker Contralto
American concert and oratorio singer
Armand Tokatyan Tenor
Metropolitan Opera Company
Arthur Hackett Tenor
American concert and oratorio singer
Lawrence Fibbett Baritone
Metropolitan Opera Company
William Simmons Baritone
American concert and oratorio singer
James Wolfe Bass
Metropolitan Opera Company
Lea Luboshutz Violinist
Russian Violinist
Ernest Hutcheson Pianist
Eminent American Artist
MASS IN D Beethoven

May 18, 19,20,21


few changes and will even include a The Daily,
few reductions, based on a compli- * * *
cated system of weight valuation. In We happen to know that the Upper
-..-------fl 1 ..-., ..i:-, 5faff nI n ofrv thtbc xholt? founry of


11 11


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