Uaes was inaugurated. Confronted with the cmplisePr c dent I3rmen was li- unvr
H azEet u immediate necessity for new buildingsmrbyfteadte oueth niey
to house the post war influx lof stn- left behinlahm was one of the fiet its odm
dets, the new president went before groups of buildings possessed by any espons
the legislature in 1921 and succeeded; university in the world.i pl of t
(Cotined romPae 1) d~gre watit to H damong other things In having the mill Another even younger mal, Presi-' governo
(Cotiuedfrm Pge15) deree wat t s toay. He enered renown as an educator. Germany had of a mill and the next year the'tax raised to three-fifths of a mill and tally im
stitution, and its success here pre-,his duties with a faculty of 35 and a just taken two years to complete a Homeopathic hospital now the South! in getting almost $5,000,000 for build-I dent Clarence Cook Little, has su phase o
ceded its adoption in nearly every student body of 1,100, and he lived treaty with China on the same subject, deat(t sheUiest osia ns eeded him, in 195. Much remains to ti r
state where a university exists. to see his faculty increase itself ten and it was predicted when Dr. Angell on iorth University vnews pnbih e acieved in a material way, and the oeo
The tax has later been raised to, times, and his student body triple and left that his year's leave of absence ed. This year also a regular Surmmer sm ri o na c new m emadacitcuebid tors, it
tilree-eighths of a mill and furnishes quadruple. Until the later years of would be antirely inadequate for the Session was established and Prof.! complished, and the University on the ings are in the process of construction:<what fu
the chief source of income for the Uni- his life he made an effort to know work lie had to do. In two months, John Reed was appointed dean. ' eve of a great educational expansion,I now, but the broader field for theMchg
versity. The Income from the state personally the students on the camt- however, he had completed the treaty Thnfrtreyar ohn o-r sident Burton died. In him the University les in a stew type of cod-,lirga
lands soon became only a secondary fns, and thousands of Michigan alumni and was on his way home. The Pro- able happened, but in 1903 the West 1 y ers oy his hreidenyhre, ngte f setinasad cricuuma nd vsionl ALE
source of funds.,din every land of the globe knew and fessor Frieze again acted as president Medical building, which has now de-'yaso i rsdnyhroeo sadrsadcriuu n t- YL
Several landmarks'distinguished the vd Pey"Anell. during his absence. ,generated into a home for the journal- poal the gpwreatesoato is ady ent otinhme youvesw prsia- a 20,00
regime of President Haven. The build-{ Angell Starts Werk Then in 1882 the old engineering ism department as well, was built! enrabtion.Fratetwortatrfhe sc-et.yMchign ondy sure nlwypstate$lanhe
ing for the Law School was built inI It was in June, 1871, that President shops were erected, although additions The engineering building was eon- eeain o h okta ea-dn.Mcia oa steol tt anh
the University in the same year, and periment in education that the state old library, with its whispering gal-, was also established in this year.
the studentsiii the University num- of Michigan had established at Amt lery and stacks which are a part of; The department of architecture was
bered 652 in this year. Arbor; and If there is one word that the present building, was built. This established in 1906, and Judge Cooley'sa
The mill tax' prevision included also typifies the whole attitude and spirit building was partly torn down in 1918, home on State street was purchased=
that a Schoo of Homeopathy should1 of the administration that word is to make room for the present strut-! asa home for the Union. In the yearI
be established here, but while this leadership. Mediocrity was one tare, the chimes andclock tower being of 1907, Phi Eeta Kappa entered the !
struggle was being carried on in the thing, at least, that Michigan was'remnoved to the engineering building. campus, but in order to offset the= m oI
state legislature, the University con-(never guilty of during the presidency! The fiftieth'anniversary of the Uni- handicap thie legislature again rased
sistently dodged the establishment of of Dr. Angell, and if it was a fortun-; versity was celebrated in 1887, and the mil tax to three-eighths of a mill. 111
such a department, until in 1869 the ate happenstance that brought Henry! about that time also an attempt to The Dental building was erected a year-
legislature granted the University Tappan to Ann Arbor it was doubly move the Medical School to Detroit later and Alumni Memorial hall, which jATWO
$15,000 for two yeryrs without thr fortunate when James Burrill Angell, was frustrated. Part of the school ac- had vied with the new Union building, PABUNTIT
Homeopathic rider attached, and thus destined to close his term one Of tle tually did move, although there was for the support of alumni, was finally=
the impending disaster was averted. A best known educators in America, ea- no serious interference in the work! completed in 1909.
course in pharmacy was established barked upon his career at Michigan of the college here. The same year President Angell re-
in 1868. There was nothing spectacular or. The main building of the University; signed, after serving for 38 years, and.C
Appropriate/for University Hall sensational about this advance of the hospital was erected in 1891 and the though he lived until 1916, Dean = T o P ns4 s . c
In 1869, also an eventful year for( state university. It was a slow steady Graduate school, which had been an Barry B. Hutchins took over the ad- 1MO P ns
the school, faculty salaries were in- process, taking place by scarcely idea in the mind of 'President Tappan, ministration of the University, a pos-=
creased to $2,000, which had been perceptible degrees but as inimitable was officially established. Michigan, tion which he was to hold until 1920. o ;"
originally intended in the act of 1887, and inveterate as the wind and tides. It should be added, was the first uni- The students in the University at Pants a d
and the legislature voted $75,000 for In 1875 the College of Dentistry was versity to recognize the possililities! this time numbered 5,223. i
the erection of University hall, be- established, and in that year also the of graduate study, and it hadli' long! Hill Aud1torium Built K ik r
tween the South wing and Mason hall. Douglas-Rose controversy, a blot on been a feature of the curriculum. At commencemient time in 1912 the
The new building was made neces- University history, developed. The Freedom in the election of courses, seventy-fifth anniversary of the Uni=.a$45
sary by the -increasing demand for accounts in the chemistry laboratory, combined with the early abolition of versity was celebrated, a giant tents
space with the larger enrollment and were found to be inaccurate and Doug- Latin and Greek requirements, like-l being erected on the campus to hold -b
the need for an auditorium. The las and Rose, who ran the laboratory, wis gave Michigan a lead in this di- the crowds for which the auditorium
auditorium built in the new edifice, accused each other of the responsi- recton. The Graduate School, when in University ball was entirely inade-I
containing as it did room for 3,000, bility for the discrepancy. For four organized, was a' part of the literary quate. Regent Arthur Hill, '65E, left-- -
proved adequate for many years, and years the struggle raged, finally end-, college and it was not until later that the University a bequest for the con- C --- -
was only supplanted recently by Hill Ing in the courts w/here both were a separate organization entirely was struction of Hill auditorium, which
auditorium. eonerated. The significant point is, established. gave to Ann Arbor one of the finest
In 1869 President Haven resigned to however, that even this glorious op- Open Ferry Field i 1893 l and largest auditoriums in the con-
accept the presidency of Northwestern portunity for criticism aroused no The mill tax for the support of the try. I p re
university, a sectarian school of hisj critics of state education, and the University, which had been one-) The new library and the new Union pre
faith, and for two years there was no idea of a state university was firmly twentieth of a mill on all taxable' building were both completed in 1919,
official president. During the interim entrenched in the minds of the people property to this time, was raised toI and in June of 1920 President Hutch- + n
Professor Frieze, who held the chair of the state. one-sixth sof a mill in 1893. In the ins resigned. Hle had originallyl Do esi
of Latin, acted as president and also Organize Athletic Association same year Ferry Field, a gift from'agreed to take the position for only 1 ~ ete
during the time women were first ad- In 1878 the Athletic association of D. M. Ferry of Detroit, which has five years and though prevailed upon K ik r
matted to the University, in 1870. the University was organized. A year served as the background for every to continue in office beyond that time
hater lie established a closer relation later the salaries of the mesmbers of great athletic contest since then, was he finally retired after 11 years of TT
between the preparatory schools of the University staff were reduced fol- first opened to the student. srvce
the state and the Unifrsity. Againl lowing th financial panic on 'the as- In the next two years Waterman President Angell had died in 1916.
Michigan led the way and the idea of sumption that money was worth more gymnasium was built and the first, The devotion of the students had its -Ceg Clrek
accrediting schools originated at the than previously. The assumption may summer courses were given. Tappan last opportunity of expression in the
University here. have been true but the reduction ap- hall was also erected at this time and double line that formed along the path
SThen came the administration 'that parently caused another panic among the department of engineering wasf of the funeral party. The school chil-
was to prove the most eventful and the members of the staff. established as a college with Prof.! dren of the city as well as some of the
remarkable of all the president, that, In 1879 also the museum was built., Charles Green as dean. Barbour gym- leading men of the state and nation=ToB. ad t
of Dr. James Burrill Angell, who for In this year also the first chair of the: nasium for women was also erected were in the line as the last tribute T eHda
38 years guided the' destines of the science and art of teaching in any uni- in this year was paid to the groat mhan who gave
state uniiversity and who toos the Uni- versity was established with William! President Angell was again taled( his life to the University.
versity from its rather brilliant start H1. Payne as the professor. on a diplomatic mission to Turkey in Then the last era, o which ewe can,
to the very heights of American edu-I A year later President Angell left 5.907, and Dean Henry Burns Hutchins' not yet guess the end, began. It is
catioll. Combining as he did all the, on his first diplomatic mission to of the Lawv School, acted as president! within the memory of most of us PAIt
qualities of a first rate diplomat with' China, a commission which resulted in in his absence.I when Marion LeRoy Burton became
those of a mastertul executive, Dr his establsing a reputation as a As the nineteenth century closed Ilhe president of the University in 1920. A
Angell made the University, to a large diplomat that was second ol ohsoiltxwannraedt n yut eid fgetantai xpnin=il 111hi1111Il1111ifllfl m~l1111111iillltax as inreaselto oe fouth peiod o grea and ap1d xpanson 111imo
-M._imes Theatre--
ity in the country that has an
free hand in the control of
ninistration. Its Regents are
cble to no one except the peo-
the state, and the legislature,
)r, and similar objects are to-
potent to dictate any single
f its administration. With
e hand, and the leadership of
he most progressive of educa-
is inspiring to conjecture to
rther heights the University of
n may reach by its centenary.
,.-Requirng an additional an-
ome of $1,000,000 a drive for
0,000 endowment fund will be
d.s ,i
$03 ()$35
Gal H ose _
"Do you know where some of the biggest deals in the world are pulled off? In people's houses,, over the-coffee-or
whatever it is."-CHESTER.