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March 18, 1927 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-18

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HIS map shows the location of the Mans Shop of Greenwood and
Kilgore and "the principal roads leading thereto."
If you have never visited this unusual shop we now invite you to do so---
to acquaint yourself with our shop and our carefully selected stock of
clothing and fittings for young men. Selected with the wants o/ university
men in mind, the articles sold here are undeniably right in style, material
workmanship and price.
The stock for spring is now complete and we want you to drop in and
look it over. Included in the exhibition are shoes for men by Alexander
priced from eleven fifty to fifteen dollars.
Spring suits forty-eight and more; topcoats thirty-eight fifty and more.

Your presence in

our shop

and inspection

thereof is

most earnestly


and Kiilgore





over Ca kins-Fetcher's drug store.

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