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March 18, 1927 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-18

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RIDAY. 'ARC"18, l9V7



Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten.
University Lecture:
Dr. Arthur Haas, Professor of Physics, University of Vienna, will give
a lecture on "The Atom as a Source of Energy." Dr. Haas writes: "It will
be a lecture without mathematical formulae . . in the second half of this
lecture I shall deal with the problem of the transformation of radiation into
matter." This will be given on Friday evening, March 18, at 8:00 P. M. in
the West Lecture Room of the Old Physics Laboratory.
H. M. Randall.
Biological Station:
Applications have been received for all but a few places at the Station
this summer. Students who wish to attlend should see me in person or
apply by letter as soon as possible. I shall be in my office, Room 449,
Natural Science Building, at 11 A. M. Thursday and Friday of this week
and Monday and Tuesday of next week to confer with students who may be
interested. Copies of the Biological Station announcement may be secured
at the Summer Session Office.
George R. La Rue, Director.
Band and Flee Club:
The members of the University Band and of the University Glee Club
who are to broadcast upon the 90th Anniversary Program tonight are re-
quested to meet in the Broadcasting room as near 6:30 as possible. Pro-
grain commences at seven prompt and a try out is necessary before going
on the air.
Waldo Abbot, Manager.
Michigan Glee Club:
All members of the Michigan Glee Club meet.on fourth floor of old Uri-,
versity Hall at twenty minutes of seven tonight to take part in Micigan
Night broadcasting.
L. Stuart Bulmian, Manager.
Attention Wisconsin World War Veterans:
The State of Wisconsin has set July 1, 192a, as the closing date for
receipt of Wisconsin StateBonus Claims.
Reuel L Blake, Adjutant. Erwin Prieskorn Post No. 46, American Legion.
Faculty Concert:
The following progr'am will be given in the Faculty Concert Series, in
Hill Auditorium, Sunday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. The general public,
with the exception of small children, is cordially invited. ,
Horn-Trio, E fiat, Op. 40 (Brahms) Maud Okkelberg, Piano, Samuel P.
Lockwood, Violin, Perry Mason, Horn; "Panis Angelicus" (Cesar Franck)
Nora Crane Hunt, Contralto; Janette Fraser Wieder, 'Cello, Mrs. S. W.
Mower,' Accompanist; Quintet, F minor (Franck) Albert Lockwood, Piano,
Samuel P. Lockwood, First Violin, Mary Alice Case, Second Violin, Pauline
Kaiser, Viola, Janette Fraser Wieder, 'Cello.
Charles A. Sink, Secretary.
The bill to be discussed Tuesday evening, March 22, is as follows:
"Resolved, that this house approve the action of the university authorities
in :placing on probation the girls concerned with the junior girls play pub-
All members are asked to prepare themselves on this question.
J.. M. Schrade, Speaker.
To All Women:
Everyone come out for the St. Patrick's Party given by the Women's
League in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall this afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Esther Tuttle, Chairman.
Senior Mechanical Engineers:
Wfr. F. D. Hooper, of the Lidgerwood Manufacturing Company of New
York, who are very large manufacturers of hoisting and conveying ma-
chinery, will be in Room 2,21 West Engineering Building on Saturday, March
19, to interview students interested in positions with this company.
H. C. Anderson.

CINESE RECEd Marines Parade In
o '' i M l '~...: }":::: 2 ~ *,X
Paul C. 1ming Will Deliver An Addres
T mororw On The Present ..**I.*1.
s~taianon ii Clia

Shanghai S t r e e t s MENG WILL GIVE TALK o,(,10,;,ext T"( sdy, in atural
ON SITUATION IN CHINA sciece aulitoi lnl. T e sihjc1 t of
________his tale will be "The Present Situ;,-
Paul C. : ixc i e t in in China." 11 e w ill discuss the
of the National Chinese Student Chris - facto sinvolved therein and p os
tion association, will sp~eak at 4:15 sile solutioni for Chnina's probles.


Mullison Saddle Stables
326 East Ann St.
We offer to you your choice of a string of thirty well
trained and gaited saddle horses. We prefer the English
saddle-but for those who so desire we have plenty of the
Stock and Army type. t4
Lessons in Riding and Hurdlig -
You c±an also rent a horse or a buggy-or a tally-ho
with a bugler for a party.
Phone 7418.

More than 20 dolegatos, represent- P.
ing Chinese students in Detroit, Lan- ".:,....
sing, Flint, and other cities in Mich-
igan, as well as the nembliers of the.................: .. ::.:%::
Chinese Student club of the Univer-
sity, will begin their two-day conven-
tion tonight in Lane Hall auditorium.
Addresses of welcome to the delegates .:":'""::.
will be given by the members f the
local club at the informal reception.......................;,S.
that will open the conference.}}
The out-of-town delegates will reg-
ister at 7 o'clock in Lane Hall and
then after the first session will be
conducted to their lodgings. The work"" ' ':}'<'.
of preparing for the conference has .: .,. ...}
beeen o e done fiv byemethef hfive: X"::.e>;bers of...:::the:.;::::..":::"::": ":: *: ::::?::::..:}::
committee on nationh.l affairs, of
which Alfred Pu grad., is the chair- ''.:
man, while S. S. Lee, grad., has been
in charge of the publicity. While all
the members of the local club are A detachment of United States m arines photographed marching up Ithe
expected to attend and join in the1 Bund, principal street in Shanghai, C hina, on their arrival
forum discussions, eight onily have
been appointed as official delegates UNI VERSIT Y AND HIGH SCHOOL AIMS
and they alone will vote, with those S
from outside cities, for the general SHOULD BE ALIKE, SAYS AUTHORITY
resolutions of the convention.
Mleng Will Open Session
At the beginning of the second ses- Striking similiaritysbetween the out at the national meeting, is be-
siontomrro moning th enireaims of preparatory school and col- tween civilization studies in the pri-
ion tomorrow morning, the entirlege educators is the keynote of the mary grades and courses offered for
delegation will remain silent for a few new methods of educatin, accord- orientation of college freshmen. Clay
minutes n honor of the memory of ing to Doris F. Twitchell of the com- modeling of the early grades is but
12, two years ago. The real business mittee on personal research. Miss the bottom of a plan which reaches!
Twitchell is one of a group appointed into the colleges.
of the conference will then be open- last fall by President Clarence Cook i Dissatisfaction with present meth-
dy Pl C. Mengugeneralre- Little, to investigate student prob- ods was shown at the conferences, ac-
tary of the Chinese Student Christian lens in an attempt to further greater cording to Miss Twitchell, by theI
association of North America, who efficiency in meeting and solving these challenge given to colleges and uni-
nse language on the present crisis in difficulties. versities to modify entrance require-
China. Miss Twitchell has recently return- ments to harmoze witth oe aims of
Will Hold Forum I ed from several national conferences modern schools. It is the opinion of
At the third session the conference of leading educators of the country and the leaders in the field of education
will be divided into three forums to has brought back with her the ideas that this policy prevents a broader
discuss the Chinese student attitude formulated at these conferences for curriculum in the preparatory schools
towards the internal and foreign pol- the improvement of the present ed- ! by forcing them to make their list of
icy of the Nationalist government and ucational system. Emphasis, she says, required subjects meet the demands
the manner in which it is carrying was laid on the fact that the pre- of the higher educational units.
on Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's doctrines and his school unit and the college unit should
program of reconstruction; the rela- be considered as an inseparable whole. E Now that two college students have
tionship of the Nationalist government College deans and preparatory robbed a Gary theater, a fock of
with the Communist group and the school educators,- she declared, ac- opinions on the evil influences of
Russian soviet government; and final- cording to the prevailing sentiment educational institutions may e be ex-
ly the student attitude towards the de- of the conferences, have aims for in-
clared policies of the United States dividual development which are iden- pected.
and other foreign powers in respect tical.
to China. Another striking similarity pointed Supscribe for the Michigan Daily.
Immediately following the forum





A z- \
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We offer you,'every Sun-

day, a special dinner.


en, vegetables,

desserts -

everything that goes to make

this the biggest and best meal of the week.
try it and be surprised at the low price.

Come in and


Every evening we have steaks and chops-sweet, juicy
and tender, cooked in a style that. will rival anything that

"mother used to make.


329 South Main St.


Across from the Wuerth Theatre

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I 1

Negro-Caucasian Club:
A meeting of the club will be held Friday, 18th, at 8 P. M. at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Johnson, .620 Church St. General topic for dis-
cussion: "International Problems"-sub-topics Race Relations in Africa
and India. The discussion on Africa will be led by Mr. Henri P. St. Hill;
the discussion on India byAir. Nur M. Malik. Visitors are invited.
Wm. Howard, Pres.

discussions, a general session will be
held at which time the forum leaders
will make their reports. The general
resolutions of the convention will then
be drawn up and voted upon by the
out-of-town delegates and the eight
official delegates of the local club.
An informal banquet, with farewell
remarks by the departing delegates,
tomorrow night will conclude the con-
PENN STATE-A four million ap-
propriation has been asked for the
next two years.
; i

Wall Paper Sale



If you have not availed yourself of

the opportunity

of buying wall paper at our discount sale, you
one more week's time in which to do so.

still have

For almost half a century the de-
velopment and progress of the Uni-
versity have been mirrored by the
advancementof several lesser or aux-
iliary institutions, among them the
U Tfiv,..d 'P itn , M. ,,i-t nnw in its

students and has a membership of
more than 300. It has performed al-
most all of the world's greatest choral
works adaptable, to concert perform-
ance during this interval. In manyl
instances, major works have received
their American and even their world

I wish to announce that
I will open up a
.Tailor's and Furrier's

We also have a fine line of remnants that may interest


univers y musica sOceLy,ROW 11 n 1 ,
forty-eighth year. During that time premiere at the hands of this organiza-
the Choral Union concert series has
bee istiutd nd evlopdan The activities of the University
b.een instituted and developed,and Musical society have extended also in
also during that time, the society has syd
built up another event which .is now arxother direction. In 1893 the Uhl-
in its thirty-fourth year, the annual vtrsity School of Music was organized
May Festival. The Festival has con- due to the efforts of the society, pro-
tinued uninterrupted since 1893, and viding Instruction in music of a grade
each year has grown in importance comparable to that of any of the;
both in its attractions and in its re- schools and colleges . of the Univer-
ception by the students and outsiders. sity. The first director was Dr. Al-
In the various concert programs bert A. Stagley, and eventually he was
provided during the course of the succeeded by 'the present director,
Festivals and concert series, a large I Earl V. Moore. The attendance at the
number of the most famous artists and school is now more than 700, and the
musical organizations in the world j faculty is made of over 30 teachers,'
have been brought to Ann Arbor. In sone of whom have international
this number have been included or-1 reputations. Last year full four year
chestras, choral organizations, en-i courses were established with high
semble groups of other types, and so- i school preparation accepted for en-
loists; among the latter are Schumann- trance. Degrees of Bachelor of Music
Heink, Paderewski, Kreisler, Heifetz, and Bachelor of Music in Education
Galli-Curci, and McCormick. In 1919 are given to those completing the
Enrico Caruso made a special trip to, requirements.
Ann Arbor from New York city to ap- Over 50 concerts a year are given
pear in a concert arranged by the by members of the faculty and stu-
School of Music officials. dents of the School of Music, and this
The University Choral Union has al- activity along musical lines comes to
ways been one of.the component parts a head each year in the May Festival
of every May Festival program, sup- and concert series, especially the
porting the soloists along with a sym- former, which has established the
phony orchestra. The Choral Union reputation of the University in mu-
is made up largely of University sical circles.


Remember, we carry in stock everything in the wall
paper or paint line.


N Lenten time no dish
is more welcome than
hot,,crisp, crunchy toast (or
tender and delicate, as you
prefer) made by electricity
at the table -delicious, in
fact, as only electricity can
male toast.
During the Month of March we
are offering Electric Toasters at
specil prices-as low .as $2.95.
Will you not come in and look at
them? The opportunity will not
last long.



We do cleaning and pressing,
remodeling, ladies and men's
garments. We also remodel furs
and repair them. Our workr is
guaranteed. Pontiac Furriers
And Tailors. Second floor of
State Street Building, No. 308
South State St.


R. H. Lottner, Prop.

203 East Washington St.

Phone 9313

e q


Some Lenten Toasts


Cinnamon Toast Welsh Rarebit Toast
Creamed Mushroom Toast Shrimp Toast
French Toast Creamed Cheese Toast
Sardine Sandwich Toast Asparagus Toast

D~e Gourntiont

The Maiden of the Rocks
A Night in Luxembourg
The Return of the Native



New Grub Street
The Cream of the Jest
American Poetry

95c each







Downstairs .....................$2.50,
First Four Rows Balcony ....... $2.00

THE 23rd

r d
- WhitneyTheatre -
- -


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