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March 18, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-18

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d _-_-- _-

. .

TO ing will be the enclosed garden in1
[N [AVO 1TO L the rear. The Monroe Nursery hasj
- already donated shrubbery to the ex-
tent of $2,000 with which to landscape
the garden, and a prominent Mich-
VAiOUS U O MO lTS IN igan man who is a landscape archi-
tect has donated his services towards
FillflhlIfL lO dlaying out the garden.t
Another very generous gift has
Sbeen an endowment for the 11en,8
lounge room. This was subscribed by'
MUMEROUS ROO)ES ARE PLANNED Robert Patterson Lamont, of Laket
FOR C ~if T'ITEE X1EETING3 Forest, Illinois, and the room will be
AND 0 ANIZATIONS dedicated to Ethel Fountain Hussey,'
the first president of the Women's
HOME EFFECTIS SOUGHT league. The Ethel Fountain H-ussey
roomand the lounge room for mene
and women will both extend through|
Cafeteria, Beauty Parlor, And Tea two stories.c
Room Combine To Intrigue Across the hall from the openf
Interest o Women lounging room, will be the men's andt
women's dining room. Away from thei
In order that the proposed Women's business-like atmosphere of the offi-
league building may provide every- ces, upon the third floor, there willt
thing possible for the comfort and be a memorial library room. Thisa
convenience of League members var- is to be located directly over they
ious plans have been drawn up sup- front entrance. On the fourth floort
plying the most minute details. As 'will be a room which has been term- 1
perhaps the greatest need of the wo- el the Attic Club Room. No morea
men on the Michigan campus is for gatherings on the stairs of Barbourt
complete facilities for committee gymnasium will be necessary whenc
meetings, attention has been paid to the Attic Club Room is ready for use. a
those rooms on the first and second i Bedrooms To Face Patio ,
floor which will serve as commit- Also on the fourth floor, the 21p
tee rooms. sleeping rooms are planned to be asa
Plans have been made for lockable inviting and pleasant as possible. All i
niches in these rooms so that the or- wil face out upon either the patiop
ganizations utilizing them for meet- garden, or the Mall in front of thee
ing places will have a place to keep League building.'
their materials, thus making for Corresponding to the ball-room ofb
greater efficiency in the future, when the Michigan Union, there will be ab
this building is assured for Michi- large -assembly room, in which it is
gan. In other words, women's activi- expected a number of the proms and
ties will be cared for in every par- frolics of the fiture wil be held; the
ticular, both in space assigned for blue-prints include a balcony at one I
committee meetings, and in places end.
where societies may meet as a whole. The Women's league building, as it l
In case some one interested in is planned now, evidencing so much C
the League contributes funds to 'vision and understanding of the needs n
build a theater, the music and drama- of the League, taxes the imagination i
tic organizations will have their Of Michigan's women, but in less than
committee rooms in the theater wing. three months, provided the entire $1,- f
Here will also be a place for glee 000,000 is subscribed the first spade of t
club practices,'costume, and scenery earth will be turned. In less than two w
rooms. In case the theater is not years, the architects 1'romise thd. w
built, music and dramatic societies, the building may be dedicated. u1
along with all the other organiza-
tions, will be assigned space in the All graduate women are invited to
main part of the building. attend a St. Patrick's bridge party
To Encourage Freedom given by the Graduate Women's club
In the words of Mrs. W. B. Hender- at 8 o'clock tonight at the city Y. W.
son, "The women's League building C. A. There will be n admission
is to be as nearly like home as pos- charge of 25 cents.
sible, and the women are to feel as
free in its rooms as they do in the The Girls' Glee Club has received
rooms of their own homes." On the permission from Dean Bursley to
first floor will be a beauty shop make a trip to Ohio State University
which women ;may freely use when- next Friday.
ever they want to. There will also
be an attendant in charge who may Zeta Tau Alpha announces the
be engaged, if this is preferred. pledging of Julia Mottier, '28; and
The tea rooms, also on the first Lois Jimison, '30.
floor, will work upon the same prin- -
ciple. There will be a general tea- -
room wlere (League members may
go to be served. But there will also
be several kitchenettes for use whenDelicious
ever a group would rather prepare
their own tea. In addition, there is to
be a cafeteria across the corridorR
from the tea room, but as planned,
this will not be like the usual cafe- - To suit your most
teria. Absorbent material will cover exacting taste.
the floor and tables, and acoustic
properties addedtothe ceiling so Drop in and
that the sounds and din of the or-1 see us.
dinary cafeteria will be quieted. This
cafeteria is also planned to be a bit
of home, and it is hoped, will be the
sort of a college community advocat- SWEETLAND
ed by Alexander Meiklejohn and
other educators. 1,212 South Main
Nursery Donates Shrubs
Perhaps the most interesting and
beautiful feature of the League build-

States Philippine W
Strict European In
Philippine customs are essentiallyj
those of America and Europe, accord-!
ing to Miss Maria Lanzar, a Philippine
student who is doing graduate work at
the University of Michigan, and who
explains this fact in the following
manner: "For the last 400 years the
Philippine islands have been almost
entirely under European government
and influence. Naturally European
customs have been adopted, and dif-
fer only in that there is more conven-
tion observed in the Philippines than
in either Europe or America."
Miss Lanzar went on to explain that
the old fashioned Philippine women
were like the Americans of 50 or more
years ago. There is also, she says,
the "new woman," the ultra-modern
type who is regarded with disfavor as
a general rule by the more con serva-
tive families. As an instance may be
cited the custom of always having
chaperone in promenades with young
men. Few young women consider it
proper to go out with a young man!
alone. It is perfectly correct if there
s a chaperone or a party of young
people, and only very fast sets consid-
er disregarding this formality. The
younger women while at home abide
by the old conventions, although
while here accept the freedom America.
offers them.
"The principal occupation of Phil-
ppine women is working on the great
anded estates. The natives are most-
y farmers, as the Philippine Islands
are not industrial. Women are gene-
rally considered to have ability in
business. The upper class women I
usually work at home, making beauti-
ul gold jewelry and embroidery for'
heir dresses. The peasant women
weave silk for clothes, or perhaps
work in factories. The Philippine
underwear which is so popular in this

omen Are Bound By T dition it is claimed that such a sys-
menAunD)HIIIHII flem would insure greater fairness,
fu e n CsU I ince all women would be liable to
Eluence In Customs the same punishment for the sanel
I infringements. One of the cl~ef pro-
00 ' UN IWI t PIIALHtests voiced by the opposing group
country is made by hand in factories ;is that not all houses have to deall
by Philippine women." ; with the same amount or type of rule-1
The Philippine schools are modeled Uniform penalties for tall league' breaking, and can taerefore be more1
after ours, says Miss Lanzar, subject house, dormitories, and sororities lenient. This difference is most ap-
h i t will be the primary topic of discus-' parent when the variation in thea
to minor changes in the curricula sion at the regular meeting of all'size of the houses is considered. A
which suit Philippine needs more par- house presidents at 9 o'clock tomor- house with six or eight women wouldr
ticularly. The teachers were former- row morning in Room 110 Library. hardly meet with the same Aifficulties 1
ly mostly Americans, but the natives 'I'his problem had already been pre- as one holding 20 or more.E
sented to them for consideration in House presidents are asked to as-I
are largely replacing them now. The the respective houses. certain the attitude of their houses#
University of the Philippines, founded It is maintained by those in favor on the question before the meeting
in 1908, was modelled after the Uni- of the proposed ruling that inasmuch tomorrow.
versity of Michigan, three of its of- as there are uniform rules, there
ficials being Michigan men. Very few should be uniformm penalties. In ad- Patronize Daily Advertisers.
women enter its literary colleges; -- - -
most go in for pharmacy, medicine,
'or other professions, the practice of
which can be carried on largely at
A great many women attend the "
College of Pharmacy, and, after theyl Fine Furs and Si
are graduated, open a drug store in
their homes. Whether or not they
marry, they have a good business to
support them for the rest of their
lives. Miss Lanzar rather regretted
this tendency, inasmuch as it made
the interests of the women narrow.
She explained that although they had
spent several years in college, they
usually knew nothing not pertaining
to their profession, and seemed-ac-
tually ignorant. The School of Edu-
cation also claims a great many
Philippine women students. The Uni- Smartly indicating th
versity of the Philippines is the only appear m all the new
state maintained university tin the ei
Islands, but it has several branches, dress, for street and sp
two of them being junior colleges. Be- new materials, eme11
sides the public Schools, there are
several private schools and colleges,
one of which is Santo Domas, a col-
lege founded by Jesuit priests in 1511,
fifteen years before the founding of
Harvard University. Two years ago,
women were admitted to College of /
Pharmacy, the only department in C
which they are admitted.

Will Entertain With
St. Patrick's Party
St. Patrick's day will be celebrated
a little tardily by the 'Aomen's
league at a party from 4:30 to 6
o'clock today in Sarah Caswell An-
gell hall of Barbour gymnasium.
Apropo of the Saint's day, the hall
will be decorated in green and white.
Music has been provided for by Bob
Bowers orchestra, which has played
at several previous parties. Refresh-
ments will be served. All women are
cordially invited to attend.

London reports that blue is
ing pink and silver in the
spring gowns.



mart Styles Distinguish
on, Quality and Values
:heir purpose, these coats
styles-for dress 'nd semi-
ports. Models fashioned of
shed with spring furs.




rrroa- __ - - - >rro




A Perfect. Foundation f
spring Attire

E t . a, :'"
P ; .
,-u. ..,
_ ',
, , : p
s , ..

Dainty Lingerie!
Teddies Chemises
French Pntics
Dance Sets
Fashiond of softest Crepes
and Pussy illow Taffeta,
they are to be had in deli-
cate shades of peach, fiesh
and green. A host of new
style fancies.
The Rubley Shoppe
"In the Arcade"


With spring,
comes the desire
Good Looking Clothes.
W'hat Dry Cleaning
Pressing Service
Do you employ?
"Our Press Building Station,
across from the 'Maj.', is
open evenings until e:CO
DIAL 4287
OR ,


May 18, 19, 20, 21


EARL V. MOORE Musical Director
FREDERICK STOCK Orchestral Cond.
JOSEPH E. MADDY Children's Cond.
Rosa Ponselle Soprano
Metropolitan Opera Company
Betsy ,Lane Shepherd Soprano
American concert and oratorio singer
Lois Johnston Soprano
San Carlo Opera Company
Ernestine Schumann-Heink Contralto
Jubilee Anniversary
Sophie Braslau Contralto
Metropolitan Opera Companyss
Elsie Baker Contralto
American concert and oratorio singer
Armand Tokatyan Tenor
Metropolitan Opera Company
Arthur Hackett Tenor
American concert and oratorio singer
Lawrence Tibbett Baritone
Metropolitan Opera Company
William Simmons Baritone
American concert and oratorio singer
James Wolfe Bass
Metropolitan Opera Company
Lea Luboshutz Violinist
Russian Violinist
Ernest Hutcheson Pianist
Eminent American Artist
MASS IN D Beethoven
/D _ _I--------



.. "1..
E 'I'






Assorted-Also Just Bon Bons
Honey Chips, Maple Walnuts, etc.




II 11

11 I

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