ESTABLISHED ~ 1890 Jr it i01au P IItli MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIL No. 121 SIXTLEN PAGES ANN ARDOR. MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1927 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENT M EVANS CALLS DETRO0T LOGICAL CENTER FOR! RDWTH OF AVIATI0N SAYS AIR TRANSPORTATION ULTIMATE MEANS OF FUTURE TRADE IS SET NEW RECORD Relates Significance Of Achievementt To Sitmulation Of Interest In Problems Of Aviation Citing Detroit as the most logical center in the development of American commercial and civil aviation, Ed- ward S. Evans of Detroit, who last summer set a new record in a trip around the world, spoke last night in Natural Science auditorium on the practical significance. of his record flight in its relation to the stimulation of public interest in aviation. "Air transportation will be the ulti- mate means of future commerce,"' Evans said, "and Detroit is the ideal location for that development to take place." He further pointed out that American civil and commercial avia- tion in the past few years has pro- gressed in leaps and bounds, but that the United States is still far behind Germany in the application of avia- tion to the conmercial and business worlds. Cites Improement "Airplanes manufactured in Amer- ica today are as different from those turned out a year and a half ago as the most luxurious limousine of the present day is from the primitive ox- cart," he stated, "but it remains for public interest and commercial co- operation to bring flying in the United States down to a practical basis. "Detroit has already assumed a prominent position in this field. Three flying clubs of five men each haves been organized, which will own their own plane and extend the use of his plane, with a pilot, to each of the members for flights, say, to Chicago, New York, or other cities." O-, t ide t t ?r1fection .of civil aviation in Germany, Evans said, the most impressive thing about the whole trip was th'i4riendliness and courtesy the aviators were shown by Russian and Japanese government officials, whose assistance was indispensible in the journeys from Omsk to Moscow and from Moscow to Yokohama. "Railroad officials also lent their co- operation by granting the use of spe- cial trains in order to maintain our closely planned schedule. The run fromMukdennto Fusan, a distance of 1,000 miles, was particularly signifi- cant in that it set a new record of 23 hours for the distance over which the fastest previous time was 31 hours."~ School children and curious natives greeted them at every railway station, and regarded Evans and Wells as pioneers. "It is interesting to won- der," Evans remarked, "what com- parative courtesy and enthusiastica'lly cordial treatment two Japanese flyers would receive in their journey across the United States." Relates Stages Of Trip In a step by step rcladon of the progressive stages of the trip Evans told how a delay of two hours in their arrival at Cherboug caused a general interruption of their sched- uled connections which, were planned so that they would follow in almost instantaneous sequence, giving them only a few minutes at each point for possible waste of time. A hurried dash by automobile through Normandy brought the two men to Paris where they chartered a special plane for the flight to Magdeberg. "The most thrilling part of the whole trip was in a night flight from Cologne to Magdeburg over the for- est-covered Vosges mountains," he went on. "Our planes were not equip- ped for night flying, and as there were few landing spaces, made doubly hard to locate because o the gathering darkness .the flying yas particularly dangerous. The only signs of life o the land below us were the twinkling lights of the villages in the mountain valleys. In the race by automobie from Magdeberg to Belin, Wells kept I his hand on the horn all the way and the people in the villages were left1 in a state of bewilderment in trying; to figure out the reason for such ex-E trordinary haste." "We came safely through a violent thunder storm during the 1,000 mile, flight over the Ural mountains to Krasnoufinsk with only ten minutes surplus supply of gasoline. In a short time after we landed a crowd ' of 2,000 peasants had gathered, but Cook Is Freed From Leavenworth Prison In Lawyer's Custody (By Associated Press) FORT WORTH, March 1Y-Proba- tionary freedon for Dr. Frederick A. Cook, Arctic explorer and promoter, was granted here today by Federal Judge James G. Wilson under a two- year-old federal probation law. The order freeing Cook will be for- warded tonight or tomorrow to Leavenworth penitentiary, where Dr. Cook, who claims to be the original discoverer of the North pole, is serv- ing a 14-year sentence on conviction of misuse of the mails for oil-stock promotion. The prisoner will be paroled to Haskin Williams, Fort Worth attor- I ney and churchman, while the govern-{ Iment is preparing an appeal of the case which may go to the United States Supreme court. The probation, which is for five years, was granted under the law passed March 4, 1925, which gives federal district judges authority to liberate defendants and the present case is one of the few in which this au- thority has been exercised. Govern- ment attorneys deny that a judge has power to grant probation after a prisoner has begun serving his term, but the few cases thus far tried ,ap- pear to be in conflict, according to Assistant District Attorney J. Forrest McCutcheon. In holding in favor of Cook, Judge Wilson stated that the new law is "a radical departure, without parallel," and gives the trial judge control over the prisoner until the termination of the latter's sentence. I , HAAS-TO LECTURE ON, SO1URCES OFrEERG Vienna Professor, In Talk Tonight, Will Deal With Various Phases Of Atomic Physics UVH SHIP'S SLUHL SOVIET GOVERNMENT DEMANDS RELEASE OF MLLE. BORODIN AND VESSEL KIANGNAN DOCKS SEIZED PEKING AND MOSCOW Great Britain Fears Submarine Secrets AE V A BHave Become Known ~It imEi"n tnIU3%I ri-yi 3M' r Chang Tso-Lin Charges Violation Sino-Russian Agreement By Landing Of Pamlat-Lenina RPrinceton President SLe e s Inconsistency [ifI SAPII IN ATArin Debt Explanation Ofi IS NOTED PHYSIST Dr. Arthur Haas, professor of physics at the University of Vienna, will lecture upon "The Atom as a" Source of Energy" at 8 o'clock tonight in the west lecture room of the old Physics building. The lecture is being. given by Dr. Haas as a representa-1 tive of the Institute of Internationall Education and his add ress will deal with the various phases of atomic physics and its technique. Among other specfic questions that will be discussed will be the problem of the heat development of radium and its solution by means of the assumption and the problem of the reintegration of radiation into atoms. Dr. Haas is a native of Vienna and studied at the Umiversities of Vienna and Gottingen from 1902 to 1906, re- ceiving his doctorate from the former school in 1906. Following his grad- uation he became privatdozent in physics at Vienna and later, in 1913 he was appointed extraordinary pro- fessor of physics at the University of Leipzig . Dr. Haas has held his pres- ent position as professor of physics in Vienna since 1923. Professor Haas was the first physi- cist to apply the quantum theory to the study of the atom. le discovered in 1910, supposedly before Bohr, the relation which connects the funda- mental cnstant of sp'ectroscopy with the fundamental quantities of the electron theory and the elementary quantum of action. He has also treated the problem of the nuclei of atoms and the isotepe doublets in molecular spectra. It has been announced by the de- partment of physics that the lecture will be without mathematical formulae and that during the latter half of the lecture, Dr. Haas wifl discuss the prol)ecm of the transformation of radiation into matter. Dr. Haas is the author of many books in the physical field, and his1 latest, "The World of Atoms," is a collection of popular lectures which was published last summer. GOVERNMENT WILL NOT CUTDEFENSE (By Associated Press) GENEVA, March 17-Whatever atti- tude the United States and the world eventually may adopt towards the em- ployment of poison gas in wartime,3 League of Nations circles read from a document from Washington, pre- sented to the League today, that the United States government had no in- tention of dropping preparations for] defetise against possible poison gasI and bacteria attacks.I In the memorandum which created (By Associated Press) SHANGHAI, March 17-A wordy battle is going on between Peking and Moscow over the seizure of the Russian vessel Pamiat-Lenina and the arrest of Mile. Borodin and three So- viet couriers. In a new note demand- ing the release of the couriers and the vessel, the Soviet government accuses White Russians of placing suspicious documents aboard the boat to afford a pretext for its seizure and conver- sion into a warship. Marshall Chang Tso-Lin, war lord of the northern Chinese armies, who has ignored the two previous Soviet protests, makes the charge that Rus- sia not only has violated the Sino- Russian agreement, byt has ignored international obligations by abetting the Nationalist movement at Hankow. Amusing And Ridiculous "Considering that the Sino-Russian agreement of 1924 and all interna- tional courts are thrown to the winds by the very presence at Hankow of Michael Borodin and his fellows who play such an important part in the denationalized Nationalist movement," I he says, "it is amusing and ridiculous that the Soviets should charge the Chinese with violation of international law" He~ says that the presence of "Red progagandataboard the Paniat-Len- Ina was incontroversiable evidence of violation of the agreement. Sone interruption of telegraphic] communication with the fighting areas west and northwest of Shanghai to- day prevented definite news reaching here. Whether this lack of news is screening new movements, especially around Woohu is not known. That city was captured by the Cantonese recently. y Iocks Seized Early today the Kiangnan docks where a number of American vessels are being built, were seized by Gen- eral Pi Shu-Chen who maintained he needed them for the repair of war- ships of the Northern forces. An American warship was immediately despatched to the docks. There were rumors of negotiations between General Ti, commanding the Shantung 'troops in Slyanghai, and General Chang Kai-Shek, commander- in -chief of the Southern armies, for the purpose of arriving at an agree- ment whereby Shanghai 'could be peacefully occupied by the National- ists. CONTESTANTS FOR DAVIS CUP DRAWN AT WHITE HOUSE (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, March 17--The 25 nations that will compete in this year's international tennis matches in an ef. fort to wrest the Davis cup from America were paired off at a colorful ceremony today at the White House, participated in by President Coolidge and the diplomatic representatives here of each country. Mr. Coolidge took the first name from the huge silver Davis cup, rest- ing on a table in the rear of the executive offices and surrounded by the diplomats, most of them attired in morning clothes. He drew Czecho- Slovakia. The result of the complete draw fol- lows: American zone, first round -Japan vs. Mexico, Cuba vs. Canada. European zone, first round. Spain vs. India; Sweden vs. British Isles; Denmark vs. Holland; Switzerland vs. Austria; Ire- land vs. South Africa. Second round-Czecho Slovakia vs.' Greece; Belgium vs. Poland; Portugal vs. Germany; Hungary vs. Italy; France vs. Roumania. Jugo-Slavia drew a bye for the first round and in the second will meet the winner of the contest between Spain and India. MANY CARS AREE NOT REGISTEREDI Althoueh annroximatolv ;00 stu- (By Associated Press) LONDON, March 17-Fears of a pos- sible leqkage of secrets connected with Great Britain's greatest sub- marine are believed to have caused the admiralty to ask the arrest ofI Lieut. Commander Colin Mayers, ofI the retired list of the navy. He was, remaided in the Bow street police court today, charged under the of- ficial secrets act, of having in his possession plans and documents deal- ing with the submarine service. The case is so serious that the magistrate refused bail. Although no evidence was tender- ed at the preliminary hearing today, it is understood that Mayefs, who hadI a brilliant war career in the subma- rine service, was charged with being- in possession, contrary to his duty, of plans relating to the submarine 0-1 and X-1. The latter is described as the biggest submarine in the world. It was launched in June, 1923, and will' cost 1,000,000 pounds. It is 350 feet long and carried four big guns in ar- mored turrets, but the size of the guns, the number of torpedo tubes and other details have been kept a close admir- alty secret. Meyers is 35 years old. He was born in Guiana and served for 19 years in the British navy, five of them in the submarine service. He retired at his own request a few months ago to' join the submarine department of Vickers, Ltd., builders of warships and ordnance. GLASS SAYS HOUSE IS NOT UTHO OFBILL' Senator Tells Incidents Regarding Arduous Passage Of Bank Act Through Congress PLAYED NO PART, CLAIM (BIsoitdPes ION LAWYER'S MOTIVE, CHARGE COLLECTION OF HUGE; SUMS OF MONEY UNI)ER CHARITY GITISE OPENS DEFENSE PLEA I)escribes Chicago M1an As Lawyer And Businessman In Attempt To Characterize Motives (By Associated Press) DETROIT, March 17.-Aaron Sa- piro, as an organizer of co-operative associations, as a lawyer and an or- phan under the circuit court, was described by Senator James A. Reed of Missouri, in the Chicago man's $1,000,000 libel suit against Henry Ford. Making the opening plea for the de- fense, the senator warmed up to his task in short order, attacking Sapiro's motives in working among the farm- ers, asserting that Sapiro had re- peatedly declared he did not wishE money for what he was doing, and at the same time collected thousands of dollars. (By Associated P'ress) PRINCENsMar 17-The ex- planation of Secretary of the Treas- ury Mellon of the war debt situation was inconsistent with the policies of the debt commission in 1925, Presidentj John Greer Hibben of Princeton uni- versity declared tonight. In a. statement defending the facul- ties of P "rinceton a "d Columbia against ! criticism that the professors argued without adequate knowledge of theI facts, Doctor Hibben said: Mr. Mellon's argument that the burden of paying all debts over to the United States is not a. grievous one because it can be paid with amounts received each year from Ger- man reparations, *is not in keeping, with the statement of policy made by the debt commission and reported in the press on September 30, 1925."' The Princeton faculty had joined with that of Columbia in suggesting a revision and reconsideration of the debt situation and Secretary Mellon has replied that the debtors were ac- corded lenient treatment. The statement by the commission! I referred to by Dr. Hibben had insist- ed that the payment of German rep- arations to France could not be link- ed directly with the debt funding agreement holding that the German *1 MICHIGAN AFFIRATIVE TEA METO MET WISCONSIN THERE TONIGHT NEGATIVE SQUAD LEAVE Goes To Champaign For Contest Wi llinois; Dr. Pollock Will Introduce Speakers (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, March 17.-Senator Glass, of Virginia, in his book on "An Adventure in Constructive Finance," which makes its appearance tomor- row takes sharp issue with the impli- cation of Dr. Charles Seymour, of Yale, in his recent work, "Intimate Papers of Colonel House," that House was largely the author of the Federal Reserve act and "unseen guardian angel" of the entire legislative pro- ceedings. As chairman of the, House commit- tee on banking and currency when the bill was drafted, Senator Glass told of the incidents relating to the arduous passage of the Federal Re- serve bill through Congress and the unfailing aid of President Wilson in getting the law on the statutes book. Sneator Glass, in his book, says that at his first meeting with Colonel House, the Texan avowed his interest in the Aldrich banking plan and that "it was stated tlat, among other things, Colonel House had come or been sent to Washington to 'look me over' as a horseman will lift a tail or also peer into the mouth of an ani- mal to be rated." The senator ascertained that Mr. Wilson felt no confidence in him, and that "I have yet to learn that Colonel House was not an emissary of certain cential bankers." Senator Glass states that Colonel House played no part in the commit- tee work of drafting the bill and once when he met Secretary of Treasury Martineaux and Colonel House and discussed the Glass bill, that Colonel House was as quiet as a mouse. Col- onel House later obtained a digest of the bill, Senator Glass said, and sent it to Paul R. Warburg, the New York banker. SYKES STRESSES SERVICEOF RADIO (By Associatmd Press) WASHINGTON, March 17-The dom- inant influence to guide the new Federal Radio commission will be to serve the listening public, E. O. Sykes, the commission's vice chairman de- clared in a radio address tonight which through a "hook-up" of 40 sta- tions was carried to multitudes. Only once before a radio's history had such an extensive combine as- sembled so large an audience, and that was recently to carry the voice of President Coolidge over all Amer- ica and across the seas in eulogy of George Washington. Specifies Charges y ''He collected $142,000 for forming rartiondeytt a watme debt to the Umn a cotton association in Alabama evi- were separate problems. dence will show, and then obtained $8,000 for representing the organiza- tion later in receivership proceed- ings," declared Senator Reed.U Most of the afternoon session was taken up by a conference between Of rnrA Judge Fred M. Raymond and the at-i torneys for both sides. William Henry Gallagher, representing Sapiro, ob- jected to the general argumentative Decorations For Tonight nature of the senator's plea, which, Be In Motif Of $tpring instead of confining itself as to how Are Ship Calec they were to prove the truth of al- leged libelous articles printed in the I PICTURES TO BE Dearborn Independent, Ford's publi-i cation, was an attack on Sapiro and All tickets having bee his methods. tributionx of favors cor Judge Raymond permitted Mr. Reed final arrangements made to continue, only a quarter of an hour Frolic formal will get being left before adjournment, and at 9:30 o'clock tonight i said he would make a ruling tomor. ballroom, dancing contin row. He asked both attorneys to o'clock. The grand march shorten as much as possible intro- be led by James C. Ho duction of evidence, omitting rela- accompanied by Miss Virg tively unimportant matter. Toledo, 0., will form in t Mr. Gallagher completed his open- at 10:30 o'clock. ing plea, preceding the senator, by Decorations will be in defining the charges printed against motif of spring, being c Sapiro in the Independent into three the most part of sprin classes. First, he said, Sapiro had tulips, and southern smil been attacked as an individual, his trees with painted peac character and honesty as a man; will line the dance floor. second, an attack had been made on ones booth will be arra him in his profession as a lawyer palms and ferns with a fo regarding his faithfulness to his 1 center. General decoration clients. The third and most often designed by Jack Bellaire heard was the charge as to his work Favors for the Frolic a among cooperative organizations, it endars made of pewter being claimed he was a member of en bearing the University sea intermnational ring of Jews fornmed to ship is attached to a silo exploit agriculture. containing also the prog Seats At A Premium affair. Removing his tortoise - shelled As announced followir glasses at times, gesticulating at the committee meeting, n jury with sardonic smiles and depre- I should be worn to the ciating glances. Senator Reed devoted Reo-grams from Lansi] most of the day telling the jury what ; motion pictures of the g 1 he was to prove as to Mr. Sapro's it was announced yesterd business methods. Seats were again ments have also been cc I at a premium and at the beginning Ithe various ,ighting an of each session the room was cleared effects for Al Steimer's 12 of all who could not find a place to r which is coming from sit down.- ,forthme occasion. "We shall try to show," he said, Patrons and patroness "that what has been printed about Mr. I President Clarence Cook ! Sapiro in all its real essence was the Mrs. Little, Dean Henryh j truth, and it is no libel to say of a Mrs. BatesDea Joseph man who is a Jew, that he is a Jew Mrs. Bursley, Dean IM This is the same kind of a case it Cooley and Mrs. Cooley, would be if Mr. Sapiro were a mem-K Cabot and Mrs. Cabot, D ber of any other race. I H. Kraus and Mirs. Krau I believe the court will tell you Ifred H. Lloyd amid Mrs. that Mr. Sapiro cannot capitalize un- George W. Patteson an der cover here on the sympathy that ! terson, Dean Herbert C. may be felt for the people of his race. Mrs. Sadler, Dean Allen { He asks a million dollars from Fordand Mrs. Whitney, Regi and the Dearborn publishing com- SImith and Mrs. Smith, pany, and that is what we are going Lloyd and Dr. Arthur L. to try in this case." BOX OFF BOX OFFICE COMMITTEE WILL FOR N E W MAKE ELECTIONS PLAY OPEN 's Party !; Favors ndars Toi TAKEN nT sold, dill mpleted and , the Frosh under way in the Union uing until 2 h, which will ouston, '30E, ginia Nezt of lhe ball-room the general omposed for g daffodils, Ax. Artificial h blossoms The chaper- nged among muntain in the n plans were e, '30A. are ship cal- silver, and al. The small avr calendar ram for the rg the lastj o corsages! Frolic. ng will take rand march,] ay. Arrange-S ompleted for id orchestral 2-piece band, Elkhart, Ind., es will be: Little and' M. Bates and Burshey and .ortimer E. Dean Hughi Dean Edward us, Dean Al-j Lloyd, Dean d Mrs. Pat- Sadler and S. Whitney strar Ira M. Miss Alice Cross. j SALE MIMES TODAY the French I nited Statesl FROLI rS T IN th Michigan will open her 12th annual series of Mid-West debates at 8 o'clock tonight when a Wisconsin team will be debated in Hill audito- riui ad, simultaneously, an Illinois trio will le debated at Champaign. Michigan'smnegative team left yes- terday for llinois accompanied by Earl E. Fleischman of the public speaking department. This team is composed of John O. Yeasting, '27B.Ad, Gerald O. Dykstra, '27, and Stephea E. Jones. '27. The debaters will speak in the order named. By means of a special wire to The Daily the results and an account of the debate with Illinois will be printed tomorrow morning along with a cover of the Wisconsin debate. Dr. James K. Pollock, Jr., of the political science department, will act in the capacity of chairman at Hill auditorium. He will introduce the speakers of both teams, besides read- ing the question for discussion, which is as follows: "Resolved, That the exercise of legislative authority in the control of the specific content of courses offered in educational institu- tions is contrary to the public wel- fare." By mutual concessiops in the debating of the question both teams have been granted the following in- terpretations: "That the exercise of legislative authority means legislative prescription, disapproval, prohibition, and that specific content means speci- fic doctrines, theories, or data." MIller To Open Debate Robert S. Miller, '27, will open the evening's discussion as Michigan's first speaker. Miller is from TroyQ, where he prepared for college, While in high school he had two year's ex- perience on his high school debating team. Miller is a member of Adelphi House of Representatives, and he was speaker of the House. In 1926 Miller was a member of the debating team that won from Illinois.. He is a mem- ber of Delta Sigma Rho, national honorary forensic society. Thomas V. Koykka, '27, is Michigan's second affirmative speaker. He is from Ashtabula, 0., where he was graduated and represented the Har- bor High School of Ashtabula in high school debating leagues. Koykka has represented Michigan twice in inter- collegiate contests. In 1926 he was a member of the Central Debating league team that debated Ohio State university. He debated against Knox college in an inter-school debate Koykka was the winner of the extem- poraneous speaking contest of 1926. He at present is president of the local chapter of Delta Sigma Rho. Ephraim R. Gomberg, '27, will con- clude Michigan's arguments in both the constructive and the rebuttal speeches. He is from Duluth, Minn., where he was a member of his high s'hool debating team during the four years he was in preparation for col- lege. Gomberg has had the most Var- sity experience of any of the six de- baters, having debated in both the Conference leagues, besides being a member of the English debating team. In 1925 he debated on the winning team against Illinois, at Champaign, and also won against Northwestern at Ann Arbor in 1926. In the spring of 1926 he sailed for England to debate 'against Oxford, Leeds, Cambridge, Exeter, Manchester, and Bristol. Gom- berg is a member of Delta Sigma Rho. Ormond J. Drake, '29E, is the af- firmative teaum's alternate. He is fromni issfield, Mich., where he de- bated four years for East Blissfield High school. He has had no Varsity experience. The Wisconsin team is composed of J. E. Roe, K. F. Webster, and J. K. .Fairbank and will speak in the order mnamed. Reports from Madison say that the Wisconsin negative team is composed of experienced and force- ful debaters. Woodward To Judge Prof. H. S. Woodward, head of the department of speech at Western Re- serve University at Cleveland, Ohio, will be the sole judge at the debate. In previous years three judges were used, but of late one competent judge has been employed. Ormond J. Drake. '29E. and J. Le- Fi '2z3 fiim T Vf f ( 1 Decision was made yesterday after- i Tickets for "To the Ladies," a farcet noon at the meeting of the senior y comedy by George Kaufman and class that selection of a class histor- Marc Connelly, which will be the next ian, orator, prophet, and poet should production of Mimes will go on sale be made by the executive committee this morning at the box office of the and president of the class. According Mimes theater. The show will be pre- to Henry Mentz, president of the sented every night next week, from senior class, announgement of tji Monday through Saturday, and the appointments will be made in the near tickets will be priced at 75 cents. future. I More than 150 seats for the opening performance Monday night have been WENLEY WILL RETURN AFTER I reserved by members of the Ann Ar- ABSENCE LASTING TWO YEARS bor high school faculties. Mail order applications have been coming in all Prof. Robert M. Wenley, of the week, Union officials report, and a par- philosophy department, will return to j ticularly large sale is anticipated for the University next fall after an ah- I the farce comedv which will he the