'AGE ETCHT - THE MICHIGAN DAILY' D AiL.Y OFF ICIA L BU L LE TIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten. VOLUME Vii THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1927 NUMBER I120 University Senate: The third regular meeting of the University Senate for the -year 1926- 1927 will be held in Room C, Law Building on Monday, March 21, at 4:15 in the afternoon. Order of Business: I. Election of Senate Members of the Board of Directors of the Mich- igan Union. II. Memorials to Dr. N. S. Hoff and Professor 11. B. Merrick. John W. Bradshaw, Secretary of the Senate. To Senior Women: Will any senior girls wishing positions other than teaching for next year, come to my office at Barbour Gymnasium for possible assistance. Beatrice W. Johnson, Adviser of Women. International University Cruise: Students wishing information regarding the "Floating University" World Tour for 1927-28 may consult with me in my office, Room 3224 Angell Hall, Mondays, 3-4, Thursdays, 2-5, Fridays, 9-12. The Tour will be coeducational. Carlton F. Wells. University Lecture: Dr. Arthur Haas, Professor of Physics, University of Vienna, will give a lecture on "The Atom as a Source of Energy." Dr. Haas writes: "It will be a lecture without mathematical formulae . . In the second half of this lecture I shall deal with the problem of the transformation of radiation into matter." This will be, given on Friday evening, March 18, at 8:00 P. M. in the West Lecture Room of the Old Physics Laboratory. H. M. Randall. Biological Station: Applications have been received for all but a few places at the Station this summer. Students who wish to attend should see me in person or apply by letter as soon as possible. I shall be in my office, Room 449, Natural Scince Building, at 11 A. M. Thursday and Friday of this week and Monday and Tuesday of next week to confer with students who may be interested. Copies of the Biological Station announcement may be secured at the Summer- Session Office. George ft. La Rute, Director. Seniors, Literary College: The 1927 Lit. Class will have an important meeting at 4:00 P. M. today in Natural Science Auditorium. Class Prophet, Historian, etc., will be elected, and orders will be taken for Commencement invitations, canes, etc., at this time. Henry S. Maentz, Pres. human spermatogenesis; and W. S. Murray will review an article on the biliary system in the mouse. All interested are invited to be present. F. N. Blanhelarid. Prescott Club: Mr. J. H. Webster, of Detroit, formerly President of the National Asso- ciation of Retail Druggists, will address the regular monthly meeting of the Club tonight at 7:30 o'clock, in Room 303, Chemistry and Pharmacy Build- ing. A. C. Liiington, President. Michigan Glee Club: All members are requested to take part in the Michigan Night Broad- casting. Meet in old University Hall at twenty minutes to seven, Friday, March 18th. L. Stuart Bulinan, Manager. Armny and Navy Club: There will be an Army and Navy Club dinner Thursday evening, March 17th, at 6:15 P. M. at the Union. The speaker will be Professor Arthur S. Aiton of the History Department whose subject is "The Mixton War-a foot note to Prescott." All Reserve Officers and others interested in Na- tonal Defense are invited to become members of the Club and join with us at this time. H. W. 3iller, President. Sigma Gamnina Epsilon: Sigma Gamma Epsilon will hold a short business meeting in Room 4363 N. S. at 7:00 Thursday night, March 17th. Donald i. Chapman. Senior echanileals and Electricals: Mr. M. M. Boring of the General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York, and Mr. W. J. Hockett of the General Electric Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana, will be in Room 153, West Engineering Building on March 17 and 18 for the purpose of interviewing those interested in employment with this Company. H. C. Anderson J. H. Cannon. Senior Mechanical Engineers: Mr. R. J. Gordon, Engineering Division of the Procter and Gamble Com- pany of Ivorydale, Ohio, will be in Room 221 West Engineering Building Thursday, March 17, to interview students interested in positions with this company. H. C. Anderson. P1 Lambda Theta: There will be a meeting for the consideration of new members Thurs- day at seven-thiry at Martha Cook. Virginia Earl, President. "WHAT A BLESSING!" No More Fear of Runs in Your "Ilk ]hosiery_ 04 .'%%-UTOU ENS S Li. * PREVENTS RUNS Watch this space for announcement as to location of stores where you may buy this welcome scientific discovery. i D ON i i si 3 3 jI t Z VALERA HERE OFFICIAL VISIT CHRISTENSON AND MILLER WIN CASE IN HOLMES CLUB FRESHMAN FINALS After a short deliberation, judges freshman arguments is a "contracts" Prof. Joseph II.lDrake, Paul A. Leidy tas. she argunets are limited to and Burke Shart ell all of the i v 12 inutes eacxh, withi every speaker school, declared the team of George limited to 15 citations. The cases are 13 Christenson and W. A. Miller vie- tied on an agreed statement of facts. torious over P. G. Omar and George IThe briefs of the arguments are re- Gale in the freshman finals of the quired to be handed in to the judges -olmes case club which was held yos- two days before the trial as is ti terday afternoon. The winning pair custom in the appelate courts. had the plaintiff side of the argu- The case clubs are exclusively law ment, while the losers pleaded the studetnt organizations. Each of the defendant case. four clubs has both freshman and The freshman finals in the Story junior law student members. A facul- club and the Kent club will be held ty man and a senior law student su- this afternoon. There will be no inter- pervise the preparing of the briefs. club competition of the freshman teams as this privilege is reserved CHINESE STUDENTS WILL fthe junior teams who t for e heHenryCampbellaCONVENE AT LANE HALL l In the Story club match, Phillip N. Krasne and L. 0. Dahlberg will be Delegates from nearly every Chi- pitted against Gerald E. White and nese Student club in the state of Roy I. Callahan. Profs. Edgar N. Michigan will meet tomorrow night to Iurfee, H. Blythe Stason and Burke begin a two-day convention in the Shartell, all members of the Law Lane hall auditorium. Special speak- school faculty, will be the judges. The ers, as well as the official delegates, Kent club match will find the team of will talk at each session. Robert Kerr and Leonard Keller op- The chief object of the conference f posed to Howard Wilson and Leo j is to discuss in open forum various Rosen. I ways by which true information re- I' Eamon de Valea Lflader of the Irish Republican party, who is in the United States in connection with litigation arising from an injunction obtained by the Irish Free State, tying up approxi- mately $2,500,000 of the Irish Repub-j lican bond issue of 1920-21. DeValera1 is former president of the short-lived Irish republic. The winning freshman teams will be awarded with fully paid for sub- scriptions for bound volumes of the 1927 and 1928 copies of the Michigan Law Review. The last of these fresh- man finals will not be until March 23, when Charles Sabel and S. W. Hill will meet Azel Bean and Sidney Wilsh in a contest to decide the fresh- man team supremacy of the Marshall club. The case that is being used in the S OMENEW-TITLES IN ISOME NEW TI'TLES IN THE MODERN LIBRARY D"Annunzio De (onioiit Hazrdy Al1ken The Maiden of the Rocks A Night In Luxembourg The Return of the Native 95c Lewlsohn Gelsing ('abeil. each . Modern Sociology 51: The mid-semester examination will be held Saturday, April 2, at o'clock. Those having other classes at this time will please arrange once for examination at a period other than the one announced. R. H. Holmes. 10 at WAHR'S Coming Real Soon! 0%0%.O I F 1 Logic: There will be a make-up examination Saturday, March'19, from 9 to 12, 106 M. H. C. De Boer. It Circolo Itallano: Prof. Bruce Donaldson will lecture on "The Sculpture of Donatello" Thursday evening, March 17, at 8:00, in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The public is cordially invited. J. Megaro, Pres. Zoological Journal Club: The Zoological Journal Club will meet Thursday, March 17, at 7:30 P. M. in Room 242, Natural Science Building. M. H. Pike will review articles from the Pasteur Institute; Mrs. M. H. Langlois will review a study on i i Spring Woolens DISTINCTIVE And refined patterns in SPRING SUITINGS -- I / (2 -4 $22 Special for FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY, LEWIS A. EATON and COATINGS are now y > > > from "In 19201 graduated from Bucknell University with the degrees of B. S. and M. A. I was then offered teach- ing and laboratory positions. Chem- istry had been my special study. I wished to enter the business world, preferably with some mercantile organization, but owing to the busi- ness depression in 1920, took a posi- tion as instructor in a college until I found an opportunity elsewhere. Two years later I became acquainted with an enthusiastic Kresge Manager, who explained to me their system of training men to become store man- agers. It sounded like the very opportunity I had wanted. This manager told me of a vacancy in the in Stock. Make your selections early. e train Cole Men to manage our Stores With our volume of business now running well over $120,000,000 a year, and with new stores opening all the time, we are looking among college men for future store managers. Our managerships are positions of responsi- bility. They pay extremely well..They offer a dignified future, one that will satisfy any man's ambitions. If we accept you, we will train you in the practical work. We will lead you steep by step through the various positions in our stores, until you are thoroughly familiar with every phase of our business, and are fitted to be placed in charge of one of our stores. Here is a real opportunity for men who are willing to work their way to the top. Write at once to our Personnel Department and we shall arrange a meeting with a graduate of your own college who has already found success in the Kresge organization. Personnel Dept I HATS 11 SHIR TS Arthur F. Marquadt TAILOR 608 East Liberty St. Selected from our A chance to save days. new Spring line of Belmont Suits. $7.50 by buying during these two See them in our windows. MASTEN & CHASE S S KRESGE CO 54 10' 254 STONES * ' 2*l50122 STORES. 211 SOUTH MAIN ST. "Where You May Buy with Confidence." K R E S G E BUILDING, D E T R OI I !' 40 I THERE'S ONLY ONE CHANCE THIS WEEK TO ,.,... i Dance at the Michigan Union TO THE MUSIC OF cECll">>> R DVA T n rl um eC 1 inheni Mmn m m -00-m u m - -® QmA m u t- - S ___ - w m mi-- - -Rm -.m wi m - Aw m S®-r I