ESTABLISHED 1 890 friN AOV Aa 49 14\ t MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII. No. 120 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARDOR. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1927 EIGHT 1PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS 3 L D[))[IB TOKIO REPORTS INDICATE FURTHER (IQ ninr'iio1 LECTURER DESCRE MANCHURIAN-SO VIET DISAGREEMENT EVAN WILL uIuu~ N LVEN BYRON BILLETIN portant railroad town of Cheng Chow after a desperate battle in a snowUL~U 111 Sa e d r b eaw(By Associated Press) storm . This capture, Chang's head- { SIIANGI, March 1,6-TerrorI quarters stated, completed the first S VICTORIAN J1s stalkng t the teemg native phase of his offensive againsttheN LECT :ity of Shangahi as a result of a Cantonese. DE SETLNCOVHT ATTRIBUTES ? myslcrious series of murders and Telegraphic communication be-) DOWNFALL OF POET TO the corresponding spread of a tween Nanking and Pengtu, in Anh- DET R I Tt WHO ESTABLISHED INIERITEDI NATT'URE story that a group of Cantonese I wei rovince, has been interrupted, 1W RECORD IS SIEARER agitator is carrying on strong- but doubt is expressed here as to 0TRE SEIES PRAISES USE OF EPIC i-n at- taioii in preparaton for whether Pengtu has been captured V O $ 0 ii general strike when the Na. by the Nationalists as was claimed in VENTURE COST 000 sIlonalisis become ready to take the Kouninitang province in Peking. - Buekinghaxn Professor (Mlaims Position ovr the Shanghai ailministra. That Nanking is seriously menaced, x1i-ion Of Evans-Wells Beat Time Of Writer Was Produced By at. however, is believed. I.pdtolO vas1 lsBa in Attitude Of Society .Ab.awle s fireporte under way t 'r n 1913 By More (By Associated Press) along the western shore of Lake Tai- Than Seven Days Depicting Byron as having apower- SHANGHAI, March 16-While heavy hu, near Ihing. Chang Tsung Chang fil Influence o the thought and so- fighting was reported west and north- was reported concentrating his Shang- Speaking under the auspices of the ciety of his time, not only his na-i west of Shanghai with ankincreasing tungese at Foochow and Chang Chow geology department. Edward S. Evans five country, but throughout all E+ u- menace to the city of Nanking, re-Ito prevent cutting of the railway of Detroit will give an illustrated lec- rope,ports were received from Tokio indi- line. ture at 8:15 o'clock tonight in Natural the faculty of arts and professor of icating that the breach between the -_Science auditorium on his recent rec- English literature and language in adherents of Chang Tso-Lin, the Man- LONDON, March 16-American ma- ord trip around the world in 28 and the University of Buckingham, told churian war lord, and the Soviet, rines quickly recovered two Standard one-half days. Moving pictures taken the story of this advocate of freedom was widening. Oil steamers seized this morning by during the trip will be shown. yesterday in Natural Science auditor- The Tokio report suggested that Chinese at Shanghai, says a dispatch The new record set by Evans and ium. southern Manchuria was threatened from that city to the Westminster i Linton O. Wells last summer was theI Reckless daring, contempt for the with an armed invasion. If this pos- Gazette. first successful attempt to lower the conventions of society, and an ardent sibility should become serious it is The dispatch adds that the Shan- previous time of 35 days made by love for the freedom of man, inherit- felt that Chang Tso-Lin, who now is tung troops of Chang Tsung Chang, John Henry Mears of New York cityI ed from a generation of nobility noted a moving factor between the allied defender of Shanghai, have been bus- in 1913, at a cost of $836.41. The for their adventurous lives, combined northern armies in their drive on the ily engaged in commandeering scores! Evans-Wells venture cost approxi- with neglect of childhood training, Cantonese, might" be deterred from of junks, cargo boats, and rivercraft mately $25,000 including the planning produced ,a nature in Byron which venturing far from his Manchurian of all kinds on the Whantoo river, and preliminary work of arrangement. caused his downfall at the height of stronghold. which is taken to indicate an import- In spite of the care taken in the ar- his career, Professor de Selincourt From Honan province, Chang Tso- ant new move in the vicinity of rangement of the schedule for the ex- declared. Taunted for his lameness, a I Lin claims the capture of the im- Shanghai. pedition, Mr. Evans estimates thatI shy nature roughly abused, and dis- I VARSITY TEAM TO MEET ILLINOIS AT CHAMPAIGN IN ANNUAL DEBATE FOREIGN D EUNWIS THlNhS ANY AEDANE WOIL) PROiTJ)(E ISVI)I 1 iN STAND hIELDAS FINAL View Is Set Forth1 'Of Princeton Answer To In Let ir To Head University In Suggestion (By Associatcd Press) WASHINGTON, March opening of foreign debt sett 16-A re- lement, in r M t appointment in his first love affpir created in Byron a bitter outlook to- wards life. A dissipated life at Cam- bridge was followed by reckless liv- ing in society, terminating when his first marriage caused a scandal which forced him to retire from England. Poet Retires To Italy Retiring to Italy, Byron gave him- self to reflection and his genius now appeared, Professor de Selincourt continued. Cast off by society which had caused his downfall, the roman- ticist set himself to th task of ex- posing the aristocratic group that had rejected him. Declaring himself to be just what society had taught him to be, Byron showed that his life was a reflection of theirs. The man whom Sir Walter Scott had declared of "goodness of heart, and the kindest and best of feelings, cast off by so- ciety" sought to break down the mask of his former associates. "Don Juan" England's great comic epic, was the result of Byron's reflec- tion on his injustice. Here is the idea form for Byron, Professor de Selin- court stated, showing his personality in all its shifting moods. Called a savage satire, Byron declared it the truth, the story of the society of . his time, by one whom society had once claimed. This work, as the greater part of his writings, reflected the failure and sorrow of his time, the speaker stated. Was Supporter Of Italy Byron's love for freedom led him to support the cause of Italy in its war against Austria. Money and lit- crature were given for the support of his fellow men. It was this desire for liberty that took his life, fight-i ing for Greece. He turned to nature1 for relief from the insincerity of the world, and rebelled against the inade- quacy of the orthodox religion of his time which could not for him explain the chaos of life. "Prometheus" de- clares his defiance of the conception of providence according to orthodox. Of great influence during his life, Byron achieved success throughout the continent, something unknown by his contemporaries. Goethe declared that he "lived the genius of England on a tour through Europe." The ques- tion has been raised as to the rea- son for Byron's lack of popularity at the present time, compared with his influence a hundred years ago. Many have declared it due to his careless style, a lack of the magical power of words, found in his romantic con- temporaries Shelley, Keats and Word- sworth. In the Victorian age lyrical poetry was dominant, and Byron never succeeded in the lyric, which is an expression of personality, according to Professor de Selincourt. Explains Byron's Unpopularity Vigor and color dominated Byron's works, but there was not the sense of remoteness necessary for perfection, as he rather sounded a familiar tune. Work like that was often clumsy, and without a sense of style that would have kept it alive, may account for his decrease in popularity. However, declared Professor de Selincourt, the judgment of today is not the final one, and not necessarily correct; it is to the efect Byron had on the Victorian age from which we must draw our judgment. A man whose death at the age of 33 caused Tennyson, then a youth, to declare that he felt the world darken for him at the news of it, and who, rejected by his native land, fought for the frcedom which he foresaw .and COUNSEL FOR SAPIRO' EXPLAINS COMPLAINTS Several Points Are Still Undeveloped' By Gallagher As Court Adjourns For Day JEWISH COMBINE DENIED (By Associated Press) DETROIT, March 16.-A varicolored picture, painted by Henry Ford's Dearborn Independent, of the Jewish i combination reaching its tentacles into the pockets of the farmers and world affairs was daubed today by William Henry Gallagher, counsel for Aaron Sapiro who is suing the auto- mobile manufacturer for $1,000,000 on charges of libel.! One by one he took up the charges which his client claims injured his reputation as an organizer of co- Soperative marketing organizations, I but when court adjourned had still several points to bring out in his opening statement. If a world-wide conspiracy of Jews existed, Aaron Sapiro knew nothing about it, Gallagher declared. Neither was he a member of a ring spreading communism or bolshevism throughout the country, instilling the ideas of "Red" Russia in the minds of the chil- dren. Sapiro had never been con- cerned with organization, of farm boy and girl clubs, having confined his activities to co-operative marketing organizations, he said. "As to the charges contained in the Independent regarding a so-called Kahn -Baruch-Lasker - Rosenwald-Sa- piro program to turn over to an or- ganized international interest the en- tire agricultural industry of the coun- try," said Mr. Gallagher, "they are en- tirely unfounded, as evidence will show."! "Otto Kahn, it is true, made a few contributions to farm organizations, as did other high-minded citizens, such as Robert H. Bingham, of the Louisville Courier-Journal, and Wil- liam Randolph Hearst. Bernard Ba- ruch, I believe, made a, few loans, but no contributions, while F. B. Lasker, as head of an advertising con- cern, handled some publicity for a co-' operative concern. Julius Rosenwald had nothing to do with them. "We will show that this whole idea of organized Jewry to take advantage of the American farmer is a product of the mind, and that Sapiro was backed by a Jewish combination in his organization work is entirely with- out foundation." Judging by the time taken by Mr. Gallagher, who began his opening plea yesterday morning to outline what the plaintiffs intend to prove, at- torneys for both sides agreed that the trial would probably last 60 days. His [declaration contains 141 points on which evidence will be introduced. Attorney Gallagher told the jury that Ford and the business manager of the Independent had been inform- ed by a committee of the intentions and workings of the co-operative marketing organizations formed by Sapiro. Publication of a series of al- leged libelous articles then ceased for a while, he said, but were soon re- ANNIVERSAY WILL BEi' OBSERVEDTOMORROW! VWJ Will Broadcast $peial Michigan Night Program Commemorating University's 90th Year ABBOT WILLANNOUNCE As part of the general observance of the 90th anniversary of the Univer- sity, which is being celebrated by the alumni bodies throughout the states, a special Michigan Night radio pro- gram has been arranged to be broad- cast at 7 o'clock tomorrow from sta- tion WWJ, the Detroit News, it is an- nounced by Waldo Abbot of the rhe- toric department, who is program manager and will act as announcer for the evening. To make the program available for the alumni throughout the whole country, station WGY, the General Electric company of Schenectady, N. Y., and station KWOM of Pasadena, Calif., will relay it. Some of the speeches will also be used by the At- lantic Broadcasting company of New York, station WABC, when they broad- cast a midnight program, which will also include talks and musical selec- tions by alumni residing in New York. The program from the University will be prefaced by a five minute hook-up with the banquet hall of the Detroit Alumni association in the ballroom of the Hotel Statler. The program here will be opened by the Varsity band playing the "Victors," the second chorus being sung by the glee club, and followed by an ad- dress of welcome given by James E. Ottaway,' of Port Huron, president of the Alumni association. The remainder of the program will consist of a series of two minute talks by: Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, of the Colleges of Engineering and Archi- tecture; Mrs. Myra B. Jordan, former dean of women; Dr. Frank E. Rob- bins, assistant to the President, read- ing the speech prepared by President Clarence Cook Little; Prof. Victor H. Lane, of the Law school; and Ralph W. Aigler, of the Law school. The band and glee club will also give a number of musical selections, playing and singing songs written by Mich- igan men. HARRY SINCLAIR IS FOUND GUILTY 1 (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, March 16-Harry F. Sinclair, oil operator, was found guil- ty tonight of having been in contempt of the Senate when he refused to answer questions of the oil committee during the investigation of the Tea- pot Dome naval oil reserve. Justice Hitz will fix the sentence- not less than one nor more than twelve months in jail, and a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $1000. Sinclair unquestionably will appeal the case and will fight his way through the highest court. DETR01T MINISTER WILL ADDRESS GUILD BANQUET I about two-thirds of their plans mis- carried. In some cases, however, emergency facilities that were better than the original plans were used and little time was lost. The route, as planned, covered 18,700 miles, but the distance actually traversed was 21,000 miles, at an average speed of 700 miles a day, or nearly 30 miles ans hour for the entire trip. A fairly con- stant adherence to schedule was maintained until they began the last lap of the trip across the United States by airplane, during which much time was lost in making proper connections. While the Evans-Wells schedule points out the importance of the air- plane as a dominant factor in future attempts of the race against time, itl is shown still to be behind the steam-! ship in the relative distances covered by each means of transportation. Their mileage records show that ap-! proximately 4,100 miles were coveredj by rail and automobile, 6,300 miles by airplane, and 8,000 miles by steam- ship. Took Magellan Three Years A brief historical summary of pre- vious attempts at circling the globe shows the progress in methods, speed, and other conditions of development in world travel since early days. More than 400 years ago Magellan made his first journey around the world in 12 days short of three years, Fifty years later Sir Francis Drake, covered the same distance in two years and ten months. In 1889 Nellie Bly established a new record of 72 days, which lasted until 1903 when1 Henry Frederick cut the time to 54I days. Sixteen years ago this mark was lowered to 39 days by Andre Jaeger-Schmidt. The next attempt was made in 1913 by John Henry. Mears who bettered the record of Schmidt by four days. It was this record of Mears' which Evans and Wells recently broke by seven days. Magellan avoided the land conti- nents as his route was entirely by sea. Nellie Bly traveled by both steamship and railway. Evans and Wells made use of all three methodsi of transportation; land, sea, and air. Magellan was completely out of com- munication with his home port all during his journey. Nellie Bly used the telegraph when on land ,but was as isolated as Magellan when on board ship. Evans and Wells either were, I or could have been, in constant wire- less communication whether they were on land, sea, or in the air. It took Magellan 98 days to cross the' Pacific ocean, and Nellie Bly 22 days, while Evans and Wells made it in 9 days. Distances Lessened In some cases the shortening of the time from Magellan's three years to the 28 days of Evans and Wells has heen dat to an increase in speed but Michigan's negative debating te am, which debates Illinois at Chain- paign, composed of Stephen E. Jo nes, '27, Gerald 0. Dykstra, '27, and John 0. Yeasting, '27 BAd. MONROE DOCTRINE' ISEATSTO BE 4HELD MIS DESTOD-ATONINMIDAWiST LE atU ('Newly Formned Club Nears Prof. A.ion Ncgative And Affirmiative Teams 11ill Discuss United Blanes' Attltude Meet In 1Trhinguar Uontests In Latin-American Affairs j Tomorrow Night CALLS POLICY SELFISH PREPARATIONS FINISHED "There are two sots of misunder- Final arguments were completed in standings regarding the Monroe doc- an inter-team debate last night for trine," declared Prof. Arthur S. Aitontfiig-Nrs of the history department lat nig the final preparation for the Mid-West addressing thenewly-formed is- ,debates, which will be held tomorrow panic-American club at the Union. night in Hill auditorium and at Chain- The first, Professor Aiton pointed out, paign, Ill. Prof. G. E. Densmore, of is the Latin-American belief that the the public seaking department, who Monroe doctrine is a free gift of pro- jh be coaing tetamniewhe tection by the United States to the s 1 South American republics; while the' beginning of the semester, has con- second, or American interpretation, eluded work on the cases of both is that the doctrine gives the United teams. The negative team will leave States certain rights and privileges;fo IlimsTh lat ta in respect to intervention and econ- It omic affairs in Latin America. This is the 12th annual series of the After giving a brief resume of the Mid-West debating league, which is a world situations and causes leading triangular league including Michigan, up to the issuing of the doctrine by I Illinois and Wisconsin. The question President Monroe, Professor AtonI expressed the opinion that the docu- that will be discussed is as follows: ment was not an altruistic thing, but 1 Resolved, that the exercise of legisla- primarily a selfish declaration of na- tive authority in the control of the tional policy and only secondarily a specific content of courses offered in greeting of friendship and interest in educational institutions is contrary to the new countries. the public welfare. In the discussion The United States became a world of this question it has been granted power overnight following the Span- that the exercise of legislative author- ish-American war, Professor Aiton' ity means legislative prescription, dis- continued, adding that America had approval, or prohibition, and the spe- lbecome a sort of policeman in the cific content means specific doctrines, Caribbean sea, and at the same time theories, or data. was involved in a dilemma between Michigan will be represented to- imperialism and Pan-Americanism. morrow night by six members of As a remedy, Professor Aiton sug-, Delta Sigma Rho, national honorary gested a re-examination and amplifi- I forensic fraternity. This is the first cation of the Monroe doctrine, making Itime in a number of years that the it a principle in which all Hispanic- University will be represented by America as well as the United States teams composed entirely by members could participate, and let it remain as of that organization. Each speaker at present "the sole foreign policy of will be given.12 minutes for his con- the American government." structive speech, and five minutes for I In addition, the speaker asserted rebuttal. that the two Americas ,with their John 0. Yeasting, '27Ad, is the first widely divergent civilizations and speaker on the negative and will open customs, should meet in congresses Michigan's arguments. le has had from time to time. "Intervention one year of Varsity experience, hav- should be made jointly among all the l ing debated in the Central Debating American nations to restore order so league. that no one country be blamed for , Gerald 0. Dykstra, '27, is the sec- selfishness or imperialism," he de- ond speaker. In his freshman year clared. Education of the two races at Michigan he became a member of respecting each other, Professor Aiton [ Adelphi House of Representatives, and believes, would be a great factor in took part in the annual freshman de- bringing about good will and cordial bate between that society and Alpha relations. Nu. He won the first semester ex- temporaneous contest several years DOUBTS LEGALITY ago. , OF LIQUOR LAWSStephen E. Jones, '27, is the third and final speaker for Michigan. He I-will conclude his team's arguments in ALBANY, N. Y. March 16-Consti- i both the constructive and rebuttal tutionality of the prohibition amend- speeches. Last semester he was a ment was assailed by a petitioner in member of the Central Debating the legislature today on the basis of league team which debated Ohio State a 123 year old letter contained in a! university in ill auditorium. musty volume publicbed 95 years ago. William J. Weinman, '28, is the Had this volume, little known, and ' negative team's alternate, and will apparently never before discovered by accompany the group to Champaign. the opponents of prohibition, been in Secretary Mellon's opinion, would be a step backward "calculated to pro- duce discord and confusion rather than contribute to the economic sta- bility and orderly government of world prosperity." His view was set forth in a letter to President Hibben of Princeton uni- versity, made public today at the Treasury department without com- ment. It was in reply to the sugges- tion of meumbers of the Princeton and Columbia university faculties for a revision of the American debt settle- ment, and was considered at the I Treasury as settling definitely the question of the administration's at- titude toward any deviation from its debt funding policy. Asserting that a nation is hardly likely to deserve and retain the re- spect of other nations by sacrificing its own just claims, Mr. Mellon de- clared that cancellation of the debts owed the United States would not of itself change the dislike with which the educators declared Europeans look upon this country. Considers French Debt With reference to the unratified French debt settlement, the Secretary said that "it would not have been amiss for you and your associates to have taken into consideration that the inevitable effect of such a pronounce- ment would be to encourage and strengthen the opposition in foreign countries to such ratification." Such encouragement, he added, would be entirely unwarranted in view of the approval of the Mellon- Berenger debt funding accord by the House of Representatives, which de- bate "indicated that an over-whelm- ing majority of the representatives were opposed,to more lenient terms." Declaring that the advances to for- Seigncountries were,beyond dispute, loans and not contributions to allies, Mr. Mellon said that what the United States government had done in effect during the war was to enable its as- sociates to borrow money in the American investment market with government endorsement, liberty bonds being sold to provide money for the loans. The situation, he contend- ed, would have been no different if the foreign countries had sold their own bonds in the American market. Recognizes Opposite View "I recognize that there is merit in the contention that the associated governments might well have joined in pooling their resources in a com- mon cause," the Secretary told Dr. Hibben, "and that even now an argu- ment can be made in favor of writing off debts incurred after our entry into the war to the extent that they were incurred for contributions to a com- mon cause, but, and this is an all-im- portant reservation, there is merit to such an argument only if the propos- ed adjustment is to be a mutual one and is applied to all on a strictly equal basis. The factor, however, is one that seems to have been com- pletely overlooked by the faculties of Columbia and Princeton universities and by other advocates of debt can- cellation urging the common cause contribution argument." STATE PETITIONED IN CALLES AFFAIR (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, March 16-Bearing lthe names of 11,385 persons, a peti tion asking the administration to sub- mit its disnute with the Calles gov- ernment of Iexico to arbitration was presented to Secretary Frank B. Kel- logg, of the State department today by a committee headed by George LaMonte, of New York. 'DAILY TO PUBLISH EXTRA SECTION FOR ANNIVERSARY In commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the Uni- versity, The Daily will publish an extra section of eight pages with the regular edition to- morrow, which will deal with the history 'of Michigan and the I£clohration anl, l 1 , i the time records have been greatly the hands of the United States S-u lowered by lessening the actual dis- preme court when that body upheld tance traveled in circling the globe. the eighteenth amendment, the peti- Therefore, Mr. Evans has pointed out, tioner asserted tha ;court probably it is essentially incorrect to refer to these previous record breaking jour- neys as "around the world." A strict- ly around the world journey would have to follow the equator or a route lying due south over the South Pole and a return journey by way of the North Pole. What world travelers have been doing is shifting their cir- cles or lines of travel further north thus lessening the distance traveled. Mr. Eva~ns himself has ialready pro-I would have ruil dagainst he amend- mentrand prohibition would have died at birth. SENIOR LITERARY CLASSI i rtl g 1 "a~r'T V-11® U r " iI TOnr KING FORGOES HIS VENTURE TO HAITI (By Associated Press) SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Re- public, March 16-Moved by a desire to avoid any untoward incident in a friendly country, Senator William H.I I U VIMEET VUK ELE I I(lNS I!King of Utah announced today that he will not attempt to enter the Re- Members of the senior literary public of Haiti, whose government class will meet at 4 o'clock today: in has denied his admission because of Natural Science auditorium for the his criticism of the policy of the purpose of electing the class histor- 'United States there and the adminis-