PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY' WEDNESDAY, lIaRCII 16, 1921 I_.. . lit, " I"!, I I. _ _. _ _ . ____. _y _ . .._. _ _ _.____ _,_ ___ _. _...... - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publicaiion .in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten. Rese"reli Cl" ' The March meeting of the Research Club will be held Wednesday, March 16, at 8 P. M. promptly in Room 2528, New Medical Building. The following papers will be read: "John Dryden and the New Science," by Mr. Lewis I. Bredvold; and "Some Energy Relations in Obese Persons," by Dr. Louis 1I. Newburgh. The Council wviil meet at 4:;0 Wednesday in Room X101, Pharmacology Building, Louis I. Bredvold, Secretary. Senior Mechanical Engineers: Mr. R. J. Gordon, Engineering Division of the Procter and Gamble Com- pany of Ivorydale, Ohio, will be in Room 221 West Engineering Building Thursday, March 17, to interview students interested in positions with this company. YPSILANTI PLANS TO HOLD AIR MEET Plans are being made for a flying meet to be held on the recently ac- quired land bought by Ypsilanti for use as an airport. The tentative dates 0which "v"e benC set fbI' the y'Iret are nautical association.'n or(ler to raise July 1, 2, and 4. funds for the running of the meet, The air nort consists of an area, memberships are being sold in the one-half by one mile square. A large Huron Valley Flying clug. A member- number of planes from Michigan and ship in this club entitles the holder neighboring states are expected to to two seats in the stands for the fly- compete in the meet. It will be run ing meet on all three days or a ride under the rules of the National Aero- in a plane on one of the days. I VOLUM~E VII WEi)NESDAY, MA RCH 16, 927 NUMBER 119 University Lectures: Professor Ernest de Selincourt, of the University of Birmingham, will give the first of a series of four lectures today at 4:15 in Natural Science ' Auditorium. The subject of the first lecture is "Byron." The public is cordially invited. A. EJ. b i .} =t:, }i ,, . . Tii t, r~iIIrs:,eU.r b . r. r. liUU nsR., University Lecturr A lecture ilhistr ated 'iy moving'pictures on the subiect,-"Arolnd ;the World in 28 Days,' wil be given by Mr. -6ward S. Evans, Thursday even- ing, March 17, at 8:15 in the Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. William H. Hobbs. Skyscraper Exhibition: The skyscraper exhibition will remain open through Friday of this week. Daily 2 to 5 o'clock Alumni Hall. Emil Lorch. All students enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments, who have not already done so, should fill in Location Blanks immediately. These blanks can be secured in the office of the Bureau, Room 102, Tappan Hall. This should be done so as to complete the records and so that we may know where to find candidates when superintendents desire to see them. Margaret Cameron, Secretary. Student Recital: The following program will be given in the School of Music Auditorium, in the Students' Recital Series, Thursday evening at 8:00 o'clock. The gen- eral public is cordially invited to attend: Barcarolle in F Sharp (A. Liadow) Waltz, No..14 (Chopin) Mrs. Pearl Reimann; "Thy Beaming Eyes" (MacDowell) "Wayfarer's Night Song" (Martini) Benjamin Z. N. Ing; An- dante and Rondo from Sonata Pathetique, Op. 13 (Beethoven), Rousseau Criswell; Meditation (from "Thais") (Massenet) Delna Wilson; "Nevicata" and "Nebbie" (Respighi) Hope Bauer; Andante and Presto. from Sonata, Op. 57 (Beethoven) Frances Adams. Accompanists: Helen Sherrard and Helen Hays. Charles A. Sink, Secretary. French Plays: The date .of the next event on the Cercle Francais program has been changed from March 16 to March 23. Three one-act plays will be given in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall at 8:00 o'clock. Tickets for the remainder of the series, including this soiree, may be procured in Room 104 South Wing. Rene Talamon. Abbot's Group: Games-night tonight, 1817 Washtenaw Avenue, 7:30 P. M. Medals for the group championship basketball team. Tryouts. PI Lambda Theta: Mrs. Marin has invited all active and field members of Pi Lambda Theta to an informal tea Wednesday from four to five-thiry at her home at 539 ThompsonSt.' Virginia Earl, President. To Senior Women: Will any senior girls wishing positions other than teaching for next year, come to my office at Barbour Gymnasium for possible assistance. Beatrice W. Johnson, Adviser of Women. Senior Mechanicals and Electricals: Mr. M. M. Boring of the General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York, and Mr..W. J. Hockett of the General Electric Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana, will be in Room 153, West Engineering Building on March 17 and 18 for the purpose of interviewing those interested in employment with this Company. H. C. Anderson J. H. Cannon. Sophomore Literary. Class: There will be an Advisory Committee meeting Tuesday evening, March 22nd, at 7:30 o'clock, Room 306, Michigan Union. All members not present automatically forfeit their positions. Frederick. M. Asbeck, President. Phi Epsilon Kappa: There will be an important meeting Wednesday, March 16, at 8:00 P. M., Room 20, Waterman Gymnasium. A delegate for the National Convention will be selected at .this time. W. C. MacDougall. Educational Graduate Club: Regular meeting of the Graduate Club in Education, Wednesday even- ig at 7 o'clock, in Tappan Hall. All graduate students in Education are invited to attend. Clifford Woody, Advisor. C'.And'eson. IBotanical Semni1-ar:. Botanic l Seminar meets Wednesday March 16, at 4:30, 8173 N. S. Bldg. [aper by F; (L Cus'tafson.---"Further stud. e on growth of fruit." B. 31. Davis. university of lichigan Band: ' Band rehearsal. at 7:15 sharp; attenldance at rehearsals, id inperative in order to get ready for the Easter Concert on April 6th. Paul F. Schlanderer, Student Manager. Phi Eta Sigma: Will the members of Phi Eta Sigma kindly call at once at the Office of the Dean of Students, Room 2, University Hall ,to pay the initiation ban- quet fee of $1.25.. The initiation will be held at the Michigan Union, Tues- day, March 22nd, at 4:30 o'clock (Room 302). The banquet will follow at 6:30 P. M. William B. Palmer, President. To Members of the Local Chinese Students' Club Our Conference on National Affairs which will be represented by all other clubs in the State of Michigan is going to be held from March 18-19 in the Lane Hall Auditorium. Members other than official delegates are also urged to join all the sessions. For details concerning program and others please see notices in our club-room. S. S. Lee, Secretary, Committee on National Affairs. Music Section The Music Section of the Faculty Womrn's Club will meet at 8 o'clock on Wednesday, March 16, with Mrs. B. F. Bailey. 1019 Baldwin Ave. Marion Fisk, Secretary. Classical Journal Club: The Classical Journal Club will meet on Wednesday, March 16, at 4:00 P. M. in Room 2016 Angell Hall. James E. Dunlap, Secretary. Seniors, College of Literature, Science and Arts There will be an important meeting of the 1927 Lit. class Thursday, March 17, in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:00 P. M. Class Historian, Orator, etc., will be elected at this time. SOME NEW TITLES IN k THE MOL D'Annuio . . ' Ie Maiden of' tiie De Gourimonit . . A N;ght in Luxe H ... The Return of the Aiken . WAHlR,' Rocks mIlb lrg Native 15c )ERN LIBRARY Le11isohn (eising Cabell each S . . . . Upstr'4 i . . .Nen Grub Street The'reaAmof hir' Jest, Modern AmiericaniPer UNI BOO V ERSITY KSTORE r - i << -I 1AY FES:TIVAL I a FOUR DAYS May 18, 19, 209 21 1927, 0 Henry S. Maentz, Pres. ....... ... .... -..... - - -, --. ..- ....- - - - - - 7 - - NEW DANCE ORTHOPHONIC Victor Record s Glad to play Viemn. for you, of couise! Courteous, helpful record service. Hello! Swanee, Hello! (Fot Trot) Since I Found You (Fox Trot) with Vocal Refrain Both by Waring's Yen ylvanians iNo. 20467-70e Yankee Rose (Fox Trot) Roger Wolfe Kahn and His Orchestra I'm Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover (Fox Trot) Jean Goldkette and His Orchestra No. 20466-75c Blue Shies (Fox Trot) with Vocal Refrain Where's That Rainbow? (Fox Trot) with Vocal Refrain Both by George Olsen and 'His Orchestra No. 2045-75C I Know That You Know (Fox Trot) with Vocal Refrain Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra Like He Loves Me (Medley Fox Trot) Waring's Pennsylvanians No. 20437-75c SIX CONCERTS HILL AUDITORIUM - ANN ARBOR EARL V. MOORE Musical Director FREDERICK STOCK Orchestral Cond. JOSEPH E. MADDY Children's Cond. Rosa Ponselle Soprano Metropolitan Opera Company Betsy Lane Shepherd Soprano American concert and oratorio singer Lois Johnston Soprano San Carlo Opera Company Ernestine Schumann-Heink Contralto Jubilee Anniversary Sophie Braslau Contralto Metropolitan Opera Company Elsie Baker Contralto American concert and oratorio singer Armand Tokatyan Tenor Metropolitan Opera Company Arthur Hackett Tenor American concert and oratorio singer Lawrence Tibbett Baritone Metropolitan Opera Company William Simmons Baritone American concert and oratorio singer James Wolfe Bass Metropolitan Opera Company Lea Luboshutz Violinist Russian Violinist Ernest Hutcheson Pianist Eminent American Artist CARMEN Bizet MASS IND. Beethoven (Beethoven centenary) CHORAL SYMPHONY Holst (American Premiere) Season tickets $5.50, $6.00, $7.00 (if Festival coupon is enclosed, deduct $3.00), ordered by mail, will be selected in sequence and sent out about April 1, at purchaser's risk, unless fee of 15e is enclosed for registration. CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary & Business Mgr., University School of Music Edgeworth ~' 1~'' *smoking isa part x of college 1 education hush-a-Bye (Waltz) Idolizing (Fox Trot) -Both by SHEET MUSIC 3Music' Books, Studies ai4 everything' for the student and teacher of music. with Vocal Refrain with Vocal Refrain Jean Goldkette and His Orchestra No. 20-75e UKULELES, BANJOS BANJO-LUKE S SAXOPHONES, MANDOLINS GUITARS ETC., ETC. Urinnkell Bros Pianos, Players, Victrolas, Radios, Etc. 116 South Main St. Phone 7312 "The Musical Center of Ann Arbor" I _ 'hIP __ ____ ______________________ FOR LAUGHING PURPOSES ONLY - IF YOU DON'T WANT TO LAUGH, DON'T ATTEND THE --Mimes Theatre-- WEEK STARTING MARICH 22 J 4 By GEORGE S. KAUFMAN and MARC CONNELLY, Authors of "THE BUTTER AND EGG MAN" and Just as Funny I