PAEEGTTH-E MICHIGAN DAILY ____ DAILY. OFFICIAL BULLETIN, Publication in the Bulletin is constfuctive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten. SFUNI)AY, JANI-AiY 30, 1927 Nunzhi93 To All Members of the Universitfy: To insure as far as possble against.(duplication of effort and over- soliciting of willing alumni and friends of the University, a).l to protect the various privately supported activities of the University, certain policies have, after conference with the Deans aad represetativ s of the Fcul~y, been adopted by the Board of Regents. A committee, known as the President's CommitteeC on Spciai Needs of the 'University, has been appointed (Regents' P roceedings, P'. 107). This committee consists of seven faculty members. Is Chairman is Librarian W. W. Bishop and its Secretary Dr. F. H. Robbins, Assistant to the President. All projects which involve financial support of $1,000 or more from private sources should be submitted before soliciting o funds begins to the Sec- retary of this committee. The committee will at its earlist convenience consider the project and the. list of those proposed as possible donors. On1 the basis of the(, advice of the commttee we shall all be much beter informed as to the most desirable method of procedure than we are at lpresent Trhe object of this poicy is to encorae research and to insure its successful support. Eivery efort should be made to cooperate with the committee and to strengthen its influence. C. C. Little. l7nivesity Lecture: Dr. Fritz Paneth, Professor of Inorganic Cenistry of the University of Berlin,- will lecture on Thursday, February .3, at 8: 00 P. M. in the Chemical Amphitheatre, en the subject "The lase of Radio Elements as Indicators." The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbin. Further Change, Faculty Meting, Colleg of Litrature, Sience and the Arts: Another change has been necessary in the date of the postponed faculty meeting. It will be held definitely Tuesday evening, February 1, in Room 2225 Angell hall, at 7:30 P. M. John kI. Effiger. Lecture in Economics : Mr. George C. Smith, Executive Vie-resident of the Baltimore Asso- ciationk of Commerce, will speak in Tappan Hall, 206, on Monday afternoon, January 31, at 4:30 o'clock on the subject "Industrial Analysis and Logical Community' Development." Business Administration students and Grad- uate students in Economics invited. Ernest N. Fisher Graduate Students: Elections for the second semester should be made at the office of the Graduate School, Room 1014, Angell Hall, from February 8 to 12. Registration for students not enrolled during the first semester takes place at the same time. Students who complete requiremnts for the bachelor's degree at the the second semester should see that a complete statement of recordl is in the office of the Graduate School before the registration dates given above. Rth A. Rouse, Recorder. Graduate Students : Graduate students who expect to receive the Master's degree at the end of the first semester and expect to enroll in the Grauate School for close of the first semester should pay the diploma fee by February 10. Blanks for this purpose may be secured at the office of the Graduate School. Ruth A. Rowse, Recorder. College of Literature, Science, and the. Arts, February Seniors: Students who plan to take their degrees in February, should pay their diploma fees and return their receipts to the Recorder's ofice, Room 4, University Hall, before February 11. / Florece Mo hr, Recorder. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Registration and classification for students entering the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts at the beginning of the second semester will take place on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, February 10, 11, and 12. Students now in residence who have not classified may classify on the dates given above upon the payment of one dollar penalty for late calssifia- tion. Florence M1ohr, Recorder. School of Ediicalioii, Teaclhers' Certificates: Blanks for the payment of the Teacher's Certificate fee may now be secured at the Office of the School of Education. All students who expect to be recommended for the Teacher's Certificate at the end of the present semester must pay their fees and return their recipts to the Recorder, School of Education, by February I. Office hours 10:30-12:00 A. M., 2:30-3:30 P. Al. Gretchen Krug, Recorder. School of :Educat ion, February Seniors: All Diplomas and Teacher's Certificate fees must have been paid and the receipts returned to the Recorder, School of ducation, by February 11. Office hours 10:30-12:00 A. NI., 2:30-3:30) P. Al. Gretchen lTug, .Recorder. College of EDgiieering and Archtitecture. Mtath. Z and la: The following examination periods have been assigned for my classes in Math Z, Solid Geometry: Sect. 1 (Tu.. and Th. at 4) Sat., Feb. ,;, 1927, 9 to 11 A. M. Sect.2 (Mon. at 7, Wed. at 9) Friday, Feb. 4, 1927, 2 to 4 P. M. My class in Trigonometry, Math la, Sect. 8 (Wed, and Sat. at 8) will have its examination on Friday, Feb. 4, 1927, 8 to 12 A. M. All these examinations will be held in Room 317 W. Engineering Bldg. These who were not present when these periods were arranged and have conflicts with this schedule should see mie at oncet. .1. . Thomapsoni. Bolian . 1'ialEx'11111imlFeb. 4,il i1)9A. L1: Dr. Pollock's se'ction (Section 5) will mneet for the final examninationi in Rooin B207 N. S. i All ether Sections in the Natural Science auditorium as announced. 11'.W.V.1Tupper. 1 nrollini cut in Soicial Psychiatry 246 will lie limited to those who have takien 245 avidi 249 and who are registered for 250. c 'V'. Ranphael. lli ioso~>hy 31, !iual II mwat ion: Jlei will write their Philosop hy 31 finalI in ;'at. Science Aud., iwomen in Alumni 4enioral nail( West Gallery). J (ill 1ii uier. j Th:e fol lowing; extra se tlon cf Macheiniat ics 36, Calculus, four hours credit, is a nnonne(l for the secondl semester: Sec. [11, M~, Tn, Tb, F, at. 10. Room 304 M. 11. E Stuldenits le sir ng to Be enrol led in this section should attend the first meeting ofthtle class on iMonid;'y, Fcbrn ary 14. J a~aes WI. Glover. Pl 'siolcgFsial % 'iwiistry 101 : The c a: inmtion ini Physiological Chemistry will be held on February a9, at 1:30 11. M. 'Students from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, jSchool (fit Pharmacy, School of Edncaton and the Glraduate School will be eamlinedI in Roomi 311, West M1edical Building. Ifire-it r(:of Ik eor W ons at Parties: In planning parties in nonl-fireproof buildings at which decorations will be used, attention is called to the fire regulations which require fireproof material. At only a slight additional expense, fireproof decorations can be ob- taned which will comply with the tire regulations in this respect. E. C. Paragonm, supt., Buildings anid Grounds D)ept. (111 ichigan Dames Neeting: The regular meeting of the Michigan Dames will be held at the home of Professor and Mrs. HI. S. Mallory, Washtenaw Road, Wednesday, February 2, at 8 o'clock promptly. All memblers andI guests are asked to meet prompt- ly at Pilgrim Hall, William Street, at 7:30, and take a special bus from there. Mrs. Carl L~. Whitchurchi, President. (By Associated Press) a AINN']APOLIS, Jan. 2.- IHigh; school and college girls are not reallyi smarter than boys. Their applarent'I superiority is dule to inefficient mark.- ing systems which emphasize the wrong things.t Donald G. Patterson, head of the1 department of psychology, and T. A.!. Langlie, instructor in psychology at l the University of Minnesota, join in this theory of why sister can out-' - mart brother in the classroom. Pat- terson andl Langlie studied the ques- tion and mnade a report on it. "We beleve," they said, "these1 peculiar sex differences in marks are dlue to a constant tendency to over- They exp~lain this statement b~y as-A1 SIN G, Janm. 291.-The state serting that irrelevant factors ente r rinw problemns which have provedt inlto the old'-style metiehoil of awaryding be the leg-islature's chief concern di its first three weeks are apparew D)ata obataijied fr-om twin cityN high ly as undefined as when the legish schools in which teachers were aske~d teis; started their- trek to the stat to rate the ability of their pupils wvas capitol armned with opinions and sub used as the basis for part of the gestions. study. Tw o bills which' would establi: ____ death by lethal gas .as a major penalt MOC()Wl.--M embacrshifp in the lied for murderers were amiong the firstt Trade Union international has been' reach the legislative committees. Tn, granted to the Central Union w orkhers resolut ions proposing legislative inve of C l m i ,a d ab e t .af n o l e e a l s n s n Fiforwarded to the Colom ian :u;organiza- and Detroit and a half dozen or m ot tioun. other bills touching upon crimninr The ; law are also before the lawmaker Subscribe for Th Michia n'Daily. but opinions apparently are as muc Psychology'T'eacher 1 wods w1blive'tht b lctve IUpholds M\/ere M ales prevent in part, such over-irating of the girls." T.he Faculty Wonmeu's Club: The club will sponsor a dance for Faculty and Alumni ,it Grngr'1 Academy, Tuesday evening, February 1, at nine o'clock. One dollar per couple. Thle Faculty Wozmen's Club: The nest meeting, which will obe in charge of the Art Section, will be held Thursday afternoon. February 3, from three to five. Mrs. WI'V11:14noF;ayei'. Forestry 1.31. l1inaI Exanminl on: Students whose names begin with letters A to C will take sa. in Roomt 13 Angell Hall; students whose names begin with D to G' will take seats in Room 221 Angell H-all; students whose names begin with II to Z will take seats in Room 231 Angell Hall. j )OW, T. Baxter. I PROFITABLE BIL DING It may be you just as quickly as the other man, who is going to purchase the next A-A-HOME. Perhaps. you are planning on building a new house this Spring or maybe you have not considered building, thinkinig you could not finance the proposition. Whether you have thought of building or not, let us show you how easy you can build and dispose of one or more A-A-HOMES this year at a nice profit on your invest- ment. Visit our office for a conference. ANN ARBOR HOME BUILDERS, INC. 1250 Northi Main St. Phone 7408 I I # 1 Choral Union Ushiers: All ushers are reqquestedl to report at Hill Auditorium by 7:30 Monday evening, January 31, for the concert by Fritz Kreisler. W. A. Davenport, Asst. Supt. Buildings and Gronuds D~ept. History Ii')t (Economics 161);: Final examination Tuesday, Februiary 8, 2-5 P. M., in 1209 Angell IHall. A. L. D~unhami Subscribe for The 1Mich gai Daily. Patronize Daily Advertisers. - -_r___ ..__. I Mo. i . . . ' iat: ' h 5 ^ . .f. ' I) I i f a f i I 1 I BLUE BOOKS FOR YOUR FINALS We carry a complete line of Blue Books in all sizes and kinds. 1111l lSou4th University Phone 4744 Phone 4744 .... r ". ° z I , z I i i" 2 E . I i i E t !i I I ... ..r.,,.... .. . yi i i i i Watch Repairing Jewelry Repairing Optical Repairing t 4 0c iscount Sale While they last $7.00 Pens $4.20 5.00 'g 3.00 2.50 " 1.50 State Street Jewelers P Exchangeable within thirty days at for our regular pens if they fail to cost suit. ~I, a ' 6 e° e e tY Q L , ' a a S Rider's Pen Shop 31S State Street Built for Championshi FEET The Ralph Jones .Professional *(r) Perfect Fit; (s) Foot Protection; (3) Foot Control-these are the three essentials of a good basketball shoe. In addition it must ba made of the right sort of stuff, to stand the gaff of championship play. To these needs was the Ralph Jones Pry# fessional built. Its special features make it athletically perfect. (in) Moulded suction sole; (2) real vacuum cups; (3) extra heavy scuffer toe; (4) narrow well-cushioned hee!; (5) non-heat insole; (6) full double foxing re- inforcement; (7v) scientific last for extra sup, port to instep-made to keep foot from slip, ping forward. For every game and sport that requires ease, quickness and accuracy of footwor,'the Ralph Jones Professional wins the approval of ath- letes and sportsmen. Try it on at your near- estServus dealer. Prices:l Men's (6-i2) $4.00; Women's (212,-8) $3.5o; Boys' (2j -6) $3.50. The Servus Rubber Co., Rock Island, Ill. RMAD THE WANT ADS Ii - I' I I' For Exams- Fountain 'Pens All the Leading Makes Blue Books Every Size and Kind. WAHR 1NUNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE SPO T HO E ST, s -i a4 _______ own I________________________i -I__l____________________ 'I _... , e ~ . r_ , , :;, k ., ,F cr Y t y r S . ,F ,. ba° ' ' V 1 a / 1 e it r. , ( t2 N 'U- '. C 1 ' vuyo. I _ 1 "~a I Q oar has .I1