THDE ICHIGAN DAILY , -- - -~ - ------V N-- .,...,. NLAU-II Il Fk ,J NTRATNAL ATHLETES PHILAD[LPRIAII 1,NU- COLOR TO WINTER Will- REI ~T RONQ°-T 01- STOTING ACTIVITIES; nnmiii Ilh~~fhli ~7YORK, Maurchi 15.--- sA ll i :v''- y, i Y nzi British schoolimaster, an, Orrrp-i - J1JI11 UN; o-i t.} jjg y,)inl.fl n -,nv mnp ___._ rlgt ' r U 1 11 '11 1, - 'I I . - ai-wiwiw" pV hi: at K g q THiSf HI COLUMN CLOSES I AT 3 P.M. ADVER T IIING As'3. P. 1 , ,I. vv a do toiln last club: cani Jure Th a/N staff faint beu whip PhilI York one-i keel whir, Tiger mak( to tb anyr Penn' Jol Spea dian Was "I Waal dent INT T',ont' Wyai and WE tie f( entr Gary seasc fort eludf troit has urda the agaii ably petit 'schoc squa Irai betr good repr this I P0 'Sim' +defe well wee syl. dlay the (By Assoitcd l ress) ar i tc Spanish wood chop-I IASIIINUTON, March 15.--Wearing a i' ir da vI te, tli'ma fcsporto ~el tan and hr:; usual smile Wal- siaEdingwinterdramathf splomt".r , ohnson, veteraof the "Washing- llrwin Wdthe schdaoavatcrle ball club, had miuch, choice gossip;ods ne ie ,flowgth night on -what the big leuggue I>o''"fosep ftemnh 'a~~~~~~~~ ardiga lriatann 1' smve conqured, 1Paavo iN urn. ips, bhut little to say -about the in- ~ Brtr,'' oswnsacp rd leg that forced his return ome. al aktbtenslstl ek he ace of the 'Senators' pitching 1ocry o rnes timhn ffeels almost to the point'of cer- streak in the Ameriani inor tennis ty that "Bucky" Harris' team "will h amioi si ls.j up there fighting for the fla~ilr Ten,.on hpe n le present indications pointato leo [cuwo chpran ist of the opposition coing from Ipiilst, i con fident. of using the rg- gd New Ze landr, Ton Ilfeeny ,is a laelhia." steppng, stone to hecavyweight prom- etroit will be 'in the front rank ,ewhtere, too, he said, but Now The personality of these invaders l hasn't mauch of a chance to finish caries nearly as much apeal as their; two: He doeisn't'think the Yan- aiity. Wide, although less taciturn, iwill be able to get away to the 'is of the same mild mannered mold rIwind start they muade last year. as Nurmii, but Borotra, flashing colorj y" Cobb, last season's pilot of thewih vey oudadacngiu rwit Johnsonobelievesawillt"either ?rs Jonso beievs wll eitersmile, has captured American tennis j m or break Philadelphia. Fight- fancy as has no figure since "Many" spirit is what Philadelphia needs", McLaughlin, the California "Comet." dded, and if Cobb "doesn't give it Coleno's picturesque style and "cave- hem, they won't be able to get it man" build, has put him in the same where else and a team can't Win a class as the giant Argentine, Luis pant "without spirit:" Firpo as a fstic attraction.1 hnson expects much from "ris" Of the three, Wide faces probably' ltker and declared the former TI- the steepest odds just now. In his imanager would add a lot to the first big test this Thursday at Madi- shington team. son Square Garden the fleet-footed only saw Tris play 'once in a Swede will toe the mark for a onej shington unifo, but there's mile race against Lloyd Hahn, the1 ity of baseball there yet," he said. American champion; and several other ( p 1C 'home bred stars. IERSCHOLASTIC MEET It is the biggest foot race of the j 'ENTRY SETS NEW SARK eason. Hahn who has been running lei 7 consistently around 4:15, seems rightp {Coninud frm Pge Sx)" for an attack on the world's indoor (Coninud fom Pge ix) record of 4:12 set by Nurmi in 1925 iac; Central of Flint; Dearborn; and equalled the same year by Joi idotte; Port Huron; River Rouge Ray. Ann Arbor.' The chunky Nebraskan has beenI 'alte of Toledo 'which finished in a made a strong favorite. In several for fifth last year, has the largest- exhibitions Wide has not shown -y list for Saturday's meet with Nurmi's ability to adapt himself to the nen slated, to compete. Froebel of sharply banked board track (urns, y which only took one point last but he has improved steadily. ;o has a squad of 16 entered while Wide came here with the prompted y of Toledo has named 17 men standing because of two triumphs over the meet. Other large entries in- Nurni at Berlin last fall. e Kalamazoo Central and Flint: If Hahn defeats Wide it will be the! tral with 20 men each while D- biggest feather in America's intena- j tNorthwestern, last year's winner tio'nal cap since 1908 when fearless selected 17 men to take part Sat- Mel Sheppard won the 1500 meter race ay. at London, the Olympic equivalent of' 'hile Northwestern will be one of i the mile. No American since then favorites for first place honors( has won an Olympic race longer thanj n this year, the Colts will prob- 800 meters.I ; face some extremely stiff com- Hahn is the first American miler - tion in several of the out of state( since the heyday of John Paul Jones, ols which have entered large Norman Taber, Abel Kiziat, and, later r ads. Several of the Michigan en- Girad, capable of breaking or flirting its, including Kalamazoo and thei with the world record time. roit schools, are expected to make___________ 11 ~hae eeLto dl' etr The team lost only one bout to any- ight champion, in Chicago last l one but the champions of the variousI k, was suspended by the Penn- classes. Heim, a lightweight, lost byj vania athletic commission rester- decision to the champion of his class runtil lie fulfills his contract with in one of the closest bouts of the tour- Arena A. A. of this city. ney. THELHA NS SHOP LIGI I WOOL AND r y r ; S t r :: ', o.: ,:. ; , 'r LISLE RO0SIER Y EIf you are a telephone subscriber call jimie the Ad-'faker, Dial 121z4, and your want ad will be charged. The Mfchigan Daily reserves thec right to classify all wants ads undelr apprc priate head- rngs and to revise or withhold objectionable copy. This column clones at 3 1'. M. date preced- ing puHiication. Notice of any error must beI given in time for the second irtsertion. CASH RATES Ten cents per readting line (on the barsis of five average words to the line) for one sj tw~o3 insert ions. Nine .eints per reading !ine for three or; mrore insertions. Cass classifieds received at the Dairy office in TIhe iPress Bunilding on \,aymmard Street. CONTRACT RATES S;Special standardized rates given i picIa" f ton FOR SAM,' FOR SALE-Violins, oi1y old, one new. One oW - viola, one1 guitar. Cheap. Phone 4743. 119 FOR SALE-Five goodi des.ks and one double deck bied. Call Mr a. Day, 617. 119-120 All makes of typewriters for sale or rent. Excellent inachines at rea- sonable- prices, for rent. Prompt repairing by experienced workmen. Courteouls service. Aulta Brand Ribbons andl Carbons. Rider's Peii Shop, 315 State Street. sutn-tuzes-thars-t[ FOR SALE-Antiqfue D~avenp~ort (165 years old1) newly refinished and 1up)- holstered. Phone 3084. 113-119-120 FOR SALE-Smiall unique tea room. Just ffo camnpus. Very 'reasonably priced. Call 9339. 11<8-119-120 FOR SALE-House, five rooms, two blocks east camlpus. U~nder $5,000. 1342 Volland. Phone 9692. 1,16-117-113-119-120-121 :O'I'L-l lear the nw:Orthoponic Iict'('eord of "1111a Little Bit I ' finder ofYou." By \Warrings Pensylaninsat Schaeberle & 'Sonl Mus1ic iou se, 110 So, Main. tf' Students! Saeve Money! Bu1y a used typewriter and typ~e your owu thesis. Phond Landis 3489). v el-thtir-sat-his SUITS AND OY.1§'.I COATS--Very recs- titable liraCee' 1;P tntre' 1' 1(idy made. We have a Lt Cihtderfu I Liol- ety of pattonics. !he:airingit .o, a specialty. Ilw=tj iiIl ibrs jfor your wintter overcoat. WILD )THF I'lTAY[A)ft 109 Ei. Wa.shigtLon Phone 5L069 c Wed-Fri-Sat TYLPEWRITERI JlAi8OZ'S AM)b CARBONS I Our rapid turnover insures It fresb stock and you secure the best qual- ity at a moderate price. 0. I). MOlR- RILLT, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone C615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona -Typelwriters, Inc. A tt Spc