THE-.N41CF.JTGAN DAILY PAGP THRRVI jg o a ntitu ides of thio sc stu dents w ho B U M P I , C "1 '-C Sinltend to eter upon a Journalistic PROF. BRJMLN-' vi -c dviefrsein who he V2 eneurigcnent adfounda- Introduced wholly with the idiea of, rm ,~ 1 1 giving the sophomore students bent Tp,, ourse xpected t upolt a journalistic career, a founda-1T1Uj ) i _olfl, an Ud if it does, tion and introduction to the future, a I wi1 I v e a notli seinestens starting# new course in journalism is iein" ;nc, ii considered, according to Prof. John L,--.- B3rumm, head of the journalism do-t A~PPOINTED ParmessorlBrumm feels that if the' TO NEW OSIT IONI plan goes through a long felt. want! will be :greatly remdiedl. Sophomnrfes Wordl has; just beenh received1 of the! in the literary college h lae ne : or ; apnment, of Frank S. Cobe, former-I quite understood just whit the study ly 01 Anin Arbor and1a student at the l of journalism involved and what pos- I i ivrt~fo 92 o12,t h sibilities a future in it held for them. The course, therefore, has been do- posit ionl of (emergenfcy qgneer of signed to serve as a foundation for i the bi:_i ngham, Alabama, Water and subsequent journalistic work and at iPower Light Comany, which is in - the sampe time as a means of testing directly connected with Mluscle Shoals. T- - .,.,G N A L YP n~P~ T m Fleis& hman' New 'Testarn A nnounces ,1 a u scripts For lent Contest Due Thursday _. Manuscripts for the Thomas E. TI.1 The preliminary contests are on Black New Testament contest are now Miarch 22 and 23, and the contestants due and should be handed in beforet Thursay, Erl U.Fle~shmanof s 111lldrewv for their speaking order Public speaking department, whis i n these contsts upon handing in their charge of the contest, announced yes- mfanuhscriplts to Mr. Fleishman. The terday afternoon. elimination contest will take place in The speeches are limited to 1850 2,"02 Mason hall at 4 o'clock when the words and must 1)e based upon anyI finalists will b~e chosen for the con- ideas or Inspirations suggested by the! test on April .22. The winner of first New Testament. Religious prejudice honors wil receive $100 and a gold and theological controversy should be medial, and the winner of second place avoided, Mr. ;Fleishman said. will receive $50, Have you tried one of Bill and Mert's famous ham- burgers lately? Why not, drop in after the show tonig ht? Meal Tickets, $5.50 for $5.00 Bill and Metye Campus Lunch 338" South SMate ANNOUNCE APPOI NTMENTS Carl F. Burger, '28. has been ap- pointed managing editor and Charles T. Lee, '27, has been appointed bus- iness manager of the Freshman hand-, book, compiled annually by the Stu- dent Christian association, it was an- nounced yesterday by George H. Li- kert, '27, president of the association. 1~~1 I. I RROX SHIRT I ARROVV L COLLAR on it. This shirt has the long point collar. I It is made of a genu- ine imported English Broadcloth-the best ! in collars and in shirts that you can buy. Alsk Your Dealer NAT J&B> The Sak Sui The SillulSuitin fcn servative stvle '-Insmart fabrics. $4 AND MORE ON PERMANENT DISPLAY1 At 11 010 T S. e QUICK MEAL COil Stoves. MEAL Stove to meet the requirements of any family. The most vital part of an oil stove is the burner and the QUICK MEAL Oil Stoves are equipped with Lorain High: Speed 3 10- South State St. Dial 5015. Oil Burners, giving an intense heat, clean flame, and the corn- bustion tube can not burn out. St ate S teet Hardware "Successors to Larned Hardware Co." w pi Mass 'Bertha Bauier, director of the1 founded the school 60 years ago and Cilncinnati Conservatory of Music, has IMiss Bauer wvent to Cincinnati 48 years tutore'd 20,000 students. 11cr aunt f ago from Ann Arbor, MNich. I t Wherever gas is. not available, we suggest the There is a QUICK ,411 a y ORE and more men are demanding [1.comfort. The makers of Williams Shaving Cream have answered that dem~.nd with Aqua Velva, 'a scientific liquid made expressly for use after shaving. A few drops of Aqua Velva slapped on the newly-shaven face give it an exhilarating thrill--keep it as comnfortabhle all day long as Williams Shaving Cream--n cf't :t. In big 5-oz. bottles --Soc, W ,Ii w+ nis'" h l a Here'sAn Ida Nothing makes a more appropriate gift than a box of candy. We have a complete assortment of Norris' and Gilbert's best candy from. which you can choose. Get a box for your friends-you are sure that your present will be appreciated. Cowie in and try our delicious sundaes, sodas, and MALTED MILKS. You will agree with many others that we offer the best in fountain r _ _.__.. service. -CRIPPEN'$ 3STORE "A Store in Every Shoeping Ceniter." , "S ingers must be I cautious regarding their throats. Like other singers, I pre- fer Lucky Strikes be-. causethey are never irritating andbet. cause 6f their finer- flavor."1 723 N. Univ.' Phone 9797 217" N. Main Phone: 851 1 2 19 S. M±'ain Phone 6811 i Florence Easton,. prima don of the Metropolitan Opera Compn The perfect condition of ,her voice always wins applause Lu.cky Strikes are mild and mellow-the..finest cigarettes yo- ever smoked. They are made of the fnsTuksan:dcos,properly aged and blended with Ctte ahn ;j Onfthe: 5~reenMk Ater se all thBeautiful Ldur-ia i Lve Stao~y 7'dt'lIm k "ave You Think Spring Ha Come! 2b oeThu II c. riri t P ,.".:k.::., ....: great sill, and there is an extra process in treating the tobacco. t It's toasted"-no harshness, not a bit of bite. r_'~ t