-.gL A:
VOL. XXXVII, No. 119
Italy's Assertion of Interdependence
(if Every Type Of Armament
Answered In U. S. Note
(By Associated Press)I
PARIS, March t-A. delna-
tion by France to be represented
even by "an observer" at the
forthcoming three power navial
conference is understood to have
been the decision of the Poineare
cabinet at a long discussion today
on President ('olidge's invitation
that France be represented in
"some manner."
WASHINGTON, March 15-Invita-
tions to France and Italy to partici-
pate "in some manner" in the three
power naval conference at Gleneva
were made public today at the State
department. While similar in frm
and also in language in part, they
differed in that reply was made to ar-
guments advanced by each country
in rejecting the original five power
conference invitation,.
Assurance was given both govern-
ments that, while the United States
had no desire to reopen questions as
to naval limitations already settled
by treaty, it regarded all other ques-
tions as open for discussion and had
no preconceived ideas as to French or
Italian tonnage ratios in the classes
of auxiliary ships to be dealt with.
To the French suggestion that suc-
cess of the preparatory commission
Kt Geneva, organized by the League
of Nations, might be risked by simul-
taneous treaty negotiations between
the naval powers, the American note
U. S. Gives Opinionj
"The government of the United
States is of the opinion that all. ap-
propriate measures taken by the
large naval powers cannot but con-
tribute towards facilitating the task
of the commission."
"Italy's assertion of the interde-
pendence of every type of armament
was answered similarly that in thel
American view "limitation of the,
naval branch of armament must
greatly contribute in advancing the
solution of the problem as a whole."
Dealing with Italy's suggestion that
her geographic position and strategic
considerations made it impossible for
her to enter into binding agreements
to limit naval armaments without
grave risks, the American note said:
"It is feared there may exist some
misapprehension regarding the terms
of the proposal of the President of
the United States.
Americans Open To Ideas
"The American government has no
preconceived ideas regarding definite
ratio for the limitation of Italian ton-
nate in the classes (of ships) referred
to, but regards this question as one
to be determined during the proposed
It was further explained to Italy
that the Washington government be-'
lieved that partial agreement on limi-
tation of armaments "could expose
no power to danger from the navies
of the powers not included in such an
understanding, since no agreement is
contemplated which would not be
subject to reconsideration or revision
should the security of any party to it
be menaced by the naval program of
a nation not included in the under-
Prof. H. S. Woodward, head of the
department of speech in Western Re-
serve college, will be the sole expert
judge in the Mid-West debate between
Michigan and Wisconsin, which will
be held at 8 o'clock Friday.
Michigan's negative team will tra-
vel to Champaign to debate with Il-
inAois, is composed of John 0.tYeast-1
ing, :27 Ad, Gerald 0. Dykstra, '27,
and Stephen E. Jones, '27. The men
will speak in the order named. The
affirmative team, which debates here
consists . of Robert S. Miller, '27,
Thomas V. Koykka, '27, and Ephriani
R. Gomberg, '27.
The question that will be discussedE
concerns the intervening of legisla-
tive authority in the shaping of the'
curriculum of educational institutions.
G. E. Densmore of the public speak-
ing department, who is coaching the
teams, has been meeting with the de-
baters every day in an effort to round
Mimes Organized In 1913 As Permanent
Society Offering Training F o r Opera
NOTED ENGLISH DEAN 1Profound Faculty Men Fail On Feature
Conflict Of Freshman Fellowship GrouO
Editor's Note: This is the seventeenth of a
series of articles by Daily staff mnernbers on
various campus institutions and organizations,
published in an effort to make clear their
functions and their particular features of in-
terest to prospective participants.
Though the history and continu-
ance of Mimes, campus honorary
dramatic society, and the Michigan
Union Opera have, in the main, been
inseptarable, it was only after several
annual Opera productions had shown
the need for a dramatic organization
of some solidarity that the existing
society came into being.
Formerly the Opera had been an
Independent yearly affair, but it was
to build up a permanent organiza-
tion in which experience and a num-
ber of years in cast and chorus work
or on committees should count to-
ward higher positions that brought
about Mimes' organization in 1913.
Further considerations in buildng up
such a body were the desirability of
working out opportunities for stu-
dents with dramatic and musical tal-
cut as preliminary to the Opera for
the following year, and the possibil-
ity of offering additional attractions
from timje to time throughout the
Among the charter members of the
new group were Homer Heath, for-
mer manager of the Union, Earl
Moore, director of the University
school of music, Mathew Blish, then
president of, the Union and Philip
Fletcher, general chairman of the
Opera at that time.
The present Mimes theater was
built in 1912 and used as a ballroom
addition to the old Cooley home
which acted as the Union. It was not
constructed into its new form until
1921, when the stage was added and
the entire floor dropped for the in-
stallation of seats. Rehearsals before
Evans, Accompanied By Wells, Lowers
By Seven Days Previous Record
Made By John Mears
In an illustrated University lecture
held under the auspices of the geol-
ogy department, Mr. Edward S. Evans
of Detroit will speak at 8:15 o'clock
tomorrow night in Natural Science au-
ditorium on his recent airplane flight
around the world which established
the new low record of 28 and one-
half days. In addition to his talk Mr.
Evans will present the moving pic-
tures which were taken during the
Acompanied by Linton 0. Wells of
New York, Evans left New York on
the morning of June 16. From Cher-
bourg they made their way to Mos-
cow by automobiles and airplanes
with which they made connections ac-
cording to a previously arranged sche-
dule. Through the courtesy and co-
operation of Russian and Japanese
government officials, Evans and Wells
were granted special landing field fa-
cilitles on their trans-Siberia flight,
and they arrived at Yokohama on July
3. A nine day voyage across the Pa-
cific brought them to Victoria on July
12. The. Evans-Wells schedule broke
down more completely after their ar-
rival in the United States than on any
other leg of the joruney, for it took
two days to cross the continent, and
they arrived at their starting point on
July 14. The actual time elapsed from
start to finish was 28 days, 14 hours
and 5 seconds, according to Vilhjalmu
Steffansson, noted explorer and official
Mr. Evans remarked on his arrival
'in New York that among the three
things particularly impressive on the
journey was the backwardness of
j American civil aviation, in compari-
son to the perfection of civil flying
in Germany. "The other outstanding
impression," Mr. Evans said, "was
our friendly treatment by the Rus-
sian and Jananese officials who did
everything they could to falicitate
our journey."
The .record made by Evans and{
Wells lowers by better than seven
days the previous record of 35 days,
21 hours, and 35 minutes which was
made by 4ohn Henry Mears of New
York in 1913.
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, of the his-
tory department, will address the
Hispanic-American club on the sub-
ject "The Changing Monroe Doctrine"
at 8 o'clock tonight in room 304 of the
Professor Aiton's speech is the first l
of a series relating to the situation in
iy tr Amnrinn nm ntioo in rncnnn
then were held in the bare room of
the building, in the unfinished Union
ballroom, at the Y. M. C. A., or over
stores in the business district.
"Red Feather," by DeKoven, wasI
presented by Mimes in 1920, and suc-
ceeding presentations gained for the
organization the distinction of being
the leading producer of legitimateI
plays on the campus. *1A its present
home, recognized as being the most
complete of all college theaters, the
organization has presented in the
past, such works as Verhaen's "The
Cloister," "The Thirteenth Chair,"
and "Release." Last year Gilbert's fa-
mous burlesque, "Engaged", "The
Beggarman", an old seventeenth cen-1
tury farce translated by Prof. 0. J.
Campbell of the English department,
and Eugene O'Neill's trilogy of sea
plays, "S. S. Glencairn," were pre-
1 most
F I I I3H I IL K "Erysipelas" spelled the downfall After all had failed on the first
of nine facilty men including Dean wordgiven, "Elrysipelas", the mat chi
Joseph A. orsley and eight of the
SERIES O! ehn A srslast ight of theI was begun again with more favorable
Union in a meeting of the combined 1,results. Two men went down the
freshman groups organized by the first time around, one more on the
SELINCOIET WILL SPEAK University. It was the first word second, three on the third, and two
ON ENCLISI POET THIS' given them in, a "spelling bee", and on the fourth to leave Robert C. An-
AFT''RNOON each man failed in his turn, nine dif- gell, of the sociology department, the
ferent spellings of the word being faculty winner. Carl Brandt of the
g O D C E I A ivn . -ub"i"" "ealn departmnet was r ""-
The gathering, sponsored by the ner-up. lD. Angell thin was pitted
niguished Scholar To Hold Class underclass department of the Union, against the student winner whom he
r Advanced Stndents In Eng. was called for the purpose of deter- finally managed to spell down.
lish Literature During Visit mining which advisor had the best Dean Bursley gave a short infor-
_______. two-man spelling team in his group. mnal talk at the .beginnuing of the meet- I
nest de Selincourt, one of the Prof. Albert Clark's group won this ing asking the first year men what,!
match. Then the freshmen dared the is anything they had gained from
distinguished scholars in Eng- . faculty men to a "spelling-bee" of the gatherings throughout the year.
literature of the present time, their own. After much hesitation by ! Prof. A. It. Morris of the rhetoric I
lecture at 4:15 o'clock this after- several of the men Iean Bursley per-I department laid down the rules for
in Natural Science auditorium, suaded them all to take part, the win- the spelling matches, but turned over
ssing "Byron" in the first of a ner of the student match pronouncing the pronounciation of words in theI
s of four University lectures the words. i first contest to the dean.
Venirenten Are Carefuly Questioned
By Senator Reed; Klan Member
And Two Jews Exensed
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, March 15.-Henry Ford
will take the witness stand in the
$1,000,000 libel suit filed against him
by Aaron Sapiro of Chicago, organizer
of co-operative marketing organiza-
i he will prsent. He was for- v
Missouri Politician Declares
He Will1
Not Be Candidate To Succeed
Himself In 1929
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, March 15.-National po-
litical circles were provided another
riddle today in the somewhat vague
statement here by Senator James A.
Reed of Missouri that "he is out of
The statement made during an at-
tack on reform agencies of the nation
made at a dinner Monday night, was
characterized by Senator Reed as his
farewell message to the people of the
nation on matters of public policy.
The senator, who has been men-
tioned as a possible presidential can-
didate in the next election, did not
elucidate further regarding hs politi-
cal status other than to mention that
he will not remain in the senate. He
had announced previously that he
would not be a candidate to succeed
himself at the expiration of his term
in 1929.
"I am out of politics, so I can speak
impartially," the Missourian said in
launching into his attack. "For 25
years I have fought the encroach-
ments of the semi-Socialist, semi-
feudal idea, that government and law
are instituted and maintained for the
purpose of directing the individuals
"Speaking as a citizen and from the
background of my entire career in
public life, I wish I could get a mess-
age to the American people with all
the conviction possible, that we are
going to wreck this government and
destroy this nation unless we get back
to the principle upon which the con-
stitution was founded-the doctrine
of an inalienable right to life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness, the right
of every man to realize his own ideal
without infringement by any other
man or set of men.
"I am not going to stay in the
United States to carry on this fight.
Someone else must take it up and
carry on."
Motion pictures of the Fifth Annual
Gridiron Knights' banquet to be held
Tuesday, April 5 in the ballroom of
the Union, will be taken by Reograms
of Lansing, it was announced by Wil-
ton A. Simpson, '27, general chair-
man yesterday.
The banquet, which will be attend-
ed by 250 prominent students, Uni-
versity officials, faculty, and out of
town guests, is sponsored by Sigma
Delta Chi, national journalistic fra-
Films will be taken of prominent
guests, the toastmaster, and the final
event of the evening, the presenta-
tion of the traditional oilcan. Ar-
rangemens for the filming were made
through Phillip Pack, '18.
At a meeting of the Romance club
held Tuesday afternoon at the Union,
it was decided to present a Spanish
motion picture, "Jose," at Hill audi-
torium on April 5, provided 400 tickets
could be sold between then and Thurs-
day. The picture is entirely Spanish,
the story being laid in a fishing vil-
lage in northern Spain.
Frederic Sanchez of the Romance
languages department gave a short
talk on Spanish news items of inter-
est in which he told of the prevailing
tendency in Spain toward moderniza-
+,n, P A 0- 1z n fl l (h ,Ao fi l
imerly lecturer i English Language
and Literature at Oxford university,
which position hie held until 1909.
Previous to his 'promotion to dean,
Professor de Selincourt was profes-
sor of English language and litera-
ture at the Uni ersity of Birming-
ham, a position vhich he has held
from 1909 to the present time. His
first professorshiit of note was held
in 1896 when he was lecturer in Eng-
lish literature at University College,i
Oxford. Since then he has had con-
nections with the University of Wales,'
the University of London, the.Univer-
sity of Edinburgh, and recently the
University of Bristol.
Particularly well known as a scho-
lar of the Romantic English writers,
Wordsworth and his contemporaries,
Professor de Selincourt last year
published a critical edition of Words-
worth's poem "The Prelude," a work
Swhich has been widely read and con-
tains a wealth of information for
students of Wordsworth. Manuscripts
made available by Wordsworth's
grandson, in whose care they now
rest, have made it possible for Pro-
fessor de Selincourt to carry out ex-
Andreyev's "He Who Gets Slapped"
Is To Be Presented March
30, And 31
Casting has been completed and re-
hearsals are under way for the stag-
ing of Leonid Andreyev's "He Who
Gets Slapped" on March 30 and 31 by
Play production and Direction classes,
according to an announcement of1
David Owen, director. The play, a
translation from the Russian, is the!
one which was responsible for the
financial success of the New Yorkz
Theater Guild, when presented by that
organization during the actors' strike
several seasons ago.
The title role in the production will
tensive research in the works of be taken by Mr. Owen and the tech-
Wordsworth. nical direction and staging are being
Professor de Selincourt has many handled by Richard Woellhaf, '27Ed.
other works of English literature to All costumes are being designed under
his credit, among them "Poems off the direction of Ann Miller, '27Ed.I
Keats", a critical edition published The play will be given in old Univer-
in 1905, "Wordsworth's Guide to the sity hall auditorium, which is being1
Lakes" a critical work which he pub-f rebuilt and equipped for the purposes
lished a year later, and "The Poems ! of the play production classes. It is
of Spencer." He recently produced l expected that the work will be com-
a work "Walt Whitman", and his; pleted before the performances of
"English Poets and the National "He Who Gets Slapped." At present
Ideal" is well known. the seating capacities, without the
Professor de Selincourt will be the balcony, exceed those of the Mimes
guest of the University for six weeks, theater.
during which time he will conduct a The play is a symbolic tragedy,
seminar in English literature, which dealing with the character of a
class open only to advanced students dealn wh ts crcer t a
in English has already been filled to)i mountebank who is forced to play the
capacity. Today's lecture will be fol- fool at all times regardless of the
lowedabtyTrayee re irydiscus- passage of his own affairs, and who
lowd by three more literary discus- seeks solace in a small circus. He, as
sions, Shelley" on Wednesday, the clown is known, cannot escape the
March 23, Jane Austen, Wednesday,;fatalistic destruction of his ideals,
March 30, and "Genius of the Bron-
tes" Monday April 4. and in the end succumbs to the guid-
It is the plan of Professor de Selin- ing forces. The dramatization is said!
cout after comnletion of his course to be exceptionally powerful, and the
here, to visit the University of Wis- scenes to be replete with color and
consin and the University of Chi-cago, circus atmosphere. Over 40 people
where he will lecture for a short take part in the production.
time, but will conduct no classes. To-
(lay's lecture, as well as those fol- COMMISSION WILL
lowing, is open to the student bodyCE
and the general public. CONTINUE PERMITS
tions, who claims his reputation was
injured by articles appearing in
Ford's publication, The Dearborn In-
H U STO NNuU C dependent.
SELLOhT OF'TICKETS ,hi was decided at a conference
.. of counsel for both sides today after
ajury had been sworn in before Judge
Fred M. Raymond of the United States
Frolic Favors Will Be Distribiuted At district court.
Main Desk In Union; Are Shapd Six women and six men parried
Like Ship Calendars with attorneys and the judge' in the
Aucceeded in being chosen to sit as
ASUE _SCESjurors in what promises to be a long
James C. Houston, 30E, chairman drawn out trial. No alibis were forth
coming-as to business duties, illness
of the annual rosh Frolic forial, in the family, or prejudices. It was
which will be0 held Friday night in the obvious all wished to serve.
Union ballroom, announced a com- hIeel Questions Jury
plete sell out of the 250 tickets pro- Carefully the white haired senator
1 vided for the affair, at the final com-C from Missouri, James A. Reed, aP-
mittee meeting last night. Dancing ng forsFod, uestioned the
will be from 9:30 o'clock to 2 o'clock. nearing for Ford, questioned, the
ill befo 9:i0 o'oc to 2'o veniremen to bring out possibilities of
Favors will be given out today and prejudice, religion, or unfavorable
tomorrow at the main desk in the fraternal alliances. One man was ex
Union upon presentation of a Frolic cused after he informed the court he
ticket. This year's favors are of a shad been a member of the Ku Klux
novel kind, being in the form of a K Ian, a he Kn been
Ip-a dKlhc myb se s.an, although he had never been
ship-calendar which may be used as active, and two members of the Jewish
a desk ornament or paper-weight. The race were excused.
novelty is made of pewter silver and William Henry Gallagher, attorney
is attached to the calendar so as to for Sapiro, began his opening plea
stand erect. after the jury had been sworn in. He
Jack Bellaire, '30A, who has pan- atrtejr a ensoni.H
Jac te ai '3tA, who ha phn declared the right of free speech was
ned the decoration motif, said that the open to all, but when a publication
decorations will be composed of injured the good character and repu-
many-colored trees with painted peach tation of an individual it was to be
blossoms arranged to line the ball- °
room, and various spring flowers, regarded as a menace. - It was in-
daffodils, tulips, and southern smnilax portant, he said, to take into consid
ag nderation the motives behind an article,
arranged to give an effective andfwhether the heart was in the right
striking effect.
As previously mannounced, A Stei- place or malice and ill will was in-
mAr's 12-piece band from Elkhart, volved.
me' 2peebndfo lhat Mrs. Emma Clarkson of Ann Arbor,
Ind., will furnish the music for the was oie of theAsix women chosen. A
affair. Advances indicate that the or- tal of 1ve sn wer examined
chestra has prepared special novelty for duty.
musical features for Friday night's Gllg er Assails Ford
program. Final decision was made "Henry Ford has the right to attack
by the committee that no corsages the Jewish people as a race, withoutk
should be worn at the Frolic. exposing himself to libel," Attorney
Following are the committees which Gallagher said in his opening plea,
have planned the annual affair for this "but when he makes an individual
year: Jack Houston, '30E, general the target for his attacks, he makes
chairman; James Allen, '30, assistant himself subject to discipline,"
chairman; Jack Bellaire, '30A, Harriet Mr. Gallagher described the Dear-
Lawlor, '30A, and Charles hall, '30, born Independent as a peculiar pub-
decoration committee; Virginia Trow- lication, carrying no advertising and
bridge, '30, James Allen, '30, Anne supported entirely by Mr. Ford. The
Bigelow, '30, chaperones; Jane Hickey, publication was merely the creature
'30, favors; Allen Owen, '30E, Ray- of Henry Ford, his mouthpiece and
mond Palm, '30E, tickets; George spokesman. When it was started, it
Poulsen, '30, orchestra; John Peini- was announced as Henry Ford's sef
man, '30, photographs. fort to benefit humanity.
Sapiro claims that the series o~
A ITON TO PUBLISH articles in the Dearborn Independent
BOOK ON MEXICO in 1924 and 1925 charged that he was
a member of a Jewish conspiracy to
I exploit agriculture and spread Con-
"Antonio de Mendoza," a biograph- munism throughout the country. This,
cal and institutional history of Mex- lie alleges injured his reputation with
ico covering the period from 1535 to the farmers, among whom he has
1550, written by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton been organizing cooperative associa-
of the history department, will be tions for 15 years.
ready for release by the publishers,
the Duke University Press, within the SENIOR GIRLS SEE
next two weeks, according to infor- FIRST SHOWING
mation received by the author. F. S HO I G OF
The book deals with the career of EIGHT TILL EIGHT
the first viceroy of Mexico, then known 1
as New Spain. According to Profes- Opening with the traditional au-
sor Aiton the book is intended to fill dience of senior women in caps and
the gap following Prescott's history of gowns, "Eight Till Eight" the twenty-
the .conquest of Mexico. third annual Junior Girls' play had
its first showing at the Whitney thea-
AMERICA ORDERS ter. The main floors of the theater
INVESTIGATION OF was reserved for seniors, but the gen-
CH INESE AT TACKS eral public was admitted to the bal-
cony.More than 500 senior women
(By Associated Press) witnessed the performance.
SHANGHAI, March 15.-Investiga- "Eight Till Eight" will be present-
tion has been ordered by the United ed for the second time at 8:15 o'clock
States authorities of a new interna- tonight 'ickets are on sale at the
tional incident which occurred on . s are _n sa e at t _
Sunday, when -Chinese soldiers fired I
on the American destroyer "Preble" ( A review of the first perfor-
and the Standard Oil launch which I nance of "Eight Till Eight" will
the destroyer was protecting from I be found in the music and
Chinese interference, 12 miles from I drama column on page four of
Woohoo on the Yangtze river. ( this issue.
The "Preble' had placed an armed
party aboard the launch and was Whitney theatre box office and are
escorting her out of danger when she priced as follows: boxes, $3.00; Main
was fired on. The bridge of the de- floor, $2.50; First four rows in the
stroyer was struck twice, but there balonr, $2.0; Fext four rowsi$1th0
were no casualties and the Americans balcony, $2.00; next four rows, $1.50;
, a. and the remainder of the seats, $1.00.
Definite postponement of the Mimes
Spotlight vaudeville, scheduled for1
tomorow, Friday and Saturday nights i
in the Mimes theater was announced
yesterday by officers of Mimes. The
postponement was made necessary.
due'to the fact that the late arrival of!
the books for "To The Ladies," the
next offering of Mimes, will make it
necessary to utilize all of the time
available for rehearsals of that show.,
"To the Ladies," a farce comedy by
George Kaufman and Marc Connely,
will open Monday night, March 22, in
the Mimes theater. Tickets for all six
performances, which will be given
every night next week, will go on
sale Friday at the box office of the
Mimes theater and may be reserved
by phone at the Union. They are pric-
ed at 75 cents. Rehearsals for "To
the Ladies" started Monday.
Today will be the last opportunity
for senior men of the literary class,
to order their canes, according to an
announcement made yesterday by
John Nixon, '27, chairman of the com-
mittee. Orders will be taken all day
at the table in University hall.
Plans are being made for the dis-
tribution of the canes as soon as they)
arrive, and a booth probably will be
set up in the Union for the purpose.
! ant- .-o enior mpn of the othor
(By Associated Prcss)
WASHINGTON, March 15 - The
new federal radio commission com-
pleted its organization today and took
several steps towards establishing its
authority over communication by
ether. Its first order -settled all im-
mediate concern which radio users on'
shipboard, or in the amateur field,
have felt as to how the new regime l
might affect them, by continuing all'
licenses of the character hitherto{
granted by the commerce department I
for an indefinite period.
A second decision touched upon the
most congested radio phase, and by it, 1
all operators of broadcast stations
are notified to apply in the near fu-I
ture for a renewal of permits to oper-
Prof. E. M. Fisher's classes in real
estate were the guests of the Ann Ar-
bor Real Estate board last night at I
I a banquet at the Union. Five mem -
bers of the advanced class gave re-
ports on various phases of local real
Before turning over the meeting to
Professor Fisher, the. Real Estate
Board formally announced the de-,
cision of the Michigan Real Estate as-
sociation to give to the real estate
department of the School of Business
Administration a fellowship of $500
for three years. The fellowship was
voted at a meeting of that board yes-
terday afternoon. The gift places the
total amount of money offered as real I
estate fellowships recently at $7,500.