w PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY' TUESDAY, 'MARCH 15, 19271 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 15, i927~ - - - - - , I I -- I - I - I t I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publicaijion in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by, the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten.. VOLUME VII TCUESDAY, MARCH 111% 927 NUMBER 11S I To the Deans: There will be no conference on Wednesday, March 16. (C. C. Little. Exlihition. of Shyscraper Drawinigs: The American Skyscraper Exhibition nlow boing shown in Alumni Memorial Hall under the auspices of the College of Archiitecture will be open daily throughbout this week from 2:00 to 5:00 o'clock. Enill Lorcli. French :11, Mr. Barn ett: My French 31 at 10:00 o'clock will meet, beginning today (Tuesday), in Room 205, North hallway of South Wing. H. C. Barnett. French 5, Engineering: French 5-Engineering College class-will meet Wednesday at 5:00 o'clock instead of today. A. J. Jobin. 'Senior Mechanwil Lit- neers : Mr. J. S. h' rrwi:=eehaiiical Engineer, Nickel Plate Raihroad, will be in Room 221 Ws niern Building Tuesiday, iia reli 15, to iat(,rviewv stuldentitJt ,c, it (! iithe iiotive' power and mechanical eng,'ineering dep art- ments of rail road wo crk. 11. C. A nders-,,a. IPhysics ('olloqluin ra: ! The P11_ 077('Imaulm will me,(t at 4:13 P. M. Tuesday, March 15, in l Rom 1-41, owh 4sbuilding. Mlr. J1ulian E. Mack will spteak on "X-ray 4K-absorptioniin'ilthe 1,ai-y UVV e iieiits, an l --screenlin g Numbers.'' All inter- ested are cordially invited to )at tend. W. 1'. . Colby. Senior IiEucaion Cla s; Orders for Graduation Announcem ents wi ll be taken on ueday M rc Seniors may also pay class dues at these hours. Earl Is. bilic, President. Inteli 7ence 'Tests: I wanlt to get inl tou ch with severlm ore individuals wrho have t aken the Army Alpha Test at least five years ag,-o, and who know their numerical score. Few people answer these requirements so may I beg all who qualify to phone me. Howard G. Scalilil, 2,12-N. S. Bldg. Plione I1531. Romance Club: Meeting of the Romance Club Tuesday afternoon, March 15 at 4:15 o'clock, Room 304 Michigan Union. . Bursley. Dean Burslcy.s Freshman Group: There wil be a meeting of Mr. P. E. Bursley's group at the Michigan Union Tuesday, today, at 7: 30 o'clock. Prompt attendance is requested, as delegates must be chosen for the spelling match which is also hell the same evening. IP, E. Burlecy. Tau Beta 1li: There will be a meeting of the Michigan Gamma Chapter of Tau lBcta Pi tonight at six o'clock in the Michigan Union. Josephli 1. Ryanu, Secretary, Adeiplil: Adelphi, House of Representatives will hold its regular meeting on the fourth floor of Angell Hall in the Adelphi rooms promptly at 7 :30. The abolition of fraternities at the University of Michigan will be discussed. All who are interested in forensic activities or in this particular discus- Sion, are cordially invited to attend. J. iM. Schrade, Speaker. IClassical Journal Club: The Classical Journal Club will meet on Wednesday, March 16, at 4:00 P. M. in Room 2016 Angell Hall. Jamues E. lDunlap, Secretary. Freshman Grouups Organized by D~ean Bursley : There will be a combined meeting of the Adviser's groups in Room 316 of the Union, March 15, at 7:30 P. M. A spelling match, speeches, music, and smokes will be had also. Every group member is urged to attend. William V. Jeffries. 192 J-Hlop Comittee: The 1928 J-H-op committee will me at 7 o'clock tonight in Room 306 of the Union. T__'1o uas C. I1,inier. ! 1usie Section The Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at 8 o'clock on Wednesday, March 16. with Mrs. B. F. Bailey. 1019 Baldwin Ave. ( lt Dela iitilnroua i :,d cretlry. ('li l~eta i Try outs: Tryouts for Chi Delta Phi, formerly Black Quill, are to Ibo handed in before Friday, March 18. Mary Elizabjeth Kibbey-. Prescott (Club: j Mr.. . Webster, of Detroit, formerly President of the National Asso- ciation of Retail Druggists, will address the, regular monthly meeting of the Club on Thursday, March 17, at 7:30 o'clock, in Room 303, Chemistry and Pharmacy Building. A. C. L~udington, President. Acolytes: Professor C. R. Morris will read a paper to the society Tuesday even- ing at 8:00 P. M., in Room 106 M. FLI, on the subject "Reasonable Conduct Defended." C. 1)eloer. The Ilispaiic Amierican ClOb: Memnbers of the Club) and all peot:' iteetdin Pan-Amerwiican relati;; s are cordially invite~d to the Lecture ou "'The Changing MmoroeIDoct rine,'' by Professor A. S. Aiton, of the IHi~tom'y Department, at 8:00 P. M., on Wednes- I day, March 15 in Room 304 of the Michigan Union. P. Castrillo, Svc. Alpha Nu : Meeting tornight at seven-thirty-. This is primarily visitors night for all, preparatory to the second semes- ter tryouts for membership. The pro)- gram of the evening will be a report on "A criticism of the Bolshevik regime in Russia" followed by a gen- eral discussion. I ~Lyle E. Elsermnan, Pres. i SOME NEW TITLES IN I ,Sociology 200-Independenut Reading: Students assigned to me in the course in Independent Reading Sociology will meet for lunch Tuesday at 12 at Paula'13 Coffee Shop, 221 State. Attendance is voluntary. H. T. Lansdale. 121 S. I)'Auinzzio D~e Eaourniiont Hardy Aiken TH E MODERN LIBRARY T.ihe lialden of the Rocks Len solmu . . . . Ulpstreami A 'Night in Luxemubourg Geising . ' ..New Grub Street The Return of the dative Cabell .. The Cream of the Jest . . MdernAmerican Lroetry 95c each. Members of the Various Staffs iun East Engineering Building: The usual luncheon of the combined staffs will be held Tuesday noon, March 15th. C. WV. Goodl. French Plays: The date of the next event: on the Cercle Franca is program has been changed from March 16 to March 23. Three one-act plays will be given in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall at 8:00 o'clock. Tickets for the remainder of the series, including this soiree, may be procured in Room 104 South Wing. Rente Talamon. Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University Organist, will give a very interesting pro- gram in the Twilig~it Organ Recital Series, Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. The general public, with the exception of small children, is cor- dially invited to attend. The program in full is as follows:-Allegro agitato (Sonata 11) (Rheinberger) ; Hora Mystica (Bossi) ; Liebestraum lLiszt) ; Allegro vivace (Symphony V) (Widor) ; Lamentation (Guilmant) ; The Kings Hunt (Bull) (1563-1628) ; Romanza (Wolstenholme) ; Rhapsody (Cole).. Charles A. Sink, Secretaury. WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE R r rrrrrirw rrrnr r ® srnr oi w r r AIR E -Iflm Ay -&Mao V A I HANLEY, '27, WINS FORESTRY AWARD' John H. Hanley, '27, is the winner of the Charles Lathrop Pack award for the best paper on a forestry prob- lem written each year by a student ofI the department of forestry, accordingS to 'an announcement of that depart- ment. The subject of the winning paper was "Public Regulation of Priv- ate Cutting". The judges were mem- bers of the forestry, rhetoric and eco- nomics departments of the University. The prize is an annual one, this be-l ing the first year of its awarding. Itf was made possible by the establish- mnent of a fund by Charles Lathrop Pack, the president of the American Tree Association, and a well-known American philanthropist who hasw given huge sums for the encourage- ment of the scientific study of fores- try and forest problems in the United States. JOURNALISM HEAD TO GIVE -SPEECHES "Routines" will be the subject of an address to be given before the Insti- tute of Technology, by Prof. John L. Brummn, head of the journalism de- bartment, in Detroit Friday night. The occasion is thie annual educational banquet of the Technology institute. Tomorrow afternoon Professor Brummi will address the assembly at Dowagiac high school. PROF. AfTON TO SPEAK Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the history department will address a meeting of ,the Army-Navy club to be held Thurs- day night at the Union on the subject "The Mixton War--A Foot-note To Prescott". AT THE' DETROIT TREATERS GARRICK BEGINNING Sl'NI)AY, 3MARCH 13 A Limited Ret urn Eugagenucuit Anne Nichols' Laugming Success "Abie's Irish Rose" The Play that put U in Humor Bonstelle ]Playhouse Woodward at Eliot It's Not a Thinking Show This Easy Come, Easy Go It's Not For Riuminationi But Purely for Cachinations CASSj Lafayette at Wayne St. Cad. 1100 HELEN HAYES -in- What Every Woman Knows FIRST POP MAT. WEDNESDAY 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 6 FOUR DAYS May 18, 19, 20, 0 2 1 9 1927 LID a 'secluded corner at the Prnom] SIX CONCE*RT-S HILL AUDITORIUM - ANN ARBOR EARL V. MOORE Musical Director FREDERICK STOCK Orchestral Cond. JOSEPH E. MADDY Children's Cond. Rosa Ponselle Soprano Metropolitan Opera Company Betsy 'Lane Shepherd Soprano American concert and oratorio singer, Lois Johnston Soprano f San Carlo Ope~ra Company Ernestine Schumann-Heink Contralto Jubilee Anniversary Sophie Braslau Contralto Metropolitan Opera Company Elsie Baker Contr~alto American concert and oratorio singer Armand Tokatyan Tenor Metropolitan Opera Company Arthur Hackett Tenor American concert and oratorio singer Lawrence TIibbett Baritone Metropolitan Opera Company=. William Simmons Baritone American concert and oratorio singer James Wolfe Bass Metropolitan Opera Company Lea Luboshutz Violinist Russian Violinist Ernest Hutcheson Pianist Eminent American Artist CARMEN Bizet MASS IN D Beethoven (Beethoven centenary) CHORAL SYMPHONY Hoist (American Premiere) Season tickets $5.50, $6.00,,$7.00 (it Festival coupon is enclosed, deduct $3.00), ordered by mail, will be selected in sequence and sent out about April 1, at purchaser's risk, unless fee of 15c is enclo-ed for registration. CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary# Business Mgr., University School of Music Camnel. is th e understanding smoke CAMEL is always the friendly ciga. Unfathomed qiality is the distini. rette. In days of tense achieve. guishing mark of Camel. Enelt, n mment ofjoyand No matter what the price you gaiety, a lighted Camel will spur pay, you can buy no better ciga- you to the stars with its cool~, rettes than Camels. Smoke them crisp fire. Camels understand your as frequently as you please. You every mood. will never be left with a cigai'etty A purchase of Camels brings after-taste; Camels aren't made you the choicest Turkish and that way. That is why experienced j Domestic tobaccos. Blended by smokers everywhere demand them. skilfuil experts 'into the world's That is why millions thrilli to three most popular smoke, and the best, short words: "HCv-e a Camel!" R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, WI1°STON-SAL:M, N. C. ( 1927 ww Downstairs .........."". """". " """$2.50, ~First Four Rows Balcony , ..... " $2.00 THE 23rd JUIO I01 LS' PLAY Whitney Theofatre !March 15-16-17-18-19 I1 i 9 0