THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1,4(, E sPEVE>: xs' . py a - ,p..a..a.w. PREDICTIONS OF 810 TEN BASEBA, LL MlD ConellTrakme ' DA Cfi r 1 AQT Q rAMID'1nrnrnlnur _DfeI Yre S5a Brockw iyShatters 396 Targets At N. U. I Iis COLUMN PI tF- 4ASS I FIEfln CTHIlS COLUMN ~CLOSES AT 3 P. 1JI DM 3 U1 LI1 l ILE',OI l r rir !W ji ('dA .{';.' : k 1 .,a- '. I'{' 'IemIj( ~ijp freIlce Suff'ers f e ICut e. 1{d owx, teo, (can hit, -ld (( '' i a(19me a" 8ffrd; IL1 4 lI2 Jndividiiad f B1t I wh n eI are ( 3 ~i~ ii(!e i! nfen-ence, but in the past high hurdles, and nla('edl s;coiid in the the Wolverines to the 192E champion- Ilie has received no support. Eivery- 75 yard low hurdles. ship. thing has ail en(], though, andi this Conely let urttof njes IDascacacweleogtomay be his year. composed of M1it('he I, Sprmejmaul, Werly, hold up the team, as he should be Minnesota, tire school that gets more ; and Coodwillie, ca I ured thie colnciu~d- able to do, and if Fisher can plith credit and loses more gamnes than al- ing; eve~l(n n the progi an, thle one 11i11c a little wheat out of the chaff in the most anyone else, also has a new i elay in the exce~ption ally fast time! pitching department, Michigan has as1 coach. "Potsy" Ciark, the 'famous: of: 3:28 3-5 :seconds. rl-:iis perormance! good a chance as the rest of them. Wisconsin ,is sure to be one of theI Illinois football star, was recently also established a new dual meetrs- strong squads in the race, if for no'sgelt aecag tllslal r.-_____ other reason than that the team re- !1! mains intact from last year, when they finish second with the excep-; tion of third base. Barnum, the l ~ *A id ee catcher, who competes in three sports-''~~f I~ t and stars in a like number, will re- AL L kIt turn for his last year of competition. Almost the same thing can be said JA' good time to stock up on cthose important, emergency of Ohio State. The Buckeyes stillI have Karow and Tarbet playing ball '' requriements. for thenm, and Coach Fisher regards them as the outstanding fielders at Cto az short and in tlhe 'outfield in the Con- j oto andagesGaz STarget recore s of' the University uAT 3 PME A D' Second round of competition in of Michigan R. 0. T. C. rule' VE lhe all-campus foul throwing eonl-, teamli were shatteri'e( last wee test gets under way, this week' na matchi with Northwesternl when1 anEaltoewh,5sc i M. Brockway, '301 scoried 006 If you art a telephone subscr iber call Jimmie and ll tose ho ade 5 su- !the Ad-Taker, Dijals21214, and your want ad made poinits out of a pJossible 400. The best. will 'be charged. cesskul throws out of 25 qualify., record ever miade on the rifle range The 41:chigana Daily reserves the right to They are asked to report in here previously was 385 outingascassfd t tvseas udoprwih oldpria he the Intramural office afternoons from ;lpossible 400. an;o chcorpihhly.jeto~b~ 2 to 5.i Helped by this record and th ter' '11his coiumnn cio~es at 3 P. INM. date preced' The initet'fraternity relays will b)e shooting of unusual calibre, the teami ing pul,liettion. Notice of anyv error must be y given i time for the second insertion. run off tonight for the last time in defeated the Northwest erner- lby CASH RATES the Watermlan gym. score of 3745 to 3540. Ten cents pcr readiing line (oil the b~asis of fivxe avetciage winds to the line) for one )r two Natne ~enits per ri'il in p live for three o,' ioltC qj insertions. Ca.,;i classifeds ,t teived at the I ),tiiy tfle iThe P'ress Building oin Maynjard Street. ii CONTRACT RATES r:I 1 eia standardized rates given on applica- LTISING UI NOTIC E Ann Arbor Mimeographing" shop-Z14 Detroit St. Let us do your mimeo- graphing and typewriting. First- class work. Quick service. Lowest prices. Dial 8683. ;t f . WelL c eccrno Write fo c-Cues-thur-Sat PRIAM' E thtemn sow-- your Fraternity tict ures and shinglIt's. Anm Ar-bor's only pr'ofessionta p ( Iuit'tframer(. :~l. i. I.~ ate Stlt. 2and ri it {, "''x12 Th'Ie very 1-,a .t tl 1 clo ii.:A P1 Lell I Afew min ' a t ih voi to play any f o~ulatr' a;_, . _2a. tf University M,181 auc NOTICE-Hear tt~ w Ow rthoponue Victor Record o1' "Ima Little Bit Fonder of Yout." I!N Warrings Pennsylvanians, at Schaubherle& Son Music Ilouse, IL0 S:). -Main. tU fressed g entlenm 'dgae. the preeminence eIso;L sinartness .app reciak. tire. rmnues of Stetson. quaity FOR SSALE FOR SALE-Antique D"avemiport (165 _ years old) newly refinishetd andI 1 holster~ed. lPhonte 3081I. 118-1 19-120 FOR SALE --Small uiqutle tea r'ooni. JIust of'f Packs}.rd. Very reasonably p~riceds. i 3119339. 1 18-l119-12,} V0111SA Lit--Police puppies by iu- ported sive, eligible to registmrat ion.' P'rice reasontable: 429 South Divis- ion. 116-117-118i FOR SALE-1922 Ford Coupe inl good 'oniditioni. New bands. Two new tir'es. Reasonable. Call Bell 21118.1 116-117-113! FOR SALE--House, five rooms, two b~lock: east: campus. iUder $5,000.' 1342 VollantI. Phone 9692. TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair- ed. Largest and best stock to be ob-1 tained anywhere. 0. D. MUIIRILL1, 17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal- er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smtith & Cor- ona Typewriters, lInc. tr NOTICE--T ie new Roy)2al Portables are now on display, -at Rider's Pen Shop, '315 State St. A, wonderful machine. You will ,be: interested. Call atnd see them.. TYPE 1141 rE It RIBBONS AND) Our rapid turtiover Iisures & rs stock and you secure 'the best qual- ity at a moderate price. 0. D". MOl- RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone 16615. Dealer: L. C. St Jah & Coroa Typewriters, Inc. t[ { BIRD CALL Song whistles and numerous other Emusical novelties. 'University Music House. tf &AL to FortyDolrt 'or Interesting Booklet "ON IAT in LITERATURE" tsou Compainy, PkiadpIa Antiseptics, Etc. Let Us Repair Your Typewriter Good Workmanship Reasonable Prices __Ride~s Pen- Shon I Eberbach I(,. Son CO. 200-202 East Liberty St. 9'9 I Ju~le oryoWn9,JV(Cfl SITUATION WANTED - First-class I chef withi' referenices wishes posi- tion with fraternity. Phone 5468. r 118-119-120 WANTED-By woman student. Room ini return for services. Box 168. I118 WANTEtD-Students who like good- hot BARBECUES to know we de- liver between 9:30 and 11:30 P. M.' BARBECUE INN Dial 4481.1 c-Tnues.-Thurs.-Sat.- WANTED STUDENTS t~o know that ,anit pays from $5 to X25 'for old salts and overcoats. 121 E. ANN DIAL .4306 tU WHlY WEAR "READY MADRES" when you can have a two pant suit built. to your measure for $37::0? Spring styles now, ready. rl-B. LYONS, Williams at Maynard. tf TYPE WRITING' and Mimeograpih. Ing promptly and neatly done, {by experienced operators at mod- erate rates. Thesis and college work a specialty for 19 years. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The Typwriter and Stationery Store. tt ORCHlE STRA MUSIC Leaders, come in and look over ours hate numbers. University Music house. ' NOTICE--Typing, tbesis neatly and quickly typed at popular prices. Phone 7345. tf ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleaning Work. Rugs Shampooed. Phone, 0513. daily-tt TO SEE best of 50 lines clothing drop card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone 6365 evenings. $22 to' $30. tt To Make Possible a Reorganization of Our System, We Are Going to Continue This Sale a Short Time Longer. We Intend to go in More Intensively for SOX and TIES-and in Order to do so We Will Have to Dispose of Most of the Stock oan Hand. This Consists of a Great Number of SPRING SOX,. TIES and. GOLF HOSE! UA AiT ' S " RC CAPS, $1.98 SLICKERS, $3.98 - SHIRTS $1 69 up LOST-Pair of shell-rimmed glasses, Saturday night. Not in a case. Call 8637. RewardI. 118-1.9 jLOST-Near Dental building, pair of brown shell rim glasses in leather jcase. Call Dr. H-adley, 8723. 117-118-119 LOST-Alpha Rho Clii pin. Name, IS. A. ERY on the back. Finder lease call 9817. Reward." 4 CARS! CARSI :("ARlS! i ' FOR REFIT FOR RENT-Suite for two girls. Nice, light rooms, well furnished and heated. Phone 21241. All makes and types. Everyone in 118-119-120 good running condition. , Prices rea- , I T S SOX Imported All Wool Go"l sox New LightWegt $2 at our Pie Weights Prices 73c INEW SPRING TIES e14v $I.49 FOR RENT-Largem house at 1003 E. Huron, suitable for fraternity or sorority. Large dining room and ample kitchen. Running water in every room. Apply to G. 11. Chubb. Dial 5672 or 5772. 117-118-119 NOTICE Students! Save Money! Buy a "used typewriter and type your own thesis. Phone Landis 3489. wed-thur-sat-tus HEALTH Begins when you phone 8428. C. M. Gibson, Chiropractor, 35 ! Wue'rth Arcade. tues-thurs-sat-tf FOR convenience, speed and satisfac- tion, visit' Trojnowskis Barber Shop. tues-thur-sat NOTICE-Hats cleaned and blocked. All kinds of shoes cleaned, dyed and repaired. Satisfaction guaranteed. ANN ARBOR SHIOP, 625 E. Liberty. c-Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. Stoddard Bair Shop has given excel- 1lcut service for 17 years. A visit will convince you of our efficiency, 709 N. Uniiversity. tues-thur-sat , 0 sonable. Come down and look these bargains over. FORD SALES, & SERVICE 312 East Huron / I P i f' %I WHY "CHARGE IT? " READ THE WANT ADS Advertisement No. 4--March 1927 PAY, CASH and het Your l Worth I Tra vekrs S ~ /' "The new Duncan Management .7 has transformed the Wolverine into absolutely the best Hotel buiy in all Detroit!" Rates $2.50 to $3.50 for room with y bath. Handy to everythin~g-;-yet s' quiet. A block from Woodvdrd ( I Tnim e fflft muC M -i