PAGE FOUR, THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, M'1TCII 15, 1127 PAGF FOUR TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1921 AMWWM Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board inI Control of Student Publications. Membera of Western Conference Editorial 'Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffics at Ann Arbor, Mchgan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-j master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4 00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Mayo hard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; usiness 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR SMITH H. CADY. JR. Editor...............W. Calvin Patterson City Editor.................Irwin A. Olian Nes Editors.... ....... Frederick Shillito #.Philip C. Brooks Women's Editor...............Marion Kubik Sports Editor............Wilton.A. Simpson Telegraph Editor......... .Morris Zwerdling Music and Drama......Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Night Editors ' Charles Behymet Ellis Merry Carlton Champe Sta.nford N. Phelps Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith ames Herald Cassam A. Wilson Assistant City Editors Carl. Burger Henry Thurnau Joseph Brunswick Reporters transport guard against the opposition shown in Berlin, rather than see the League's efforts fail. As he remarked in making the con- cession, he was more a "League man than a German." It is this spirit which European diplomacy needs to guide it through the crises and diffi- culties which will continue to occur in its international affairs. PROTECTION INSHANGAI Full justification for the presence of foreign troops in the foreign set- tlements of Shanghai has been given by the recent attempt of 500 Shang- tungese troops to enter that part of the city. While the native soldiers might not have molested the property of citizens in the settlement, a suc- cessful entrance might have soon en- couraged more severe action, partic- ularly if the city falls to the Can- tonese army. As a result of the incident which was soon brought to a close by the presence and tact of British officers and men, the foreign colony has or- ganized for both rapid evacuation and for united self protection. It has been wisely realized that the Chinese fighting to control the city, will have little regard for the rights of foreign- ers in a crisis, and that the best pro- tection for the foreigners lies with their own troops, and their own or- ganization. 4i Marion Ander"on Margaret Arthur jeam Campbell Jessie Chprch Chester E. Clark ! Margaret Clarke. Blanchard W. Cleland William Emer Alfred Letl Oster Robert E. Finch Robert Gessner Margaret Gross JLAaie .ruter Coleman J. Glencer HarveyJ Gunderson Sxewart Hooker Morton B. Icove Paidl Kern Milton irshbaun- Sally Knoxj Richard Kurvink. G. Thomas McKean . Kenneth Patrick Mary Ptolemy James Sheehan Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Sylvia Stone Mary Louise Taylor William Thurnau Miltord Vanik Herbero E.kVedder Marian Welles Thaddeus Wasielewski Sherwood Winslow BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD Advertising.............William C. Pusch Advertising..............Thomas Sunderland Advertising...........George H. Annable Jr. Advertising............ Laurence J. Van* 'tuyl Circulation...............T. Kenneth Haven Publication.................John H. Bobrink 'Accounts.......... ...... Francis A. Norquist Assistants George Ahn Jr, Esther Booze D. M. Brown Hilda Binzer Florence Cooper Marion A. Daniel A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg E. L. Huse Selma M. Jansen R. A. Meyer Marion Kerr William F. Spencer Marion L. Reading Harvey Talcott Harriet C. Smith Harold Utley, Nance Solomon Ray Wachter Florence Widnaier J. B. Wood TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1927 Night Editor-J4OH. CHAMBERLIN HIGH SCHOOL CRITICS The recent action of the Senate 'Commitkee on Student Affairs in ap- pointing a committee to investigate the external features of fraternity initiation's is indeed worthy of com- iendation. 1she matter is one which the Interfraternity Council could well have taken u1pon itself in its efforts to find justifiable reasons for existence, and the Senate committee did wisely in waiting no longer for the proper organization to act. It is a recognized fact that the older fraternities on the campus seldom, if. ever, conduct their initiations in any manner whilch is objectionable. In fact, if there are any phases of the less serious features staged outside of the fraternity house, they are handled in such a way as to be prac- tically unnoticeable to any one not in the immediate group concerned. There are still a few houses here, however, which, intentionally or not, draw the attention of the general public to certain parts of the external program. Such high school antics as compelling a neophyte to parade through the streets in a barrel, or to freely accost women students on the street with an absurd or humiliating question, have long been regarded as an indication of exceedingly poor taste on the part of any fraternity. It is the fraternity which falls in the latter category whose initiation will be investigated by the committee with a view to bringing about a change in such conditions. Fortunately, this group constitutes but a small minority of the local and national fraternities in Ann Arbor. May the new commit- tee lose no time in performing a need- ed function! SETTLING THE SAAR ISSUE After eight years of occupation, the French troops in the Saar valley will soon be withdrawn as a result of the agreement reached between France and Germany in the recent meeting of the council of the League of Nations. A small force of 800 men will be left behind as a special transport guard to cope with any labor difficulties. This settlement obtained by a last minute compromise in the session of the council is another sign that the Versailles treaty; which provided a slower evacuation of the Saar dis- THE SOVIET AND DISARMAMENT Beginning today the whole course of future world disarmament pro- grams will be affected by the delibera- tions going on at Geneva under au- spices of the League of Nations. The conference which begins today, at- tended by an American delegation, is faced by several handicaps to success, but the parley, which will undoubted- ly continue through April, may see considerable accomplished toward the goal of world disarmament. The greatest difficulty to be sur- mounted by the conferees is that of securing a resumption of relations be- tween the Soviet Arnd Switzerland. It is now thought that this can be brought about in the immediate future by suitable negotiations, though the old animosity in Russia due to the murder of their delegate at Geneva still runs high. Switzerland, realizing the importance of the resumption of relations, may yield considerably to- ward accepting the punitive measures demanded following the slaying. An- other difficulty of little less import- ance is the reconciling of French and American views of disarmament, but 1this last is not as urgent as the first. The key to immediate success lies I to considerable extent in the hands of the Soviet. If Switzerland and Russian can be induced to patch up their differences, an obstacle to the more immediate business of the par- ley will be removed. But judging by past events, there is no way of pre- dicting just what the Soviet will do in the matter. SINCERE ENDEAVOR The test that is soon to be made on this campus by the First National Productions corporation cooperating with College Humor in a sincere at- tempt to find young college men will- ing to enter the movies and take there- from the fame and the fortune that are the results of success, marks an- other step forward in the realization that college men have something to give to business and that business must therefore enter the bidding for the services of college men. The attempt sounds sincere. It has none of the glamour of the "Beauty contest" publicity and none of the balderdash that promises a rapid rise to fame and fortune. It simply states itself as aiming as assimilate college men into a business that carries re- wards for head work and personality. The result is an opportunity for the college man and an opportunity for the corporation. College men and business must work together in every endeavor. And this is the movies' at- tempt to cooperate. SIXTY THOUSAND TONS Evidently President Calles of Mex- ico does not agree with those mis- guided individuals in his country who would boycott United States products, judging from his suspension of the import duty in the 60,000 tns of wheat necessary to meet the Meican crop shortage. President Calles takes the sensible stand that if Mexico does not feed itself economically the thing to do is to buy food elsewhere, at least for the present. Most of this wheat necessary to meet the Mexican shortage will come from the United States. The would-be boycotters do not seem to realize that no matter how great their dislike for this country may be. it would be utter folly on SPRING H ERE Spring Note: The Boulevard is closed. Don'task us how we know. The actual fact is that someone told l1 us. They have the road blocked off, and so Spring doesn't officially arrive in Ann Arbor for a while yet. ROLLS i is investigating the rumors complete-b ly and will be able to report to the President in a day or so. * * * WEATHER NOTE: Don't put the fur coat in hoek yet., * * * I Style Note: The University's other n eye was blackened Sunday night when somebody dropped three more bottles of chemicals in the Arcade theater. * * * OUR HERO Oh, he was strong and brave Was wild-eyed Chemical Davec So to the Arc he went And out the odor sent.1 It spoiled the University's name;c And put the students all to shame; It cut the finance measure But gave a moron pleasure. * * * Editor's Note: The switch in meter1 between verses comes in under the head of poetic license. * * * All this stench-bomb throwing eith- er proves that college men are what the papers crack them up to be, or else that some half-wit high school kids are loose. * * * The man who grew up to throw stench bombs is the boy who used to try to drown the cat because his' mother wouldn't give him a cookie. * * * - When je gets still older he will go to Congress and "filibuster" over a bill to give Mud Center a new post office. * * * "THE KING'S STENCHMEN" A Review, by Simple Sion.. "Getting Getrie's Garter" was ush- ered into Ann Arbor midst an aroma of stench-bomb and pungent perfume, which vied with each other for "su- premacy of the air" between perform- ances at the Arcade Sunday night. Keen observers sense a disarmament conference with a view to curbing the diabombical instincts of the fetid1 forces gathered under the banner of' "The King's Stenchmen." Frequenters of the Arcade are no longer deploring the lack of an act, parallel to the performance at the Majestic. Butterfield's latest "olfac- tory offering" was acclaimed by all within the vicinity. It has not been determined whether an instrument, similar to the "Clavilux" would achieve more delicate effects than the present practice of wafting at random. In order that this performance may be watched with impunity the manage- ment has agreed to supply gas masks with each ticket. * * * i THE DAILY EATS AND ARUES We have waited for a long time for some return from this job of ours, and at last we got it-in the shape of a free banquet at the Union, thrown by the Board in Control of Publica- tions for The Daily editorial staff. It was a great affair and lots of new ideas were brought up for discussion, but we didn't like the dessert. All there was was a scoop of ice cream and a cookie. In other words it was just an ice cream cone broken up into its component parts. * *-* Various speakers asked for assist- ants for the different departments such as sports, women's, Music and Drama, End then the Managing Ed- itor pulled a fast one on us. He said he hoped the thing wouldn't go so far that Rolls would be asking for an assistant, because 'what a sight it would be to have a bunch of little' Hays running around the office." -* * * Well, all we gotta say is that if the M. E. thinks we wouldn't pick betteri looking assistants than imitations of1 ourselves as our co-workers, he is sadly mis-informed as to our aesthe- tic taste.I * * * After the banquet several of the boys lined up at the candy counter in the lobby and ate dessert.1 * * -4 ONE FRESHMAN appeared in the Dean's office yesterday to inquire if he were eligible for campus activities. When queried as to what he wished toF do, he said he would like to take part; in plots.; S* *i * THE MATINEE MUSICALE The regular monthly meeting of the Matinee Musicale which was to have been held Wednesday afternoon, March 16, will be omitted. The next meeting, which will be held on Wed- nesday, April 20, in the Assembly hall of the Union, will include the annual business meeting. Preceding this meeting, promptly at 3 o'clock, Mrs. Maude Okkelburg, of the piano faculty of the School of Music, will present a program of Liszt. SIU A ALPHA IOTA The initiation of the Alpha chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota, national profes- sional musical sorority, was held Sat- urday afternoon in the Masonic tem- ple. The following pledges were tak- en into active membership : Lucille Howe, Margaret Stewart, Louise Rus- sell, Francina Fead, Helen Vahl, Dor- othy Wilson, Elizabeth Maxey, Rous- seau Criswell, Lottie Hutzel, Marguer- ite Wellman, Cecilia Fine, Helen Fagg, Anna Lloyd, Hope Bauer and Ruth Rubin. * * * T HE CHICAGO CIVIC OPERA COMPANY IN DETROIT For the enthusiastic approval of local patrons, the Chicago Civic Opera Company will pause in its annual peregrination to favor Detroit with four performances: a matinee of Puc- cini's "Tosca" bn Saturday, March 19; the Wolf-Ferrari "Je~wels of the Ma- donna" in the evening; Verdi's "Aida" on Sunday evening; and on Monday the novelty of the engagement--Mary Garden in "The Resurrection." This is of unusual interest to music lovers in any radius-the oasis in the other- wise barren field of operatic achieve- ment. Moreover the organization is practically intact-principals, corps de ballet, chorus, and stage crew. The operas selected have been care- fully chosen to present a varied pro- gram of a wide appeal. "Tosca" has been popular in opera since its pre- mier in 1900. The Puccini score con- tains several arias which are usually included in the repertoire of concert artists, and the liberetto, based on a Sardou play is dramatically effectiv. "Tosca" has been played by nearly all the truly great dramatic sopranos; Claudio Muzio has been singing this role with singular success this sea- son, and with Charles Hackett as Ca- varadossi and Cesare Fromichi as the Baron Scarpia, will head the cast. "The Jewels of the Madonna" is a more recent work, having been first sung in Berlin in 1911. The part of Maliella -(which will be given by Rosa Rasia) cirries unusual possibilities, and as usual molds the tragic tri- angle of all good opera into spectac- ular lines. Antonio Cortia, whom we haven't heard so much about lately, will sing the tenor role, that of Gen- naro, and Giacomo Rimini, who usual- ly does the Civic's Iago in "Othello," and who is one of the old-timers of the company, will do Rafaele. Both Raisa and Rimini were selected by Toscanini for the world's premier of Puccini's posthumous "Turandot" when it was presented last April at La Scala, and the combination is just- ly famous. Sunday night the ancient and pop- ular "Aida" will be given. It has been said that this is the only opera that is "singer-proof-to borrow the term from the drama. However, taking no chances, the cast has again been bolstered with Raisa in the name part, with Cyrena Van Gordon, a mezzo, as Amneris and Charles Marshall as Rhadames. On Monday evening the really trick I performance wyill be given. Mary Gar- den appearing in "The Resurrection" her one triumph of last year. The opera is a version of the Tolstoi novel set to the score of Franco Alfano. It is twenty-five years old in Europe but was given for an American premier last New Year's Eve, and, proving more than acceptable both musically and dramatically-La Garden being up to her old tricks-it has been in the repertory ever since. Garden has more recently created a comparative sensation in Honneger's "Judith" for another American premier. Augusta Lenska, an old May Festival favorite who did notable work in the world's premier of Cadman's "The Witch of Salem" this season will also appear SKILLED REPAIRING It is necessary that your Fountain Pen should function at all times. u 1 TO INSURE THIS get a in ON er "asterpen" a Pen with 4. distinct advantages. 1. A Self-starter. 2. A dependable writer. 3 Holds two weeks supply of ink. 4. Will out-wear several pens of any other make, and besides it is made and serviced right here in Ann Arbor, by the maker himself. Rder's Pen Shop i. Music and Drama TO'NIG~HT: twenty-third PlIay, ill tle o'clock. I "Eight { n ilit'c 'till Eight," the untor t i 315 SMate Street 24 HOUR SERVICE 'i ---- A EI I' NOW "THE VOLGA e BOATMAN" IT'S BIG! AND GOOD! This "Ad" End l1c U _______________________________________________________________________ S. ! (= - I= i Gran e sthe solution of a problem Have you ever wondered what to do when you have seen all the good shows and don't feel like studying? If you are bothered in this way, here is a "suggestion: Call up one of your girl friends and 0 come to PLEASE DON'TE PATH S ON T HE CA MPUS Y I GRANGER'S ACADEMY Dancing Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Nights 1' 1111111111111[111111IfI IIII IllIll s'IIIIIIIII IIIU1111111111111111ill I Ili lll 1111I I i ll if III Ii ll fill 1fill I III II IIIIIlIF: GRAAHANSIS BOOKS- For Your Convenience--Two Stores Completelr Stocked M At Both Ends of the Diagonal "c111111l11111111I111iI tiI11i1#1111111111111i111111111111111111111111 1111 1111111U IIIH IIi t , I rrsE 3 The Training School For Jewish Social Work Offers a fifteen months' course of study in Jewish Family Case Work, Child Care, Community Centers, Federations and Health Centers. Several scholarships and fellow- ships ranging from $250 to $1500 are available for especially quali- fied students. For information, address The Director The Training School for Jewish Social Work 210 W. 91st St., New York City. I i i A i t i CORNWELL COAL - COKE Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. CORNWELL COAL - COKE OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK Phones, Office: 4551-4552 Yard Office: 5152 A 7OMM in the cast. Theodore Ritch of An- tonia Cortis have been cast for the prince, with Cesare Fromichi, Lorna: I 0