THE MICHIGAN DAILY ________ c I irr ~iLtUII HELP°IFIREMEN IN. FIGHTING BLZE IN NEVA DA COLD 09BOOM- ' W7rk Of 21 Authors Are Added To' W~ecp b is)trict. Faces Venflict Ov r Duplic ate Files As Result O)f New ,Rulsh RICH GRALVEL FOUND (By Associated Press) TONOPAH, Nev., March 14-The spectre of trouble over duplication of. ftilin~g on placer and lode claims ap- peared at Weekah today as the gol boomn camp, found itself p~otentially twice as rich as was first suplposed. Weepah was electrified yesterdayl by the discovery of rich surface de- posits by a red-skirted prospector,a who camne quietly .back to camup after; a day of work irq the hills. Althbough hie at first attempted secrecy word; soon spread that hie had fauind gravel .,worth about $50 a pound. Prospectors andl Sunday, visitors competed in races to locate claims, or at least fill thi pockets with gold laden sand. The presence of surface values Bholds possibility of trouible, for under state laws locators may file placer claims on areas already staked out for quartz or lode mininig. this means two classes of claims may be0 filed on one area. The placer miner is entitled to all the gravel down to the regular lode. Thus far only lode claims have been { filed. The double system never has been tried in this state, and old timers say there will be trouble if both placer and lode claims are allowed. Claim jumpers are appearing. One of the seasoned prospectors, Frank Dumond, reported his location notices ha~fd been torn up. :\annbok 01 f amous literary has beeni added: "TheI tr Pa I'il- e5th UISof 21 authors, have osophy'',by WVil lnrn W: \e E .I ;l edto the shelves of Pendle- bhv .k a oallib ra y n the Union.Bhve We lna i , U' bO ., 2 u-'d .. tS"vichlthave beeni(elg .I osy U: ,'z .' daX 1 3tldv i.tal hioreI'C han 150 '"Beau Sab'e:ar . -~ :, i : 2JJe .pher Wren;: "Ox),i 'hn Te i 8~ no' 0 ailshave a iso been)01f the' ( entln r' ' 3 ]'1' M;' n ' .. a. n- i ae 1on 1thetables," which will be-,. An iAmer&ican flTian ('(1< '. ~eevdreg ilarly. These are: Vanity iDt'inr;and"(tl'li 1)a tPa~', 0 hi lar, Bookman, Cur rent History, Suir, onel H-ouse," by Cl') ;~vmir vey, Asia, and Review of reviews. j Janies 1. Breoast ed's '1-he Cm~e Of the more modern books, there of Civiliz'ation," and imk ns I>v ---- _ ; obinisoni', '"The Oi deal 0! ('iv ci _, ~ed~to Lbrry vidn," "Thte IElm Tree on the Mall", 1Balth a-a,n1At the "ignof the Reine len' ~ haealso beetseetie(I. ldaqe" , ."The Gods arre Athirst"' 11 ." of Al folowII.ant ior . '1T e \'ie'ii -1 ot k Wo~nall", "The O,1 y~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Oida fJeromeCoinat'',"Pier- e O~'"A M lere t!inParis , AV s' oi$li Cd I te l b'ar: T e e Wve of 13luebea r(d'', and r) h' 2 i''r ()d.I Oll (liver \',~'nl I l hi' s111.1e:-i .tasll I1o v I (in:Z':"Th..Fle spiratiolns 0o Jean Ser- CAMB:IRIDGE-Th~e fHarvard rowing t::team ill race the Navy team on May CLEARWATER-Pitcher Bill Doak hsjoined the Brooklyn training camp. y I !' j ivy U INOalZED i.4 rR'. . YI : at b o e h l , W l e l y co l g ,0 ,4 _ e n o I n t r o rescu in g fu rn itu re, reco rd s an d scien - for 4~2 Ye a rs. d a g e w s st m ed t $ 2 0 0 . edaaewsetmtda$2000 tPhone 4 197 V LOS ANGELES-Oharles Paddock, noted track athlete, has returned t~o the mnovies.4 i i- , I I { { I ' Photo shows, firemen fighting bla z, Massachusetts. Girl students aided in tific instruments valued at $250,000. 7 h1 Quarterdeck will meet at 7:30 to- night in room 302,. Michigan Union. The subject for discussion, "The Lay- ing Up and Fitting of Ships,," will be) presented in a paper by Schuyler B.1 Elliott, '27A. CHICAGO-Another "one In million"1 pinochle hand has been dealt hero. e et-olvay oke S OLD BY FR ANK I. CORN WELL Phones 4551-4552--5 152 I " SEE THlE Roy3 Portable At Rid~ers Pen Shop It's a Wonder .I IWAKE RESERVATIONS NOW EUROPE, ORIENT OR ANYWHERE -, A NY' STEAMSHIP STRAVELERS CHiEQUES. ETC. Licensed & Boadet 601 . Huron, Awn Arbor ItI *A4 ... n'KI... s.:,. I -,.- ,m %.'_. .fn.t r',1Stfl'in .n,wman tin - 0 ~1 } ;Ann Arbor Women have learned frm the u. S. drat au o f i es i SPECIAL EXTRA-PICTURES OF MICHIGAN'S BIG TEN CHAMPIONSH-IP TEAM-THEY'RE GREAT hi Our Third "'crni-Ann~ual Laugh Wreek Festival-Presening the 'Pro-s gram that Opened Detroit's Ne-west 'Ihatre-THE KEITH-ALBEE Up Town Lie Hlad orneting on Gentie! And SIhc Couldn't Laugh It Off! l ti ; TOUSAND S of women have been frei fry in'°their B aily battle against black, smoky dirt and smLudgy grime. >And. they are saving the money they used to pack out in frequent (and large) bills for dry-cleaning- saving t h. e~ pense of frequent redecorating of grimy walls and woodu ly)k. In fact, these women have done away entirely with tb troubles caused by burning dirt-spreading fuels. How did they do it? Merely by accepting the clearly .-stated advice given by th~e United States Bureau of Mines in its Bulletin No. 242, addressed to householders. (Read the 'excerpt from this bulletin, reprinted at the right. Obviously, recomnmendations coming from such a source are unbiased.) It was natural, that the Coke these women ordered from their fuel dealer was Semet-Solvay .Cake. This well-known fuel is prepared especially for household heating. It is produced only by the Semet-Solvay Company, the largest organization of its kind in the world -with a reputation backed by forty bears of successful experience in combustion engineering. Make this test yourself --TODAY Before you buy any more of the fuel you have been using, order a ton of Semet-Solvay. Coke.. Prove to your own satisfaction, in your own home, how simple it is to have a cleaner home with less work. Find out how easy it is to keep all your things clean without those large (anid frequent) bills for dry-cleaning, seasonal re- 'decorating, etc. With Semet-Solvay Coke you get heat without dirt; without smoke; without sooty, smudgy grime. Sem~et-Solvay Coke is light on the shovel - easy to manage - saves heaps of housework. Saves money, too. Today-order a trial ton of Semet-Solvay Coke. It will settle definitely in your mind what fuel you'll want to burn next Winter. ' --_.. " r , 1 ,~ . 1 1 ' . / " - 4 .,' *N i i i E 1 } F ! F 4 The US.Bureau of Mines Says: "Coke should be used for heat- ing houses because it is a clean and convenient fuel, eliminates smoke, reduces necessity of clean- ing furnaces and flues, requires less attention thian coal arid gives a more uniform temperature in the house." From Bulletin 242, published. by Department of Interior, Bureau qf Mines, "Why and How Coke Should Be Used in Domestic Heating Plants." (Write us for copy of this booklet) TheySoughtHer. Garter! and oh ! how anxious she 'a to get rid of it at any cost! But they never knew and that's wliy there ai So man aUF,,uhs in this delJightful comedy.r The premiere comedienne of dhe screen at her best in a human storj, theefilm version of a famous s age, success that rocked a nation with laughter. Don't miss it.' d7 . t :i V ':. 'i6 . c 4to- : r y' w] TODPAY 'I)NE SDAY ONLY a Y 7' And in K", A fSe TO1 ::~~. J s5 . . + r.N , , rti to c {/ Y Ni I ~~''/"'y EMEioOLVY OKE The Clean Fuel - made only by SEMETo SOLVAY COMPANY in Addi- Ilan ennett P R S DAYS EWS I =I rtrr D4-%vr rivvir rP "Ri, ,'k 1 lR 41 cl i n o DETROIT WORKS: West Jefferson Avenue . ,+