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March 15, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-15

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VOL. XXXVII, No. 118









Judge Contends That Plea Shoul
Contain Matter Previously Served
By Plaintiff's Counsel
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, March 14.-Attorneys
for Aaron Sapiro in his $1,000,000 libe
suit against H-enry Ford today turned
to an attack on the amended plea of
defense attorneys, following a failure
to secure permission to insert a new
paragraph in their declaration. The
plea was classed as "confusing to the
issues involved," "specious," "irre-
levant," and "lacking i justification
for the libels charged in the plain-
tiff's declaration."
Judge Fred M. Raymond, after hear-
ing William Henry Gallagher contend
that the plea should contain only mat-
ter covered in proposed amendments
to an earlier plea, served by the de-
felse on plaintiff's counsel, reserved
decision until tomorrow.
Discussion Occupies Afternoon
Discussion of the plea occupied
most of the afternoon session after
Judge Raymond ruled in the morning
session against injection of the new
paragraph. Gallagher said the new
paragraph set out that the term
"Jew" as used in articles in the Dear-
born Independent, on which the suit
is based, \vas used as a term of scorn,
but was overruled by a wdecision of
Judge, Raymond's that no new charge
of libel was brought and that the
paragraph would only widen the
scope of the case.
Arguments over the injection of the
paragraph; indicated the attempt
Sapiro's counsel will make to center
the trial on the racial question.
Senator James A. Reed, chief of
defense counsel, in, arguing against
the motion, declared that the Jewish
race was not being attacked, although
he admitted that ,Mr. Sapiro had been
called a Jew. He contended that ad-
mission of the paragraph would
change the issue involved.
Gallagher's reply, also referred to
in the afternoon's discussion of the
plea, was that Mr. Sapiro was refered
to as a member of "organized inter-
national Jewry" seeking the contro
of various farm marketing organiza-
Discussing the 571 paragraphs of
the plea, Gallagher declared that the
doucument in not place attempted to
submit proofs of a "Jewish ring," and
that there was no answer to citations
from the plaintiff's declaration that
"the lines on agricultural control runs
through Otto Kahn and Bernard Ba-
ruch down through Aaroi Sapiro and
the lesser Jews"
Judge Robert S. Marx, a law part-
ner of Sapiro, declared that the plea's
own paragraphs disproved its own
statement of "a Jewish ring."
Declaration of the plaintiffs that
Sapiro was charged with fostering
the teaching of Bolshevism and Com-
munism, was coupled with the asser-
tion that instead he was promoting
Americanism and not Communism,
since he was active in the work of
the American Farm Bureau federa-
tion. Judge Marx declared the plea
named no Jews as members of the
Asserts Subpoenas Were Served
Asserting that his subjoenas had
been served on Mr. Ford last August
by J. Francis Fitzgerald, one of his
associates, Gallagher declared his in-
tention of attempting to place the
motor king on the witness stand. An
affidavit allegeing service of the
subpoena is now on file in Federal
court, and Gallagher said he would in-
sist on an answer.
C. E. Longley, general counsel for
the Ford Motor company, however,
quoted Mr. Ford as saying that no
subpoena had been served on him.
Gallagher declared tonight that un-
less Mr. Ford appears tomorrow
morning at the opening of court he
will ask that contempt proceedings be
instituted against him.

Dean John R. Effinger, of the liter-I
ary college, left yesterday for Chicago'
to attend the annual convention of thel
North Central Association of Colleges
and Secondary schools which will openI
tomorrow and come to a close Friday.
Dean Effinger is a member of several
of the commissions of the organiza-
tion. These commissions will report
the result of their activities and re-
cparr lne ,the nDat year.

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 14-Exclu-
sion of Senator King of Utah from
Haiti by order of President Borno ap-
parently is a closed incident. At least,
the Haitian minister, Hannibal Price,
so regarded it, and there was no in-
dication from the State department to-
day that Secretary Kellogg contem-
plated renewing the effort to have the
ban on the Senator lifted.
The anticipated conference betwen
the Secretary and the minister on the
incident failed to develop. The minister
contented himself with transmit-
ting officially a copy of the telegram
announcing that Senator King would
not be permitted to land in Haiti, and

did not call . in person at the depart-
The ban applies only to Senator
SKing. It was made plain at the Haitian
legation that there was no intention
to extend it to other Senators con-
templating visits to Haiti who may
have criticized the Haitian adminis-
tration publicly.
A new angle to the Treason prompt-
ing the refusal to permit Senator King1
to enter Haiti developed at the lega-
tion withethe statement that before
' hle left New York, the Senator had
telegraphed to the Borno administra-
tion that he would visit Haiti to in-
spect conditions, presumably in com-
pany with the anti-government leader.
Percival Thoby.I
Winstead's Colored Band Will Furnish
Music For Annual Law Function;
Banjoist To Entertain

Police Investigate Murder Theory;
Sergeant's Body Discovered
In Wangtoo River
(By Associated Press)
LONDOS, Ma1rch 14-A Shiang.-
hal despatch to the Westminster
Gazette says that orders have been-
issued to the apiroximately 80 1
Americans and British in Nanking
to evacuate the city.
The despatch says that the or-
ders were apparently due to fear
that Nanking would fall into the
hands of the Cantonese within the
next few days, less by force of
arms than by treachery, as it is!
believed that sections of Sun
Iluan Chang's recently defeated
troops are ready to secede to the

(By Associated Press) ment.
WASHINGTON, March 14-A con- The defense's contention about a
tention that the Senate oil investi- want of authority by the committee,
gation which rocked the country three' due to an oversight by the Senate in
years ago was carried on for months adopting a resolution continuing the
without the committee having legal inquiry into the naval oil leases, ap-
authority to examine witnesses was parently took government counsel by
raised today by the defense in the con- nsurprise.
temp tral f Hrry . Snclir.In replying to the general argument
tempt trial of Harry S. Sinclair. j of Sinclair's attorneys, districtatr
For this and other reasons, coun- ney Gordon passed over this question.
sel for the lessee ofTeapot Domeyask-; This caused Martin W. Littleton, of
ed Justice Hitz to direct the jury to New York, one of the lawyers for the
return a verdict of not guilty. After millionaire oil operator, to twit him
hearing the argument for three more and a special oil counsel employed to
hours, with the jury again absent, the prosecute the civil and criminal case'
court took the motion under advise- growing out of the Senate oil inquiry.


Alumnae Night Will Be Observed
,',tiirday; Formal Night
Is Friday

"To The 'Ladies" By Marc
And George Kaufman To
March 22



"To the Ladies," a farce comedy by
George Kaufman and Marc Connelly,
will be the next regular play given
on the spring series of Mimes in the
Mimes theater. It will open Monday
night March 22 and will be given
every night during that week.
The play is an extremely witty of-
fering, according to officers of Mimes,
and will be presented after the more
serious production of. "R. U. R.," by
Karel Capek, which was given for the
last time Saturday night, and "The
Man of Destiny," by George Bernard
I Shaw, presented two weeks pervi-
Charles D. Livingstone, '28L, former
president of Mimes and Comedy club,
who had the leading parts in "The
Last Warning," "Annajanska, the
Bolshevik Empress," and "R. U. R.,"
will again take the leading part in
the presentation of "To the Ladies."
Leslie Stewart, '27Ed., a new man to
campus dramatics, and Lyman Crane,
'29, who played the part of Dr. Hall-
meier in "R. U. R." will also have
leading roles. Stewart will take a
feminine part. William L. Lewis, '29,1
leading lady of the Union opera, willI
play the feminine lead.
The entire cast will number 14 stu-
dents and some new talent will re-
ceive first chance in the production,
according to officers of Mimes. The
play itself is in three acts and is by
the same authors who wrote "The
Butter and Egg Man."
The Mimes Sppotlight vaudeville,
scheduled for Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday of this week, will be given
unless the late arrival of the manu-
script for "To the Ladies" makes it
necessary to utilize all of the avail-}
able time for rehearsals of that show.!
If this becomes necessary the Spot-
light vaudeville will be postponed un-
til the week following "To the Ladies."
Stanley Budney, 27,of Detroit was
shot and killed shortly after 9:00
o'clock Sunday morning by Patrolman
Roland A. Wooster of the local police
department after a desperate hand to
hand fight that resulted when Budney
attempted to escape the officer.
Budney, after being taken into cus-
tody following an accident, fled from
the police headquarters and ran down
an alley. Patrolman Wooster pursued
him, and the fugitive grasped his gun.
In the struggle that ensued Budney
was shot and fatally wounded.
Small Group of Me
In 1843 By Break

Applications for the annual Crease
dance, a Law school function spon-
sored by the senior class which will
be held April 1 at the Lawyer's Club,
will be received from 10 o'clock to 123
o'clock today at a table in the first.
floor of the Law building, it was an-
nounced by Philip O'Hanlon, '27L,
- chairman of the committee. Tickets
are limited in number to 125. Senior
Law students will be given prefer-
Two entertainment features have
been engaged for the affair, BeaJone,I
of the New York cast of "Battling But-
ler" will give several acrobatic dance
specialties. Elizabeth Swanson, at
present a headliner on Keith's vaude-
ville circuit, will present a variety of
Besides the two engaged stars, sing-
ing numbers will be given by the
members of Winstead's Colored or-
chestra, who will provide the dance'
music for the affair. One of the fea-
tures of the band is the singing andI
dancing of "Ed" Strange, banjo play-
The programs for the affair, which
were designed by Roger Doten, '27L,
are now being printed. The annual
Crease paper, a scandal sheet which is
published for the dance is nearing
completion, edited by Benjamin Hal-
stead,'27L. Other members of the
I paper board are Bartlette E. Nutter,
'27L, James B. Boyle, '27L, Trent
McMath, '27L and Donald Dixon, '27L.
The applications will be passed on'
by the committee in charge and a list
of those accepted will be posted in the
Law school. Announcement will be
made at a later date as to the details
concerning tickets.+
President Clarence Cook Little will
deliver two lectures at the Public+
Service institute to be held in Bostont
,tomorrow, Thursday and Friday,I
March 16;° 17, and 18. This institute
is sponsored by the Massachusetts In-1
stitute of Technology and the Massa-+
chusetts Civic league.f
The purpose of the institute' is to+
discuss the significance of the com-
munity of every form of public ser-
vice and the necessity of trained per-+
sonnel for effective administration. +
Together with Dr. Little's name are
many others of national prominence
in their fields. Dr. Little will give one
address on "The University and the

Subject Involves Legislative Control
In Relation To Education And
Public Welfare
Michigan will open its 1927 series
of Mid-West debates on Friday,
March 18 when the affirmative team
meets Wisconsin university in Hill au-
ditorium and the negative trio travels
to Champaign to debate with Illinois.
The question for discussion reads
as follows: Resolved, That the exer-
cise of legislative authority in the

SHANGHAI, March 14-With the
next serious fighting now expected
to be centered at Nanking, political'
developments today assumed an im-
portant aspect in both Hankow ands

Belated advices from Hankow re-
ceived by the Associated Press told
of a bitter internal fight in the Kuom-
intang, of Cantonese Republican rev-
olutionary party, whose central execu-
tive committee is now in session there.
Despite reports that a truce had been
declared by the contending factions,
there seemed little doubt that the dis-
'sension is adversely affecting the pros-
pects of the Southerners and has
reached a stage where reconciliation
is highly doubtful.
Koo Explains Position t
At the same time the Peking gov-
ernment made nlain that it is still
doing its best to induce the powers to
negotiate the treaty question with Pe-
king. Wellington Koo, acting premier,
explained' the position of the northern
government to the foreign correspon-
dents, asserted that the whole of
China was united in its opposition, not
to foreigners, but to special privileges
for foreigners, and that therefore any
engagements entered into for revision
of one-sided treaties would be accept-
ed and respected by the whole of
No news of fresh fighting was re-
deived in Shanghai today, and the
military situation remains somewhat
vague. Anticipating that the next ser-
ious fighting will be for the defense
of Nanking, a vital point in his line
of communication, General Chang
Ts"ng Chang, accompanied by his
staff, hastgone to TaIting, just belo
Nanking to meet the Cantonese ad-
Working on the theory that he was
murdered, police are investigating the
death of Sergeant James B. Montague,
United States Marine corps, whose
body was found today in the Whang-,
too river. Sergeant Montague, a na-
tive of Viginia, served in the marine
corps for many years and was with
the forces that arrived from Santiago'
on the transport Charmount.
Fundamental Divergencies Shown
The Cantonese split at Hankow is
one involving fundamenal divergen-
cies between the moderates headed by
tlye (Nationalist commander-In-chief,
General Chang Kai-Chek, and the left
wing or radical section of the Repub-
lican Revolutionary party. With a view
to preventing the split from shatter-
ing the military chances- of the Can-
tonese, it appears that a truce has
been agreed on and that the national
council, composed of both military
and political representatives, has
been revived to carry on the conflict
with the North.
This council apparently will super-
cede Chang Kai-Chek as generalissimo
and it is reported that he has renewed
acquisience to such a development.
Chang Kai-Chek remained at Nan-
chang during the conference.
All of the freshmen groups organiz-
ed last fall by J. A. Bursley, dean of
students, will hold a combined meet-
ing at 7:30 o'clock tonight in room3
316 of the Union. Tonight's meeting
to which 200 students in the advisors'
groups have been invited, has been
arranged by the faculty and the Union
underclass department.-
In addition to the speeches and mu
sic which are planned for the meet-I
ing, Prof. A. R. Morris of the rhetoric
department will conduct a spelling

control of the specific content of the
courses offered in educational insti-.
tutions is contrary to the public wel-
The negative team, which debates
Illinois there, is composed of John 0.
Yeasting, '27BAd, Gerald 0. Dykstra,
'27, and Stephen E. Jones, '27. The af-
firmative debaters are Robert S. Mil-
er, '27, Thomas V. Koykka, '27, and
Ephriam R. Gomberg, '27. All mem-
hers of the teams are of Delta Sigma
Rho, national honorary forensic so-
ciety, and have had at least one year
of Varsity experience. In addition, the
teams are composed of seniors.
The Mid-West debating league was
founded in 1915 with Michigan, Wis-
consin and Illinois. Previous to the
formation of the league the University
debated intermittently with Wiscon-
sin but Illinois was included to break
up the dual debates.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 14.-Secre-
tary Kellogg issued a fiat denial to-
day that he had, directly or indirectly,
instructed the legation at Managua or
any representative of the United States
government to work for the election
of Adolfo Diaz or any other candidate
for the Nicaraguan presidency.
He said in a statement that he had
no knowledge of any document pur-
porting to containing such instruc-
tions to Lawrence Dennis, then Amer-
ican charge at Managua.
No such document was ever sent
and no such instructions were ever
given," Mr. Kellogg said.
In issuing the statement, the Sec-
retary took cognizance of a report,
published by the Washington Post,
that a secret communication had been
sent to Dennis directing him to pro-
cure the election of Diaz by the Nica-
raguan senate as president designate
on the withdrawal of General Cha-
morro, who overthrew the constitu-
tional government of President Solor-
zano and precipitated the present civil
war in Nicaragua.
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, March 14.--Discussion
has already centered in the House of
Commons as to who will act as leader
of the opposition during the former
Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald's
Easter visit to the United States. It
f was learned, authoritatively, however,
that John R. Cline will receive the
post, as he has filled it in the past.
The labor leader, accompanied by
his daughter Isabel, is -arranging to
sail for New York April 9 on the
Acquitania. They will return as soon
as Parliament reassembles April 26.
The members of the House of Com-
* mons, who are always watching for,
dissension in the ranks of the Labor
party, say that there is rivalry among
the various labor leaders for the
privilege of acting as MacDonald's
deputy during his absence.
Mr. MacDonald considers his Amer-
ican voyage as a purely private trip.
He particularly wants to accept the
invitation of a woman living in Massa-
chusetts, who was hostess to him and
hi xr n 1 o - - ~

Edward S. Evans Of Detroit, Who
Flew Around Globe Iin 28 ays
To Talk Here
Edward S. Evans of Detroit has
been secured to give an illustrated
University lecture at 8:15 o'clock
Thursday night in Natural Science
auditorium, according to an announce-
ment made yesterday by the geology
department. Speaking on his recent
around the world record flight of 28
and one-half days, Mr. Evans will
supplement his talk with moving pic-
tures taken during the trip. He lec-
tured before the Rotary club here last
fall on the same subject.
Leaving New York city at 1:30
o'clock on the morning of June 16,
1926, Mr. Evans and Linton 0. Wells,
newspaperman, began the first leg of
theh globe encircling journey, to
Cherbourg. By airplane and automo-
bile the pair arrived at Omsk on June
25, and eight days of travel by train
and boat found them in Yokohama on
July 3, where they sailed for Victoria.
Arriving on July 12 they made air-
plane connections and two days were
consumed in the flight across the con-'
tinent to Mitchell field, Long Island,
which they reached on July 14, after
only 11 landings by airplane during
the whole journey. The exact elapsed
time from start to. finish was 28 days,
14 hours, 36 minutes and 5 seconds,
having covered an actual distance of
21,000 miles, giving an average of 700
miles a day and 30 miles per hour1
for the whole trip.
Twelve different airplanes were
used on the different flights in addi-
tion to three special trains and many
small boats as well as a half dozen
varieties of land vehicles including
their own legs. The cost of the expe-
dition was approximately $25,000.
Things which he claimed to be un-
taught in the modern medical schools
formed the basis of an informal talk,I
by Dean Hugh Cabot of the medical
school before freshman medical stu-
dents last night in the Union. Dean
Cabot spoke especially for those who
would graduate to practice in a gen-
eral way rather than for those who
are specializing in some one branch.
"Many essentials to the' practice
cannot be taught," he said, "and can
only be learned by experience; your
technical knowledge is only a toolj
with which you work upon the person-g
ality of the patient. Treating disease
is largely a matter of treating man
as an entity."
A practitioner who is capable but'
not understanding, he continued,a
brings the profession into disrepute.
He emphasized the importance of an
available and workable knowledge of
such things as religion, saying that
decisions along these lines had to be
made instantaneously.
Dr. Norman Capener, of the staff of
St. Bartholomew's hospital, London,E
and Member of the Royal College of
Surgeons, told briefly of the different'
requirements of a medical education
in England. Dr. Capener is now assis-
tant in the department of anatomy'
of the medical school, under the plan
of Dr. Cabot to bring international
scientists here at intervals. Dr. G. Carlj

"Eight Till Eight", thehtwenty-third
Junior Girls' play, will have its, pre-
miere showing at 8:15 o'clock tonight
at the Whitney theater. The first per-
formance will be witnessed by senior
women as guests of honor, succeeol-
ing the Senior supper at the Michigan
Union. The seniors will form in a pro-
cession and march en masse to the
theater accompanied by junior aides,
chosen by Elizabeth Nutt, '28, general
chairman of the play, as representa-
tive junior women.
There will be six performances of
the play in Ann Arbor, one each
evening for the remainder of the week
and a matinee performance on Satur-
day. A few tickets remain for all
performances. These may be obtained
any day after 10 o'clock at the Whit-
ney theater box office.
To Observe 4Alumnae Night"
In addition to the traditional "Se-
nior night", "Alumnae night" will be
observed again this year at the Satur-
day night performance. Thie imain
floor has been reserved especially for
out-of-town alumnae. Bernice Staeb-
lef, '28, business manager, reports that
the sale of tickets for the alumnae
section has been almost completed
Friday night will be the customary
"formal night" but will not be strictly
adhered to.
Music scores will be on sal at the
campus book stores tomorrow at a
price of $1.50. They will also be sold
between acts at the Whitney theater.
As in former years, the Freshman
Girls' Glee club will sell candy during
all performances.
"Eight Till Eight" has been In re-
hearsal since the second week in Jan-
uary under Phyllis Loughton, '28, gen-
eral director of the play, and Marian
Van Tuyl, '28, chairman of dances.
Elizabeth Nutt, '28, heads all commit-
tee work in connection with the pro-
Play Is ,Local In Setting
The play is local in atmosphere and
setting. The first act is laid in a stu-
dio, the second in the living room of
the apartment. The characters, with
the exception of Prof. Robert Bobbs
and the Lone Kid; are all college stu-
dents of the characteristic types. The
entire production is designed to ap-
peal to a college audience.
The sets for the play were designed
by Phyllis Loughton, '28, and Valen-
tine Davies, '27, and constructed by
Fred Rebnan, professional sdene
builder for the Mimes productions.
Movies have been taken of several
of the choruses of the. play by the
Reograms of Lansing. They have al-
ready been shown in the Arcade thea-
ter and are now appearing in show-
houses throughout the state. Photo-
graphs of both cast and chorus have.
been made by Spedding and are on
display in their studio.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 14-Arrange-
mnent for the three power naval con-
ference at Geneva advanced another
routine step today when the Japanese
acknowledgment of the formal Amer-
ican invitation was handed to the
State depritment.
At the same time the Paris govern-
ment received the American invitation,
which is supported by both the Brit-
ish and Japanese governments, that
France be represented at the confer-
ence by observers inasmuch as she
has declined to accept the suggestion
for full participation. Word from Paris
that French observers would be nam-
ed was received in official quarters
4 with satisfaction.
A similar supplementary invitation
to send observers also went to Italy.
Publication of these identical notes to
France and Italy was held up tonight
by the State department pending word
from Rome on the actual delivery of
the communication to the foreign of-

n Formed Alpha Nu
With Parent Society

Editor's Note: This is the sixteenth of a
series of articles hy Daily staff members on
various campus institutions and organizations,
published in an effort to make clear their
functions and 'their particular features of in-,
terest to prospective participants.
On Sept. 30, 1843 a small group of1
forensicly inclined young men decid-
ed that the public speaking society
in which they were then membersj
was not suitable for their oratorical
expression. So, with the spirit of re-
volt, they broke away from Phi Phi
Alpha, the first forensic society in
the State and set up what is now
known as Alpha Nu.
"Mind Is Man" appeared as thel
first writing of the society in the
"S'ybil," the literary publication of
Alpha Nu. The "Sybil" was read be-
fore the weekly meeting of the organi-
zation and the members contributed to
its contents. All of the forensic so-
eieties when first inaugurated. divid-I

Ceasar was greater than his father",
and "Resolved: That the Crusades
were beneficial," were discussed.
Like the Adelphi, Alpha Nu intro-
duced women members into the organ-
ization. And with women came mus-
ical entertainment during the pro-
gram. Both of these attractions, how-
ever, -were later eliminated and the
society today is composed of 75 active
male members.
For many years Alpha Nu occupied
a room on the fourth floor of the Uni-
versity hall. Through the service thel
club gave to the forensic activities'
of the campus a room has been given
over to the societies' functions on the
fourth floor of Angell hall.
The organizations that sprung up in
the "Sixties" had, classic names asI
"Homotrapezoi" and Philozetian" and
"Panarmonian." However, these clubs
did not last long and contributed noth-1
ing notable to the public speaking in-;

Huber, professor of anatomy,
' ' r


Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, of the pub-
lic speaking department, will lead the
discussion of the problems of the or-
ganized religious work among stu-
dents of the University of Michigan in#
+t ueondn ofte . clct'. i ion M h o

Odors resulting frdhi escaping
chemicals in the Arcade theater
Sunday night, caused much in-
convenience to patrons attending
the second show. This is the sec-
ond time in thre edays that the


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