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March 13, 1927 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-13

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4ann's Team
Final arrangements for the
the annual individual champl
fthe Introlegiate Swin
oclation made at theirecent
eetig of ofhcis of that1
01ved the changinig of-the .
ate cf the sv im meet to ?Marc
G, the sme date as the Big T
inl thus .prhibitiflg Michigan


I ___ __ I ___ v..

rinnirn i iiii nn w

rud;j FOR 1927 sEAsO Lurnmn, ILLIMi UflJU'
jholding l ; "d. ~a Spring; Practice Haiuiwred
A.: f ~ s... By, avk of 'Space IUnder Stndliumr;
t winter1;
body in-;*.c } 200 REPORT TO ZULPKE
;tentative -
:1 25 and MINNEAPOLIS, Mar. 12. - C.ndi-;
'en meet,. .!dates for the 1927 Minnesota football
metar team have had the advantage of near-
.::.::.ly a week of spring practice urnderl
Lads m-the direction of Dr. Clarence W *
Spears, head coach of the "Gopher
the glryd te~.~'am. The squad i:: divided into two
... rollg;:> groups which alternate, in using the
r cllgi field, under thle stadium on succes-1
from, are ' ~ ......
gie days.
'ro the '> ;... ;: IAlthough only a few of the veter-'
't'con:~? ~~nshv been able to reprt, there'
be 1Sd .. a large number': Of new gandi'-'
a.wr t.t es for Coach Spears to wor ii
._ T he menc are drilling in fuindamentals
brilliant i ,n condtion forthe otor rc
,y points ? 'anager. of the Ne. ! ork Yankees, tice, which will begin as soon a
With the IAmlerica~n league basebaltl champions Northr-op field is in condition.
e~nt, how-I. last year, h~as strengthened his teami With most of tVhe other Confer-i
efforts in j9onsiderably, and seems certain to be'I ence schools working out.of . doorsI
se e~et at high in the race for the 1927 pennant the Minnesota squad is hiandicapped'
when the season gets under way, by the lack of space under the stadi-
nitted to urn, which necessitates the separate
ingof he HAVAR STRS ENT ED practice sessions- for the two divi-I
tig ofthumS-S ~itwisions of the squad. Thel squadis.
enxs beig) N 1P NNSLVAMIA RELAYS strengthiened by a number ofpromis-
islai- n mmesfromlatyx' feh
,-City col- PHILADELPWIA.-After an absence mlan squad, whom Coach Spears ex-
se' ot two years Harvard University will pects to develop i~nto valuable Var-
~ecords of1 Send a track and field squad to the 4 ity ___me_______
i are now Penn Relays at. Franklin Field April CHAMPAIGN, Mar. 12.--Coach Rob-
3Hanley,' 29-30, according to an announcementi ert Zuppke has been 'holding spring
:lu, as mdetoday by James Swartz,mage football practicefo nearly fu
of the Red and Blue carnival. w eeks on the Illini indoor practice
- ~The Crimson has sent word that vir- [fields in ore to uncover m atellal
H'opp e,! tuall~y all the men who helped win the for the Varsity next fall. The Ili-
slost allI recent indoor intercollegiate chain- ois coach is pleased by the .fact thatI
s title in pionship would he seen in action here, the squad numbers more than 200
including Al Millr:. candidates at the present time.


I'y I1ilton A. 1p1on'11 Lonont. of IAiihi~
(Slpec(iaI to'Phe Daily) 1leat rind ran ta
I VAJSON. March 1.Mcia at1 al
1) 1,c"(1 i,, yone 1man in the nrelirciiar- ,d 1'
p1. l 'unie 1ade,
Sifs of the 440 and 880 yard races of jth1e last tiurn jo1
d he Seventeenlth Annual Big Ten in- latx.c uge
- ~dorTruck i'Clahamlpiolslhip m neetheld we re lunable to fl
here1last n 1ih tOio SC:tteled theer ;S in t1hir reSp_
;fi~eli the numbiler o rqualifiers, lilac- ;Thie 448 aind S'S
ing two mlen in the 8S80 yardl race and 440Badrn
}I one in the quarter mile run. y-~ rn
r~~ The WolAverines are assured of at BIing;er', linucsot
least one place in thfe 440 yard run second:; limne54s
' ohih1eiser of M1ich2igan being, one o h yDuaW
four to qualify for fheinals which will State, secoud: ti
be held tomnorr ow night. Ohiheiser heat, won by B1
p laced second to Don~an of W isconsin MAichligan, sceco'
; ; in the fastest heat of the evening's Fourth hleat,;Iwo
r~ce . nesota Sto,
01il (ezsr toolfthe lead in the semni- timne 5.2SEC.
f final heat and set the pace for two ?' helps, Iowa; L.
laps, but fell back into second place 011d tiI'r5.3 sc
- ~ ~ ~ . ~on the last turn, Dougan winning the S i4nls
raei 18seod.Cah tv a'i?)l, 1n vso e Tu:_ney gn eol1 t rell entered four men in the 440 yard Igaseod t
Thy world's hleavywe -bt champicnl, run, but all of them, with the excep-' S iiold heat, won
1 ey last September. T'unney will fight' rell's sqluad, made a. greait attempt to L8,30 yard' run-
the winner of Tex Rick;ard's elimina- place, but dropped hack after the first Eircksonl, Wisct
tion tournament in the near fulture. I two laps. Barton was in second posi- '. tate,~ second.
tion at the start, but did .not have the Burke, Chicago;
eldurance to place. Mueller, a letter 1 second. 'Third
1FRESHMAN W EST LERS m.an, drew he pole in the fifth heat, hut Illinois; Z Williarl
Tt ENTERAAU MEETlid not reap much from. that advan-i-
tg.At the first turn, he was crowd-i LAWRENCE-
I Coch ete ~tcen' frehma edback into third place and was not sixth successive
wrslr'il-aea opruiy able to catch the leaders.wilhvanoprutyo ship.
see cometiionnextSatrda inthe Erickson of Wisconsin made the best
setemeoinethi880nyardxtnScovering henGtheNEL-
A . A . U . m eet at F lin t a lo p i h t ,e i tb e 8 0 y r ru , c vin g thithI N N L - d istan ce in 2 m in u tes an d 2' secon ds. sign ed as ath l e 1nm e f V rs t 4et e s
Two menwill be entered in each '''\ V
weight in the meet and altlhough mostI
1of Coach Keen's. unner-up team willB IN
comrpete, Coach Bocehn ]as hopes ORDERS NO' B I G TA
that .the Ireshme2willfinish behigh. A 'SAN OW S
ITo this end the, yearlings have been, EN O CA S ND G W S
working hard., and are expcected to be
in excellenit shape.I GOWNS-NO DEPOS .

ed referee at the mieeting.
rASHINcGrON - Willie
mplon of -chanmpons, has
noces held of regaining hi.
national tournament.



i : _ .w

asses. Noj dep)osit
S. to Sesiior Cuhsses



Mlly 4Official Outfitters for 1927 Senior, lterary Class.
State Strect

\ )


Neoxt to Arenidet ea.-
ty Food

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lunczheonis at 35c to O are
deserved popularity. No matter
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prepared offerin~gs on our daily




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tailored from Scotch fabric
by Hickey-Freeman does
demonstrate that "quality,

l ,

ko Eight.

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- Parsley Butter
- Celery Dressing
- 'Tomato Sauce
- Sweet Potatoes


Lei sure

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-Hot Slaw


The Glen-Spray


A New SpingIC)

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orn Vegetable Salad
rk~er House Rolls
caches, Pie or Ice Crean4.
Coffee or Milk

in- All the Now TSades


= , :

It's a DOBBS



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Li - .'~A~r~ -~_ i1% 1C


rr~. .~ --

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