THE MICHIGAN DAILY. AT AMARC 12, 1927 WOLVER INES ARE CUNCEDED LITTLE CHANCE ONKEDSINGE SIMONCH WINS CIII WINS !NTFRAT Of ANENG BIG TEN TRACK CHAMPIONSHIP TLE WY T P T T TEAMS T[ FOI city TRAC 1 SECON .PLAC '1W'#S.Y. t.... . ' v.. ....... . ! . 7?n.a.".. .o.. ivui .. .. ..__ .. _. _. .. ._ ,.... ' y x ' c_ a _. ___ ... _._ c._,... s.,.. Y :..,a.a . "'. _ 1 II tourney XlhicA fti'rsed 2lany TI'nn; Wars DEFEATS MANUEL ALONSO (By As-ociated Prc:ss) PALM BEACI -, March 1--.-WilliamI T. Tilden 11, Ainerica's first ranking net star, won the Florida state men's tennis champiounshin here today in tri-s umphuing over Manuel Alonso, num- ber two rankipg player in three cut of five sets. 7-5, (8, 3-6, 6-0, 6-4. The two sta'ed a spectacular fight: culminating a tourney in which an' array of ropresentative American stars participated. Tomorrow, they' 1 wil resume hostilities in the finalsI of the doubles tournament with Til- den paired with Wilbur Coen, Jr.,! Kansas City, Mo., against Alonso and Francis T. Hunter, New Rochelle, N. Y., Olympic doubles champion. Tilden and AU so played under a terrific strain, at times careful to a fault and again taking the most dar- I ing chances to win the numerous pro- longed rallies which kept a huge gal- lery on its feet cheeging almost every, play. Neither was able to command an appreciable advantage and the re- sult was in doubt until the former champion executed a brilliant place- ment from the net to take the final point. NEW YORK, March 11-America.l Theta Clii won the annual inter- kins, Phi Kappa Psi; third, Blanchard, fraternity track meet at Waterman Phi Chi; fourth Buchanan, Phi Gam- Gymnasium last Thursday night with ma Delta. Time: 9.5. a total of 14 1-2 noints. Phi Sigma 65 yard low hurdles--first, Wid- Kappa and the 9-iangle club were tied man, Phi Sigma Kappa; seconl, 1la.1 for second with 12 each, and Tau chard. Phi Chi; third, Miller, Pl Kappa Ensilon was fourth with 10. Kappa, Sigma; fourth, Donnenfield, ieTh't. Xi, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Chi, Sigma Alpha Mu. Time: 8.1 and Phi Kanpa were tied for fifth with 440 yard dash-first, Wagner, Phi 7 points while Phi Kappa Sigma was Kappa; second, Falconer, Phi Kappa sixth with six tallies. Other housesI Sigma; third. Heaney, Phi Sigma Kap- Ito score were Sigma Alpha Mu, 5; Phi ;ia; fourth, Warthin, Theta Chi. Time: Kappa Psi. 4; Phi C amma Delta, 3; 58.5. Alpha Omega, 2: Alpha Tan Omega, 2; 880 yard run-first, Witmer, Theta and Sigma Zeta, 1.. There wpre 250 en- tChi: second, Mathias, Triangle Club; ries and twenty houses qualified third, Wagner, Theta Xi; fourth, H- men for the finals. verman, Sigma Zeta. Tim!: 2:15.2. J. Widman, Phi Sigma Kappa was One mile run-first, Nunely, Tan the individual high scorer with two Kappa Epsilon; second, Cox, Phi Kap- first in the 65 yard high and low pa; third, Thomas, Phi Chi; fourth, hurdles. Other men who placed in two Allio, Theta Chi. Time: 5:05.8. events were Donnenfield, Sigma Al- Shot put-first, Arendt, Beta Theta pha Mu, in the 50 yard dash and low Pi, 45 feet, 4 inches; second, Crego, hurdles; Blanchard, Phi Chi, in both Theta Chi, 43 feet; third, Poorman, the hurdles; Crego, Theta Chi, in the Alpha Tau Omega, 42 feet one inch; shot put and high jump; and Arendt, fourth, McGill, Phi Kappa Psi, 39 feet Beta Theta Pi, in the shot put and 6 inches. high jump. Crego tied with Arendt High jump-first, Waddell, Triangle for second in the high jump, and then Club, 5 feet 3 inches; tie for second won the place on the jump off, equal- and third between Crego, Theta Chi, ing the winner's mark of 5 feet 3 and Arendt, Beta Theta Pi, 5 feet inches. 2 inches.- (Crego won the jump off); The mile race was the mest exciting fourth, Robinson, Sigma Alpha Mu, f event of the evening, Nunely, Tau feet 1 inch. Kappa Epsilon, leading three quarters Standing broad jump-Tie for first of the way and then being passed only between Stricker, Tau Kappa Epsilon I to come back strongly at the ,finish and Salmond, Triangle club, at 9 feel and win from Cox, Phi Kappa, by five 4 inches. third, Brown, Phi Gamnma i L L I 1 a Es , t, 5 t i, s United States Open Golf champion, is certain to meet some keen com- petition in the coming invitation tour- nament which will be played over the East Lake course at Atlanta, Ga., Bobby's home course. The rich prizes offered to the winners have brought a large field including many cham- pionship golfers, to the tournament. Foremost amongst Bobby's opponentE will be 1-agen and Cruickshank. Mrs. Steward Hanley, Detroit, one up. Miss Wall was medalist with 81. The golf today was not particularly good, Mrs. lanley requiring a 49 in the outward nint to her opponents 48. They both came in in 45. Patronize Daily Advertisers. I I v r i l I 1 will have the pick of several metro- politan top ranking stars as well as the services of the Spanish ace, Man- uel Alonso, in forming a team to com- pete in a special international series of tennis matches with Jacques Brug - non and Jean Borotra of France at the Brooklyn Heights Casino, March 18, 19 and 20. The American team will represent the Heights Casino Club and will be captained by Samuel Hardy, former Davis Cup leader. Alonso will have the number one singles position and either Dr. George King or Francis T. Hunter is expected to get the other. Watson M. Washburn and Edward T. Herndon allso will be available. Four singles and doubles contests will be played as in Davis Cup competition. A similar but official Franco- Amer- ican team series last winter resulted sult was in doubt until the finish. Pete Lazo Welterweight champion of the world who lost a ten round bout to Joe Simonich, of Butte, Montana, at Chi- cago last. Thursday night. Fortun- ately for the welter champion his title was not involved in the engage- ment. As a result of his defeat of Latzo Simonich. is expected to engage the champion in a return bout for the title of the Welterweight division during the summer. -J ,S yards in 5 minutes, 5 and 4-5 seconds. Summary: 50 yard dash-first. Kellog, Theta Xi; second Donnenfield, Sigma Al- pha lulu; third, Lappin, Alpha Omega; fourth, Lyman, Tau Kappa Epsilon. Time: 6.2. % 65 yard high hurdles-first, Wid- man, Phi Sigma Kappa; secomid, At- Delta; fourth, Geikie, Theta Chi. IOWA. - The national swimming championships will be held here on April 1-2. FORT WAYNE-The Fort Wayne professional basketball team defeated Washington 36 to 23. 0 NOW! DRESS VERY ELl FOR VERY LT TLE JOIN THE STYLE RUSH AT FRED. W .GROS t NEW wig R I a An Unusual Selling Event Now On in Full Force All New Sp ring Togs at Low-Very Low-Prices THL STEM CLOTHES JwOrYune MensA Aee I The Very Peak of Fashion at Low Anniversary Prices Hand fabrics. for dou tailored, bench-made. The new Spring patterns in the wanted The new bellows coat jackets, double seat anal knee in the trousers ble wear. The new 3-button college models. You certainly save on these popular clothes now at v34.85 $38985 Kirshbaum SUITS 100% Virgin Wool Two-pant Suits. Extra pants along with these extra stylish Kirschbaums. Tailored in the height of fashion for the best dressed men who want the best. ____5 Top Coats Values to $35.00. Still a fair selection left for Saturday, bue we advise early action. While they last they are golng at E I All Clothing, Hats and Furnishings Are On Sale Sale Will Continue All Next Week I -aild t.¢ilot ed to our exact specification by Adler & Co. 11 I -111141 ImlilorPil to Our exact s'eciiiearion liv AUiC~ ~ I U. 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