"SUYNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACV2 FIB. 1 1111 RIP PAG.,E e. CI !I ) { A 1'22.9fit?,u ) 014 ALUMNAE -TO 'MEET AT P res. Little; in Address, Kireo i s Need Of Women's Building F'or E ntire University DERfiRADUATES REPORT "Interest now in the building proj- ect of the women of the University of :Michigan, is not in 'the benefit which! -t4hey will receive from such a struc- ture but the benefit which it offers to 'th o University as a whole," said Pres- i"ilet Clarence Cook Little before the members of the alumnae council, the advilsory board of the building as-, ,;ociation and their guests at a lunch- c rony held in the interim of business lrcatings, yesterday at the Union.' President Little further outlined, the Women's league building as the w~zceusof a proposed dormitory sys- 'tein for women, the recommendlation ci which, will probably reach the legislature this year. "It is a project for the University and as such is of course, of vital interest to the men," hie repeated. Prof. H. E..Riggs, who ,,aso spoke 'at the luncheon emipha-1 Sized the growing support which the men of the alumni association' were giving to the women. F'or the benefit of the alumnae r =carers who attended the meetings iz'the lunicheon, the work of the LUNCHEON TOI DISCUSScomPile Results Three Weeks'UILDNGGan Intramural basketball wille FO'E G E UL IG semester begins. At this timeE 63I______I'1 ___teamupon ifohwseekre teo Li1 (Al zi~LGEment has played three gms The j ~~Creak aiinne have lowin ae he standings of eacht formed anto (late: I BI' is rnly on,. weJ old, but has Wo o4D im .le a p)heniomenial record at Mrtha Cook 3 0 Igctl hug subscribtienrs. I he groupenNw ry 3 0 Zone 15 3 0 E lo,04-e I COO to the League fund 0 Iat 4 :30 o'clock one afternoon andi An ihad the -n raised by the follow- Btyfabu Ya lOi Zeta Tan Alpha 3 0 ' The I lantiacgs as >ociation has ! Kappa Delta 3 0 Ira edi $67,1 vwithin the )awt month j Adelia Cheever 2 1 and(Xl CCr_ 1t topledge $1000, soon. Zne162I Couzens Hall 1 1 _______ ---iDelta Delta Delta 2 1 Zone 6 1 .1 t v( secetary,, she is abile to show Sigma Kappa 1 1. tht $50 of~ the total $207 can be al- i Kappa Kappa iocatecd to her own life membership. Ph Gamma M 1 1 Most of the mnetng was devoted to Pi Beta Phi 1 1 the reports of the various Michigan Alpha Omicron Pi 1 1 alumna groups who are working on Delta Zeta 1 2 the Women's league (drive. Accord- Gamma Phi Beta 0 2 ing to Mrs. Smith, the reports were Alpha Epsilon Iota 2 1 more than satisfying and showed Alpha Gamma Delta 0 1 a 'deep interest in the work. Theta Phi Alpha 1 1 1 qr.i. Henderson Sek Zone 14 0 1 Mrs W 1. Hndrsn, xeutve ppa Alpha Theta 0 3 Mrs. . I) Hendrson exectiveAlpha Chi Omega 0 0 secretary of the alumnae council, gaveDetGam 0 2 the report of the official committee.! Phi Signma Sigma 1 1 To date, theres is a little less thanAlha Xi Delta 0 2 $200,000 left to raise on the million.f AlphaEpioPh 0 3 Of! MANAGES EASTERN' e s LUMBER COMPANYI uirna- Sfol- :.: teami f dt Will Exhibit Ioderlcl1b. It will begin at 9 o'clock and I ( admission will be $1. Art In Club MN/eeting 1 Michigan~ Dames will be entertained byDr. and Mrs. Herbert Mallory, Feb. 2, at their home on Washtenaw avenue. Au art exhibition will lbe the ain! A tallk on their recent trip will be giv- attraction of the February meeting ofI en by the host and hostess All Mich- - ! igan Dames and their guests are re- the Faculty Woman's Club, which wil! quested to meet at 7:30 o'clock at P~il- be held at 3 o'clock in the west gallery grim hall, 608 E. William St. to take a of the Alumnae Memorial hall. The special bus to the Mallory home. class in design of this section, whol have worked under Jean Paul Slusm Subcribe for The Michigan Daily. of the School of Architecture will exa- __________________ hibit batiks, Christmas cards andj , plates carved from linoleum blocks NOT ICES I-Good Hon, The Life Saving class will meet at 81 is the featurea 1o'clock Thursday at the Union pool, mnsaeaw as usual.!meu ar al , The elinination basketball tourna- our dishes tasty., ment will begin n the first Wednesday some meals try of the second semester. Participants are requested to watch The Daily for the time schedule.rr, T P The Symphonic League bulletin 1 1) 1 _ wrhich is issued at the end of every semester, is now on sale at the School 338Mi of Music.I A dance for faculty and alumnae will lie sponsored 'Tuesday, Feb. 1, at G rangers by the Faculty Women's The la.tes . .t iiiz ba1b~snw being carried hby woin nt ii1Londonz are fashioned of1ar. Evening; robes of ro :-i mvlt are being r ce i ed with ra f ''in. Paris. hA new spring amnhl-ae haf coat., has made its pern i London. Subser~be for the 'Tiehligntu I):ai1c. re Cooking at Tuttle's. Our .ys tempting and For good whole- aynard IThe new manager of "'he Square Lumber Company of Coney Island isl Miss Cecil King, 23 years ol. in spite1 of the fact that this is the sometimes styled "conservative" east. :Mies King attributes her success to her theoiry that "you can always do whatever you set your heart to do."I This has been her motto since site was 11, at which age she made h,-r first sale undler adverse conditions in an aunt's specialty shop. She has bees with the Square Lumbier Company since she was 16 years old. andl now . I I ~.. undergraduate women was reviewed jnere, again, the growing interest of : velyn Murray, '27, president of the men was shown by the pledges the Women's league, Catherine' Kel- of the Columbus, Grand Rapids, der, '27. chairman of the undergradu- Philadelphia and Detroit alumni clubs ate campaign committee, and Evelyn, as well as the generous gifts from ;fi o&~rn, '28. chairman of the life-! other Michigan men, and the perform- ? neilhbership drive who was able toj ance which Mimes dramatic society report the successful membership gave for the benefit. of the League drive held here, in the fall. Accord- building. "It is this cooperation "of into" Miss Ogborn, the undergradu- every graduate. interested in Michi- ates are' planirjg to double their gan that will put our building pledge of $20,000 in the next drive. across," said Mrs. Henderson. Hold Business Meeting "It is a friendly roadl that I am ask-, y he business meeting of the alum- 1iz~g you to take," she told the work- niac council ,and group representatives; ers assembled there, "a road which was held yesterday morning at 10 leads, not only to a Women's league o'clock: in Alumni Memorial hall. Mrs. building for the University of Michi- Shirley M Smiith, national president gan, but a road that has confidence in of the alumnae council, presided at the future of youth. Our object, thenI the meeting. Under the head of 01(1 for June is, $1,000,000 in pledges, husiess, the matter of giving a life: $500,000 paid in and earning interest, ~membership to those who had raised the first spade of earth turned, the $27 in the first campaign and 'the, architects plan approved, the site yfollowing. resolution adopted: Any i given to the women of the University alumna who has completed her $207]I by the regents, and most of all, a unit- pledPge may receive her life member- ed and understanding band of Michi- ship, if by conference with the. axecu- gan women" LEAGUE WORKER DIES Word was received here yesterday' has full charge of running the concern of the death of Mrs. Carl Koessler '02,1 for the owner. of Chicago. Mrs. Koessler was the de- I- ____ signer of a monumental map of Ann fund. She was an ardent worker for Arbor which she presented to the Wo-thLeg. men's League and which has been sold' te -eaue by them for the benefit of the building Subscribe for the Michigan Daily, SLaundry Work w ~That is done by skilled workers insures the utpnost in cleanness and comfort with a minimum of wean'. = Our hand laundry methods are appreciated by - those who want the best. THE MOE LAUNDY i 204 North Main St. Dial 39 16C it 7 1 t m fi) r t n°i j M t R f w .. t l f , f e 5 i A principal feature is the ravel-proof RU7BY RING about the top of the stocking that protests the stocking against all garter runs.rThis, is guaranteedl without equivocation. Beyond this-- pure lustrous thread silk, free of uneven nessand streaks, gracefully full fashioned to fit the l andi~ mercerizedl tops, hels anrd. toes, rci iiforced xvith 4 ply long staple thread. -And they cost no more. Af'ain at ILibtrly Wj" 4pcyW 'p --- BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOPPE ----------------------------------------------------------------- A, Call 9616 Shubert-Lafayette Cadillac 8705 Folkew the Crowds! To make appointments for Shampoos, Haircuts, Marcels and Manicures. Twilce Dluly, 2 :V'>andL 8:1i; Sunday iatt ices at, 3 It "1 WILLIAM FOX PiWRSEYU, THE YEAR'S GREATEST PICTURE 5 NICKELS ARCADE 'y I"OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER I Founded on the ploy of the wane title by i,1XI'el .Aderson andI Laurence i-Allings ,T:... UNIVERSITY (,. ''4 of MICHIGAN Stirring Symphony Accompaniment arid Stage Effects Read in this Issue -what " Saturday 'Night's" critic flhinks ofit -- You'll agree with imz. ALL SEATS RESERVED) ANID SOLD) IN AI)YA C2 Nights, 50c, $1 and $1.V atinees, 50c; 75t' and ,$1. HalfYearly ? s 4- I a.., Every rack of WINTER APPAREL must be cleared, without regard to profit or cost. This February sale offers final disposal of ALL WINTER COATS AND w DRESSES at JN-U O'HOP I Second Week Beginning MON1DAY January 31 Woodward at Eliot 150n stelle P LA YHOU4VS E ~lt c-75c I-- tA,. :; 3r BPace Your Orders Now for Party Pictures Onte of tMe Real hilts of New York Last Seasonl, Playing More Thani 300 Performances tit thle Booth Thical re, 'New York. 66The p -s #. rAD A Nr.rcrn RAnv r R I Ily Barry Connors (Author of I'Appie auvc') ! , x I