S.TURDAY, MARCH 12, 1527 THE MICI--IIGAN, DAILY .11 AA-.A A V A IVI AAlS!-114 rrr 11pIr11 TI-I. MIII~fAN DILYPAGF THIREE! DE SELINCOUPT HERE EtrDrit FOR LECTURE SERIES , ScientisITtU A.NAMPTPrt'2U e ,> thaC1t'Mexican- aglain stthe subject of the r celltly ex- tw \Ogovfernl- ~Noted Eungli di P'rofes sor Of Tleraturc Wi111l Also VIsit Wisconsin; Cliicagq lit 'lour WILL :CONDUCT SEMINAR~ Ernest de Selincourt, eminent scholar of English literature, and ' Dean of' the CoIIl~ge of tarts, at the University of Birni ingliar, England, at the present time, arrived in Ann Arbor this week to conduct a seminar in English Iiterat4r'e, and to deliver' a series of, four lectures, the first of which; will be g ive'n Wednesday. Mem- bership in Professor de Selincourt's seminar is limnited to student's ad- vanced in inglish, and the class which held its first mneeting Thursday, is al- ready filled. Educated at Oxford university, Pro- fessor de Selincourt was later lectur- er of English literature there, hold- ing this position from 1896 until 1909. From. 1909 until, the present time, he has been professor of English lani- guage and literature at the University of Birmingham, receiving his promo-. ption to dean in 1919. Professor de Selincourt is the brother of the fam- ous novelist, Hugh de Selincourt. Professg de Selincourt is partic- ularly wcf known as a scholar in the romantic movement of the Romantic English writers, Wordsworth and his contemporaries, and last year pub-I lished a critical edition of Words- worth's philosophical poem "The Pre- lude" which contains a wealth of in- formation for students of Wordsworth.I Access to a great many of Words- worth's original manuscripts has been afforded Professor !de Selincourt through Wordsworth's grandson who now has possession of them.. , Following his stay at the Univer- sity, which will end Spring vacation, Professor de Selincourt will visit the University of Chicago, and the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, where he will present 'series of lectures. Speeches Compose Michigan'Radio B1 (Continued Fr~om Page One) 1 these "same stores offer the only source to which the public may go for literally tho~isands of drugs, chemicals and biological products." Stress is being laid more and more by physicians and health officers upon preventative treatihent for communi- cable diseases such as smallpox, and diptheria , Profes~or Stocking ex- plain ed, and if it' were not for the fact that druggists make it a prac- t ice to handle the necessary serums and toxins, it would. be almost imnpos- sible to~ get them.; 10 time to save a patient. i Ii ...... ; fi. $ 1 WASHIINGTPON, M~a rch 311 -- ('1ha 1i2 li ., \Vi'e (lllt7?li('rutudit a long, I i{l w llrloain that the Mexican governmic.11i , I liro=. i - ~ tre its arm1lassacdor here and i sc oul~l romalEn b t ..<'je e, general in New York, b,.0 s3 lc l cr._i p'l:?llcl . ly $2,000,000 in an effort to (i codt ' 'or e1a i i h "'Ve saidc, "you can ;'Presidient, Coolidge and e'-r2t ary ge l on l(l, i1) to eliera lat NXe ,v York, whose exe The charges, which served t,) recall qua tur Representative Gaullivan as- LAT TIMES TODAY sumned woutald llepromptly canceledlmn }. i:,ALPHA' NU PICKSflty al! YFRESHMAN TEAM T h e r s n a i e h a - ; l e : a ! l 1' i l f lj c F E H Tw a s im p e lle d b y d u ty to b r n g h e si t .- re l ii s _-ig o try -i to ih e o n tro V e r sy C n1ation to light to len ust ra e t btal we_. en Irhiscot r: And Mexico, an~d Alpha 4Tu, in its regu lar meeting, "essentiality" of an inquiry. in viceta in getneral, they haeedcone any-,last night, announced the selection of of the failure of his resolution see?:- hn that the tuoir p use of moneyithe three men who are to represent ing infronmation (onTthe su1bjct fromnvwuld