ESTABLISHED 1890 Aw 1 fAqvV wl t t attu MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS, I VOL. XXXVIL No. 116 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS f rt __ r SEIZURE OFR USSIAN SHIP CAUSES BRAVE SITUATION IN CHINA ARREST OF 'ADVISOR'S WIFE, AND COURIERS ADDS TO TENSION U. S. CONSUL PROTESTS" Soviet Officials Mistrust Pledge Chinese Authorities As To Captive's Safety Of (By Associated Press) SHANGHAI, March 11.-A grave situation is brewing between the Chinese government at Peking and Soviet Russia over the seizure of the Soviet vessel, Ramiat Lenina, a week ago and the arrest of Mile. Borodin, wife of the advisor to the Cantonese government and three Russian cour- iers. The Soviet officials clearly mistrust the assurances of the Chinese author- ities as to the safety of the captives and fear that Mile. Borpdin and her fellow prisoners will meet short shrift should they fall into the hands of White Russians attached to the north- ern army. Accordingly the Soviet government has sent a second and al sternernoteto Peking, warning that the Soviet government will take ex- treme measures should mischance be- fall the Russians. The note calls attention to lack of definite information regarding the fate of the Russians and says in conclu- sion: "The embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics hereby declares that the Chinese government will bear full responsibility for the safety of the couriers and other pe'rsons detain- ed, and warns the Chinese government that any violations of their safety might certainly bring most serious consequences and compel the Soviet government to appeal to exceptional measures." Foreign Minister Wellington Koo at Peking assured the Soviet charge de affairs, M. Chernyck, that he had nothing to fear for the safety of the prisoners who are being detained at Tsinan. Meanwhile Great Britain and the. United States are concerned over the disorders in the city of Wuhu which recently was captured by the Can- tonese. Riots broke out there Tues- day and Wednesday and a customs houe was looted. American Minister MacMurray ]as directed the American consul-general I at Hankow to draw up a protest fee for presentation to the Cantonese au- thorities against the looting of Amer- ican mission property at Wuhu, while the British government has made representation to Foreign Minister Eugene Chang regarding the disorders there and asking him to protect Brit- ish lives and property. MEIKLEJOHN, STEARNS WILL SPEAK HERE AT SPRING CONVOCATIONS1 Prof. Alexander Meiklejohn, of the University of Wisconsin, former pres- ident of Amherst college, and Dr. Al- fred E. Stearns, principal of Phillips academy, Andover, Mass., have been included among the speakers who will appear in Ann Arbor for the Sunday convocations this spring, according to an anouncement by Thedore R. Horn- berger, '27, chairman of the convo- cations committee of the Student council. April 24 has been the date set for Prof. Meiklejohn's speech, while Stearns is scheduled to appear here May 1. Arrangements have not yet been completed forthe otherspeaker who is to be selected for the con- vocation May 8.k Prof. Meiklejohn is well known to the University students, having spoken here on several other occasions. His last appearance here was in Decem- ber, when he addressed the National Student Federation of America. Dr. Stearns has been principal of Phillips academy since 1903 and is one of the country's secondary school ed- cuators. He has received degrees from Yale university and Amherst, Dart- mouth and Williams college. GOVERNOR'S COMMITTEE FOR EDUCATION PROGRAM TO CONVENE IN LANSING The first meeting of the Governor's committee to discuss the general edu- cational program of the state and the ELABORATE 'ENSIAN IS OUTGROWTH OF FRATERNITY YEARBOOK OF '70'S Editor's Note: Tis is the fourteenth of a The early issues of the Michigan- series of articles by Daily staff menbers on, various campus institutions and organizations, ensian contained less than 200 pages, published in an effort to make clear their l in contrast to the 600 pages of the functions and their particular features of in. terest to prospective participants. 1926 publication, and the binding was of plain cloth. It was not until 1900 Although everyone is familar with that pictures of the members of the the present Michiganensian, with its graduating classes were printed. At first, the section devoted to fraternities elaborate cover, hundreds of pages, had no photographs, the distinguishing and many photographs, few have an feature being the crests of the various Sunderstanding of its origin or the !organizations. plainness of its earlyissues. The During the war, the annual experi- first publication of the nature of an enced the same difficulties as the oth- annual appeared on the campus in er studentspublications, in obtaining the '70's. It was merely a collection a staff, and in 1919, following the of photographs of members of the cessation of fighting, the 'Ensian staff graduating class, and resembled an dedicated an issue as a war record album in its make-up. and memorial. Sections were devoted The actual forerunner of the Mich- to the Red Cross and other patriotic iganensian was the "Palladium," a organizations, to the student naval book published yearly by a fraternity unit, and the Student Army Training. council. The contents were confined Corps. A large number of the photo- almost entirely to fraternity features,) graphs were taken with the male which finally resulted in the .produc- students in uniform. tion of a competing annual by an in- In 1922 the size of the 'Ensian was depent group. After two years of increased considerably, so that group this rivalry it was decided to combine pictures could be placed more effec- the publications, and in 1897, at the tively. The last material advance suggestion of President Emeritus came with the 1925 issue, with the in- Harry B. Hutchins, the newly formed stitution of an elaborately designed annual was given its present name. cover. ASK BORAHWTO REVEAL 'R, U. 11-' TO HAVE LAST POWERFULINTERESTS' SHOWING T ONI10H T, Stevens Requests Senator To Name Spotlight Vaudeville To Be Mies's Those To Whom He Referred Next Productioi And Will Be In Public Letter Given In Coming Week CHARGES OBSCURE ISSUE PRIZE TO BE SILVER CUP (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, March 11-Sen. Wil- "R. U. R", a play by Karel Capek liamNEW YorKwarcalled--pon.i -which has been presented every night hiam E. Borah was called upon in a this week in the Mimes theater, will letter today from Guy Stevens, direc- be given for the last time at 8:30 tor of the association of producers of o'clock tonight. petroleum in Mexico, to reveal theo tnixtr Idetit of"poerul"intress" nd The next production which Mimes identity of "powerful" interests" and will give is the Mimes Spotlight vaude- "a distinguished representative of the ville, to be presented Thursday, Fri- oil interests" whom the senator re- day and Saturday nights in the Mimes ferred in a letter made pubic yester- theater. The acts for this show have day " would like to see a complete been chosen and will begin rehearsals break with Mexico" and "to see Mex- soon, although, due to the fact that ico humanized." Mr. Stevens' commun- most of them were in finished form ication also asserts that the senator's before the tryouts, only a few re- charges perhaps have "a purpose to hearsals will be necessary, according obscure the real issue" in the Mex- to officers of Mimes. ican oil law controversy. A silver cup will be given the best The letter enclosed a clipping in act, which will be chosen by votes which Senator Borah had been quoted acthichauiecon th vtes as syin tha hewas"incine toof their audience on their reserved doubt some of the statements made by seat stubs on each of the three nights. the oil companies in New York." "The The cup has been presented by Mimes. request was made of you," Mr. Ste- )ollowing the Spotlight vaudeville vens said, referring to a letter written next week, George Kauffman's play, toths seatrrngtMah4,tatywrot "To the Ladies," will be given. The to the senator on March 4, that youcast for this show has already been specify such statements. That request, c o ti showrhas aready been ~ chosen and rehearsals are in progress., far from indicating any fear of the The play is by the same author as facts", indicated quite definitely a de-"e r,,M sire that the facts be disclosed, if "The Butter and Egg Man. uhuhichsh To the Ladies" will open Monday, doubt ave any upned wh such a March 22, and will be given every "Untucan e predicte. Ienight during that week. Tickets for ortua y ou ae no see the Mimes Spotlight vaudeville have fit to specify either any fact or any tetime otisaeh statements. On the contrary, you not yet gone on sale. sttmnsinte otay tu The play by Kauffman is a comedy have imputed to 'powerful interests,' Tepa yKufa sacmd and will follow the two heavier pro- unnamed, a desire to see a complete ductions of "The Man of Destiny" by break with Mexico, and to a disting- George Bernard Shaw and "R. U. R." uished representative of the oil inter- by Karel Capek, "R. U. R." is prob- ests,' likewise unnamed, a desire to see ably the most difficult play ever at- Mexico humanized. Do you not think tempted by the Mimes players, ac- that the public should be informed by cording to officers of that organization you of the identity of these 'powerful and has been most successful in point interests' and 'distinguished represen- of attendance of any of the plays given tatives of the oil interests'?" in the Mimes theater thus far his year. FRENCH MINISTRY IS GIVEN SECOND; JAPANESE REVISEI CONFIDENCE VOTE POLITICAL PLANS (By Associated Press) (By Associated Press)} PARIS, March 11-The Poincare TOKIO, March 11-Japanese polit- government obtained another vote of ical plans and plots which went awry confidence today when the chamber of this spring owing to the death of the deputies, ending interpolations on the emperor and the decision of financial high cost of living, voted confidence interests that an election this yearl in the ministry 393 votes to 130. would be an economic mistake, are The vote came after a discussion of now being reburnished for 1928. the rich cost of living and the unem- Holding the regular four-year na- ployment problem, that had occupied tional election in May of next year eight sittings. will accord with the provisions of the A great majority of the deputies de- constitution and give 9,000,000 or more clared themselves satisfied with Pre- new voters the opportunity to cast mier Poincare's financial program and their first ballot under the new man- and with the efforts he has made to hood suffrage law. relieve unemployment. At the end of Premier Watsatsuki, head of the the session the premier obtained ap- Keseikai or government party, had proval for an appropriation of 40,000- laid all his plans for a dissolution of 000 francs to be used as doles for the the present diet and for an election unemployed. this spring. It was thought that even the death of Emperor Yoshihito would BUCKEr YES LEAD"no"tprevent the dissolution. But money is necessary for an election in Japan IN TRACK lMEE T as in any other country. When the great business and financial interests (By Associated Press) of the empire estimated it would cost CHICAGO, March 11.-Ohio State more than $2,000,000 it was decided runners carried off the majority of 1 that a costly election on top of this runnes carihtoff the majityg ofhuge expense could not be borne by Ipl tonight in the qualifying heat the country. o the 440 and 880 yard runs tomor- The leaders of the Seiyukai and row night in the Big Ten indoor Selyuhonto opposition parties, were championships. also ready and prepared for the dis- AMERICAN PROPOSAL FOR NAVAL MEETING ACCEPTED__BY JAPAN NIPPON ATTITUDE CAUSES NEWj IiOiPE FOR FIVE POWER ARMAM ENT TREATY REPLY UNCONDITIONAL Washington Naval Experts Prepared To Present American Views At Geneva Conference (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, March 1?.-Three power conference at Geneva on naval armanent limitation became assured today with acceptance by Japan of the American informal proposal. Brit- ish acceptance was received yester- day. .Japanese acceptance was uncondi- tional . It was accompanied, however, by a direct gesture from Tokio, seek- ing to renew overtures to France and Italy to participate ii the five power discussion originally suggested by President Coolidge. Ambassador Matsudaira, in advising acting Secretary Grew of his govern- ment's acceptance, expressed the To- kio belief that agreement to extend1 tonnage limitations to cruisers, des- troyers and submarines, would be1 facilitated greatly should the two European continental powers find it possible to join in the discussion atI Geneva. Japanese emphasis on the desira- bility of not accepting French and Italian refusals as final brought to the surface again evidence of the strong hope entertained in Washing- EXPERTS BELIEVE FRICK AUTOPSY WILL PROVE BENEFIT TO SCIENCE (By Associated Press) 1-22 year 01 son, but in the hope that CHICAGO, March 11.-,-The gruelling! science might learn more of the mys- fight waged for the life of Albert terious disease which started in his Frick, kept alive for more than 108 bladder, descended to his leg, then hours by friends doing the work of crept up his spinal column to affect his paralyzed muscles in providing the nerves of his diaphragm, tongue him with precious air, will not have and throat, she finally yielded. been in vain if science can prevent it. Dr. T. P. Conley, who, with his Confirmation of the diagnosis of the brother, HI. H. Conley, Dr. Charles S. young man's ailment was obtained by Reed, nerve specialist, and Dr. Hart Medical experts who today reported Fisher, medical consultants for the that pathological examination showed Public Service company, attended only those conditions found in Lan- Frick, issued the following statement: dray's disease, an acute ascending "The remote cause of Mr. Frick's paralysis, usually fatal in two days death was Landry's paralysis follow- to two weeks. An exhaustive micro- ing intestinal influenza. The imniedi- scopic examination of the spinal ate cause was paralysis of the diaph- cord, liver, kidneys and brain will be ragm and accessory respiratory mus- made by a medical school. cles." Frick's fellow employees, who stood Frick's illness dates back a week so valuably by him in his hour of when he had two teeth extracted. He need, pressing down on his chest, re-- did not take an anasthetic and fainted laxing to permit an inrush of fresh in the dentist's chair. le later said air, then pressing down again, hour he had become dizzy on his way home after hour, will attend the funeral and had been hit by an automobile, services at the Frick home at Crystal striking his head against the pave- Lake Sunday afternoon. Six of the ment. 57 men who worked in 15 minute re- j When he complained of stomach lays, eight hours at a stretch, will act cramps, Dr. T. E. Conley diagnosed the as pallbearers. disease as intestinal influenza and It has been the wish of the mother! Frick was taken to the hopsial Satur- that no autopsy be performed on her day, paralysis setting in that night. FRENCH KEEP DUTIES' ON U. S1 AUTOMOBI'LES Tariff To Be Assessed According To Complicated System Of Weights With Many Varying Rates REDUCE MAXIMUM TAX t ton that actually the Geneva confer-I ence will have a five power signifi- No important changes in the French cance. It is apparent, that there have tariff system against American auto- been informal interchanges with the I mobiles are contemplated in the new French and Italian governments and tariff schedule which has been for- that the belief is growing, patticu- mulated by the French government, larly as to Italy, that her participa- I'it has been announced by authorita- tion is not as unlikely as the tone of tive sources. her note of refusal might seem to in- Duties will be assessed according dicate. to a complicated system of car Washington naval experts have al- weights, with rates varying from one ready prepared to present at the con- division to another, but after they ference American views completely are computed the payments will not on every element of the problem. They differ greatly from the present duty! were inconference with Minister of 45 per cent, plus incidental taxes, Hugh Gibson, head of the delegation which bring the amount paid by the to the Geneva preparatory commis- sion on diarmament, during his re- purchaser of an American car, to ap- snt virtoahntn, urn hdi~proximately 63 per cent in tariff. cent visit to Washington, and addi- An important change which will be tional naval personnel will be addedmAdeinotantwchawih dinb to the Geneva delegation to permit md ihhe newmlawdis te ron carringforardthe orkbot ofof the maximum duty collectable from thearegrardcomhissiorkandthe 1180 to 70 per cent. The French tariff the preparatory commission and the system has always been flexible, leav-, three poer treaty negotiations with- I . to the discretion of the govern- out interference. ment the exact amount. The highestj rates are only charged against those ALBANIA B O A S T SI countries which erect high tariffsJ EXECUTIVE GENIUS against French products, and the I maximum has never been charged on American cars, being used only (By Associated Press) against Germany. These two coun- WASHINGTON, March 11-Albania, tries have always raised high tariff in the opinion of that nation's minister I barriers between each other. here, Faik Konitza, has one of the) So far the charge paid on American most remarkable state executives now automobiles has always been the in office anywhere in the world. . in fic anydZwherat the rld minimum, since France is also a large He is Ahmed Zogu, who at the ageI og 30, became the head of a govern-! producer of automobiles and a world men he was largely instrumental in movement towards higher automobilel organizing. He is now 33 and will still s would hurt that country as be a fairly young man when his term J well as the United States. However, as president expires five years hence. there has been some agitation to raise President Zogu is described by M. the rates for American cars, this being ' Konitza as a man peculiarly fitted to due to high American duties on lead his nation toward independence' French toilet articles and textiles. after more than 500 years of Turkish The Germanrduties on French j domination. An hereditary bey-a title wFine, which are prohibitive, are a.I he has discarded-he is one of the few contstant sore spot in the tariff sched- who have survived the ravages of' ules between these two nations and I malaria and other diseases andretain-ithe high levy againstGermansauto- ed the energy which in classic times mobiles is considered as being in some was attributed to Albanians general- measure a retaliation. The Franco- F ly. German commercial treaty, now being At 18 he was a leader in the revo- I formulated, is expected to straighten' lution which brought freedom to office, out this difficulty to some degree. he achieved what his predecessors had j Feeling against the American auto- found impossible; he forced the aris- mobile industry and American indus- tocratic class to pay taxes. try in general, however, is again Although he works 14 hours a day E demonstrated by the discrimination he takes great pleasure in social func- that will be made against American tions, is a patron of the arts, and rec- made automobiles in the Paris Auto- ognized as the best dressed man in I mobile salon for 1927 which will be Albania and a most desirable dancing held in October. After all other na- partner by the young women who tions, including Austria and Germany, know him. have drawn for space in the exposi- As one illustration of his energy, tion the American manufacturers will Mr. Konitza narrates that news of a be alloted what is left. The ruling , revolution reached him late one night'is that any country that had a 15 per at a large formal dinner. Leaving im- cent tariff on foreign made automo- mediately, he assembled a handful of biles in 1914 is denied equal rights. loyal troops, led them into the moun- The United States was the only coun- tain stronghold of the rebels, and I try to have such a ruling. This is quelled the disturbance in short order. the first salon in which representa- I When the Bolshevists seized the gov- ti ernment in 1924, he vanquished a eswfrom all of Frances former force placed at 22,000 men with his ienemieswilbe represented. I army of 2,000. Iowa Downs Badgers JU DGE RELEASES In Final Tilt, 26-17 { BISHOPBARROW, (By Associated Press) (By Associated Press) IOWA CITY, March 11.-Iowa jump- WOLVRINEPUCKMF.N' DEFEAT GOPHERS, FO0 Michig'an Team Keeps In Title Race By Repelling First Invasion in 'Overtime Encounter FINAL GAMETONIGHT (By Associated Press) I WINDSOR, March 11.-With the; outcome of tonight's game determin- ing whether or not the Wolverines ; were to remain in the running for the championship, Coach Barss' hock- ey team presented a stubborn de- fense to the league lading Mninesota sextet, and then, in the second over- time period, scored the only goal of the game to win 1-0. The Michigan; team mets the Gophers again tonight , in a game here, and must win in order to gain a tie for hte title. After the Wolverines had gotten off to a slow start, with Minnesota's' defense outstanding, Coach Barss' players tightened the defense, and with Gabler, Maney and Hooper lead- ! ing the attack, managed to hold an advantage during the later period of the game. The Michigan score came in the 1 middle of the second overtime period, when Gabler carried the puck down the ice, and then passed to Sibilsky,; substitute wing, who drew Wilcken out of position, and then made the goal Two accidents occurred in the course of the game. Hooper, Michigan, center, was carried from the ice just before the close in the first period when he collided with Scott, Min- nesota captain. However, he resumed play in the second period., Scott, who starred at right defenseI throughout the entire game, fell head- long against a brick wall just outside the playing arena, in the middle of the second period, and though he remain- ed in the game he was slowed up con- siderably.1 CHEMICAL BOMB IS EXPLODED IN ARCADE THEATRE Antagonism of the student body to- ward the moving picture theaters fol- lowing the rush of Monday night was supposed by officials to be the cause of the explosion of a 'chemical bomb in the Arcade theater at the end ofE the first show last night a dis- tasteful odor arose in the house as thex news reels were being shown at 8:351 o'clock, with the result that the back half of the theater could no be usedE for the following show. Due to the fact that this happened a moment before he crowd would have left in any case at the end of the show, it was impossible to determine the perpetrator of the stench. Per- fume was used by the manager to off- set the odor, but it was stated that it could not be entirely killed by that method. The police were not called. MUSICAL SELECTION, SERIES OF SPEECHES, FEATURE RADIO NIGHT LIABILITIES OF AUTOMOBILE 1)1 ERlS ARE OUTLINED BY GOODRIC. MIDGLEY PLAYS SOLOS fIankini eclares Best Sellers Seldom Have Popularity; Are Generally Adverlising oveltes Stating as a general rule, regard- ing the liability of an automobile dri- ver toward a passenger who is his guest, the decision of a court that "the owner or operator of an automobile owes the duty to an invited guest to exercise reasonable care in its opera- tion, and not unreasonably to expose him to danger and injury by increas- ing the hazard of travel," Prof Her- bert F. Goodrich. of the Law school, in his radio speech last night explain- ed that when the driver is guilty of negligence in his driving and the ac- cident is thereby his fault he is liable to amnages from his injuredparties. There are two qualifications to this rule, it was pointed out. The first has to do with the case of relation- ship between the driver and passen- gei where ordinarily it would be im- possible for one to sue the other. The case of husband and wife was cited. However, now that theresare insur- ance companies that issue' liability "policies, the wife may have the oppor- tunity to collect from the insurance company even though it was her hus- band that drove the care at the time of the accident. The rule, thus far, Pro- fessor Goodrich showed, has been that even in such a situation the courts have refused to hold the insur- ance companies liable. Guest May Be Barred From Recovery The second qualification is that where the guest may be barred from recovery against a careless driver by his own contributory negligence. "Just how much back seat driving the passenger must do in order that he shall not be considered negligent is not very clear," the speaker explain- ed. "However, if a passenger know- ingly entrusts his safety to an incom- petent or intoxicated driver, he cannot get damages if the driver's negligence results in injury to him." "The University of Michigan was the first higher institution in the United States to accredit high schools," stat- ed Prof. James B. Edmonson, of the School of Education and inspector of high schools, in the second of the talks on the Michigan Night Radio program. The first schools to be ap- proved were Adrian, Ann Arbor, De- troit Central, Jackson, and Flint and those in 1871, he continued. The work of examining schools is performed by selected members of the faculties of the literary college, en- gineering college, architectural col- lege, and School of Education. "The reports of the various schools are examined by the University commit- tee on accredited schools, consisting of certain administrative officers, and I this body determines the recognition that will be extended a given school." The committee this year made the fol. lowing recommendations, Professor Goodrich said in forming his conclu- sions as to the value of such a plan. "It is recommended that higher qualifications be demanded of teach- ers employed to fill future vacancies. i~Raankin Speaks Best sellers have vogue, but seldom have popularity, said Prof. Thomas E. IRankin, of the rhetoric department, in speaking on "Permanency and Pop- ularity in Literature." They are ad- vertising novelties rather than either popular or permanent books. A book has a strong appeal for the average reader when it provides him with something after which to pat- tern his life, for the life of the ave- rage man or woman it patterned after 1 what is found in literature much' I more than literature is patterned af- ter the configurations of life is the be- lief of Professor Rankin. Also the average reader wishes to read a book which contains what is to him either quite familiar or strangely unfamiliar, but a book which presents only fa- miliar things, if it would be immortal, must be distinguished for good style, the speaker further asserted. "Books will be popular and perma- nent if the author himself possesses interest in and love for humanity, and if he reveals this fact in a plain and simple way. A book is popular which interests, instructs, and thrills the average man. It will be permanent if it contains what is worth saying to any reader, and if it has been written with sensitiveness, energy and grace," Professor Rankin said in summation. The part pharmacy plays, along with the other health professions of medicine, dentistrva nnd nursi ngi I , f i _ THREE WOLVERINE NATMEN j' QUALIFY FOR FINAL ROUND I (Special to The Daily) CHICAGO, March 11.-Three Michigan wrestlers, Captain Donahoe, Sauer, and Watson, won places in the semi-finals of the Conference individual wrest-