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March 11, 1927 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-11

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W4 ~IF1 Cardinal Shortstop 'TEX' RICKARD1 TA KES PERSONAL 'Faculty Interest In
t ~ ~ ~ f IC1fA TJ1LLLlc nf1~T R p nrt1 CHARGE OF DEMPSEY' COMEBACK


t t t r ,7L v i l L 1_ __--. I L I A i 1 I t-C ~ c.~I11l l n terfrate rnity ilay s w ill l e h eld{nx w e k a , W t r i n y ns i n . i
(t, Aso~iated iPress)I f ;kiting, bouts that will give him real! rX ve a ~ ri i ynsnn
CQMPTE TCHIa C } ily Asociated Pias !NEW~ YORK, March I--If Tx tests," the promoter went on. "If hie "Members of the University of Mih-jearns must qalify at 7. :i1 o'clock
''heeOIStarch'1 -T ommytheRickard has his way about it, and ne cdoesn't survive the preliminaries we' igan fclypatcptigi theismn t amsght ey anrunning=' ore
Wovrns iu akrAdSo~lOI . Iusually does when it comes to deal- wilko htte'-olw sel are the mst enthusiastic group of lap
Wil ryT Ane Idvllnl champion St. Louis Cardinals declar- ar1 theory advanced after the Tnney alltso h aps n hysa-i-
9'un lr 4l ?le. dtoa ha e ol rfset ig uig the 1heayweight pniisiwealfight was corect If hegets a e atlesothcmuanteyur -__
(' 1 ~iosIp ele b ta ewudreuet inJack Dempsey's attemptedl comeback turn fight with the champion he mst pass all intercollegiate athletes in There are several ulates 5remnai-I
a otat o oe hnoe era will not be hampered by venemros earn it. their interest for sports," Coach Mantbl ntescndrnu fh s d
DONA HOE py UEFI1DJ TITL ; the tems offes[?. 1 le managment im bltornitt, both sin~les r i
DONHO DEEN S TTL thttrmsoferpoisonanedmnt ~cream, haras- j "In site of Demnpsey's showing!si etra.___________________
'fhevnwssatmnI''a id oseparautsyor olectiely, adxe against Tunney. and doubt of his, abi- faculty swimming classes under the
Conference restling, followers xwil e staff' correspnent wof theeSt.oi Seprtl rcletvlalo
a tstteiantretfnth fcaorreL1)y'sp ondn t o he latrsuisthese items have figured in pbli- I Iity to regain his frmer prowess after supervision of Coach Mann are being THIS
of the Big Ten season, the individual at Mad ison, Ind ed exlanations of Dempsey's de at x er nc g oly ne in a le nIhld eg aly n te U in p o. AI
T;vnw by Gene Tenney in the historic bat- four years, a majority of met ropoliLtai class for advanced swimmersmetCOUNLS
hamnli~lsm t Wich wile Thvnw who was consider'edth cofhesquctnia.ricsre the fomreaip ±every Monday for drills in calisthen- CLOSES
be^st. fielding ,;mrso nteNda'Hcaii l:msette"osnd cs, water polo and swimming. Or .1 AD TR
held today and tomorrox - in iartl( t IIth a ionl Rcalthls~issth pio e ito, of Ithe"surviving gr,' of cn- I dneday3CoPhMan'intruts n
gymnasium in Chicago. TepreoffLeage last6,yeafr adthe f('1t.) ad riesverhutinesdstfel that \fOienders. Jack ham'ey an(lJTie Mlo- intermiediate class, while on Thursday]___________________________
Ilminaries will be held this afternoon 11$0,50t; for' the second year, and $i,50() fairs helped to account for I)emipsey s, Treybyou areo mea Ma 1'eatohe; subscrnnrs'cers callld.Allmhee
and tonight and thefnl will be run ifor the third with a bonus of' 500 for'((vt'l> lrtan akofreal ankea St adillum iine10of the"gen-;classes inlude from 20 to 25 mi if o r eehn usrbe ali~~eh irlwthe Ad-a er, Iril 1,zid ouwxat ad
ignng.The said ie t gt h'fihjindiltoiteegeta rals" are rated lose to Ihemp-,,ers. s will be chared
of)oOflehiigt.nu was intended to meet his (I-e oms ny fo (Cli .;t(lsy, wo,,( first oponnt inr June is,; The "University of- Michigan F0ou- TeMcia iy eevstergttol
Only three of Ithe wrestlers who woi1nan fr,600 fi'the115 dIbit ' itndy tom setaon!exp'ctedI to ihe licked from these fot'Oi'' oe sav classify al wit' ads uder appropriate hral.
inad or 6,00 orth iisty(.trhil Iinendtoseetht Dmpe.s; ~ders club has cmea madret resut ngs and to reise or withhold obj ectionable
th (ovttiBi Tfi olotsii telie felt that after another year's ex- free from all outsde cn rstr -Panlino, Prn m leney, Tonnyr Ris- of the intense interest 'among the fac- copy.
meet held at I urdue university, La- iconern ti0)!ineh ol ewit w' hn. h and Jack Delaney. ut ebr.Ti ognzto This coumn cos at 31'. Ml.(ate preced-
tie"a .a.todteAso.e.j___________________ f pu~heatit. otie utsnv error mst be
Fayette, Ind., last season 'will defend the amount offered.'res"Ishadeswlbece-jIlu
their tt.Ies ll thi year' meet. I'll" Press "1#ishandseonlyllthecamore cadvancedy tswim-e advneedisimtiaen forttheforece s dcnd n i rertoo.
thbilsh in this yar meetaThe 'Ihe player said if it appeared ini-I fully chiosen and he will Be ablectol PHILADELPHIA.- Central high mers and in orer to qualify the class ! CASH RATES
(lefentlirg hapinsarlCpti possible toe rchiran agreement, hie keep his mind exlusiieiy on the es- school of Washington won te Penn- members must first swim 20 yards; Ten cents per reading line (on te basis of
Stev Eaterof limesoa, 15 loun fie average wods to the line) for vie r two
See ateofMneo, 5 .uniwould ask to be traded and if this was iness of fighting. sylvania interscholastic basketball without a stop, 100 yards back stroke, insertris.
til hleCltn'heoDaao iefiis;~l he Wsold stay out of th game. "Dempsey can come back by actal championship. 100 yards breast stroke. Nine sits per rading 1in- for three or mr
(it Mitiliigan, I158 lpoundl chamilion, andIil _-______ ______ _____ _________________ _____ ____---_____--__--- - " ------_u--_____-........____....__...._________ isertio s.

dc It~s linisrequested that these
P22td. :les beh(,held a-; soon as "possile
ini't'rtobe lthenext r'ound. 1Fo(l-
tt'ngi a lis of the remainng
It(le:Sing~les, Karter vs. ILait,
;Ilins . Ruben)olsteIn, Plotkinvs
d xr. Est n lVs.Won; doubles,
I, uso-Iiel vs " . l (;rbmanlI-Rosen'Ithl,.
('od wl e -C etsek vs.Olianl-Peilly,


q 9 C1 4


Whitacre of Ohio State, havyweiht.L
In the 115 Vound division Thacier
Of Illienis looms as the probable wi-
ner, with Pfeffer of Iowa, SMitz of
Wisconsin, and Shanley or Cushman
of Ohio State as his chief rivals. Weir
of~ Iowa, last. year's chami"pion, is
wrestling in the 125 pound class this
season after being outclassed by
Pfeffer, his teammnate. Baker, Mich-
igan's star ~eatherweght, will not
With Solomon's withdrawal from
the 125 pound .lass, I-esme - or Soga
of Illinois, Schoolield of Indiana, and
Miller of Minnesota will battle it out
for first h~ors. The Wolverine star,
who cannot compete because of his
inability to make weight, is ranked
as the pick of the 125 pounders in
the Big Ten.
Captain Easter of Minnesota must
defeat a field of capable performers
to retain his 135 pound title. Hi
leading rival is Watson of Michigan
who also boasts an undefeated record
for the year with four falls and four
decisions in eight meets. Stoir of
Indiana, Hoser of Ohio, Mnot of Illi-
nois and Montgomery of Iowa, are
the other leading contenders.
Captain Beers of Iowa, 145 pound
title holder, is wrestling in the 158
pound class this season and will not
'defend his title. Saner of Michigan,
who is undefeated in five Conference
matches, and Scott of Iowa appear to
be the best of the Conference 145
pounders, although Mayer, of Wiscon-
sin, Pederson of Minnesota, Wampler
of Indiana, and Hummell of Ohio
State are all good men.
Michigan's captain, Donahoe, must
'defeat a strong field in the 158 pound
class to retain his title. Among the
foremost contenders are Captain
Beers, Iowa's 145 pound champion last
year, and Geis, Illinois star who de-
feated the Michigan leader last week.
Barge of Purdue, Wilford, Ohio State,
and Weaver of Indiana have all
showed power this year.
Captain Ralph Wilson is favored
to regain the 175 pound crown which,
he lost to Cole of Wisconsin by a
fluke last year. The Indiana star has
ranked as the best light heavyweight
in the Big Ten for the past three years
and should defeat the other contend-
ers for first position, Voltmer of Iowa,
Captain Roshon of Ohio State, Latimer
of Purdue, Ritz of Illinois, and Gibson
of Minnesota.
Whit acre, Ohio State's heavyweight'
champion is expected to encounter
stiff opposition from a strong field of
contenders in the unlimited class.
Fisher, Indiana giant who defeated
Whitacre is considered his leading
opponent, with Captain Shively oi
Illinois, Yegge of Iowa, Johnson of
Purdue, Gibson of Minnesota, and
Fortney of Wisconsin as possible
PALM BEACH-George Lot t defeat-
ed S. S. Barnett in the Florida state
AMES. - The national wrestling
championships will be held her
March 26-27.
AMHERST. - Williams college's
swimming team won the Little Three
title by defeating Amherst 39-23.
Shubert-Lafayette Theatre'
Final Week in Detroit
What Price Glry
.ghts, 50c. to $1.50; Daily Matinees
uSac. to $1. All Seats reserved
Bolnstelie Playhouse
Nigih, 7'e to $.JA

4ir Ja¢,mes 1M. Barrie's (Greatest

- Y
- 1 I-
- aF
- a+
- a
- r5
w _"
w -
r Y
a -
- Yls SotHtWidrae


i Cashx classifieds ,. ceivcd at the Dalyofice
Special standardized rates givens on itppeia-,

( _ ..
I =---_.j

FOkk 'i 1t


I{OUNID - .11u ale S~c"1rf Wxith design ill
c, coOri, NinAgoll Tall. ('all
.Jo >sepflQ. Clott:e! i ll.181117 Kappa
Sigmla ('antlly C(llb Lodge. f..Do lot
cal tl la'1crc cig t 2C hemornig.

1)AN(' 1INC 1Every Saturday night, Dix-
!)o'~_ 5 m~ites out Broadwaycmil
new IPiymouthIipaved road, fmi-sat-tf
NOT'lICE-Melltilc-;l' eacher man-
(lolin, banjos, gnu i ,',hordl con-
strumctiorl. Dial 47i57.
'Wcd., 'Fri., Sun., tf
Trojauowh i', Ba rlwf' Stop lhas sat -
isfied St udents; foe 0yezs
I :' 1ll-lWQ'l-('1'
Pivetabe;. Satisfactory ' rzites.
Al1so ic ixr ;, I otaccos. (caudy and ice
: emu . Johmnston IBroi liois. 514 East.
l'illiam. 'frii-sun-tied
1-St.7'TS AND OVERCOATS--Very reas-
onatlle prices, tailor~ed- or ready-
made. We have a wonderful varl-
ety, of patternms. Repairing also a
specialty. kea-,tiful fabrics for your
winter overcoat.
1 109 ER Washington
Phone 509
c Wed-Fri-Sat
We are having a. big sale cnthle
miove!t.y instrument. CoIhe in and see
tf University Music H-ouse.
Students! Save Money! lBuy a used
typewriter and type your own thesis.
Phone Landis 3489. west-thur-sat-tus
NOTICE--Iear the new Ortmoponic
Victor Record of "Ina Little Bit
Fonder of You." B3y Warrings
Pennsylvanians, .it Schaeberle &
Son Music I ouse, 110 'So. Main. tf



FOlt SALE --( arage builing located
on Lincoln Ave, Must b)e moved
at- once. :Dial 5518. 113-114-115j
TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold,I{
Irented, exchanged, cleaned, repair-'
Ied. Largest and best stock to be ob-
tained anywhere. 0. D. MORRILL,
j17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal-
Ier: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor-
ona Typewriters, Inc. tf
!XANTED-Unfurnished rooms for
hou ekeeping, by stud~ent and wife.
Occupancy before May 1. Box 167.
WANTED --- U~pperclassman desires
yroom-nmate. Steamn-heat, shower,I
barth.' Reasonable. Call H~armuann,
8680. Golz Apts. 113-114-1151
!WANTED STUDENTS to know that
Sam pays from $5 to $25 for old
suits and overcoats.
121 E. ANN DIAL 4306


NOTI CE--The newx Royal Portables
am'e now on dlisplay at-Rider's Pen.
Shop, 315 State St. A wonderful
machinie. You will be interested.
Call and see theme.



LOST-Tuesday night,'' one ladies
glove of light tan kid, gauntlet
style, between Hill Auditorium and
Arcade Theater. Finder please call
Leo Hoffman. Phone 8117.
LO)ST-Near campus, a wveek ago.
Black rimmed glasses in case.
Finder p~lease call 22464. Reward.
W. II. Stephenson, 315 Packard.
LOST-Inlaid oriental cigarette case,
last Sunday, Reward. Call Stew-
ant IHooker. Phone 4841.

LOST-Alpha Rho Chi pain.
S. A. ERY on the back.


Our rapid turnover insures u fresh
stock and you secure the best qual-
ity at a moderate price. 0O. D. MOR-
RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone
6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona
Typewriters, Inc. tU
We have them from a ten-cent
kazoo to a miniature grandI piano
Imusic box.
University. Music House.
you can have a two pant suit built
to your measure for. $37.,50? Sprisrg
styles now ready."T. ' B. LYONS,
Williams at Maynard._,z U
TYPE WRITING and- <Mi'meograph-
Ing promptly and. neatly done
by experienogd operators at mod-
erate rates. Thesis .and college
work a specialty for 19° years. 0.
D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The
Typwriter and Stationery Store. tt
NOTICE-Typing, thesis 'neatly and
Squickly typed at popular prices.
Pone 7345. tf
Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone
6513. N daily-tU
TO SEE best of 50 lines clothing drop
card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone
J 6365 evenings. $22 to $30. t

please call 9817. Rewam'd.
LOST-Duplex slide rule. Name en-1
graved on side. Finder please call
Dersham. 8755. 113-114-115
LOST-Gold bracelet with black
scroll engraving, probably between
new Medical Building and H1111
Auditorium. Rexvard. Box 166.
FOR RENT-Suite, reduced rates.
612 Church. 115-116-117
FOR RENT-Apartment, furnished or
untfurnishied, near campus and
hospital. Possession April 1. Dial
22307. 116-1171


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