FACE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, 11IARCII 11, 1927 PAGE FOUR FRII)AY, MARCH II, 1927 Mf t £itigan BMWt Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Pubications.j Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffics at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4 00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR SMITH H. CADY. JR. Editor..................W. Calvin Patterson City Editor.................Irwin A. Oas. News Editors.......... Frederick Shillito ,. 3- "'" iPhilip C. Brooks Women's Editor............Marion Kubik Sports Editor........... Wilton A. Simpson Telegraph Editor............Morris Zwerdling Music and Drama........Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Night Editors Charles Behymer Ellis Merry Carlton Champe Stnford TV. Phelps Io Chamberlin C9urtland C. Smith James Herald Cassam A. Wilson Assistant City Editors Carl Burger Henry Thurnau Joseph Brunswick Reporters Marion Anderson Miles Kimball AV Bochnowski Milton Kirshbaum. ean Campbell Richrd Kurvink. Chester E. Clark G. Thomas MKean Clarence Edelop Kenneth Patrick Earl W. D La VZergneMorris Quinn William Emery James Sheehan Alfred Le Foster Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Robert E. Finch Sylvia Stone Robert Gessner William Thurnau Elaine Gruber Milford Vanik Coleman J. Glencer Herbert E. Vedder Harvey 77 Gunderson Marian Welles Stewart Booker Thaddeus Wasielewki Morton B. Icove Sherwood Winslow Pal Kern BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSNESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD Advertising..............William C. Pusc Advertising...............Thomas Sunderland -Advertising....:......George H. Annable Jr Advertising..........Laurence J. Van fuy Circulaton................T. Kenneth Haven Publication................ John H. Bobrink Accounts.............Francis A. Norquist Assistants George Abn Jr. [ay Wachter Melvin IR. 13901 x J. B. Wood D. M. Brown Esther Booze Florence Cooper Hilda Binzer Daniel Finley Mrxion A. Daniel A. M. Hinkly Beatrice Greenberg E. L. Hulse Selea M Jansiu i R. A. Meyer Marion Kerr Harvey Rosenblum Marion L. Reading William F. Spencer Harriet C. Smith Harvey Talcott Nance Solomon p Harold Utley Florence Widmaier FRID.'Y' MARCH 11, 1927 Night Edit-CASSAM A. WILSON TOO DRASTIC Although, oer factors were in- volved, notably the appearahie in sen- sational dailies of what was construed to be objectionable news matter, con- siderable wveight seems to have been given in thecase regarding the Junior Girls' play publicity to the belief that the advertis'ement appearing in the March Issue of the Gargoyle was im- proper. This opinion is not general. Refer- ence to the higher class publications of national circulation will make readily apparent the fact that adver- tisements of its type are the current style in theatrical advertising. The il- lustration is more or less of a cari- cature, an imression, and by most persons is conidered as such. There is nothing Imnoral about it. Of course ,it must be remembered that all people do not look upon such things in the same manner. There are doubtless some who are interested in the University who would consider it immoral. There are also many who think it unfortunate that the "objec- tionable character" of the Gargoyle "add" should 'carry weight in the punitive measures concerning the Junior Girls' play publicity directors. ONTARIO'S NEW MEASURE The new governmental - liquor con- trol bill has been introduced into the Ontario legislature and according to advance predictions will be enacted and take effect by May 15. The new measure is designed to do away with the present objectionable features of the Ontario liquor law, to end bootleg- ging, to concentrate control of the dis- pensation of liquor in a commission with broad powers, and to permit cer- tain measures of local option. Premier Ferguson states that the new measure will provide for the pur- chase of illimitabld amounts of liquor but only through permits of the liquor commission and that severe punish- ment will be meted out to bootlleg- gers. Permits of temporary and per- manent character will be issued and general supervision of all distilleries and breweries will be established. Plain trucks will be used for delivery purposes. No liquor may be consum- ed in a public place. The board of control will be supreme in its powers and cannot be reached through the courts. Districts which prefer to re- main dry will not be forced to change time comes when this country shall determine to repeal or change the present law, it may be well to adopt similar features in our own measure. CHINESE PEACE PROPOSAL With the two main Chinese armies preparing themselves for a decisive battle over the control of Shanghai, Chang Tso-lin, leader of the Pekin forces, has offered to suspend hostili- ties against the Cantonese armies if they will dismiss their Soviet advisers. Being well aware of the harm which China is suffering from the present civil war, the Northern leader has shown himself willing to discuss the fundamental conditions of Chinese re- habilitation. In doing so, he has wise- ly conditioned his proposal with the dismissal of the Bolshevistic agents. Their activities may aid the Cantonese in spreading their nationalistic propa- ganda, but they will not assist in the constructive work which is so neces- sary for the welfare of China. The attitude of the Cantonese to- ward the proposal is unknown, but their reply will probably depend upon their estimated chance of success in the forthcoming battle, since it is their ambition to control all of China. SOVIET INCONSISTENCY A few days ago the Soviet govern- ment took great pains to explain in the answer to the British note that it could not be held responsible for the activities of Russians not connected with the Soviet proper, principally the agents of the Third Internationale whose propaganda spreading angered the English. Wednesday a stern de- mand was sent to Pekin for the re- lease of Mlle. Boroni and three couri- ers, all Russians, who were declared "not connected with the Soviet" but who nevertheless seem to have con- siderable influence at court. The Soviet shows its usual incon- sistency. It would seem that it de-I pends on the end to be gained as to what the customary decision will be in such dealings with other nations. While the Soviet "cannot be cooncern- ed" with the propagandists and their activities, evidence seems to point to the opposite conclusion. There are entirely too many Communists "not connected with the Soviet" traveling about the world for other reasons than good health. UNITED STATES IN HAWAII Lacking success in his first naval disarmament proposal because of the French and Italian refusals, President Coolidge has suggested a triangular conference between the remaining naval powers of first rank. England and Jaan, it is reported, are both willing to meet the United States in a discussion of the problem some time this summer at Geneva. It is doubtful, however, if Great Britain will agree to any substantial restrictions upon her auxiliary ves- sels, since France, whom she fears for her submarine strength, will not be officially present. As observed pre- viously, the most desired result of the conference in England's sight would be an American naval construc- tion program which would make the ruiser strength of this country equa to hers.' Japan, in accepting the President's invitation, has demanded parity with the United States and England in ton- nage of auxiliaries unless the former gives up fortification of the Haw iian Islands. At the Washington confer- ence, this country gave up strength- ening the Philippines and Guam as naval bases in deference to Japan. Evidently, the Nippon government now believes that the Hawaiian de-j fenses will be similarly surrendered. Such a belief will likely receive a doubtful, if not cool, reception in this country. Surrender of this protective base would draw the first line of de- fense on the Pacific in which, it should be appreciated ,we have pos- sessions back to the continent. It has even been suggested that England, with the welfare of her colonies in mind, would not countenance such a step by the United States. Certainly, it is evident that Japan has marked up her goods so that she might re- duce them without loss. A 3IONUTITENTAL ACHIEVEMENT "I'am sorry, Mr. Bell, but the line is busy." The story doesn't tell whether or not that was the answer that Alexander Graham Bell received when he made the first experiment with his telephone, then branded as a "crazy contraption," fifty-one years ago yesterday. But the story does tell that the experiment was a success and a message was carried over the wires for a distance of two miles, from Cambridge to Boston. And then the phenomenal growth began, Today the telephone is one of the elemental parts of our civilization. No business can function, or hope to function, without its aid and without EDUCATION All pep meetings would be held in the afternoon, under a plan suggested at this "Where Commerce and Educa- tion Met" conference. Another idea would be to hold all University sport- ing events in the vacation periods, when no students would be around to celebrate. * * *1 Not only would this mean that the city would save money on tear gas,I which must be rather expensive, but it would allow for more seats forY townspeople and alumni at the games. Of course, we would have to prohibit students from returning during the holiday for championship events. * * * ' On second thought, though, we wouldn't dare allow alumni to come to the games, because they at times become rather enthusiastic, and might be prone to act as they did in their college days. * * * But if we kept the games open only to old folks and townspeople-or may- be only policemen-we would have perfectly orderly celebrations. We could arrange for a nice afternoon tea following a football game, and- well, we couldn't hold basketball games because customers would have to go to bed early. * * * Music and Drama I=rGR HA _ BOOKS - BOOKS TONIGHT: The Mimes present "R. E EARLY ARRIVALS OF SPRING FICTION U. R." by Karel Capek, in the Mimes E NOW ON DISPLAY theater at 8:30 otclock. "EIGHT 'TILL EIIT"GH This year the Junior Girls' Play has sought originality in various = At Both Ends of the Diagonal fields, enough so to insure a success of sorts, and perhaps enough to make ____-____ I 1 r DOWN THE DIAGONAL "For some reason or other, tear gas didn't have to be used,"' said the Silly Sophomore yester- day, "at the International Night program." * * * Along the same line, we will have to do away with Cap Night. Freshmen would be encouraged to quietly carry their pots down to the river and throw them in. It could be arranged to do it in relays so that no noisy crowd could possibly collect and wake up the sleeping fish. ABOLISH STUDENTS All of which would be rather com- plicated, and perhaps would be too difficult to accomplish in a few days, but one other plan would be entirely reasonable and could be done in a day, * * * it the success that is so ardently pre- dicted for each production. It is hard to tell at an early showing what the final result will be; effects in musical comedy are after all the most nebulous of all theatrical devices. What looks like an approximate Shu- bertian spectacle in the director's mind may become a bawdy show and I shout on the stage. Still there is a book which Donal Hamilton Haines, godfather of all good operas and plays since "Mibi- genda" declares is the best that hasi ever been submitted. The choruses are well trained, and the best have been combined in a specialty group which has several numbers, something every previous vehicle has lacked. And finally the cast has enough song-and- dance material for a dozen shows of the eye and ear variety. * * * . "I.U. R" A renew, by Jo I. Chamberlin. When Karel Capek sat himself down to write a play he doubtless had in mind a presentation of it by actors whose technique was faultless, an in- terpretation of his melodramatic so- cial satire which would be without strain or overplay. And doubtless also when he had finished he wonder- ed whether his imaginative indystrial Utopia would seem absurd for the human element which might project itself too prominently into the inter- pretation. But such has not been the case . The play originally presented by the Theater Guild, was done with an approach to technical perfection. With a few exceptions Mimes has car- ried on this tradition, have taken a risk and carried off most of the hon- ors. As a whole, the performance last night was done excellently. Robert Wetzel gave an exacting and finely drawn interpretation of the character Alquist, builder and head of the works department of Rossum's Robot factory. C. Lyman Crane, as Dr. Hallmeier, did capably as the scient- ist. But while it may be charged that the exposition of the first act was exceedingly difficult to negotiate and that the lines were difficult in parts, one would be inclined to criticize Charles Livingstone fon his theat- ricality. In the third act there was too much fist clenching and gallery staring. William M. Lewis, Jr., rose to the heights in the third act but after a slow ascent. As for the Robots themselves, they were too tame. As they informed the audience, they ruled the world, de- spised human beings, but didn't get very excited about it. And if I recall correctly Dr. Hallmeier hadput some element of irritability in them. When the Robot council threatened "the lst! man" with death and offered him his price for the lost formula, the Robots appeared to have little more than a rehearsal interest in it. But one the whole, it was a good show. The night editor can call for copy as loudly as he wants to but I'll say my say: The Mimes took a slim chance and got away with it. * * * THE STUDENTS' RECITAL A review, by Joe Bates Smiti. Both in "Legend" and "Mazurka" by Wieniawski, Mary Alice Case dis- played her ability to bring out the harmonious chords, at the same time pleasing her audience with much by- play with the bow and violin. It is not difficult to imagine the diminutive Miss Case holding a much larger audience spellbound than heard her last night. The ease with which she plays, radiates a professional air that easily lifts her out of the amateur class into which fall so many violin- ists. PLEASE DON'T M AKE PATH S ON THE CA MPUS i 1 1 i i I t I I When you are making your plans for Friday and Saturday nights, be sure you have Granger's on your list. Music by Jack Scott and his Wol- verines. GRANER'S ADEMY Je~~ish SOlaW rk Of fers a fifteen months' course of stuidv in Jewish Family Case Wrork Child Care, Community Centers, Federations and Health Centers. Several scholarships and fellow- ships ranging from $250 to $1500 are available for especially quali- Lied students. For information, address The Director The Training School for Jewish Social Work 210 W. 91st St., New York City. I ,1 Dancing Wednesday, Friday, Saturday - . - ~ - - - I I 11 II CHAMOIS SKINS For Auto and Cleaning Purposes Select your requirements. from our large stock. ' Eberbach & Son Co, 200-202 East Liberty St. I' ' ..... ..,. .. ' 4'QUALITY. 0i SG0 s A noR1 i . There are two alternatives-abol- ish theaters or abolish students. Com- merce and education have met, and fought. We're in favor of doing awayj with the education. * * * COUNCIL TO QUELL RIOTS I Another plan suggested in the peace conference was that the student coun- cil be called to assist in restoring order by other means than force. If the proposal calls for the council members to make speeches, then it will surely succeed. We can't imagine anything that would scatter a crowd faster than a flood of political oratory. FREE SHOWS The manager of the Majestic thea- ter says, in The Daily interview, that he would be pleased to put on free shows in Hill auditorium, providing arrangements were made beforehand, providing Butterfield says yes, and providing we won the game. It would be an inducement to students to win, he says. Fine! And the yells will go like this: "Fight Team Fight! We wanta free show!" Tear Gas Bomb Explodes In Jail Pontiac police were experimenting with a tear-gas bomb, according to a story in the Detroit papers the other day. It worked. It's too bad the lo- cal department can't do its experi- mientting in the station, instead of on State street. Evidently tear gas is used for both idiots and students. * * * CHOOSING CAREERS The plot of the Junior Girls' Play revolves around the question of co-eds choosing careers. We are going to see the production just to find out if! any of them chose studying. * * * i This is the time of the year to -fertilizer and plant lawn seed. A Lawn Roller does the job. 280-pound roller, $16.00. smooth your lawn; put on 185-pound roller, $13.50; Smith's Fertilizer and Plant Food-5-pound bag, 50c; 10- pound bag, 75c; 25-pound bag, $1.50; 50-pound bag, $2.75; 100-pound bag, $4.50. Lawn seed, 50c and 60c per pound. Lawn Rakes,{ 75c to $1.25. PO 4?' QUALITY, :1" 4P~ 04AL QULt. 4 QUALITY. I. Washington Near Main ' &,- . Fischer Co. Main Near Washington I I I 0 Of the remainder of the program, "Blue Are Her Eyes" by Watt sung with the most sincerity by R. Newton Detzer, and the piano selection "Ero- ica Sonata" by MacDowell, played by And if there are any of them that Virginia Tice are the most outstand- chose to be governors or politicians ing. Miss Tice played this selection we will hiss and boo. Women's place with the utmost vitality demanded of is not in the state capital. it. Mr. Detzer has one of the softest, * * *, most melodious voices that has ever It is only fair that the girls go to been heard in the School of Music Detroit for one performance. The auditorium. "Lugi dal Caro Bene," citizens there will. have the idea- by Seceni as sung by Dorothy Wilson after watching our Operas for so many! retained its charm through Miss Wil- years, and reading about the riots- son's sympathetic understanding. A that this is not a co-educational in- famous Liszt cadenza in "Waldesraus- chen" failed to unnerve Cecelia Fine m 91