THE MICHIGIAN DAILY O, V: i !IF-[: ... _. _. a lly L111 ~111 \.iCLy\ L[ L4.L A ' ..... a +o .. .. p# _...v..:w ~ .ear Mrv w . A g ___ 1-5e Young Men TAILOR MADE CUSTOM/iCLOTHES t I " dI n t' Z ( 4 ie li TwoE tar liii3fiii*a o<, iil Be MQII~ult- wI"th ;, , ia.14.t l .;c)pc.s,, setz4, 'rece ,ntiy in the observatory :shop anid eo! 13,a hoof Of i.erary Biiildi qig n o r s i"_i instrumneant.s.,Aod_' havd~ e main m ore years of use- 1 ir, ar ie <44 : e a ~u ,t o a g r u p r u n s - en( a< s together wtha spectro- ii 4it' Alaralus tii Two rklvolvingl;d(nies, eyach 24 feet) tico-e and mrany smaller piece, of ai)- ; Th :roziacZal instrum 'nts to baye in diameter, will be erected on the pa-,tUS, have be.en lluse inI this lab- irnile(l in Angell hall, useful as theyt roof of Angell 'hall during the next oratory to,' a Y _. r. However, for sa, will 1) , Cnstitizte less than half' of theI feneesaid a muoderns refractinlg isfactury t:>escope observai ions it' cq ai,): it for wI: .rii p2ovi ionl has telesc _ope wGill b:elmontFed under one; has beyn necessary for classes to bceer m:ade in then laboratory and for of these domes andA a Zenlith telescope' journey to the obwiwaVftory. Tihene N; W xvb i the astroncoziy (lepu rtnzt has ,will be; erected in an adwja.cent roomr, telsacopeCs will fill a serious need and n.. rtt srn tmewihi Doean John l,. Effinger, of hite liter- permit the observing pro,-manmt to 1t.tW z ; 'etaed e!15-iii. reflector is ary colleg e, announcedl yesterday af- carried out rnoi e efficientiy and with _:li .1~. An a:; ,onomical transit, ter he hadre ceived ani outline of the: out the interference with the oi)se)> fr: v IUchi a ho an; and shutter inl 1lhe j) a'.s from a Prof. Rt.11. Curtiss, of the i vatory's work. ,r'C ' has ben1;eoi po 'ded, is e Ir need- astro nom:y departme nt. I The niw 10-in, telescope that i, to ed. 1,n oddi i, a trrote p~ies oil? When these instruments are in-t be mounzited'in Angell hall is notable: the ,,; ef ru.iace h"ve been preparedc sleinne-,Fate plans for thne equip- ini sev~ral ways. The tube is "-5 feet to io'eiv e a solar telescop~e which1 me,"at of the aastronomical laboratory long. The mount ink;, exc pt for the i ll ,raflect i, lht uto thle laboratory i in 'Angull hail will be realized, ac-j tube itself, is a duplicate of that of', b).,. ;' wgm ani:nag of tile sun cordinig to Professor Curtiss. The es- the Cornell 15-in. refr actor. It is; anl; will be fe.: med. It i ipoped b~y Pro-- tablishzment of this laboratory markis "oversized" stru~ctu~re which may Ibe"essor ('artiss that three instruments one step in the removal of the pres-) expecied to stand up under many might be secure, in thae near future. cuat Univer sity 'ob~servatory. The years of constant, use. It was built; When the y are a:h0ecl S the eqipiment buiiingat the corner of Ann and as a personal favor at thle ;olicitation! installed this inoith2, students ini theI -Ob, Orvtaory sTeets, oposite the new cof the late Professor Fiusrsey by the astroniomy deopartment 11t ill enjoy Unsit y f'hospital, has been a coin- I W rn r and Swzey companyof's: acilities --tha thy have long been lmIterofan astronomical laboratory, tCleveland, mkers f te oldsdemied awd the University will pos- an office building, and an observing; greatest refracting telescopes, buti sess anl asti onocal teaching labc- station. 'The first of these functions now not engaged in this kind of man-i oratory which will rot be' excelled will now be transferred to Angell hall, ufacturing. The 10-in, lens was on~e by any University, in the (Ipinioln of except for visits by classes to the; of the last large objectives made ley Professor Curtiss. observatory on nights when the 10 in. J. B. McDowell, who died in 1923 The new domies have been con- telescope in Angell hall is inadequate while at work on the 27 1-2 inch lens I pletedI in Pittsburgh by the .1. W. to take care of the work. It is hoped for the University. This 10-in, lens is ; ecker company. They are to be (is- by Professor Curtiss that an observing i the gift of. R. P. Lamnont and is valued assembled at once and shipped here.. station will soon b~e estalblished on the G at $2,500.- It was tak~en by Professor The dome and telescope parts will be new site already purchased near Por-! Hussey to Africa in 1023 and was then Itransported by truck to a point be- tage lake.( thoroughly tested by him and pro-; tween Angell and Mason halls from Need New Teleseaopes nounced excellent. Obviously, this which they will be lifted mnore than The entire fifth floor of Angell hall instrument is one of the best of its 100 feet to their position ill the tin- is -,t present occupied as a laboratory aperture to be found anywhere.! islied structures. by the astronomy department and thej The zenith telescope has been a A crew of steel workers fronm Pitts- large flat. roof above is used for ob-. part of the observatory equipment for; burgh will handle the erection of the nervations of the heavenly bodies "inany years. It has been renovated domes under the expert who has been i;-,Iractedl esp~ecially to take every, precauition to safeguard the build- ing against; damage. W. AlI. Roth of [he Punilhiagsr and CGrounds department' is >x1a p ecr din g Qthefinal pr'epara- :i of lie w ,ails which ar.e to sup- Port the dome:. fH. J. Colliau, whio ~A U 1W'La.zont refractor, will install the new telescope and repre- sent the observatory during the erec- Lion of the domes. The period of construction is e - pecel by Professor Curtiss to be a brief o e. lDuring the work poles and guy roues will appear on the root of Angell hall. Several tons of steel beamsy and castings will be hoisted 6thne uppermost roof level and wa'll be lifted over the high parapet to a nstoner the cenr,'of ci'the bu i ld- '0 10 5i 2 , liUVtr 01 al stdenSultu of the new telescope ivill abe -f---i~-- from the ground an 1plced! - , Bet You Can't Resist the Arc's B1ll Today 1 1~AIM Ari Ut dlra lia HOLLY WOOD $ SUPPER Delectable food in an atmosphere of glow. ing ani.nation Gerald Mark's Orees-e tra 9 to !. No coves charge with supper or equal order except Saturday night 75c 4 O'T EL i 1 1 I t i E I JOAN CAWiFGR&W OV SIFIF O'.TE f 's A,3 }3plI i c ROCKLFFE FLLOWE ~ a t ~o ii CAN ST i'EP 'juice With.1 n the Story a 534 l 7 S:40 Ad nit s Childr en iop , 4 csawr r ! Rz a f ......... Np^OW S HOWING NOW SHOWING 0 He Leaned Love Making From Books- Safe Cracking Fr aom Crooks- Pt ca r1 z 1 1 t; r 1 . 40 ..f i- s 4 ri P J ;r mow'. h and they called !in -r .r A RI4 ito'; x1 /' ' °Y : _ , 1"y. ( v ! .j V / COMEDY's SPICE - WC K "smil's 1Loaisia a aii . .. a(- 3 A. N4)velty "N AT UI{E flLV!YR'~ A ivall? Orchestra. IL N .. . -.-. A ;U? NC .YNL t. The Arc's Thitd nnual Lag Week Program-! resenting a ac ed'y Packed with J,,fs! WN-RR N" Ij ,, l j ' k ' x s i E y di FI ' :, , K ; 6'a' < kp ! E' ' 11 P - I i ; ; ; . ' , r 4 gi A ; " P f ' in atheraday _ 1 wehad to take 'em 'N 'J , dxzy 7 o And the Gi} Is ~v~e~ (2rtielosther rteg' rr in ~i NLtsc o - G ; - iC Garaie' ' . r, 9,;t =_d l''; . ' 5 ' ?p p 4 0 'tii ' E : jPr.IM OSE F UF- "HERE. COMES P-ECLOUS, I 1 i I ~ I!