THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY., MARCh 11, 1927 _., , .. PICK CLASS ORATORSE FOR UNIVERSITY MEET! Four Seno1r Crnitcsats 'WillIi Singl*e .J1nior ini. ll SpeakMrch 2- In U<" ivrersitoii-nn tet Na SOPHOMAORES ENTERED, Senior and junior contestants for the University oratorical contest were, announced yesterday afternoon by i'tof. Louis M, l;ich of the Publio Speaking department, who is i ch~arge of thef contest. 'William C. Bishop, '28, is the solo junior representative and was selert. ed last Tuesday ait1ernoon in a prelint- lbnary contest. Yesterday aft ernoon thi following speakers were pickedA to orate in the final contest to he hold March 25 inn University ball:' Miss Elizabeth ZL. Rahinoff, '27 [id, RtolerC 0. Varnump, '27, Ah Hlon Wong, '29:1, and Clarence AV. Norris, '27. The sophomore class will not be represent- ed in the final .contest. Bishop's. subject is: "The New Negro," and Miss Rabinoff's oration - is entitled "Stutdent Character forl World Citizenship." Wong'S title for~ hjis oration is "Shall Justice lie Done' to China ?" "Salvag ing Civilization" Js l the subsject of Varnum's speech and. Norris entitles his oration as "The Gift of a Negro to America." MINING COLLEGE, GETS NEW NAME General Butler Sets Sail For China SUR VE YING DEPAR' ACQUIRING OF SU (c.;si(viing ,the protest to be Id'Oby Representative Fred R. Viii.; agryinst the University's acquir- ng l-rge holdings in northern Mich- igan for the purpose of a summer ! iilrv"eyng camp and biological field st ation, 11w departmnent of geodesy and !ri-c ing has given a few facts about tIhis iiUiveirsity Property. The con- tent hu: 'i , htt by being University property is is ir educational pur- ,iose ; an,! therefore not available to ta 'no ion. Over half te property was obtain- T.ME.IT DESC IBES the state by previous owners, because4c PHi ETA SIGMA M1MER AMtAN hat mot of te area covr k'( ELECTS 45 MEN - ~Camp Davis, or' a grea;t part of it, is1 ed in 1908, a matter of 1,500 acres, I along the waterfront of Dougclas lk' ot-ielehe eeinfornted wsgvntthUi-and1 Burt lakest, gives it ai;alRV tera leec o oPIf()aSig- half of which wa ie oteU i fo taxation than if it wNere waste in-fjjrclun hooY shlsi versity by Colonel Charles Bogardus. ln rpry n steeoea~aent rmx.Teshlsi There were other purchases ranging I greater loss to the state; but land imt axeaerqielfrmmesi a overa priodof ears mot noablI0n the water would be of little U~SC vrg et ohlfAadhl oeaprodoyermsnoal; ,na rgzLil Aa (]:alof which 'were in 1914, 600 acres; to the tUniversity for the lmriboe i-,,i nark (lurin t Past semester and in 1916, 700 acres. At the pres- Campl)Daivis is now being used t 'it I , i of11 hus ent time TUniversity property around f,' t(iarn,t nce('00k Iittle will I I' t 1 Camp Davisi It is of in p rice paid by property aver is also of inte some, of the3 totals about 3,300 acres. Mterest to note that the y the University for this gaged $3.84 per acre. It erest to note that at least land was turned back to OHIO STATE-The second volume tnk :~ ithe inititiion banulet to be of the school's history is out. ediirh2inte no. i i , : i i i I t 1\ KENTUCKY RIDING, ACADEMY ALL ilENITVRY IHORSES SRIDING LESSONS - HURDLING Horses for Rent by the Hour I~ih Tw- ievhniuiie and Show Ring Stanidatrds Dletroit S., naear M3.(C. IDepot Phonie 76410 Whe .~smarL.Iyle is com~Med wih- Lis rn..a Stetson - - there. can, .7rra~ctn to h hatvou, iBrig. (Gen. Smnedley D). Butler, right, of the United States marine corms i., picitured here departing from the San Diego, Calif., marinaebase far China, to be commander-in-chief of United States magrines there. V itlt Gen. Butler is Lt. ('(l. Ellis Miller, his chief of staff. [ ~perception of art as an ideal, not a. Parker Gives Ideas reality. Art' should be a supipiement Of 'Tolstoy OnArt to r eal li e,_he concluded. -- I l 1 i ___ _ "What Is Art?" was the subject of LANSING, Mich., March 10-By the! a talk by Prof. Dewitt H. Parker passing of a bill recently introduced' of the philosophy department, delv-.; into the Michigan State Legislature' ered yesterday before a meeting of thei by State Senator 'Gus- T. Hartman of Tolstoy league in room 231, Angell Houghton, the namne of the mining' hall. Professor Parker said that art,! colege at Houghton has been chang- according to Tolstoy, should be a ed from the Mi~higan College of Mines; transmission of feeling which is clear to the Michigan Technical School. The' and intelligible. To be a real suc-? reason 'given for the change is that ? cess, art should express a universalj the old name impied, and led many feeling not limited to any class of people to believe tha~t the school was people, he stated. The speaker main-j prely a mining college. tamied that he looked upon Tolstoy's V -;~'~ Your Suit and T%:pcoat CUSTOM TA ILORED Tr = d[ ould& wear e&gki to Foiy- Pollars Write fox- Interesting Booklet 1The STETSON HAT in LTERATURE* John B. Stetson Company. ' hdadelplim, N -7-4 4' TUERT~a Last Times TODAY IJTTE bM Last Times TODAY to ME2AS URE is a Good Investment. Long Wear Insured by Superior Quality and Excellent Workmanship. Suits and Topcoats $35.00 Up Albert Gansle 118 Emt Washington Second Floor' I 7NW Il I I-ax w Na I NEW RECORDS OGUTI TODAY 3440 W hen I First Met Mary ; Pretty Lips The CWleieanders 3458 Moonbeam Kiss Her For Me ; Who Do 'YOti Love? Ernie Golden and