Iin Ua
Will Broadcast Ninetieth Anniversary
Program MarchI 18; To Include
Little Among Speakers
Two Marimbaphone solos, "Nola"
and "By the Waters of Minnetonka",
given by Kenneth C. Midgely, '28L,
will open the Michigan Night Radio
program which will be broadcast at 7
o'clock tonight from the University
and relayed through Station WWJ,
the Detroit News, according to pro-
gram manager, Waldo Abbot of the
rhetoric department.
The musical selection will be fol-
lowed by a five minute talk on ..The
Legal Liability of the Automobile
Driver to His Passenger" by Prof.
Herbert F. Goodrich of the Law
school. The legal question involved in
the case where guests of the owner
of the mnachine are occupants when an
accident occurs will be discussed, and
test cases will be cited.
The second musical interval will be
presented by Marshall L. Byrn, head
of the industrial arts department of
the University high school, who will
play "The Last Chord" as a cornet
solo. Mr. -Byrn has had experience in
directing large choirs, being known
as the "Golden Trumpeter of Saint
Marks in Detroit.
Talks On High School
The system of accrediting high
schools of the state and the North
Central district, todetermine whether
the faculties, curricula and equip-
mens are of a calibre to warrant the
admission of their graduates into the
University without examination, will)
be discussed by Prof. James B. Ed-
monson, of the School of Education,
and inspector of high schools.
His talk will be followed by "The
Song of India," another marimba-
phone solo by Mr. Midgely.
"Permanency and Popularity in Lit-.
erature" is the subject of the third
five-minute talk on the program, and
will be given by Prof. Thomas E.
Rankin of the rhetoric department.
Something of an analysis of the books
that are "best-sellers," and the type
of literature that has been popular
in all time, will be given. Professor
Rankin is one of the speakers of the
Extension division, talking before
many of the literary organizations
of the state.
Two more cornet solos will be play-
ed by Mr. Byrn for the next musical
interval. The first will be "When You
and I were Young Maggie," and the
second "A Perfect Day."
The concluding speech will concern
"The Pharmacist and Public Health,"
the talk to be given by Prof. Charles
H. Stocking of the college of phar-
macy. The history of the apothecary
to the present day will be outlined
and the function and service the phar-
macist renders to present day society
will be pointed out by Professor
The program will end with a solo
by Mr. Midgely, "Melodic," and "Sere-
nade" by Mr. Byrn.
To Celebrate Anniversary
The University's ninetieth birthday
program will be broadcast Friday,
March 18, from the Detroit News, it
has been announced. Talks will be
given by President Clarence Cook Lit-
tle, Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the
Colleges of Engineering and Archi-
tecture, Mrs. Myra B. Jordan, former
dean of women, Prof. Victor H. Lane,
of the Law school and former presi-
lent of the Alumni association, Elmer
I. Ottaway of Port Huron, president
of the Alumni association, and Prof.l
Ralph. W. Aigler of the Law school.
Today will be the last opportunityl
for seniors of the literary college to
order Comninencement programs andl
invitations according to the chairman
of the committee. Senior men of the
literary school must place their or-
ders for canes at this time. Members
of both committees will be in Uni-
versity hall all day today.
Canes for the other senior classes'
should be ordered individually at
Wagner and company, State street, as
soon as possible to insure delivery.:
WASHINGTON. - Two thousand
books have just been presented to
Representative Of
Faculty To Attend
Association Meeting
Dean John R. Effinger of the literary
college, Registrar Ira M. Smith, Prof.
C. 0. Davis of the School of Educa-
tion, Prof. J. B. Edmonson, also ofE
the School of Education and Univer-
sity director of high school inspec-I
tion, will attend the thirty-secondtan-
nual meeting of the North Central
Association of Colleges and Secondary
Schools March 15 to 18 in Chicago as,
representatives of the University.
The North Central association was
established in 1895 by the Michigan
Schoolmasters' club. The first pres-
ident of the club was President James
Burrill Angell of the University.
Dean Effinger will be a member of
the reviewing committee on applica-
tions from colleges. Registrar Smith
will be a member of the committee
on college entrance requirements.
Professor Davis is editor of the North
Central Quarterly, official publication
of the association. Professor Edmon-
son is secretary of the association.
State Legislature
For Location
Committee Looks
For Proposed
Possibility of locating the new state
tuberculosis satatorium in Ann Arbor
was considered yesterday by a com-
mittee of the state legislature which
was here looking for a site on which
to build the proposed $500,000 build-
ing. The money was proposed by the
1925 legislature but there is now a
bill before the present legislature pro-
posing repeal of the appropriations,
introduced by Sen. Seymour J. Person
of Lansing.
Although the University is in no
way interested in local "arguments for
locating the sanatorium here, the
President believes that "money can
be saved for the state by economies
in light, heat, power, and certain sal-
aries; that students of medicine can'
be given training in combatting tuber-
culosis; that research of great value
to mankind can be pursued; that pa-
tients with unusual complications can
be cared for by members of the Uni-,
versity hospital staff, and that a great
deal of modern therapeutic equip-
ment is already available." In view
of these considerations ,he is glad to
offer a free site for the new sanatori-
um if the state wishes to locate the
sanatorium in Ann Arbor.
He also stated that certain errone-
ous statements concerning the Uni-,
versity's attitude toward this matter
and toward the limiting of student
enrollment were being made. "There
is no intent to exclude the children of
taxpayers, but an attempt to insure
interest in the University by obtain-
ing students of good character and
seriousness of purpose," the Pres-
ident concluded.t
(By Associated Press)
MT. VERNON, Iowa, March 10.-
Mrs. Richard Barker, wife of the ath-
letic director of Cornell college who
was wrestling coach at this Univer-
sity in 1924 and 1925, committed sui-
cide here Wednesday night. Mrs.
Barker is a graduate of Iowa State
college where she was voted the most
popular girl in 1921.
Declares No Less Than 10 to 12 Years
Needed For Properly Rounded
Medical Education
Fundamental scientific knowledge,
a broad education alon^ all lines pos-
sible, an understanding of human
nature, and intellectual integrity-]
those are the things which are abso-
lutely essential to the medical mai
in the opinion of Dean Hugh Cabot
of the Medical school in his address
yesterday afternoon in Natural Sci-
ence auditorium. Before a large audi-
ence of literary and pre-medical stu-
dents, he emphasized these points. Dr.
Cabot was speaking at the request of
Dean John R. Effinger of the literary
college, for the purpose of acquaint-
ing underclassmen of the University
with the requirements and conditions
of a medical education.
In answering the question of what
are the essential plans for a pre-
medic to pursue, Dr. Cabot first spoke
of a fundamental knowledge of sci-
ence. "Medicine is not today a sci-
ence," he said, "but it is much moreI
so than it has been in the past; it is
not, because it must deal with both
sides of humanity. There was for-
merly a great mystery involved, and
all because of the lack of actua~l
knowledge; that was where the plug
hat and the long black coat came in.
Medicine has come to be a problem of
applied science plus the great un-
known-the personality of the patient.
Believes In Broadening
"Again the policy of specializing in
one science to the detriment of the
others is not sound. The day will
surely come when the science which
has been mastered will turn and be-
come master instead. 4I do not believe
that pre-medic days should be spent
entirely on scientific work, and in fact
hope for the time when they will le
put on fields which are far different.
Much of disease is the reaction of the
individual; disease is not an entity,
but racial peculiarities are paramount
in its treatment. Broaden yourselves
while there is yet time."
Otler ways of trying the capabilities
before making a definite desision were
set forth by Dr. Cabot. Principally
among them was the test of liking
human nature as such. Without this
capacity, he said, there are many oth-
er fields in which the student would
do better. /
In regard to the intellectual honesty
he stated that there was nothing
which was more of a thorn in the side
of a community than a dishonest prac-
titioner, explaining this term to define
one who could not be truthful with
himself. Such a man was put down
as one who was neither kind to nor
thoughtful of his patients in the final
Judgment Is Important
Regarding the length of time re-
quired for a medical education, Dr.
Cabot said, "No less than 10 to 12
years will suffice for the purpose, if
the student wishes to be properly
rounded out. But judgment-the most
important factor of all cannot be
taught-bad judgment can even be
considered as sort of a congenital de-
formity. However a fair substitute
may be found in diligence of applica-
tion, which will make up for the err-
ors which are bound to occur. I
WASHINGTON. - The legislature
proposes to raise tuition from $15 to
Japan Spurns Offer
Of America To Help
Earthquake Victims
a (By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 10.-Japan's
determination to take care without
outside assistance of the suffering and
distress caused by the recent earth-
quake was evident today in official
advices reaching the state and war
A tender of war department aid was
made by Secretary Davis as soon as
word of the disaster reached him. It
"was transmitted through Lieut.-Col.
Charles Burnett, American military
attache in Tokio, to the Japanese
minister of war. The minister e-
pressed appreciation, but informed
Colonel Burnett, that due to the re-
i stricted area of the earthquake and
the amount of damage done, local
j authorities are able to handle the sit-
Meanwhile Ambassador MacVeagh
Was similarly offered such aid as the
Washington government or the Amer-
ican Red Cross might be able to give.
Owners Of Automobiles Who Have Not
Received Permits Are Liable
To Discipline
Letters will be mailed to presidents
of fraternities, sororities, league
houses and other organized groups
on the campus within the next few
days, requesting them to forward to
the committee on automobiles the
'names of members of the groups own-
ing cars, with the license numbers
This will be the first move of the com-
mittee to enforce the automobile
regulations this semester.
Owners of automobiles who have
not received permits to drive by the
time the names are received will be
liable to discipline. Following this
check-up, further steps to complete
the enforcement will be taken. Ap-
plications for permission to operate
cars are still being accepted at the
office of the dean of students.
The following motions were passed
by the committee at its meeting yes-
terday afternoon:I
1. All petitions to drive cars
by students who are scholastical-
ly ineligible will be denied, ex-
cept by special permission. A
"C" average is required by the
regulations passed by the Re-
2. All petitions filed by stu-
dents who drove cars without
permission last semester will beI
denied, eept by special per-
mission. Included in this group
are students who sought permits
last fall and who never called for
the cards at the office of the dean
of students, and those whose ap-
plications were incomplete and
never granted. Approximately 200
students are included in this class.
3. Petitions requesting per-
mission to drive "any car," no
license number being specified,
will be denied, except by special
4. Applications for special per-
mission in all these cases will be
considered by two sub-committees,
those from men by the three men
students on the committee, those
from women' by the three women
students on the committee.
Applications falling into these three
classes will automatically be refus-
ed by the office of the dean of stu-
dents, and the applicant may then
file his request for special permsi-j
sion, listing reasons why it shouldI
be granted, at that office.
Laura Osgood, '28Ed, was appoint-
ed a member of the committe yester-
day to fill a vacancy caused by in-
To date but 200 permits to drivel
have been granted for more than 1,2001
cars which are esitmated to be inI
operationcatavarious times byestu- 1
dents. More than 300 applications
have been filed, but not yet granted,
leaving 700 cars which have not yet
been registered. Students are urged
to take care of the matter at once,
before the check-up is started. It was
also suggested that students who con-
template driving later in the spring
complete their registration now.
Athletic Club Hears
Yost Talk On Sports,
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, March 10-Fielding H.
Element Discloses
INPIlIi /3 In a lecure delivered yesterday in
WAR~thechemistry amphitheater, Profes-
sor Hopkins of the chemistry depart-
ment of the University of Illinois,
SHANTUNG TROCIPTIS CONTINUE described the circumstances surround-
ARRIVING TO DEFEND ing his discovery of the element Illi-
C'OMMUNICATION1 nium in collaboration with Professor
Balky. le said that Professor Balky
ACT AGAINSTAGITATORS and himself had experimented with
thetwo rare elements neodymium
Authorities Arrest Strike Iniitors i and samarium in a n attempt to purify
Autiorijs Ares Srik IiciorsInthmn. rof. Hopkins found unknown
Rid On Inioin Headquarters; lines in the spectrascope; he suspect-,
Police Seize PJuhianpilets i ed them to be the unknown element
number 61 of the periodic table.
(By Associated Press) Because of the chemical truth thatj
SHANGHAI, March 10.- Heavy the odd numbers of rare earths in
rains have converted all the Shan- ithe periodic tables are less abundant
ghai fighting front into lake studded I than the even, the experimenters were
mnorasses, effectively stopping all mili- forced to deal with one of the least
tary operations of any consequence. abundant of the rare earths. At times
Shantung troops continued to arrive l from 400 to 1000 pounds of monazite,
at Nanking, however, where they an earth that Illinium is found in, had
took up positions to defend the Nan- to be used to provide enough Illin-1
king-Shanghai line of communications.-
The Soviet consul-general went to
Nanking this morning in an effort to
obtain the relief of Mlle, Borodin, wife
of the Cantonese advisor and the three
Russian couriers who were arrested
last Saturday aboard the Soviet ves-
sel Pamiat Lenina. He was met with
the answer that the entire matter lay
solely with the govrnment at Peking.
The consul asserted that the Chin-
ese military search of the Pamiat
Lenina had revealed nothing objec-
tionable aboard and that the ship's
captain was making a deposition
which would be used in further pro-
tests by the Soviet government
aganist the vessel's seizure and theI
detension of the Russians.
Russians Were Not Executed
Reports current yesterday that the
three Russian couriers had been ex-
ecuted were emphatically denied by
the Chinese authorities today who
said that the three men were being
closely guarded at Psinan, but that
they were being well treated. A close
investigation is being conducted by
the Chinese officials to determine theI
accuracy of the reports made by theI
arresting officers that a mass of Red
propaganda had been found aboard.
the Pamiat Lenina and very little tea,
Meanwhile, reports received here
indicate that Mlle. Borodin and the
three couriers, although detained as
prisonrs, are being "lavishly enter-
tanied" by the Chinese captors.
The Chinese authorities in Shan-
hai have begun to take action against
strike agitators, many of whom have
been arrested and remanded pending
an investigation into the ramifications
of the strike movement. The head-
quarters of the Postal Workers' union
was raided and 79 men were arrested,
including a representative of the gen-
eral labor union and the secretary of
the postal union. All but two of these
officials later were released.
A committee, in accordance with the
recent resolution of the Senate Com-
mittee on Student Affairs, was ap-
pointed yesterday by Joseph A. Burs-
ley, dean of students, for the purpose
of making suggestions and rendering
a report on the matter of fraternity
initiations as to how objectionable
features of initiations, disregarding
the ritualistic ceremony could be elim-
The committee will consist of Prof.
Arthur L. Cross of the history depart-
ment, Fred S. Glover, Jr. '27, and
Smith H. Cady, Jr., '27.
SOUTH DAKOTA.-The revenue de-
rived from the cigarette tax in South
Dakota is used to erect new build-
ings at the State university and the
um to work with. The monazite, after
being subjected to minute purefaction,
was put under the spectrum. After
five x-rays the spectroscope showed
the presence of a new line. It was
first noticed by one of the men, but
further observation proved it to be a
double line. Exhaustive proofs
used, and all possible errors
checked. The lines persisted, and
ium was located.
All Steimer's 12-Piece Organization
Noted In Michigan And Indiana!
.Engaged For Frosh Frolic
Announcement that Al Steimer's 12-
piece orchestra from Elkhart, Ind.,
has been definitely engaged to play at
the Frosh Frolic, which will be held
Friday evening, March 18, in the Union
ballroom, was made at a committee
meeting last night by GeorgettPoul-
sen, '30, orchestra chairman. This or-
ganization is well known in Michi-
gan as well as Indiana, having played
long engagements at the "Crystal Pal-
ace," Paw Paw Lake, Mich., and at
"Blue Lantern," Hudson Lake, Ind.f
Steimer's band is noted for its pep-
py novelties and variety of music.
Approximately half of the 250-
couple ticket limit has been sold the
first two days of the sale, it was re-
ported last night. Sale will continue
today at the main desk in the Union
and in the lobby of Angell hall, but
there will be no sale tomorrow.
Monday and Tuesday will be the last
days to procure tickets for the af-
Favors will be given out at the
Union on Wednesday and Thursday of
next week. They are of a novel kind,
and it has been decided not to make
known just what they are until that
Decorations for the Frolic have
been designed this year by Jack Bell-j
aire, '30A. The ballroom will be ar-
ranged in floral motif, composed ofj
many-colored flowers and wreaths.
Patrons and patronesses are an-
nounced as follows: President Clar-j
ence Cook Little and Mrs. Little, Dean
Mortimer E. Cooley and Mrs. Cooley'
Dean Alfred H. Lloyd and Mrs.
Lloyd, Dean Hugh Cabot and Mrs.E
Cabot, Dean Henry M. Bates and Mrs.
Bates, Dean George W. Patterson and
Mrs. Patterson, Dean Joseph A.
Bursley and Mrs. Bursley, Dean Al-
lan S. Whitney and Mrs. Whitney,
Dean Edward H. Kraus and Mrs.
Kraus, Miss Alice Loyd, Dr. A. L. -
Cross, Prof. Herbert C. Sadler and
Statement Recoimmnends Theater Owns
. ers Announce and Live lp To
Fixed Performance Policy
Free shows to University students
celebrating athletic victories will do
much to avoid a repetition of the
rushes and riots which occurred
Monday night and is the real solution
of the theater rush, according to a
statement issued yesterday by Pres-
ident Clarence Cook Little, Joseph A.
Bursley, dean of students, and three
city police commissioners, Joseph L
Arnet, Frank B. DeVine, and George
F. Kyer.
In the statement students are cited
'for their attempt to enter the theaters
by force, the police are charged with
exceeding their authority, and the
theater management is pronlinently
mentioned regarding a plan under
which students would attend the
shows gratis as part of an athletic
celebration. Elimination of the "jam-
ming and jostling incident to attempts
to enter the theaters at any general
performance" also receives attention
in the report.
The text of the statement follows:
"Tie undersigned after considering
carefully tie present relationships be-
tween students of the University and
the police force of the City of Ann Ar.
bor believe that for the sake of these
two bodies, as well as for the benefit
of the owners and managers of local
theaters and the public at large, a
brief statement of certain facts wllV
I be helpful.
(1) Students do not have, and can-
not expect, the sympathy of any law
abiding citizens when they try to
force their way against police protec-
tion into a building, owned by other
people. It is the duty of the police
to protect such property, either on
the property itself or in its neighbor
(2) Time police cannot expect the
respect or backing of any law abiding
citizens if and when they exceed their
instructions in the exercise of their
(3) The police do not of their own
choice participate in such disturb-
ances as that of March 7. The City
of Ann Arbor is asked by the 'theater
managers to provide police protection
under certain conditions and is in
duty bound to do so if it has available
(4) When a crowd of students goes
to the theater on such occasions as
that of last Monday, they go for a
"free show," which they look upon as
a part of the celebration of certain
events. Itis recognized they have no
absolute right to such entertainment,
but on many occasions in the past,
the theaters have been opened to the
students after athletic victories, mass
meetings, and the like.
f (5) When oi these occasions stu-
dents meet with police who have been
instructed to exclude them, encoun-
ters ensue and the emphasis is apt to
shift from the primary cause to the
largely unwilling public officials who
are greatly outnumbered but who
must attempt to disperse those who
are threatening the property which
they were instructed to protect.
(6) The students, in employing
more than once a method that can
never solve the situation and that
does not reach the primary cause of
dissatisfaction, have not used what
would seem to be even an ordinary
amount of common sense.
(7) It inevitaV.ixy leads to the injury
f of innocent bystanders. In the excite-
ment and confusion of a general fra-
I cas it is likely that the police do not
always use the wisest judgment in the
"*"uio otheirasgndtass I
they do not, they are guilty of a sim-
ilar lack of control and judgment to
that shown by the students. Neither
group is to be commended. The offen-
ders in both groupsshould be pun-
fished if they are detected.
(8) The students have expressed
the belief that if the managers of the
theaters would advertise in advance
to give a certain number of free
shows on the occasion of particular
celebrations, it would go far to remove
the cause of such disturbances.
(9) We believe that it will be t
the advantage of all concerned if the
theater owners and managers would
announce and live un to a fixed policy
in this regard. The theater managers
should realize that a University town
is not the same as other types of
I (Continued on Page Eight)
CALIFORNIA. - Sophomore
have have agreed not to shave
March 21.
State college.
Mrs. Sadler.
Intramural Activities Are Relegatedj
To Inconspicuous Position By Varsity
Editor's Note: This is the thirteenth of a parable rise, marked last year in its
serieis of articles by Daily staff members on
various campus institutions and organizations, expansion by the participation of
published in anf effort to make clear their
functions and their particular features of in. 1200 students in the 24 events on the
terest to prospective participants.r
Frick Jests With Dea th As Life Lingers
Through Means of Artificial Respiration
Michigan's success in collegiate
athletics, especially during the past
few years, has so kept Varsity ath-
letics in the limelight that intramural I
activities have been relegated to an
inconspicuous position.
Back in 1913, when collegiate ath-
letics had already become well estab-
lished, the intramural department at
Michigan was set up by Floyd Rowe
as a branch of the athletic association.
A few years of development soon saw
this department placed as. a leader
I 7nnlr h mA n-- --onh lciiin __..
The impetus which the war gave to
athletics, and the increased enroll-
ment in the University, coupled with I
the cumulative experience of previousI
years, served as important factors in
the efficient reorganization of the de-
partment. The 13 types of athletic
events offered that year, 1919, attract-
ed more than 3,000 students, and the
following years showed :marked pro-
gressive extension, both in activity
scope and in the number of partici-
In May, 1926, both the Varsity ath-
letic association and the intramural
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, March 10.-Albert
Frick, 22-year old youth who has
kept alive for more than four days
by artificial respiration, died to-
night at an Evanston hospital at
10:12 o'clock.
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, March 10. - Jesting
grimly with death, Albert Frick clung
tenaciously to life tonight after hav-
ing staved off death for more than
100 hours through artificial respira-
Victim of Landry's paralysis, a mys-
terious disease which attacks youths,
the courageous 22 year old boy gasp-
ed out a quip now and then as the
gently thrusting hands of 56 friends.
Although he has slept only about
on hour since Sunday, and has taken
no nourishment, except by injection
of a few spoonfuls at a time, ricktto-
night bossed a bang of almost three
score fellow employees, who for five
days and nights have labored in an
endless chain of gentle, willing hands
to keep the spark of life in his body.
Reclining on a cot at St. Francis
hospital in Evanston, at a 45 degree
angle, the youth cheerfully gasped out
an answer to a question now and then,
and once in a while cracked a joke
and smiled at it.
"Wrong number," he gasped, be-
tween breaths when a nurse entered
the room paging a strange doctor.
And "hello" he said faintly betweenl
inhalations today when the telephone
in the hall rang. "Well, son, when you
get well. we a r'ino in oin ahice