v i THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVE~N WOVEINS p.OP RYANK STAR READY IN CONFERENCE SwIM A1 ILFOUR POLEI VAULTERS WILLVIEFORTITILE; . wmping over six feet are Cody, Ci I-o;) lUeding, Nor'thwestern \V; W-: cbo;i lnoi:. ; Thon}l as, lowa; andl1 Conth Mann Says All But WQ Should Be Lowered At Bier Ten Jleet Yd. Mark I The r*d-v~nIF~n~r AfI in" IXT S&T g~~I M7 4 y OUIIJ~ S(UUDIN I-1VDILtY l~Yl(' , ' U lu ie. 2'11CYIgtia ls Inol ":. zrf e:It ry inithis eet "every individual atnd relay rec- : I Te pole vauilt. is anot her of the ord now standing, with the possible e3vnts classedl atong the "toss-1)."; excptin o th 50yar fre syle First pIlace hkoos5~l' C to lie btwoeli excepion f th 50 ard fee syleSiMCnnis of W4iscesin, Nothrop oft should be shattered in the Big Ten Michigan, Boyles of Iowa and D~oge- i tank meet scheduled for March 25 mueller of Northwestern. AUl of thse and 26 at Urbana," stated Coach Matt . r men have vaulted over t he bar at 12 Mann of the Varsity squad yesterday,4 feet, 9 inches. McGinnis has clearedad'h ovrn wmessol hba tta ,iilti i aS h~ share heavily in the record breaking t {3 T{j meets. Trout of Michigan vaulted 2 feats." feet 10 1-4 n hes in the outdoor meetj Hirschberger's record of :24.1 in the .", m h with Iowa last year and will be :... short sprint is a good one, although strop- comnpe itor in this evren Sat ur-j several Conference nratators have na ]ight. White of Illinois has dne eclipsedweven this mark. Both Samson ..,. 12 feet 6 inches often. Caby and Mil- and Darnall are capable of equalling len ofIoa and Fox of Purdue are this standlard, but neither may be en- the other leading vaulters of the Ii,-I tered fin the interest of team strength. ; :Tn "We'll, try and lick the Daubers,"IfyosfIliissinon h the coach_ continued, "borrowing the f should win the shot put., Lovetto of ji phrase originated by Bob Brown, '26, Michigan andl Lewis, however, have fomrcaptain of one of Michigan'sluthesobte'ha44ftan greatest football eleven. , may lst Lyos. I elson has put thre1 By the 'Daubers' he probably meant 1~1elul shot 4 feet, but not this year, andI last year's title-holding Gophers, al- Having signed with the Yankees. flagge of Northwestern has (one 44 ready defeated by the decisive . core for a record price, the laabno, is feet, but aain, not this season of 47-22 in a recent dual meet. HIow- entering into the spring training with Iowa is pnked to wil the one mile ever, he might have included "those a greaw'<(eal of zeal. 1-Ic evidently is relay, tie last event on the program. who try and don't succeed," referring entertaining hopes of breaking his and tie one which usually determines! to Chicago, Indiana, Purdue, not to present record for home runs. The the winner n the indoor meet. Ili-i mention the four others. Babe appears to be in fairly good co- nois's team failedl to comeInup to ex-E Samson Holds Five Records dition after a winter spent in makting pectatiols in tie Illinlois relays, but \ Samson now holds the following movies and following a certain ron- is still considered one of the best in 1 intercollegiate records: 40, 220, and tine of exercise. Ruth's winter traini the Conference., Ohio, Wisconsin, 440, in the long pool, and the 200 and Ing was all under the supervision ofI Nothlwestern, and Minesota also. 440 in the short pool. Darnall has an expert trainer. have good teams. beaten Milady, Minnesota's champion and record holder, in sensational time. Michigan has a wealth of material to choose from to form a record smash- A N U C M N ing 200 yard relay quartet. Hubbell, Spindle, and J. Halsted are three of the four or five best back Cltig;~m strokes in the Conference today. R. The Representative of the A. Nash ltigCr- Halsted has shown that he can beat pany is now showing, samples for men's spring suits and Pturdy, Minnesota's third place breast topcoats, priced at $23.00 for topcoat or three-piece suit- trer and Shrorr may cut his time the trifle necessary to gain a place. $29.00 with extra trousers. Only in the 300 yard medley dues theCal203frpoite. Gohrsudapa togr sshown by their recent mark of 3:17, six seconds better than the existing Tweeds-Patterned after imported English patterns record. sxcneuieCneec by the American Woolen Mills. dual meets over the strongest team~s English Greys, 'Worsteds, Serges, Cheviots from other schools has established - Mann's men as outstanding favorites. Guaranteed Fit. Phone 21073. In the Big 'e meet, the best indiv- idual stars from .eight other teams__________________________________________ undoubtedly whittle down the Michi- gan score enough to make the 'out- come doubtful. .Carter" To Defetrd Title "There will be Carter, defending hsbeen undefeated this saeson andf IIIIII? should better his mark of 2:47.2. ' !Manovitz, Purple captain, defeated the Satudayan~d may surprise every- You.,E body by winning. "Northwestern I E We Cut and Tailort iStal s ol scr.i th dii g wt Cl-I-'y 1,Y orbath, central A. A. U. champion en- In i id a ly FrEo tered. Coach Manley's Illinois squad]EI dvd aly F rY u has some hidden strength in Blank- - ley and Moeller, breast strokers, and ' Chicago has Noyes, Rtittenhouse, and =" in strict accordance with your measurements and - Oker." attitude requirements. .There is a great deal of s: These are a few of the swinmers1 satisfaction in getting tht"aefryu"lo who will attempt tot upset the fav-iyorcohs Itotsn mre ohaeu ored Gophers anid Wolverines. North- In Yrcltes tcot ou willtfindvitua western and Chicago share the water make your suit or topcoat. Yo il2idita. polo honors inz the Conference, both I ea sst,=1.- teams ending the season with clean real asetto slates} The Matoros recently sankt l SU T N O C ASthe Illinois six to earn a share In S ITjA D TO CO TSE the title. I t$50 Startingat$50 YALE.-George issler, New YorklE A. C., made a new world-mark of 1:42 ~A J' 'L in the 150-yard. back stroke in thej ELA * C o * J X J 3H nta urlswimming meet. -" CUSTOM TAILOR OXFORD.-H. T. Kingsbury Is the 69EatWilamS.E only American included in the eight 61-atWila t which will go into qpring training for the Oxford-Cambridge Classic, April 2. f,' daloftecnedrsi hseIM N T [ Tiht in the eastern division of thea MA ME'T.EP RTnference, and also Miniot, Illinois TIS P LTHSSISF I rtar,whrakamn th'bsit OU i Ithie western sectio.CLOSES CLOSE- FO~ ~IICAO TNI1i unished record for the confer- AT 3 PM. U ADVERTISINGU AT 3. onceseaon illcompete in thle 145, {Cointinued fro'onl Page Six) ; pound class. Saner has scored five its ti cl} dvisions, Baker hlavinig lost victories in as mny meets over such , yuaeatleh, usrbe alJmi oly one nlatcht:l tis year. while ,olo- men as Howard of Northwestern,! the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214t, and your want ad FRRN 111011 is lltlefeaf ed ill four meets. (1 llninwll of Ohio State, Schoolfield, will be charged. of ndana a~ Cnlck f lhllos, TheMihign-aiyrsevesth0rihtto P1 RNT--Front room for lady or E(poaich IKeen1lexpects Ruibini, lCreev f ninad Cn ko Ilni, clasiy sll wants ads lunder apprc priate head ;- I geleman, 2with n1calS if desiredl. 1 15 ?)ounder, to wrestle in fthe fly-Ile has proved lhimself one of the ; ngs and to rev ise or withhold objectionable p22 akla'ld Ave. 112-113-114t weight (divisions, while Nagellkik. who! best. 145 pounders in the Big Ten. coy-:,i This column closes at 3 P'.At. date preced. wn,1 both of the hlatchies ill the 1254,. Captain D~onahoce 'will defend the ing pul-.lication. Notice of ally error moust be I FOR REN";T-Sing le ;rom at 825 Es pound1( division in ,'hi{II lhe collipeted ! title whlich1 le 'won last year by (le-! given in time for the second insertion, Un "Vivesity temhet 114 011 the Iower trip, wvill Wrestle inl the; feating Gratton, Iowa Olympic star, 1' CASH RATES ___________________________St____a__ feathlerweight class.i in tihe 158 pound1( class. Despite Ihis ;Tenl cents per reading line (On the basis of i=five aver age words to the line) for one j~r two NOTICE W;atson, Michiganl's n(' eatedi135 # defeat at the hands of Geis of Illinois i nsertions., - pc~und star whlo has scored 28 p~oints! last Saturday, Donalhoe is expected I Nine .rents per reading iine for three or moreill,,ALTHf Begins wlien you phonle in igt .laclcs ~h~j eaon alpersto ak tq idto etin is, 428 C M Gibson, Chiropractor, 3 :tl ightmatces his easo, apear to ake ~ srongbid o rtail Ill Cser lssiesreceived at the Daiiy office 84.C.M to have a. good chan~ce to win the i honors again this year. -Tile Iliclligan inil The Press Building an AMaynard Street. Wuev th Arcade. tuep-thiurs-sat-ti ,lghtweighnt title from Captain Easter captain was not at hlis;best last wveek CONTRACT RATES of 1linnesota, the present Big Ten and it is believed thmat he can defeat i Special * tnadzdrtsgvno ppiaFOILcneine pe n aifc champion. Tile Wolverine star has de- Geis. if h lileets him at Chicago. lion. tidriedrtsgvnonapia oveience, o11tspedand aiser - loate tIQl, ___ leaed ues-thur-sat NOIC-atlene aj blocked. FOR SALE--Garage buildingloae All kinds of shoes cleausl, dyed and Mens1o Linlcoln1 Ave. Must ibe mloved repaired. Satlsfactioui,,4uarraiteed. M nsat once. Dial 5518. 113-114-115 ANN ARBOR SHO01, 25 F. Liberty. Guaranteed No-Rip Athletic Union Suits FOR AL-Oe--Tutes.-Thurs.-_____________at.__ Full Cut - Full Size Conn. Used only three months, Ann Arbor Mimeographing shop-214 Call 6988. 112-113-114 DtotS.Le sd ormimeo- 98c TYPEStRITERSA1Io makes, sold,_graphing and typewriting. First- White Broadcloth Shirts rented, exchanged, cleaned,rpar- pcs w. uik S ervce8Loes 1ed. Largest and best stock to prices. Dialues-tur-Sa Collar Attached. tained anywhere. 0. D. MORRILL,-ctustr-t 17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal- , tdadHi JO)hsgvnecl 98c r hn 65 .C mt o- ln service for 17 years. A visit ona Typewriters, Inc. tf wili convilice you of our efficiency', The A n Aror _ __OR__ SALE_____- dl) N. University. ,tues-thur-sat DhA nA brIry Goods, Company _-___FRSAE--I~~n -yx~Faent All mnakes of typewriters for sale or pictures and inligles. Ann Arbor's 13 16 South Main' St. rent. Excellent machines at rea- only professional picture framer. sonable prices, for rent. Prompt 306 S. State St. J. 13. Saunders. . ( ~~repairing by experienced workmen. t-l-u 3 - . 2 ~ THE -= . GREEN TREE. INN -,. ILunceon,11.30--1:30 Dinner, 5:30-7:00 - Special Parties by Arrangement. Phone 9646 205 South State St. Courteous service. Aulta Brand Ribbons and Carbons. Rider's Pen Shop, 315 State Street. sun-tnucs-thu rs-tf WANTED WANTED-- Upperclassman desires room-mate. Steam-heat, shower, bath. Reasonable. Call Hartmann, 8680. Golz Apts. 113-114-115 WANTED-Two aggressive young men working their way through college to sell an easy selling prop- osition that's known to tihe students in Ann Ardor. Address D. SUSS- MAN, 4124 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. 112-113-114 WANTED-Collete man *or woman for help at Foster's Tea Room. 112-114 WANTED STUDENTS to know that Sam pays from $5 to $25 for old shits and overcoats. 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 tf WANTED-Students who like good hot BARBECUES, to know we de- liver between 9:30 and 11:30 P. M.j BARlIBECUE INN, Dial 4481. -c-Tues.-Thurs.- Sat... 10 ST LOST-Inlaid oriental cigarette case, last Sunday. Reward.- Call Stew- art Hooker. Phonme 4841.. 110R1 ER IHARMONICAS We are having a big sale on the novelty instrument. Come in amnd see them. tf University Music House. Students'. Save Momney'.. Buy a used typewriter and type your own thesis. Phone Landis, 3489. wed-tbour-sat-tus NOTICE---Hear the new Orthopoflie Victor Record of "I ma Little Bit Fonder of You." By Warnings Pennsylvanians, at Schaeberle & Son Music House, 110 So. Main. tf NOTICE-The new Royal Portables are now on display at :Rider's Pen Shop, 315 State' St. A wonderful machine. You will, be; interested. fCall and see them. TYPEWRITERZ RIBBON'S AND CARBONS Our rapid turnover insures a fresh stock and you secure ;the best qual- Ity at a moderate price:'. 0.D. M OR- RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phones 6615. Dealer: L. C. 'Smith & Corona Typewriters, Inc. tf The Whit ele Phone 8191 Prompt Delivery Special Daily Luncheon Special Daily Dinner Chicken Dinner Sunday 1204 South University We kazoo music NVELTY MUSICAL IN STRUMEN TS- ave thenm from'° a ten-cent to a miniature 'grand piano box. 114-115-116 LOST-Black and white silk plaid scarf in Lit Building, Monday morning. Finder please call 6193. 114 LOST-Pear'l necklace, (diamond set clasp. E. Johnson. Phone 3743.j 1141 ILOST-Rider fountain pen, Saturday, in or near Natural Science build- ing. Reward if returned to C. C. H-ostrtup, 609 East William. Phone 5779. 114 LOST-Alpha j1ho Chi pin. Name, S. A. ERY on the back. Finder please call 9817. Reward. LOST-Duplex slide rule. Name en- graved on side. - Finder please call Dersham. 8755. 113-114-115 LOST-Sigma Zeta fraternity badge between Arcade and *Catherine St., Saturday evening. Call 21217. /112-113-114' LOST-Green-edged leather 4ia~nd bag. Near St. Joseph's, Hospital. Re- ward. Dial 116 and call 715F14. 112-113-114 LOST-Gold bracelet with black scroll engraving, probably between. new Medical Building and Hilt Auditorium. Reward. Box 166. 110-111-112-113-114-115 University Music House. WH4Y WEAR "READY HADES" when you can have a two pa~ng suit built to your measure for $37.50? Spring styles now ready. T. B. LYONS, Williams at Maynard. tf TYPE WRITING and Mimeogralim- Ing promptly and neatly done by experienced operators at m~od- crate rates. Thesis fand college work a specialty for 19 years. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The Typwriter and Stationery Store. tr NOTICE-Typing, thesis neatly and quickly typed at popular prices. Phone 7345. tf ANN ARBOR CARPE~T Cleaning. Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone 6513. daily-tt TO SEE best of 60 lines clothing drop card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone 6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tf READ THE WANT ADS 1 2 I// I ,A This Wceek - This Week Only! OnIVI New Spring Ties /Arrived Yesterday And Will Be Put On Sale With The Others At Golf Hose and Half Hose. 20% OFF! C/ CO., N , r I' I Exclusively Designed Whitehiouse & Hardy Shoes for Mlen Permanently on Display GUY WOOLFOLK &co, , .,.L "Q+ .cT X4$1 lit 1 i 1 I11 I -"" '. 1 I1