WEDNESDAY, '.\lAnCII 9, 1927
Publicailon in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten.
WEDlNES)DAY, MARCh 9, 1927
To the Deans:
There will be no Conference of the Deans today.
C. C. Little.
Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
All students of this College are reminded that after this week no
courses may be elected for credit.
W. R. Humphreys, Asst. Dean.
Pre-Medical Students:
Dr. Hugh Cabot, Dean of the Medical School, will speak to pre-medical
students and all others interested at 4:10 P. M. Thursday, March 10, in the
Natural Science Auditorium. His subject will be "Medicine as a Profession."
All students who are contemplating the study of medicine are advised to
hear Dean Cabot.
John I. Effinger.
Executive Board, Graduate School:
There will be a meeting of the Executive Board of the Graduate School
on Thursday, March 10, at 4:00 P. M.
A. It. Lloyd.
American Chemical Socety Lecture: '
B. S. Hopkins, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Illinois, will de-
scribe his discovery of Illinium, Thursday, March 10, at 4:15 in the Chem-
istry Amphitheater, Room 165. All interested are cordially invited.
B. A. Soule.
Zoology 32 (Heredity):
Satisfactory answers to the three review questions handed in are
posted In the corridor near Room 234, N. S. Members of the class are urged
to inspect them and compare their own answers with them.
A. Franklin Shull.
Zoology 32 (Heredity):
In the examination Thursday at 9, those assigned to seats in Rows A to
J will go to Natural Science Auditorium; Rows K to M, to Room 1025,
Angell Hall; Rows N to V, to West Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall.
A. Franklin Shull.
rolitical Science 31:
Make-up examination for all groups taking Political Science 31 during
the past semester, on Friday, March 11, at 2 P. M:, Room 2035 Angell Hall.
R. T. Crane.
Political Science 32:
The make-up examination in Political Science 32 will be held on Fri-
day, March 11, at p2 P. M., Room 2035, Angell Hall.
R. T. Crane.
To All Students Interested in Mathematics:
There will be a meeting of all students interested in mathematics for
the purpose of organizing a Student Mathematics Club, Thursday at 7:30
P M. in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Professor J. W. Glover will give a short
talk on "The Opportunities for Students in M\iathematics." Everyone in-
terested is cordially invited to attend the meeting and take part in the
organizations of the club. N. C. Fisk.
I shall be unable to meet my classes on Wednesday, March 9.
I. Eich.
Mr. Olmusted's Freshnman Group:
There will be a meeting at E P. M. on Thursday, March 10th, at my
home, 2007 Washtenaw. This is an important meeting as several men must
be picked to represent us in the remaining contests. C. T. Oluusted.
Senior Women:
Caps and gowns will be given out at Barbour Gymnasium March 2 to 10
inclusive from 2 to 5 every day, except Saturday, which will be from 9 to 12.
Seniors will please call for them on the following days:
L through N Monday, March 7.
O through R Tuesday.
S to T Wednesday.
T through Z Thursday.
Religio 14:
All members of the class will meet at 4:15 Wednesday in Room
Newberry Hall. Discussion will be based on the first three chapters
the text. A. E. Wood.
Waldesrasehen (Liszt) Cecelia Fine; "Wayfarer's Song" (Martin) "Lungi
dal Caro Bene" (Secchi) Dorothy Wilsoh; Legend and Mazurka, D Major
(Wieniawski) Mary Alice Case. Charles A. Sink, Secretary.
Music Section:
The Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet with Mrs.
L. 0. Case, 720 Whaley Ct. on Wednesday, March 9, at 8 o'clock, for chorus
practice. Marion Fisk, Secretary.
The regular meeting will be held at 8 this evening, at 1954 Cambridge
Road. James Rutherford will speak on "The Motives of British Intervention
in South Africa." N. C. Fisk, Clerk.
S.b-ard lidand Blade:
The meeting for tonight will be postponed until further notice.
J. W. Hickman.
Senior Mechanical Engineers:
Mr. R. B. Hosken, 1910 Engineer, General Sales Manager of the Sulli-
van Machinery Company of Chicago, will be in Room 221 West Engineering
Building on Wednesday, March 9, to interview students interested in posi-
tions with this company. It. C. Anderson.
Geological Journal Club:
The club will meet in Room 436 N. S. Bldg. at 7:30 P. M. on Thursday,
March 10. There will be a symposium on "Recent Developments in Paleon-
tology." The following speakers will be on the program:-G. M. Ehlers,
R. C. Hussey, C. F. Dice, D. A. Holm and Miss Cooley.
Walter A. Ver Wiehe, Secretary.
The Senior Lit Canes will be on sale in University Hall, Wednesday and
Thursday of this week. J. T. Nixon, Chairman of Cane Comm.
Faculty Women's Club:
There will be a meeting of the Newcomers' Section of the Faculty
Women's Club on Thursday, March 10, at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Paul A. Leidy, 1509 Granger Avenue.
Margaret Van Duren, Secretary.
Senior Education Class:
There will be a meeting of the Senior Education Class in Tappan Hall
on Wednesday, March 9, at 4 P. M. for the purpose of electing a member to
the Student Senate of the School of Education..
Earl R. Lillie, President.
Student Recital:
The following program will be given in the Students' Recital Series,
School of Music Auditorium, Thursday evening at 8:00 o'clock. The general
public is cordially invited to attend:
Eroica Sonata (First Movement)
tino (Martini-Kreisler) Rondino (Bee
are Her Eyes" (Watt) "Nor Like a La
"Problems of Private Schools":
William O. Stevens, newly elected
headmaster of Cranbrook School will
speak on the subject "Problems of
Private Schools" in the library of the
University High School, tonight at
7:15. This meeting is held under the
auspices of the Women's Educational
Club. All men and women interested
in this subject, whether connected
I with the University or not, are cor-
dially invited. Prof. Morris P. Tilley
and Associate Professor Kyte will be
present to take part in the discus-
Ellen Johnson.
COLUMBIA.-Dean Gauss of Prince-
ton, who advocates the return of the
college to "academic seclusion,"
finds an opponent in Dr. Herbert. E.
Hawkes, who says that colleges must
learn to understand the jazz age.
Subscribe for the Mlchlgan Daily.
(MacDowell) Virginia Tice; Andan-
thoven-Kreisler) Helen Hays; "Blue
(Kramer) R. Newton Detzer;
s A
May 18, 19, 20,
State Representative Hits Proposal
For Acquisition Of Northern
Land By University
LANSING, March 8- A protest
against the acquisition by the Univer-
sity of Michigan of thousands of acres
of' land in Cheboygan county for
summer training camps will be lodged
with the attorney general and the au-
ditor general by Representative Fred
R. Ming, he said today.
He also contemplates legislative ac-
tion in an effort to compel the Univer-
sity to pay taxes on its holdings.
According to Representative Ming,
the University has acquired between
2,000 and 3,000 acres of the finest land
in the country. One strip extends from
Douglas to Burt lakes. The county un-
dertook to build a road around Burt
lake and was halted when it reachedI
the University property, Representa-1
tive Ming assertedl.
Much of the land is valuable water
frontage, all of which has been remov-
ed from the *tax rolls because it is
designated as "property used for ed-
ucational purposes," according to the
Cheboygan representative.
The removal" of this land from the
tax rolls has workeda distinct hard-
ship on the township and the coun
Representative Ming declared. ty
Cleaning House Time
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cept the mop handle.
It is a wonderful
polish for your Automobile, it preserves the
paint and gives a lasting polish which makes
your old car look like new. We handle a
full line of Johnson's Wax, Dyes, Floor
Powder, Mops and Brushes.
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EARL V. MOORE Musical Director
FREDERICK STOCK Orchestral Cond.
JOSEPH E. MADDY Children's Cond.
Rosa Ponselle Soprano
Metropolitan Opera Company
Betsy Lane Shepherd Soprano
American concert and oratorio singer
Lois Johnston Soprano
San Carlo Opera Company
Ernestine Schumann-Heink Contralto
Jubilee Anniversary
Sophie Braslau Contralto
Metropolitan Opera Company
Elsie Baker Contralto
American concert and oratorio singer
Armand Tokatyan Tenor
Metropolitan Opera Company
Arthur Hackett Tenor
American concert and oratorio singer
Lawrence Tibbett Baritone
Metropolitan Opera Company
William Simmons Baritone
American concert and oratorio singer
James Wolfe Bass
Metropolitan Opera Company
Lea Luboshutz Violinist
Russian Violinist
Ernest Hutcheson Pianist
Eminent American Artist
MASS IN D Beethoven
(Beethoven centenary)
(American Premiere)
8 P M
Hill Auditorium
T ickets
n SeA
310 South State St.
Dial 5015.
Subhcribe for the Michigan Daily.
Season tickets $5.50, $6.00, $7.00 (if
mail, will be selected in sequence and
15c is enclosed for registration.
Festival coupon is enclosed, deduct $3.00), ordered
sent out about April 1, at purchaser's risk, unless fee
CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary & Business Mgr.,
University School of Music
THE 23rd
Whitney Theatre
March 15-16-17-18-I9
I Adommooll- Aglulxmbh dlmft .Mmbk. I