THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1~ACE ~I~VEN 'ieuryaeMenwMa di+wv ^:-xv.+vMM'.vFx - 6"....e .. ,n YA.. "eY.w s v!.f P M1 a,-v ^n . y. .. THI DI r |E0 DB WA' S CLOSE GUARDING MAY COST OOSTERBkAN PRFSS F!! M An TC FIRST SCORING HONORS ,,r * i" , w r U NNW err M II r.9' ~-U U EE E EE BNUEE EEN BE WE EUENKEWEu EWS EEU- U u....U UEBE BE EK EW B s K I U I i 011 UT 1 7 COLUMNL wQLUM' CLOSES CL0 E$ ,AT 3 P.M.C ADVERTISING AT 3 Pl. - Ct: :; d f romv Page E;x) . ~,tm slap folowing the ": r exam nations was much in th? 1.r t"o a recpetition of last sua-; na w:cn tih Wolvc:Ines l Yd for ii:1s by winning their last five games after having a lrcord of three wins rta inst foar lmes. The defeat by, Psrug ole a string of victories that had run to 15, nine of them kting this season and five against Big Ten opponents this year. After defeats by! the strong Purdue and Indiana fives,' Michigan staged another great come- back to take the last five games. "The offensive record of the Wol-! When Capt. "Buzz" Hogan of the Iowa bas ktball five dogged the steps of the sensational Oosterbaan in the lowa-Michigan encounter on Monday night at Yost field house, he not only almost prevented the Wolverines from enjoying the undisputed leader- ship of the Big Ten, but pbrhaps spoil- ed the Michigan forward's chances of being individual high point scorer. As a result of being limited to a lone field goal that scored after the removal on fouls of Hogan, Oos- terbaan is now only two points ahead cf Cummins of Purdue, who tallied 18 pc nts against Northwestern, and only five pomnts ahead of Hunt, Ohio State, both of whom have one r TEL HANVSSHOP a a a If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie FOR RENT the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want adO N will be charged. o - --- The Michigan Daily reserves tht right to FOR RENT-Front rooni for lady or classify all wantsads under appropriate head- gentleman, with mieals if desired. ings and to revise or withhold objectionable723 Oakland Ave. 112-113-114 cp. This column at 3 P. M. date preted- 112-113-114 ing publication. Notice of any error must be__________________________ given in time for the second insertion. CASH RATES NOTICE Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of five average words to the line) for one or two j NO'I'CE-Mell Gillespie, teacher man- Ninerents per reading ice for three or mlore dolin, banjos, guitar, (hord con- insertions.struction. Dial 4757. Cash classifieds received at the Daily office Wed., Fri.,. Sun., tf in The Press Building on Maynard Street. ________ _________ CONTRACT RATES T1rojanmowski's Barber Shop has sat- Special standardized rates given on applica- jsfied Students for 4f years tion t ._sun-wed-fri TOP COAT FOI SPRING verines was the best since I have been more game to increase their totals. coach here although the defense show- Hunt's chances of overtaking Gos- ed some inconsistencies and allowed terbaan are not as good as those of opponents 25 points per game," Ma- the Purdue star. Ohio meets the ther said. The Michigan five in averag- i strong Indiana five tonight and will1 ing 34 points in each Big Tin tilt probably be limited to fewer shots hoasted two of the leading scorers of than will Purdue, who encounters the the season in Harrigan and Ooster- Chicago team. In a previous game baan. This pair teamed together to with Indiana this season, Hunt was make what Coach Kent of Northwes-I held scoreless, but Chicago's defense tern characterized as the strongest of-1 (Ioes not appear strong enough to hin- lensive combination in the Conference. der Cummins from scoring the three The photographers had Coach Ma-- points needed to assure him of mdi- ther and his entire squad posing and jvidual honors. talking before the movie'camera for lDaugherity, Illinois, temporarily nearly an hour yesterday afternoon. -ests in third position with 109 points Coaches Veenker and Kipke and Man- and Harrigan remains in fourth, al- ager Wiliam Dey also came in for though his position is insecure. their share. To bring the photographic rigan remains in fourth, although his session to a successful cnd Coach position is insecure. Fielding H. Yost, who had been acting Behr, Wisconsin, and Beckner and as director of the film, passed along Krueger, Indiana, are within the first the row of Coaches and players, shak-I ten scorers, but neither seems likely ing hands with all as the camera to improve in his one remaining game. ground out the film. The leaders follow: FG iT TP . I 1927 1 .. Preliminaries in the interfraternity indoor track meet will be run off be- ginning at 7:30 tonight in Waterman gymnasium. The final round of the meet will be held tomorrow night be- ginning at the same time. Theevents included on- the program are 50 yard dash, 65 yard low hurdles, 65 yard high hurdles, 440, 880, and mile runs, shot put, standing broad jump, and running high jump. The first two events run off will be the shot put and the 50 yard dash, the competition starting promptly at 7:30 o'clock. Any team using an in- eligible man will be compelled to withdraw from the meet. Theta Chi with a total of 171 points won the interfraternity foul shooting tournament, their nearest rival being Sigma Kappa with 161 points. Indivi- dual honors went,to, F.,Pierson of Sig- ma Phi Epsilon, K. Schafer of Pi Kap- pa Alpha, and G. Green of Theta Chi all of whom scored 22 baskets out of 25 attempts. The high team record was made by Phi Kappa Sigma, which scored 87 points in the second round. The remaining singles and doubles, matches in the all-campus handball tournament must be completed as soon as possible and the results should be reported to the intramural office as soon as they are comipleted, The final round of the interclass bow- ling tournament was completed Mon- day night, when the junior engineers defeated the senior lits. In the final round the teams rolled for the best tW'o out of three- games, the engineers winning both of the. first two games by scores of 871 to 869, and 845 to 763. The swinning team was composed of F. Beaman, M. Foster, T. King, 0 Cobb, -and W. Cowell. Entries in the all-campus indoor track meet which will be held on Mar. 29 and 31 at Waterman gymnasium, are being received at the intramural office. ILLINOIS.- More than 4,500 saw Illinois defeat Michigan for the wrest- ling title. I Oosterbaan, Michigan ....50 12 112 Cummins, Purdue ........35 40 110 Daugherity, Illinois ......44 21 109 Harrigan, Michigan ......38 32 108 -Hunt, Ohio ...............37 33 107 Gleichman, Northw'rn ....35 33 103 Behr, Wisconsin.........28 26 82 Beckner, Indiana ........32 16 80 Kruger, Indiana.......... 33 14 80 Fisher, Northwestern ....29 21 79 BOXERS TO MEET I FOR STATE TITLE With the prospect of four amateur state titles before them, Coach Sul- livan's boxing team will leave tomor- row afternoon for Grand Rapids to take part in the state amateur box- ing tournaments which will be held there Friday and Saturday. .Berkowitz will represent Michigan in the middleweight division, and is conceded the best chance of all the boxers for the title. HIe has met the present state champion once already, and only lost by . decision after the{ match had gone three rounds to a draw and the extra fourth round had been boxed. Renner, a welterweight, has had exactly the same experience with the champion of his class, and both are expected to do better this I time. Heim, a lightweight, and Farrell and Stein, featherweights, make up the! remainder of the team. Of these box- ers Farrell is the hardest puncher, 1 and should have a good chance for the title, although Heim and Stein are not far behind him in ability. FRATERNITY TRACK NOTICE 1 All men running the 440, 880, t 'and mile runs in the interfrater- I nity track meet must report at 8 o'clock tonight at the gymnas- ium for a heart examination. No one will be permitted to com- pete in these events who has not taken this examination. =rw y' ;, , i ,s Coats in the right style and the correct length $38.50O -- $42.50 AND MORE FOIL SALE FOR SALE-Garage building located on Lincoln Ave. Must be moved at once. Dial 5518. 113-114-115 FOR SALE-One E-flat saxophone. Conn. Used only three months. Call 6988. 112-113-1141 FOR SALE-Ford touring, 1923 mod- el, six tires, loaded with extraordi- I nary extras, $50. Also, gentleman'sE brown fur coat at a real bargain.1 513 Thompson St. Dial 7958. t ~111-112-113.; TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold,; rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair- ed. Largest and best stock to be ob- tained anywnere. 0. D. MORRILL,j 17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal-I er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor-I ona Typewriters, Inc. tf WANTED WANTED - Upperclassman desires room-mate. Steam-heat, shower, bath. Reasonable. Call Hartmann,' 8680. Golz Apts. 113-114-115 WANTED-Student and family laun- dry done. Called for anl delivered. Phone 8694. 1131 I WANTED-Two aggressive young' men working their way through college to sell an easy selling prop- osition that's known to the students in Ann Arbor. Address D. SUSS- MAN, 4124 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. 112-113-114 WANTED-College man or woman for help at Foster's Tea Room. 112-114 WANTED STUDENTS to know that; Sam pays from $5 to $25 for old suits and overcoats.i 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 { tf EOST l LOST-A green Shaeffer fountain pen in Angell Hall, some time Thursday. Dial 5718. 113 LOST-Alpha. Rho Chi pin. Name,I S. A. ERY on the back. Finder please call 9817. Reward. LOST-Duplex slide rule. Name en- graved on side. Finder please call Dersham. 8755. 113-114-115 LOST-Sigma Zeta fraternity badge between Arcade and Catherine St., Saturday evening. Call 21217. 112-113-1141 LOST-Green-edged leather hand bag. Near St. Joseph's Hospital. Re- ward. Dial 116 and call 715F14.' 112-113-114 LOST-A small Chinese purse ,con- taining bills. Call 7717. Reward.1 111-112-113 LOST-At Farmers & Mechanics Bank, gold combination fountain pen and pencil with initials G. V. C. Jr. Finder please call 5717for reward. 111-112-113 BILLIAI)0 ROOM Five tables. Satisfactory rates. Also cigars, tobaccos, candy and ice cream. Johnston Brothers. 514 East William. fri-sun-wed SUITS AND OVERCOATS-Very reas- onable prices, tailored or ready- made. We have a wonderful vari- ety of patterns. Repairing also a specialty. keautiful fabrics for your winter overcoat. WILD TI-E TAYLOR 109 E. Waslhington Phone 5069 c Wed-Fri-Sat HOJNER HARMONICAS We are having a big sale on the novelty instrument. Come in and see them. tf University Music House. Students! Save Money! Buy a used typewriter and type your own thesis. Phone Landis 3489; wed-thur-sat-tus NOTICE-Hear the new Orthoponic Victor Record of "In} a Little Bit Fonder of You." Icy Warrings Pennsylvanians, at Schaeberle & Son Music House, 110 So. Main. tf NOTICE-The new Royal Portables are now on display At Rider's Pen Shop, 315 State St., A wonderful machine. You will lie:: interested. Cali and see them. _ TYPEWRITER RIBBONS AND CARBONS Our rapid turnover insurej a fresh stock and you secure the best qual- ity at a moderate price. O. D. MOR- RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone B615. Dealer: L. C. Smiti & Corona ;I if 9 I { t I f Typewriters, Inc. tU SHIR TS { . } i NOVELTY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS- We have them from a ten-cent kazoo to a miniature grand piano music box. University' Muslc I-ouse. WHY WEAR "READY MADES" when you can have a two, pant suit built to your measure for $37.50? Spring styles now ready. T. B. LYONS, Williams at Maynard. tf TYPEWRITING and Mimeograph- ing promptly and neatly done by experienced operators at mod- erate rates. Thesis and college work a specialty for 19 years. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The Typwriter and Stationery Store. tt k V i , # In the newer basket weaves - white-Solid blues NOTICE-Typing, thesis.:-neatly and quickly typed at popular prices. Phone 7345. tf ANN ARBOR CAIPET Cleaning Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone 6513. daily-tI TO SEE best of 50 lines l'othing drop card to 1103 E. Washig'ton. Phone 6365 evenings. $22 td$30. tf 0 and tan. I You can Duplicate the Typewriters Elsewhere, but not Rider's Service I Oxfords i n white and a new triple stripe. 7_-l II -1 t e v w a I EEEE I[tw - 'I~oweav~r 1-J ~ Inc* THE ETON $3.00 $3.50 $4.50 6.00 5,- O. LOST-Grey shell-rimmed glasses in black case, either on State street or on. Campus. Finder please dial 4724. 111-112-113 LOST-Gold bracelet with black scroll engraving, probably between new Medical Building and Hill Auditorium. Reward. Box 166. 110-111-112-113-114-115 READ THE WANT ADS I 'I II Ih .1 . PRINTING- P maE i ii - q .~ -I I. NOT DONE WRONG r dFl% ep OP op %t,- 3k %io *Ato . .; .- . r s r' ; r°' * r' NECK WEAR -- HOSIERY AND NOT LATE Anything from a Card to a Book. ffl QrqAe+6+ . j, I~?~+I~IWIVf~ 1IT i 't l1 i . . } 'r , r :t .r " i {^F A conservative model that is always in good taste, and may be had in black and tan board- GreenwoodANDKigore d. 11 I UI I