THE MICHRIGAN DAILY WE 1)N -SDAY, MARCH 9. 192T g , . ., Pon 0.20 = nrn~e ITRACK MARKS EXPECTED' TW TO FAL IN CNEENCE FAIiBELL LL. ONERNC ml in flINDfJR RACES SATURDAYa i~ RU ~I EY I Th prme is not far distant when -reen possessors of Big Ten indoor WAGE DIFFEI RENCE ONLY $500 lT iAT1WR COMMENTS ON( BIG TEN CAGE RACE MAY END U', ,D SPUTED TITLE WON I I O EO DPSTO BY WOLVERINE QUINTET _IN _TIEFOR__SECOND __POSITIN \ "Yeswe ozrour first urndisput ed {i se4)lstIndiia a 1id Purdu~te hae situation appears unlikely. k Big 'In ibasketballl title, but it was a 1'Change For Riinnerup Place Last season's qtuadruti'e tie foi fCr_"i pb otg ard fight,'' was the comment (place may lbe iui lic itt ldlby a four- !of Coach Ediwin J. M1ather yesterday By Clarence EIdelson cornered knot among the also-raii !aternoon in the mnidst of the moaving Only Coach E. J. Mather's Wolverine this season if the followNintg hypothet- z ~picture cameras whicl' worked over- five and the erratic Chicago quintet ical situation comes to pass. If the F F ; ~time in takinga film of' the firstar definitely assured of undisputed Ducey's HoosersmeandatheHawkrewi f rli~~~chi an basikeitball sc r.-d ee owl positions as the hectic Big TnbsA ensHoiradteHwswl azr rndspuerlclrznporrlri. ;ketball race is wearily wearing it- from the Cardinals, Iowa, Wisconsin, y ? Coach Mather characterized the self- out, even the cellar position being; Ohio, and Illinois wvill all share the Iowsa. dame a1s the hardest fought of disputed by the Gophers and Wildcats. same place, even the exact posit ion the entire season and remark~ed that Northwestern, Minnesota, and Ill- still being in doubt, with a rerd it was, perhaps, the roughest game of, nois are the other three squads which of seven victories and five defeats. - j basketball he had seen since coming have completed their schedules, but Chicago must face the Blolermalk r>, f to the Conference in 1919 as Wol- even the ultimate standing of the the only relief being that only one por- ;:.::.:;":;:::verne mentor. Even the 25-24 battle latter team is dependent upon the out - sition hangs in the balance, that of r >w ith Illinois earlier in the year in come of the remaining enrconters, Coach Latnbert's couirt men. A victory Yost field hause fails to compare with Indiana and Pur due are dIeadlocked } for Purdue, which seems lprOlblnlei, y !~the H xvkeye tilt as a hard fought in second place with eight wvins and will earn that quintet at least a share game, in the Skipper's estimation. three losses, but either may be top-( of the second berth, while if Ohio Fewv Titles Are ('leur pled from that position after meetingI repeats against the Indiana team, Pur-. Michrigan's clear title is the fourth Ohio and Chicago, respectively. To add due will have the unique honor or ;won by any Conference team in the funrthrer confusion, Wisconsin, by 1oi(linzg alln undisputed p~lace, becsi 'cs eight Iteadtoa lr years, the Skzipper has beenj trouncing Iowva, may join the lpair tealiinlgoy of hsoldlinrg don r '~ Coach here. Chicago was the absolute from the Hoosier state, if both of 'the runner-up position to the Michiigau- rrr monarch in 1919-1920, and after Wis- these latter are dlefeated, although this leaders. f' / cousin had tied Pur due in 1921, the .: ,:.Xy; r , , :. :" . , ( '.tIBoilermakers g in d the top rung of t llilllllilillllllilllll.111Ilil~lfll1Ii~E1 ~~~llllll'. :, r" ~t : i ~e chamnio ushipr ladder thse follow- :; :y f'r .",' r. ing year with eight. wins and one loss. . Followinsg this, the Conference direc-= tors t aimed to the round1 robin system j theri "Babe " will rtt'eive $70,000 av 'year for iof' play, whereby each ' earn plays I be ing 'his services with the \ ankeer; nuderi twelve cotests with six different or' a ;his new thr'ee~ year contract,. Presidiit !quinte~cts eanch year. I RE- 1 a s ! C o l i g g t n n n a l s m f 7 5 - ; T h i r t e a u d e1h i s s t m- The 000 for four years vithourt a contract. resulted in a tie between Iowa and= Wisconsin with 11 victories each. This FD-was Sam Barry's first year as Iowa w E 4 '' 1 i';: is oc.In19392 Illinois, Wiscon-- Tl WEKsnand Chicago tied for first with2 That milk is an essential food product: Its Y9/ i ' it;tiwins and four losses, the same NG a (Friday WRESTLING- -Conference meet i record as that of Michigan, Indiana, value to you depends uponi your wisesBelec- ,- Purdue, and Iowa last season. Ohio TRIAtCiag-InrelmnrenceI State won alone two years ago. tion of a good dairy company. -Jack TRAC - Idoor onfeenceChambers' Finish Remarkable 2- -jak i meet at Evanston - Prelimin- "Probably n ihgncpanee mid be aries. noMciaIapanee i has finished his career in such a re- con- FENCING and GYMNASTICS- ina'bewya i at di a Tex I Coniference meet at Chicago- I Chambers Monday night," according to I2- Dial 4101 - I h'IPreliminaries. I the Skipper. Chambers' work was phe - ,2 wvhom HCE-inst s ih nomenal and without him Michigan's2- iga atWinsor On.;evening. title victory would have been impos- I I sible. "Captain Chambers has played2= I Saturday I remarkable ball during his last, four2- Demp- WRESTLING-Conference meet ({ or five gamnes and has proved him-= ring( at Chicago-Finals. ' self to be one of the best guards seen ~"j TN :ev- TRACK - Indoor Conference in the Conference," Mather said. = AN N ARBOR DAIRY s theJ meet at Evanston-Finals. j In reference to his selection of2- 7title FENCING andf GYMNASTICS Chambers on the second all-Confer-2 ed to-; -Conference meet at Chicago- ence teani, Coach Mather said, "I ~a f~ Finals. ° oul hardly put three of my ownII - "The Home of Pure Milk" oa fi HOCKEY-Minnesota vs. Mich- ( men on the team though I really fel tI.: mater igan at Wirdsor, Ont.; evening, they all deserved it." =2 ve felt _____________________ (Continued on Page Seven) comet ____- - °t11111111111111111111111lilllIIIIIIIIllilitlllIII nnIII___lltl____-1t It 1Considering wit-,es as a bas s. is little pr'eference betw eeu President of the United States base ball player--that is a good ball player like "Babe" Ruth. RICK ARD PLEAS ~rr-WITDME RETURN TO RI (By Asisociat-d Press) LOS ANGELES, March 8- Dempsey saidl today that lie wou ready to fight any heavyweight tender this summer with whon Rickard wants to match him, anm it makes little difference to him he meets. NEW YORK, March 8-Jack I sey's decision to return to the in an attempt to win back the h: weight championship, "cam plete last link in the chain of 1927 aspirants," Tex Rickard declare day. "I am tickled to death to he Dempsey's decision," the pro; told the Associated Press. "I hav all along that he would try to back, but while the doubt has e, many at' my plans have been i. air. I can now go ahead and con the program with the assurance all the contenders will have a c: to 'battle for the 'right to face Tunney. xisted hi the nplete e that Jhance Gen1e I CORD A PORTABLES Typewriting Paper - Ribbons - Erasers We carry a complete stock of everything for the typist. We also do typing of all kinds: Theses, book reports, themes, etc. 1 Let us do your typing work. Prompt and careful work. Phone 4744 1111' South University Ave. Phone 474 1~t1 Spe cial Steak Di ne s Tender, juicy steaks-broiled just to the right T. And your, favorite potatoes-plus hot Parker House rolls-- at 50c and 55c. A Nightily Special at Bill and Mertl's. Hot. Parker House Rolls :fresh Vegetable Saa Choice Sinall Steak Special Sirloin Steak French Fried - Mashed - American Fried Coffee - MilkI 50C Beef Tenderloin Steak on Toast, 55c W"% r z n c A Sl ff.0 TI P 9 C Not a chance of that lead-like, foggy ' feeling even during early Spring--if you {/i /make a daily habit of Shredded Wheat. That's one reason Swhy this prince of whole wheat cereals graces the training tables of so many 'colleges and schools. Carefully separated, com- pletely cleaned, perfectly shredded, and thoroughly cooked whole wheat grains - that's all there is to 1 SPRING SUITS and TOP COATS in tan and brown FYFES CHARING CROSS -at- ten dollars Thompson &Pitts 110~7 SOUTH UNIVERSITY I II ..,---. II FPln PItitc Vnl%7Pn1tiW ht13114 fLlrltrif 114 I I