9, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SCHRODINCER TE TMCTHEOTY ... . , . t Vl li. 1 L/ L THE MIHIGANDAILYPAGF THREiF L~ectuires based pon Ite:earela Elect roieiAction Within Chemiical -Atoms On' Ukrainians. To Sh JX . Yare In ( LForeign VProgram LOCAL JEWE. '/LR E XHIBIS MOBNDEL ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___OF WORLDS SM LLEST TIMEPIECE F~siydi olJ ~Ir. k~~ watchmaker silent thrle E3 rfi(low dur' 215his week . n x11 fl i ti mking the movemnt,, somen :-'uTn~\arle of Humana1T,' p1 t of which are so small that they (l4inx o e hc w ria Cl " l(St 1( ial( e grains oL (dust. The scr'ews! 14,! s o a,; 1 ~.;an ul de movement are so minute thata ';. n-e(,i, a,1erue88u{ f them only fill an ordinar'y ''iiS mall size, the eus1a 1 wIni link, N1e, wh ite red ruby ,Jewels can r kL ro~gte 2 ran ism i ot emphlloyed. .'I'o1ind bael be seenwith the 1naked ev£?Ge, '~ W il C U i T & ~ a y to ro a e c 2 of e m b n n ecessary to equal CdL o f'Ile (a 52 to and fro. wigtof1a t wo-cent stamp. LAST PERFORMANCES TODAY 'A T hree Great Stars! And. a Story That Y ou' ll WILL TALK AGAIN TODAYE Prof Erwin Shrodinger, of the ni- versity of Zurich, .Switzerland, gave the first of a series o two lectures yesterday afternoon on "The Undulat- ing 'Theory of the Atom." The se- ond lecture will be givn at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in the west lec- ture room of the old Physics building. Yesterday's lecture, and the one to be given this afternoon, are based upon matrial which Professor Schrodinger has found while professor of theoret- ical physics at the University of Zu rich. Professor Schrod inger has devel- oped a theory which concerns itself with the motions of electrons, par- ticularly within the atom, where cas- sielal mechanics are aiplaently not valid. It 'incldes the present cluan- trum theory which has been so fruit- ful, but whichs has been -so difficult to interpret, physically. Any such theory is concerned with the inter- relations of radiations and matter. Thbe nw theory places emphasis upon radiation; the wave equation replaces the equation of mot ion. It also leads to the ;peculation that radiato may be the only reality aind that matter is only one of its n' anfestations. The lectures iven by Professor Schrodinger are technical and the sec- ond lecture, which will be given this afternoon, wvill be of particular inter- ('st to technicians in the fields of ma- thematics and physics. LITLE 'S*. REPORT MARCH_ ALUMNI/S Quotations from the annual report of President Clarence Cook Little which deal with, student problems have been presented by theMichigan Alumnus, official publication of the Alumni association, in the issue which appeared last week. 'The quotations from the report gave the President's views on such subjects as the selection of students, personal problems and special courses for women students including the history ,of the variouse ideas mentioned, their prospects in the- University, and general recoin-t mendatons.< Other articles included In this issue concern "Spring' Sport' fin Ann Ar- bor," the fortunes -of the Wolverine bas-I ketbal team in the Conference race, and the progress of the minor sportst teams during the last tw years. I CRITIC CANCELS FOUR t ARCHITECT LECTURES BECAUSE OF ILLNESS1 Lewis Mumford, lecturer and art critic, and author of, "Sticks and Stones," was forced to cancel his scheduled lectures- here this week be- cause of illness. Mr. Mumford was to give a series of four lectures on architecture and its relation to social problems. Three of these lectures were to be sponsored' by the architectural college and one by the School-.of Rleligion. - The office of Prof. Emil Lorch, head of the architectural college has receiv- ed word that Mr. iAiurford is kept in New York by an attack of influenza. Rent a Good Typewriter at Riders Pen Shop 315 State St.. y.F'i/ POM RE T , isa n -ARROW t AR Q CO&LRa1# 'on it. It is made of a fine genuine English Broad- Cloth' that retains its nice. silk-like finish.' Never Forget! I f ' s ; ° 'f ;4 kI v; -. r i; S A -;_ya / P-k .-7 ti. _ ,. e .. , . tea. Yom. H.' , FE;: c:. , ir, . John (Ci~e-1 iia ahr ~n~ A(brae :S a ancing girl, will lead Sou throug tth flih c cr's iciest excit- ;isuni filmt! Love and l +he e une woadcnie to grips In a tars-y ccitnpellin~ picture! MOM": MAS fLtA Cor ple Stock of Famed C I"' N RUN 4' II T .,.,. , E I' . V iR MAETIN~Etc., AN:t)S X~i', I EE d l I ION EL BA!'ItIMII i SAXOPHONE reads tc ludGo7 1 1? ..Ek. .'. 3311 Same u0 asAove, $114 Fill 5 ap i'tetd i'reiil~ i trr nzpc, B-flat, change to A. f('empliete i i1 waterproof coy er .....$18S TRMBN Brass finish, Perfect slide .ac- t IoI. VI't-torprocf corer iniclud - ed. v~ery. lq cial Cat ........$f :; ( ~mn ltewithItCase ~ LARINET Al;~r:~ -'s, I'xiielen kefor an...1. . 41, , 7n n . ..... 4 2.«'r DRUM~iti.( 5f:4iX, et.. 011,y ..........183 Ctli rum s n', *$1 up. Eight key, imported, Complete ivith goodi eats . See this at ... . . . . .. . . . . . $11 Of, Detroit, who will take part 1 in thce Cosmopolitan Chiu; International Night which will; be staged at 8 o'cl oak tonight in Pill auditorium. They will represent Ukrainia. SEMI-FINAS -IN --NT- -AS--CL i "The Muslcaead ercl of Ana Arbor" Semi-finals in the junior law is~ case club; competition -will be hlt+ this afternoon at the Law school. TYha case to be argued falls in the "qujasi- contracts" class. Both discussions will be based on the same facts, as will; be the finals. The Story club, in its m atch a gainst'l the Holmes club will be represented by Lowell M. Birrell and Carl Rid-I; Bering, while Kenneth Midgely vad John Amter will comnpose the oppos :ing j team. Thie formxer will he the de&'i ,(- ants and the latter the plaintiffs. Profs. Edwin C. Goddard, Paul C. Leidly and C. C. Gr ismore, all -of thek 'Lao: ' al,-uill bha the judges.E " ot u'aal~the Marshall 'mwill _~bet the Kent club lia r. The former arguing the side ofj the plaintiffs, will be represented b~y, W. C., Dixon and Leon Jones, while'- theiropponents as the (defendants will be Louis S. May and Markin L, Nie-' Suss. Tbhe indges in this match will be Judge Victor H. Dane, Profs. Ralph WV. Aigler and Burke Shartell. The tea ms are compecting for the If fery C : ubell awxard. WXASEINGTON-Plans for a men's union b llding are under wvay. 116 South Min Phone 7312 St. I've rything inf;.cal 1 A 1\' tro-Goidwy n-May- r Picture r.1laimla4. 1:; just Like Sunda) athteiCArcade Ciu .i d-WoU~ Attractions Are Always Smart. G,c the, Habit--Voi'll Like it. m The7/Idance ~ with you. .t s Mud> t "".+.. 's J' {{{ c .F . ! Yb [ _ _ . Is I NO W8 t h ' 1 kw 3 , t 1 k J 1. -S3T 3 A _ , Last Times k ~~ Your L Today TIne~ ///; / 7 -- - . 1/f ..ast cc I I 5NO A -flHfld fr J-L ,, l (. r t - r -VA 1 1 > r =N i v 4 JAMES OU",fE CUt2WOOD'S # 4 t ~ r t d PO ST s _, PICTURE 1a :sl i6i oI VI4f3' I/ =1' t .4 ,,,t b ,with - 1ONCAFR OWEN MCOR - And Sp~tleddupotnCatoFvris lef-. j.dm~rv~bn yutiruhti~~azsoftems iriflig srecaplayhi alongtime Ne~-h'oe~ae~e t'ie o r-awy' lgh ie-aM 1 ii-sfa.Pti.J -son-a bat' -srig ade It a \/ iiilve AHAR MLL DEPouto IF A f< V, I i 'ararnwt qgtctule Shirley Mason I ,It's Raining! It 'st Pouring -and you'll soon be roaring! What a flood of F un. 'What a storm of action. Doug says it with showers-of laughter! IIx ----- ----- uI I i l