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March 09, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-09

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I 1890





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To FOREIGN POLICY I "Mingling of students of various i only a minority."
races in the universities of the coun- I In an informal talk at the opening
try is doing much to relieve the pre- of the meeting, Mr. Thomas discussed
TREATED BY THOMAS valent race prejudices of the pres- the question of race relationship and
ent," stated Norman Thomas, eminent !prejudice in the United States. That


Cites Case Of Senator Royal Copeland
Who, While ,Mayor Of Ann Arbor,
Was Known As Republican ,
Dealing extensively with the con-I
nection of his subject, "Industrial
Democracy," to foreign policies, Nor-
man Thomas, executive director of
the League for Industrial Democracy,
concluded the two-day lecture series
being given in conjunction with Scott
Nearing, yesterday afternoon at Natur-
al Science auditorium.
At the start of his talk, Mr. Thomas
gave an introduction to the subject
of democracy which he thought was
necessary for a clear conception of
his ensuing theories. He separated
the doubters of democracy Into two
types. One he termed "Babbitry
Menckenists" who, in an attempt to
elevate themselves above the bour-
geoise, fall into the narrowness of
imitation, and find fault because of
their extreme cynicism. The other
type he defined as those who, in real-
izing the existence of a plutarchy,I
fail to conceive the benefits of any

socialist and director of the League an immense price is paid in America
for Industrial Democracy, in an in- for the Caucasians' superior feeling
terview following the joint meeting and high degree of racial snobbish-
of the Round Table and Negro-Cau- ness, Mr. Thomas mentioned as an
casian clubs last night. "Although established fact, illustrating this
this mingling tends, in a few cases, point by calling attention to con-
to increase Ithis feeling,' he con- ditions between the Negroes and
tinned, "I believe that it represents whites in the South.



Belieies That Shift Rule And Huddle
Regulation Will Eliminate
Bad Features
The changes made by the rules
committee will materially change the
general aspect of football, according'
to Fielding H. Yost, director of inter-
collegiate athletics. New styles of at-
tack will be encouraged which will
add many more thrills, he said.
Coach Yost asserts that he knows
of no one who is opposed to the shift-
ing in the game, but the "running
start" following the "hop" was the'
source of all the controversy and mis-
understandings about shift plays. The
"four count" or one second full stop

Zuppke, Phielan,
Take Except ions
Goal Changes

And Thistlewaite
To Decisions O2
And Passing


(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, March 8-The


Groups Are Confused as adopted by the Rules committee,
"A great many Americans are in- and the change of penalty for viola-
clined to put Facisism and Commun- tions of this specific rule from five
ism into the same category," he de- to fifteen yards should be effective in
clared in outlining the different kinds eliminating the "running start," Yost
of democracies. continued.
Mr. Thomas decried the abundance As to the removal of the goal posts
of emotion in connection with democ- from the goal line ten yards back
racy and nationalism. It is impossible to the outside and zone line, Coach
to escape the weakness and wicked- Yost says that in addition to making l
ness of the crowd no matter what form a change in the appearance of the
of government is in force, he declared. field, it will radically lessen the
"Crowd psychology applies to all J chance of field goals being made
forms of government," he stated. from the field of play. This will re-
The situation in America is such suit in more one point victories, as
that in any struggle in the future the the good kickers will continue to get
adveant of an American Mussolini is their goals after touchdown, while'
far more likely than the rise of an the poor ones will miss more of
American Lenin, he stated. "An at- them.
tack5 on democracy here would result I "The rule on the huddle system
in Fascism rather than Communism." will not hurt Michigan as many be-
Primarily, the ideals of democracy lieve it will," continued Coach Yost,
should be fraternity and liberty, he' "for in 15 seconds the quarterback
declared, adding that under liberty can call his signals.",
should come equal opportunity also, he The reduction of time allowed out
said, democracy should furnish us from four to three times without pen-
with an ideal to guide us, a technique alty in no way will effect the game.,
for discussion and some way that the Yost concluded.
majority can choose between the com-
peting minorities. - CONVENTION CITY
In the present system of govern-
ment, two factors, "political democ- ISSUE IS AROUSED
racy" and "industrial autocracy", are-
working hand in hand, he stated. (By Associated Press)
Our government, Mr. Thomas declar- WASHINGTON, March 8-Already
ed, runs by relatively inefficient di- the capital is buzzing over the selec-
rectors who hire experts to do the tion of a city for the 1928 Republican
work. and Democratic national conventions.
In commenting on the theory that anLeaders of both parties concede
distribution of power follows the dis- that the convention will be held as
tribution of property, Mr. Thomas usual in the West. Cleveland and De-
declared that the power of Wall troit are among the cities prominent-
street is grossly exaggerated. One de- i ly mentioned for the Democratic
plorable condition is the control that convention, while the range of spec-
employers have over the votes of ulation among the Republicans runs
their employees, he stated. In his opin- 'as far west as San Francisco.
ion college graduates going out into
higher middle class quickly become1 JAPAN REPORTS
the least free citizens. "Few people,"
he said, "are strong enough to be DISASTER TOLL
conscious hypocrites."
Another item Mr. Tiomas mention-'
ed in his list of factors which aid the (By Associated Press)
business people to rule the country is TOKIO, March 8.-The Japanese
the control that advertisers hold over # home office early this morning re-,
the editorial policies of the news- ported that 1,699 persons were killed'
papers and periodicals. in the Tango district by Monday's
The political situation, Mr. Thomas earthquake, the total casualties 'inj
claims, is an amusing one. The indus- the area being 4,774.I
trial plutarchy controls both of the The number of houses in the dis-
parties by paying their campaign ex- trict which collapsed was set at 3,-1
penses. As a pertinent example of the 529 and the number burned at 3,646.1

revisions of football rules have found
little favor with coaches of thej
Western conference, except for theI
agreement on timing of shift plays,l
which the Big Ten pioneered iast fall.I
Particular exception is taken to'
the rule moving the goal posts backj
10 yards from the touchdown line!
to lengthen the distance of thq goal
kicker. Robert Zuppke, of Illinois and
Jimmy Phelan of Purdue were espe-
cially displeased with the effort to'
minimize the importance of the goal c
after touchdown.1
"If they wanted to legislate againstj
the point after touchdown," said Zup-1
pke, "why didn't they move the team
from the three to 15 yard line?" i
Phelan, Glenn Thistlewaite of Wis-l
consin and others said they regarded I
the regulation protecting the fumbled'
lateral pass as a weak move.
"It looks as though they were try-
ing to make football over into base-i
ball," said Thistlewaite.
"American football has proved that
the direction to move is forward nott
backward or laterally," was Phelan's
Dean Hugh Cabot, of the MedicalI
school, will address pre-medical stu-
dents and all those interested in learn-:
ing of the requirements for a success-
ful career in the field of medicine at,
4:10 o'clock tomorrow in Natural,
Science auditorium, it was announced!
yesterday by Dean John R. Effinger, of'
the literary college. Dean Cabot will'
speak at the request of Dean Effinger.
The subject of the talk will be "Med-
icine as a Profession." Dean Cabot will
set forth the obligations and duties
which one must adhere to as adphy-
sician. The purpose of the speech will
be to discourage those students who
are not capable or fitted in character
to take up the study of medicine, and
to encourage those students who are
making all efforts to prepare them-
selves for an intensive study of the
Waldo Abbot's freshman advisory
group won the basketball champion-
ship in the competition of ten teams
last night by defeating Albert Clark's
team in Waterman gymnasium, 14 to
2. The teams have been competing for
several weeks.
HARVARD.-Two hundred and for-
ty-six degrees were granted by the
university in its annual mid-year

Great Britain, America, Japan Will Be
Mlai Paticipants With France
And Italy Also Invited
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 8.-The con-
vening in Geneva in June or or July
of the British-American-Japanese na-
val limitations conference to discuss
minimum tonnage ratios in cruisers,
destroyers, and submarines is con-
fidently expected by the Washington
Definite proposal for a three power
attempt to find a suitable formula
have been made by the United States
and London and Tokio. While they'
are informal and possibly no more1
than verbal in character as yet, re-
plies now awaited will result in a
formal invitation if the plan is ac-
cepted as is clearly foreshadowed in!
preliminary diplomatic conversations.
Stress Linitation iroject
The fact that only a limitation pro-
ject, not a proposal for a reduction
in tonnage, is under consideration, is
believed to have been stressed in the
informal exchanges here and in Lon-
don and Tokio which followed rejec-
tion by France and Italy of the orig-
inal American plan for a five-power
conference at Geneva.
France and Italy probably will be
invited to send observers to the three-
power conference. Some officials be-
lieve it possible that ultimately the
Paris and Rome governments will
find it expedient to participate despite
their previous refusal. This feeling
is based in part on the evident mis-
conception of the original American
proposal indicated in the French re-
fusal and also on the feeling that
when the Continental powers fully
understand what President Coolidge
has in mind they cannot fail to take
advantage of the opportunity offered
to escape competitive naval building.
At any rate, it is made clear that the
Washington government expects to
leave the door open for their partici-
The Washington government prob-
ably will not attempt to present any
limiitation for consultation in its invi-
tation to Great Britain and Japan.
The whole question of what steps are
possible to the three major naval pow-
ers to curb their own building pro-
!grams in view of French and Italian
reluctance to join in five-power nego-
tiations almost entirely will be left to
the Geneva meeting itself.
Would Remove Impediment
If Great Britain accepts, as London
advices indicate, the greatest stum-
bling block in the road of the three-
power discussions will be removed.
Heretofore, Great Britain has fre-
quently indicated that she could ac-
cept no limitation of anti-submarine
craft if her continental neighbors re-
fused to limit submarine construc-
Japan's only question in accepting
the five-power plan was as to exten-
sion of the 5-5-3 ratio to other than
capital ships and airplane carriers.
[The American invitation sail the 1
United States was disposed to follow
that course but the Washington gov-
ernment has clearly indicated its
recognition that even the extension
of maximum tonnage limitations by
classes of ships to types not provided
for in the Washington treaty must be
a very flexible agreement.
Officials here believe that the pro-
posed three-power conference would
evolve a plan to set tonnage limita-
tions for cruisers, destroyers, and
submarines at a maximum figure, but
with a specific requirement for ex-
amination of these figures at frequent
intervals with a view of revision up-
ward if naval building outside the
treaty powers makes that expedient.
Sale Starts Today
For Frolic Ticketsj

Tickets for the Frosh Frolic, to be
held Friday evening, March 18, inf
the Union ballroom, will be on sale
starting today in the lobby of AngellI
hall and at the main desk in the1
Union. The tickets are $5 per couple1
and it has been decided to limit the
number of couples to 250. The ticket

Championship hopes for Coach I altered at the opening whistle when j
Barss' hockey team were brightened. Coach Barss sent Marshall, Sibilsky
yesterday afternoon when the Wol- and Denton into the forward ranks
veines defeated the Wisconsin sex- of his team. These men started an
tet 1-0 in the third and final game offensive attack in the first few min-
of the series. The winning score| utes which fell short of a score by
came late in the third period with the effective work of the Wisconsin
but five minutes left to play. Gabler goal tender, Mitchell. The regulars,
took the puck back of the Wisconsin Hooper, Maney and Larson were sent
net and passed it to Hooper who into the game when it had been un-
made the shot from where he was' der way about six minutes. The of-,
standing in front of the net. fensive attack was continued and
The starting Michigan line-up was ended only with the closing whistle.
Laud Spirit Of Student Body As Great Blakely, '27, Confined In University
Factor In DeteriniIng Victory Hospital Because Of Burns And
For Michigan Teams Serlous Injury To :Eyes

Lauding the 1927 Michigan cham-
pionship basketball team as the
greatest offensive and defensive com-
bination that he has ever seen or
coached, Coach E. J. Mather gave the
opening address at the student
smoker last night in the assembly hall
of the Union. It is estimated that
more than 500 students attended the
meeting, which was opened by the
band playing "The Victors."'
"The Michigan team is the great.
est scoring combination and the
highest powered team in the West-,
ern Conference," said Coach Mather.
He ended his remarks by praising
Captain Chambers as being a greatl
team player whose work in the group
as well as inidvidually proved a de-
ciding factor in the winning of the
"We should never say a word or
do an act that would reflect on the
name of this University of ours," de-
clared Coach Fielding H. Yost, who
followed Mather. He warned the
gathering of the bad reflection cast
upon Michigan and its students by
the demonstration Monday night. He
concluded his remarks by a plea to
'the good will and spirit of the stu-
dents to refrain from such outbursts
in the future.
The meeting was brought to a close
by a short talk by Lester Johnson,,
27L, president of the Union, who also
asked the gathering not to repeat the
actions of Monday night.
! Princetoni Increases
Rising Suicide Toll
(By Associated Press)
PRINCETON, March 8.-The name
of Bruce Frederick Wilson, 20-year
old Princeton sophonore of Louis-
ville, Kentucky, was added today to
the growing list of student suicides.
Weilson, an honor student for three
years, was found hanging in his room
in Hamilton hall, by a janitor who
came to put the place in order. The
rope was tied to a curtain rod and
{ before leading from a sofa Wilson
drained a bottle of poison.
His was the first undergraduate
suicide in ten years and the second
at Princeton within the month.
Arrangements Made
For Ordering Canes
With the announcement by the cane
committee of the senior literary
class that orders for canes will be
I received today, tomorrow and Friday
in University Hall, canes for all of
the 'graduating classes are now ready
I to be ordered in anticipation for Cane
I day, Sunday, May 1. The walking
sticks for the other senior classes;
may be ordered as in the past
through Wagner and company, State

.. ~ __.

One student was reported to be in Mrs. Moore, have had charge of the
a rather serious condition late yester- staging of the production and Lester
day, and is still confined to the Uni- Kauffman, '28 is student chairman.

Central Figure To Be Design Of Club
Pin; TInn111ers Will Rtepresen(11t
! T~ar ious .Nat t ons
International Night, a tradition of
11 years standing, will be presented
at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium
under the auspices of the Cosmopoli-
tan club. All arrangements for the
event have been completed, according
to the committee in charge, and stu-
dents and actors from 11 nations will
take part. Prof. A. D. Moore of the
electrical engineering department, and



versity hospital, as a result of the
riot which followed the basketball
game Monday night. Henry Blakely, 1
'27, of Rockford, Ill., the injured stu- I
dent, was burned and cutaabout the
face by the explosion of a tear gas
bomb and by blank cartridges. He
was taken to the Health Service andE
afterwards to the hospital for treat-
Dr. Walter R. Parker, of tihe oph-
thalmologic department of the hos-
pital, stated that the injuries to Blake-
ly would probably result in scars'
about the eyes where the powder was
removed, but that as far as could be
determined at present no loss of sight
would be suffered.
The other two men injured were not{
students of the University, and their!
conditions are not deemed serious.
Treasurer Robert A. Campbell, mayor'
of Ann Arbor, is investigating charg-
es of several observers to the effect
that personal injury was done to those
who were in no way connected with
the rioting. According to him, how-E
ever, such charges are of a minor
nature and were encouraged by thej
general atmosphere rather than any
deliberate act on the part of the po-
One student was arrested during
the riot on a charge of resisting an
officer. His case will come up this
A request was made late yesterday
I afternoon by Mayor Campbell that the
Butterfield management institute free
entertainment in one or both of their1
campus theaters, to begin immediate-
ly after the general pep meeting
which was held last night in the as-
sembly room of the Union. He gave
as the reason for this request the de-
sire to avoid any such trouble as oc-
curred Monday night by an expres-
sion of good will on the part of the
management. This request was not
complied with by the managers of the
theaters, due to the fact that they'
could not make arrangements on such
short notice. %
Mayor Campbell then issued an or-
der officially closing the theaters after
their first evening performance, in
order that the city might not be held
responsible for any damages which1
might result. However, both the Ar-
cade and the Majestic theaters per-
mitted partons to enter for the sec-
ond show.
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, March 8.-The Chamber of
Deputies today "provisionally" ap-
proved Premier Poincare's provision-
al agreement with the United States
by which the French government will
pay $10,000,000 on the Washington
debt settlement for 1927.
The vote was 350 to 180.

1\WA 1 llC~l L~ a:] A)4a a ..at v a, :saa

The presentation this year will cen-
ter around a pageant rather than a
play, as has been the custom in the
past. The representltives from the
arious nations, dressed in native cos-
unies, will appear at the outset of
the program and take their places in
front of the panels that have been pre-
pared for the nations represented by
Alexis Lapteff, '30A, who is in charge
of the decorations.
Ten Foot Pin
As the acts from the nations ar
presented, the pageant will proceed
across the stage. The central figrre
of the decorations will be a design
of the Cosmopolitan club pin about 1
feet high that has also been made by
yapteff. Banners and pennants will
also be used to represent the various
As therfeature number of the prow
gra Mme. Anna Kozakevich Suffiev,
Russian soprano and sister of Stefan
Kozakevich, who' has appeared here
twice before on the International
Night programs, will appear. Mme.
Suffieva is a pupil of Prof. Albert
Blackman of Detroit, as is her brother,
and will be accompanied in the perfor-
mance here by Mercedes Bennett,
She has made numerous concert and
radio appearances in Detroit and was
featured on the program of the Na-
tional Music Teachers' convention ir
1926. She sang at the Rusian congress
in Philadelphia and has appeared with
the Detroit Symphony orchestra as
Raja Howrani, '28, will give an i-
personation of Salah-ah-din (Saladin
the Great). He will present recitations
in Syrian that the great warrior gave
on the battlefields before Acre when,
Richard the Lion Hearted was besieg-
ing that city during the Crusades.
A native Syrian costume of that
time will be used by Howrani and the
recitations will be translated for the .
audience. Olga Elkowie, a Syrian
pianist, though educated in America,
will also apear as part of the Syrian
contribution to the program. Miss El-
kowie comes from the International
Institute of Detroit, which has fur-
nished some other numbers of the
program as well.
A soprano, pianist, and harpist, will
represent Finland, each one giving a
solo in turn accompanied by'the re-
mainder of the group, and Bavaria and
Switzerland will present three Swiss
accordian players and seven native
Bavarians in costume.
Ivan Atamanec, director of the k-
rainian Workers' Theatrical choir of
Detroit, and Mrs. Atamanec, will sing
a folksong and part of an opera from
Ukrainia. Roumanian folk dances will
be given by eight Roumanians under
the direction of Mrs. Ida Vasu as their
part of the --ogram. The dancers will
be led by T 4. Eugenia Opris.
Kamal Arlick, '28, of Delhi, India,
will open the program with some In-
dian songs, accompanied by Margaret
Cummings, and with her will be four
companions in costume. A Philippine
Carinoza, a native Philippine dance,
will follow as the contribution of that
nation to the program.
, China Itas Orchstra
China will present, among other
acts, A Chinese orchestra composed of
Chinese intruments, and a Chinese
boxer, T. T. Liang, will also appear'on
this part of the program. The Chinese
will also display ancient and modern
native costumes, demonstrating the
differences in the two kinds of dress
Tickets for the performance are low
on sale at the State street bookstores
and are priced at 50 and 75 cents.
I Today will be the last opportunity
for seniors in the literary college to


similarity of parties, he cifled t4,
case of Sen. Royal C. Copeland, ofI
New York, who now claims allegianceI
to the Democratic party but who,
when mayor of Ann Arbor, professed'
to be a Republican. So, it is seen, he
s^d, that. the platforms of the twoj
_ arties are so similar. that only cir-
cumstances determine to which party
the leaders should adhere.
Situation Not Hopeless
The situation is not as bad as it
seems, he said, because of the effect
of labor unions, co-operative move-
ments, laws to protect the consumer,
child labor laws and government
ownership in many localities of the
commr.unity-serving industries.
"Capitalism must get rid of im-
perialism or imperialism will down
capitalism," he quoted as the opinion,
of an executive with which he fullyj
concurred. Straight economic inter-
ests do not always follow imperialism.



Editor's Note: This is the eleventh of a
series of articles by iDaily staff members on
various camlussinstitutions and organizations,
published in an effort to make clear their
functions and their particular features of in-
terest to prospective participants.
Under the direction of Dr. W. D.
Henderson, who has been actively as-
sociated with the organization fromI
the time of its establishment, the Uni-
versity Extension division serves asI
the link between the people of the4
state and their university.
Its purpose, as expressed by Dr.
Henderson, is, "To promote the cause
of education and advancement of
culture throughout the state; to serve
local communities insofar as the tech-

was asked to give part time service.
About seven years ago, Dr. Hender-
son was asked by the Regents to give
his full time to the division.
The work of the Extension division
is carried on through a series of 13
bureaus. Two of the most important{
take care of the University Extension
lectures and the credit courses. Last
year 400 lectures were given by mem-
bers of the various faculties. So
many calls are received for this serv-
ice that it is necessary to limit as-
signments to any given organization
or community. Reunlar Universitv

Nine numbers, divided between four
short talks by members of the facultyl
- and five musical intervals, have been
secured for the bi-monthly Michigan
NLight radio program to be broadcast
at 7 o'clock Friday from the Detroit
I News station WWJ, it was announced
yesterday by Waldo Abbot, of the rhe-
toric department, program manager.
At the request of one of the listeners
of the programs, Prof. Herbert F.,
Goodrich, of the Law school, will talk
I on "The Legal Liability of the Auto-
mobile Driver to his passenger," deal-
ing particularly with the law as it

standard to warrant that their grad-
uates should be admitted to the Uni-
versity without examination.
"The popularity and Permanency of
Literature" will be the topic of the
third speech, to be given by Prof.
Thomas E. Rankin, of the department
of rhetoric and journalism. Professor
'Rankin is one of the speakers of the
Extension division of the University.
For the last of the period devoted
to speeches, Prof. Charles H. Stocking,
of the pharmacy college, will tell of
the "Relation of the Pharmacist to
Public Health." Professor Stocking
has been connected with a number of


I IL111ULt. I y L1CAL aewl otne uigtewe
credit is given for the courses con- sAlen Own, ' urin ch e.
ducted by members of the faculty in, Allen Owen, '30E, chairman of the
ductd bymemberso ithe facorchestra committee, announced last
various Michig-an cities. .

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