M Four Court Men
LL SEnd Competition
L i1- ILLINOL. [T (",ont I'lldAfrom PYagc S'x)
cn members of the auad wll re-
lIi:l T: ou R 1i Field And Hurdle turn for service next year. Oosterbaan
L~vcnis - Woiveriinvs Fail T[ -
qemet-- O
I1 a raregranhic meet held Saturday
afterno1n hb'tween the Illinois and SOLI
Michigan freshman track teams, the
Bchigan freshmen were defeated by F
the score of q8 to 36, due chiefly
to the strength of the Illini in the!
field and hurdle events. Phones 455
The feature event of the meet was
the pole vault, in which Illinois
tock all three places. McDermott, the
winner, vaulted 12 feet 6 inches, 1-4
ot' an inch better than was needed
to win the event in the Ilinois relays.
Heinser and Harner, second and third
inches, and look like sure point win-I
ners in future Conference meets. Mil-}
ler of Illinois made 5 feet 11 1-21
inches in the high jump, and Rep-
logle broad jumped 21 feet 1-2 inchl
both of which are exceptionally goodl
marks for freshmen meets.
In the high and low 60 yard hurdles
Michigan was shut out without a
point, both events being won by Rog- Greatly Imp
ers of Illinois in eight and seven sec-
onds respectively. Dove of Illinois won#
the mile run -in the exceptionally fastB
time of four minutes 34 and 9-10 sec-
onds, while his teammate, Pitman,
was second.
Michigan's st'ength was grouped Delicious Lunch
in the other runs, Chapman and Eich-
el took first and second respectively
in the 60 yard dash, the winner run- SandW
ning the distance in 6.5 seconds. Tilley
won the half mile in two minutes,
three and six-tenths seconds, but
Wilson and Bunney 'of Illinois took
-ccond and third. The Seymour twins
copped first and third in the 440 and
Hayden and Smith of Michigan took
the same places in the two mile run.
Michigan also won the mile relay,
and Hulbert took seconsd to Crasne of
Illinois' mark of 39 feet 7 inches in
the shot put. The results, of the meet
are not as disappointing as they look
at first glance, as Michigan was up
against an exceptionally strong fresh-
man team. 'Coach Hoyt expects his
charges to make a much better show-
ing outdoors, when they have had a
little much needed practice.
ind"arriga thave each had only
two years of comnpetition. McCoy, who
comxplIes the list of returning reg-
ilars, has played for Coach Mather
only one season. Schroder. Rcason,
\Vhittle. Gawne, Clemnimons, Nyland,,
and Truskowski complete the list of
those who are expected to return.
1vay Coke
> -4552-s 1 2
If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie
the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad
will be charged.
The Michigan Daly reserves te right ,o LOST-Grey shell-riamed gh -;llt in
classify all wants ads under ap~propriate head- black case, eitheron Satem,:;treet
g.s and to revise or withholdrCobjectionable o Campus. Fmidtr lplease
This column elo:es at 3 P. M. date preced- dial 4724. 111-112-113
ing pu'licaion.Notice of any errormust be
given in timeti for the second -insertion. ; LOST-Pair of glasses in, leather cs
CASH RATES between Betsy Ross Shop an
Ten cents per reading line (onrthe basis of Alum ni Memorial I(i-ll Finde
five average words to the line) for one or two
insertions. j please return to Barbara Wheeler,
Ns ine .rnts per rending !ne for three or more 1520 South University. Phone 22217.
Cash classifieds eceived at the Daily ofice 110-111-112
in The Press Building on Maynard Street.
CONTRACT RATES LOST-Gold bracelet with black
Special standardized rates given on applica. scroll engraving, probably between
_ _ _ _ _ _ __ I new Medical Building and 1-lil
Auditorium. Reward. Box 166.
SFOR SALE 110-111-112-113-114-I115
FOR SALE-One E-fiat saxophone. LOST-Theta Kappa Psi pin. The.
Conn. Used only three months. initials on back are R. C. W. I.
Call 6988. 112-113-114 Call 3497. Reward.
- - -~~-~~~~107-108-109-110-111-112
FOR ScALE iF dr t inp 1492 nA
. , ,
-- d
lity Foods
-es and Dinners
r noaul ror ouig, 1U3 mod-
el, six tires, loaded with extraordi-
.nary extras, $50. Also, gentleman's
brown fur coat at a real bargain.
513 Thompson St. Dial 7958.
- 111-112-113
FOR SALE-C Soprano Buescher
Saxophone. Good condition. Rea-
sonable price. Silver finish. Call
7111. Noon or evenings.
TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold,
rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair-
ed. Largest and best stock to be ob-
tained anywhere. O. D. MORRILL,
17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal-
er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor-
ona Typewriters, Inc. tf
All makes of typewriters for sale or
rent. Excellent machines at rea-
sonable prices, for rent. PromptI
repairing by experienced workmen.
Courteous service. Aulta Brand
Ribbons and Carbons. Rider's Pen
Shop, 315 State Street.
FOR RENT-Single room, 1301 Wash-
tenaw. Phone 5482.
FOR RENT-Front room for lady or
gentleman, with meals if desired.
Also a garage. 723 Oakland Ave.
FOR RENT-Desirable room, single
or double. 529 Walnut. 112
HEALTH Begins When you phone
8428. C. M. Gibson, Chiropractor, 35
Wuevth Arcade, tues-thurs-sat-tf
FOR convenience, speed and satisfac-
tion, visit Trojiiowskis BRirber
Shop. tues-thur-sat
NOTICE-Hats cleaned and blocked.
All kinds of shoes cleaned, dyed and
repaired. Satisfaction guauranteed.
ANN ARBOR SHOP, 62 E. Liberty.
Ann Arbor Mimeographing shop-214
Detroit St. Let us do your mimeo-
graphing and typewriting. First-
class work. Quick service. Lowest
prices. Dial 8683.
Stoddard Hair Shop has given excel-
lent service for 17 years. A visit
will convince you of our efficiency,
7.9 N. University. tues-thur-sat
Students! Save Money! Buy a used
typewriter and type your own thesis.
Phone Landis 3489. wed-thur-sat-tus
FRAME them now-your Fraternity
pictures and shingles. Ann Arbor's
only professional picture framer.
306 S. -State St. J. B. Saunders.
NOTICE-Hear the new Orthoponic
Victor Record of "Ima Little Bit
Fonder of You." By Warrings
Pennsylvanians, at Schaeberle &
Son Music House, 110 So. Main. tf
NOTICE-The new Royal Portables
are now on display at Rider's Pen
Shop, 315 State St. A wonderful
Imnathinp Vmi W ter s .
Soxand Golf Sox
20 Per CentOf
With the basketball season brought !
to a close by the Iowa game last
night, Coach Ray Fisher and his Var-f
shty baseball candidates will emerge
from the confinement of the small
space in the nets where they have
been going through limbering up work
for a month. This will give the base-
bali men the greater part of the main
floor space in the field house which
gives only a few feet less than enough
room for a regulation sized infield.
Workmen will begin removing the'
sectional basketball floor today and
it is expected that it will be cleared
out by the latter part of the week.
Due to the necessity of conditioning
the ground in the field house, how-
ever, Coach Fisher does not expect
to begin real infield practice until
the first of next week.
Prospects for an excellent infield
a: Michigan this spring are very good
with an abundance of candidates in
most of the positions. The practice
in, the next week or two will give the
infield candidates their first real
chance to loosen up and will give!
Coach Fisher his first chance to look
over his material as they will line up
on the diamond. When the baseball
men take charge of the entire floor
space next week Coach Fisher expects
to divide his candidates in squads.
Oo terbaan, Truskowski, and Mc-
Coy are the men from the basketball
team who are expectod to report to
Coach Fisher. Truskowski is a
cat cher and McCoy a prospec-
tive outfielder. Oosterbaan will try out
for first base and will probably find
his keenest competition in Heilstadt
from last year's freshman team. Kubi-
cek, regular second baseman last
year was handicapped by a weak leg,
bum is in good shape now.
Sldmore is the other second base
carnuidate of promise. Loos, who won
his letter at shortstop last season,
will have a hard job to keep his poi-
Iteon this spring as Morse, a Califlor-
nia r oduct, is reputed to be one of
t1e l'e>; shortstops seen at Michigan
tsrcr ! ra years.
Conpetit ion for the regular th';rd
hasnan promises to be exceptionally
keen with Corrigan, a new man slight- i
ly favored for the place over Wein-
traub and Bennie Friedman who won
his letter at third last year.
relminsries of an intramural
ak mnet will be held in Waterman
ymnsi am tomorrow afternoon, and
'l be run off on Thursday.
MI~:.SOTA - Construction work
sate's new field house will
'I cannot tell a lie!"
Everything in the
sale, including new
shipments of
WANTED-Two aggressive young Call and see them.
men working their way through
college to sell an easy selling prop- - -
osition that's known to the students TYPEWRRER RIlBONS AND
in Ann Arbor. Address D. SUSS- CARBONS
MAN, 4124 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Our rapid turnover insures a fresh
Mich. 112-113-114' stock and you secure the best qual-
ity at a moderate price. 0. D. MOR-
WANTED-Room in private family RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone
by woman graduate student for 6615, Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona
next year. Location between cam- ^Typewriters, Inc. tf
pus and University hospital. Sleep-
ing porch preferred. Also board. VICTROLAS to rent for balance of
Address 1. B. K., this office. 112 school year as low as $3.00 .month-
_____ ly. Enjoy music in your room.
WANTED-College man or woman University Music House. tf
for help at Foster's Tea Room. - -WYWD -M
112-114 WHY WEAR "READY MADES" when
you can have a two pant suit built
WANTED-Male student for two to your measure for $37.50? Spring
hours evening work. Good pay. styles now ready. T. B. LYONS,
529 Walnut. 112 Williams at Maynard. tf
WANTED STUDENTS to know that TYPEWRITING and )Imeograph-
Sam pays from $5 to $25 for old Ing promptly and neatly done
snits and overcoats.- by experienced operators at mod-
121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 erate rates. Thesis and college
tf work a specialty for 19 years. 0.
WANTED-Students who like good D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The
hot BARBECUES to know we de Typwriter and Stationery Store. tt
liver between 9:30 and 11:30 P. M. NOTICE-A few bargains in fine
BARBE UE INN, Dial 4481. Tenor Banjos at especially low
c-Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. prices and on easy payment terms.
University Music House.
Ties - Sox
- Golf Hose
IF you want the honest truth about pipe
tobacco you can get it from yourpipe...
For luckily, all our pipes had their ears
talked off so long ago, that they aren't
bamboozled by tobacco-bunkum. . . Your
pipe gives you the "inside facts" -how
a tobacco smokes, how it tastes !
In truth, you can't get an accurate idea
of grand old Granger Rough Cut except
from your pipe. Words can't'do justice
to the richness of its ripe old Burley...
Mellowed Wllman's way it is MILD be-
yond description. . . and no figure of
speech properly describes how COOL and
SWEET its rough cut flakes smoke...
But, why put it in words... put it in
your pipe and it speaks for itself! Your
first pipeful gives you the; whole "inside
story". . The "outside story" is this:
Granger's pocket-package is a practical foil-
pouch (no costly tins), and so, it sells at a
price never equalled on tobacco of such
quality... Not on this planet, anyw y!
Imported Golf Hose
as low as $1.60
This Sale Lasts This Week Onl-v!
LOST-Sigma Zeta fraternity badge
between Arcade and Catherine St.,
Saturday evening. Call 21217.
LOST-Pair glasses, black tortoise
shell frame, either on Packard or
South Division. Phone 3449. 112
LOST-Green-edged leather hand bag.
Near St. Joseph's Hospital. Re-
wa-rd. Dial 116 and call 715F14.
LOST-A small Chinese purse con-
taiing bills. Call 7717. Reward.
LOST-At Farmers & Mechanics
Bank, gold combination fountain
pen and pencil with initials G. V. C.
Jr. Finder please call 5717 for
reward. 111-112-1131
NOTICE-Typing, thesis neatly and
quickly typed at popular prices.
Phone 7345. tf
Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone
6513. daily-tf
TO SEE best of 50 lines clothing drop
card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone
6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tf
The new Victor Phonograph Repro-
ducer is here. Available for all old
type Victrolas. Come in and hear
it. We cannot describe the wonder-
ful improvement of musical repro-
You Must Hear It.
in 1 11
. . ."
--.-: d
What our chemistsc
perfect seal for toba
-a heavy, soft-foilp
extra outside wrap
call "an almost
acco condition"
package with an
per of glassine.
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