THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGF THREE :.a a. a s o. - XA " 1J4 W.L- i THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGF THR~ 7 TO DE11 HELD TONIGHI rials for(let ermining the members of the Varsity Glece club who will rep- resent the t';:rversity in the Intercol-I legiate g lec Odubi contest for schools of the Miclle We'st, to be held Marchi 21, in Chicaigo,: NWill be0 held at 7 o'clock tonight in the Union. From thel 50 men now enrolled in the club, 241 will be chosen to make the Chicago trip, this number being the maximum allowed by the contest rules. Tryouts will be made in quartets, and the six quartets selected will hold special rehearsals in the two weeks that remain before the contest. All schools of the Big Ten will be repre- sented in the contest, and several others in this section, bringing' the to-, tal of colleges participating to more than 15. The winner of the Chicago gathering will represent the schools, of the Middle West 'in the National intercollegiate glee club contest which will be held in New York dur- ing the first part of April.f Leaving Ann, Arbor Sunday morn ing, March 20, the representatives of the University will entrain for Chi-, cago, in order to broadcast a program l from radio station WEBH, the Edge-1 water Beach hotel, that night. Monday noon they will be entertained at al Michigan club luncheon, where they l will present a short program. The contest will take place Monday night in Orchestra hall, after which the singers will return to Ann Arbor. PLAN S AR SHIPPED TO NICARAGUA:I TEXA.-For. the first time in his- , ;Ctory freshmen and sophomores will ~ :':':":'-1<.'no clasp rush. but will end hos- ~' 1 at a s at a. l dance. r i , I I ,y Buy a C1'oonaPortable aRiders Pen Shop Easy Terms AUTHORIZED SE MET-SOLVAY DEALER Coal igeii of Ann Arbor Phone 4197 N R' The Training School For Jewish Social Work Of fers a fifteen months' course of study in Jewish Family Case Work, Child Care, Community Centers', Federations and H-ealth Centers. Several scholarships and fellow- ships ranging from $250 to $1500 are available for especially quali- fied students. For information, address The Director The Training School for Jewvish Social Work 210 W. 91st St., New York City. The Goodeats 609 East William St. Just a good place to eat. Home Cooked Meals. Cafeteria Lunch from 11l A. M. to 1 P. MC.-35c. Dinner from 5 to 7--40c. Come in and be convinced. Managed by MRS. E. KEIDLING 4, 4K. 4." 11 li It Engagement Limited---Through Xeed. Only! A 1 %E~~s The U. S. S. "Altair," loaded w ith airplanes of the Marine corps and officers to man them, is photograph ed departing from San Diego, Calif., for Nicaragua. Justly Phrased as the Year's Dramatic Sensation! TODAY IS THE LAST DAY At -wihj orders for the 1927 'Ens'ian can be receiv e[. r 1 s f 3 i I ! I Our Diners and Lunches Are always ready before the Majestic starts. LUNCH AND DINE --at- TU TLE-',S 11 1927 MICHIGANENSIAN Press Bldg. - Maynard 'St. I 6 r' ' F } R 1 4 .± . t .V.. : nF; i . ,, Then BEF BAR ni aad to this the~ genius abliity of JOHN GIL- ,'.T, plus RENEE ADOREE and LIONEL R.RYMOR]E The Screen Can Give No More!I Come Expecting Big Things ! SPECIAL LADIES MATINEE TFODAY AND WEDNE-SIDAY All Lad!.es Parties of Five Admitted with Four Admiissions. Conic on Its Lots of Fun OHNI GLBE RT ling. r 't _... r i i / I I . nThe Detroit News' " lighted march; -* Yes. SOME ..DAY WE'LL HAVE CLEAN AIR. Bu ti o e ui u o ,.ihas turned from its purity to sooty grime.. It reveals what the people of 'D)t'roit do.= not recognize ordin,;* arily=-th'at Detroit is a very dirty city; that the air we breathe is heavy with smoke and soot, and that there is no escape from breath- ing the contamination, for it is everywhere. Some day we shall learn how to heat our homes without end an- geeing our lungs, Some day' we shall know hows' nuch it costs us to let chimneys belch black columns of smoke and load the air with Filth,I to settle upon our buildings, our linen and our pers'ons. -Theoreti- cally we. know now" that all this is. needless, but, we have not develop- ed a conscience on the subject. Probably the People, of medieval cities came to know 'that filthy gt=t e were not eshetic and that te-ere even dangeroug long be, ~ft 'hey -were. -willinig' t0. PaY for . er. Same day.. however-.. or b t I'4 IBU-Ll why wait until I ,some a0 The householders of Ann Arbor- can end t *e r smoke nuisance - ov ernight SMOKE and soot can be banished now from your home -your neighborhood--your city- banished without anybody spending an extra dollar or doing an extra tap of work. Residences make over 6o% of all the smoke in the atmosphere of our large cities, says the U. S. Bureau of Mines in its Bulletin No. 2.42. This report also recom- mends as follows : "Coke should be burned for heating houses because it is a clean and convenient fuel. It eliminates smoke, reduces the necessity of cleaning furnaces and flues, requires less attention than coal,.and gives a more uniform temperature in the house." START TODAY to burn Semet-SolvayCoke, the clean fuel. No matter what furnace you have-hot air, hot water, or steam--Semet Solvay Coke is your ideal fuel. It comes in all sizes for all types of heating plants. Semet-Solvay Coke keeps your whole house clean be- cause there is NO SMOKE; NO SOOT; NO GRIME. And you'll have fewer (and smaller) bills for dry-clean- ing, and less expense for seasonal redecorating your rooms. INI, Policy '1= :00c 7:00 Rl1. We 11. F. Weo - .25e :DgsA5 J1 TOD BRWWNING mouvrRENEE ADOREE (As Salomie) LIONElL BARRYMORE (As the (;reek) ,'4 '4 A Mer- lwynjv, aricru I I, mpm.mmm I1 JOHNNY ARTHUR -In- WEDDING YELLS 1I AND THEII Topical-- Today's News OTHIER EVENTS I Cornments - Mich. Local? THURSDAY IS JUST LIKE SUNDAY AT THE ARCADE OUR MID-WEEK ATTRACTIONS ARE ALWAYS SMART! ("mIlon IlI I 1s a, reat TEL' out with tlhe taxi dan. I Habit ;ecer! tShe gets hers, at so - '-' ) , .much per danc-you'll et yours --Excerpt from an editorial in the Detroit News, January 25, 1927. Be sure you get the ORIGINAL Semet-Solvay Coke. Order TODAY from an authorized Semet-Solvay dealer. He sells the ORIGINAL Semet-Sol;; y Coke, made especially by the Semet-Solvay Company for household heating purposes. It is the perfected fuel, developed through forty years of successful experience in combustion engineering--made by the world's largest producers of household coke. SEM-RET oLVAY COKE The Clean Fuel -made only by SEMET]CSOLVAY COMPANY ®1 C 1® j n- WM) / NENUMMW MM MAW'" -