THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUFASD AY, MARCH8, 127 wwnmox HOBBS WIA LEC TURES COLUMBIA ZL GVEic GROUPS ,, fill IiIt III UL ItIIIV It' "'l' ' Prof. William I.. Hobbs of the geo- v logy (leIartlnent will deliver two lee- ,t Completed flans For N~ew Pro,-r U) t tures this, week at Columbia Univer- Are Annunced By S. G. A. And sity, New York. The first of these will 1 Ann Arbor Bible Chair be on the subject "Glacial Anticy- I -clones-The Poles or AtmosphericI; FIRST CLASSES TONIGHT Final arrangements for the program! in religious education to be carried I on by the Student Christian as. ocia-j tiofand the Ann Arbor Bible chair have been completed, it was annouznc- < ed yesterday by Thomas M. Idcn director of the Ann Arbor Bible chair.t The first classes will be held at 7 o'clock and another group wililae hel I at 8 o'clock tonight in Lane hall. The classes will be held every Tues- day night for the next month, Marel 8, 16, 22, 29, and Aril 5. The first' gr~oup will consist, of the following' classes: "The Un n'tABble to be given by Prof. Conrad H1. Meohlmin of the Rochester Thecological Semi-' nary; "A study of:, the Problems In- volved in the Religou~s Expression' of the Students' ;';'teli ;4ous Life" to' be lead by Prof. It. I). T. Hollister' of the public speaking -department; Prof. L, A. Hophih&' secrotary of the / Colleges of. Engiineerig and Archi- tecture, Ira lM. Smith~, registrar of the University and other~s; and "The So- ial Development of ~the ChildI" to ber given by Mrs. Herber't S. Mallat~y, di-"c rector of the SocialI Service depart- ment of the Michigan State Psycho- pathic Hospital. All 'of these classes will be held at. se o'clock. The.v" courses, to be given: , t eight o'clock are: "The Religion of t(he Future" to be given by Dr. Fr~iancs Onderdonk Your Clothing Itnvesime: of the architectural, college, and "A Study of Miracles" to be given byl Dollar fo Thomas M. Iden. Professor.Moehinian who is conduct. 'WHERE and HOWV to ig the course in "The Unknown Bi~ ble" is a member of th~e faculty of the your clothing investment. Michigan School of